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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

The Time Is Now

The Strategic Culture Foundation, a Moscow-based geopolicy think thank, sponsored a conference in Belgrade, Serbia, on 17 April 2016 entitled “What has ‘democracy’ imported from the West brough to the Former Yugoslavia since 1990?” Among nearly twenty distinguished participants was Andrew Korybko, Sputnik talk show host and frequent commentator on world affairs on RT and other analytical outlets. The conference was opened by Aleksandar Pavich, director of SCF Serbia office,

The Destiny of Russia or a Secret Thousand Year Plan

by Vladimir Markin Source: Translated by Alexander Maidan 01.04.2016 00:30 Dear colleagues! Dear fellow editors! Answers to asked and unasked questions have been piling up. But, please, let us keep this between ourselves. It is not meant for the press here, in the capital. You probably ask yourselves as you watch your screens: why and to what end are they showing all this? Why do self-confessed Russophobes march through

The Commander of the Russian military grouping in Syria gives his first interview

Syria – Russian Thunder The Commander of the Russian military grouping in Syria gives first interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. Source: Translated by KA When President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin acknowledged the military personnel, who had particularly distinguished themselves in Syria, in the Kremlin last week, few people knew that Colonel General Aleksandr Dvornikov, who was honoured with the title Hero of Russia, had commanded our troops in

Charles Bausman’s courageous stance against a US propagandist

Foreword by The Saker: I wanted to share with you a remarkable moment on Russian TV.  During the talkshow Special Correspondent Charles Bausman, Editor and Publisher of Russia Insider, had the courage to contradict a fellow American journalist, Michael Bohm, and denounce the propaganda the latter was spewing. Bohm, who is fluent in Russian, is known all over Russia the THE mouthpiece of US propaganda.  Every time a Russian talkshow

Very important speech of Vladimir Putin

At a meeting in the Kremlin’s St George Hall, Vladimir Putin presented state decorations to service personnel and defence industry specialists who distinguished themselves in the performance of special missions in the Syrian Arab Republic. More than 700 officers and men of the Aerospace Forces, the Ground Forces and the Navy attended the ceremony, along with representatives of the military-industrial complex. [Note from the Saker: emphasis added by me, the Saker] President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrade officers, friends, I would like to welcome you – all the service personnel who took part in the operation in Syria.

Peter Koenig interviewed by Russia-TV24

Russia – China Economic Front – Competition or Alternative to the Western Economic System? Peter Koenig 4 March 2016 “The Saker” The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), including new members India and Pakistan, the Eurasian Economic Union – EEU (an alliance of six Eurasian nations – Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan) are about to sign a Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The SCO and the EEU Integration will become a

“Russia’s Foreign Policy: Historical Background”

by Sergei Lavrov International relations have entered a very difficult period, and Russia once again finds itself at the crossroads of key trends that determine the vector of future global development. Many different opinions have been expressed in this connection including the fear that we have a distorted view of the international situation and Russia’s international standing. I perceive this as an echo of the eternal dispute between pro-Western liberals

Joint Statement of the United States and the Russian Federation, as Co-Chairs of the ISSG, on Cessation of Hostilities in Syria

The United States of America and the Russian Federation, as co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and seeking to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis with full respect for the fundamental role of the United Nations, are fully determined to provide their strongest support to end the Syrian conflict and establish conditions for a successful Syrian-led political transition process, facilitated by the UN, in order to

Sergei Glaziev: The full extend of economic manipulations in Russia.

Source: Translation: Eugenia ANCHOR: Good evening. Here in our studio this Friday we have the member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Glasyev. Sergey Yurievich, welcome. Thanks very much for finding time to come here. I have heard that you have to use metro to reach us. GLASYEV: It is a perfectly good means of transportation. The only reliable one. ANCHOR: Do you have to use it often?

Roger Waters tells France: ‘Supporters of BDS, attacked by your judiciary, have my unequivocal respect and love’

by Roger Waters for Mondoweiss ——- Two days ago we posted about the brave pushback in France against legislation that makes it a crime to advocate for boycott of Israel. We were then informed that Roger Waters had sent a letter to the French people, via a French news agency, on this very subject some weeks ago that has never been published. We are publishing it here. – Mondoweiss Editors.

Chaos and war on Russia’s border (MUST SEE!)

Dear friends, This is a conversation between one of the foremost Russian experts on the Ukraine, Rostislav Ishchenko, and one of the best know Russian military experts, Igor Korotchenko.   Both of them have Ukrainian last names and Ishchenko actually worked for several Ukrainian presidents.  These two guys really know what is going on and both of them enjoy a superb access to Russian decision-makers.  In this conversation they discuss the

RT’s Anissa Naouai interviews Iben Thranholm

I don’t know if Iben Thranholm gets as much hate mail as I do (though I suspect that she probably does), but I will say that I totally agree with her: the modern European culture has “de-masculinized” European men no less than it has de-feminized European women.  It is good to see somebody, especially two brilliant ladies like Naouai and Thranholm, having the courage to speak the truth and not
