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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Vladimir Putin’s interview with the German newspaper Bild

Question: Mr President, We have just marked the 25th anniversary of the end of the Cold War. Last year, we witnessed a great number of wars and crises across the world, something that had not happened for many years. What did we do wrong? President of Russia Vladimir Putin: You have started just with the key question. We did everything wrong from the outset. We did not overcome Europe’s division: 25 years ago the Berlin Wall fell, but Europe’s division was not overcome, invisible

Rostislav Ishchenko interviewed on Syria and Novorossiya (MUST SEE!)

Video translated and subtitled by Alena Scarecrow Saker commentary: Along with Colonel Cassad, I consider Rostislav Ishchenko as one of the very best experts on the war in the Ukraine.  While Cassad and Ishchenko are very different in their styles, they share two things rarely found elsewhere: they have the intellectual honesty and the professional competence needed to avoid taking extremist positions or engage in the usual hyperbole heard from

Interview of Michael T. Flynn, retired United States Army lieutenant general, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

We are moving towards a major war Source: Translated by KA Michael Flynn, former head of the intelligence service of the US Ministry of Defence from 2012-2014, visited Moscow in December at the invitation of the TV channel Russia Today, which recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. Known as a critic of the US invasion of Iraq and the international military operation in Libya, Michael Flynn talked to “Vlast” about

Appeal about the fate of Ana Belen Montes

To  all our American progressive friends: We are writing this note to you from Cuba with a heartfelt desire to let you know about the formation of the Cuba Committee, which presently  manages the campaign for a better treatment and a possible pardon for Ana Belen Montes She is an American citizen who was able to sense a different future between our country of Cuba and the United States. A

Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference (full text)

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends and colleagues, We regularly meet at the end of the year. Only recently I made my Address [to the Federal Assembly]. Honestly speaking, I do not know what else to add to what I said then. I believe I covered all the key points. Nevertheless, there must be issues, which you want us to clarify. When I say ‘us’, I am referring to my colleagues in the Presidential Executive Office and the Government Cabinet and myself. Therefore, I suggest that we skip any lengthy monologues and get right down to your questions so as not

Terrorism : Sayed Ali Khamenei’s Letter To the Youth in Western Countries

source: The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people. In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful To the Youth in Western Countries, The bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved me to speak to you young people.  For me, it is unfortunate that such incidents would have to

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyad Hassan Nasrallah speaks about the bombing in Beirut and Paris

The secretary general of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah says those who have supported ISIL are now finding out the extent of its brutality.  Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah condemned the terrorist attacks in Paris and expressed solidarity with the French people. He also slammed Thursday’s bombings in Beirut. Nasrallah said Israel and ISIL are trying to ignite a war in Lebanon. He noted that the ISIL attack in Beirut was meant to

Interview with Lieutenant-General Valerii Ochirov (MUST SEE!)

Dear friends, I am absolutely delighted to share a most interesting interview with you: a conversation with Valerii Ochirov, a Hero of the Soviet Union, a Lieutenant-General of the Soviet Air Force and commander of a helicopter squadron in Afghanistan.  The reason why I asked Alena Scarecrow to subtitle this interview is that I wanted you to see the kind of person which today you would find flying for the

Very interesting interview of Ishchenko on the Ukraine, elections and sanctions

The Ukraine question: Elections, sanctions, shelling of Donetsk on 11-03-2015. Translated by Eugenia BORIS KOSTENKO: Dear viewers. This is live broadcast of the show “The Ukraine question” on the television channel “Spas” (Spas – Savior; refers to Jesus Christ – translator’s note). In this show, we are discussing the events in Ukraine, obviously, in a certain context; naturally, in a certain light, which is, for the most part, conservative,

Let’s lay down our arms, my fellow oppositionist (letter from a bona fide Putin hater)

Foreword from the Saker:  Today I am posting a really interesting document.  This is a open letter to her fellow “oppositionists” (from the Russian “oppositsioner” or “opponent”, in this case, a political opponent of Putin from the so-called non-system pro-US opposition, the folks who cannot even get a single deputy in the Duma because their rating is somewhere in 2-3% range) by a London based russophobic exile named Oksana Paksal
