
Are there any video enhancement specialists in our community?

Dear friends, A friend of mine has had one of his geese attacked by what appears to be a Florida Panther.  We have grainy footage of the attack taken by a cheapo “night vision capable” camera.  However, both my friend, my wife (a veterinarian) and I are pretty sure that we are dealing with a Florida panther and not a bobcat.  The animal is larger than a bobcat, the body

Trump – Clinton debate: réaction à chaud (Saker rant)

Since I might be asked about that, I might as well share my opinion about the debate tonight.  Frankly?  I was absolutely horrified.  I had expected Trump to completely slaughter Hillary, but what happened tonight was the exact opposite.  My son put it best “it looked like a kindergartner trying to argue with a college professor“. Hillary knew all the tricks, she was superbly prepared and she truly is a world-class

Not If but When …

Not If but When … When you have lost your head, and those about you Are casualties of violence brought by you When you betray a trust, so others doubt you And lie to those who need the truth in view When you wait to ambush the defenceless, And make allegiance with dictators’ coups And fail to understand why others hate you Whilst hating them, for what they seem to

Alexandr Skliar – “When war is on your doorstep” (aka “millions”)

Dear friends, This is a song from Skliar’s latest album “Iastreb” (Ястреб, Hawk).  Skliar’s group is called “VA BANK” (ВА-БАНКЪ, or “go bank” or “banco” – when you play for all the money you have).  Check out the music, check out the lyrics (my own translation below) and tell me – do the Neocons realize the magnitude of the storm brewing in the East?  Do they realize that not all

The Fall of 2016 (poem)

The Fall of 2016 by Theodore McIntire Oh to be a Citizen and look with disgust at our elected leaders who we do not trust. Too many bureaucrats who are of no use. Those who rise the highest through fraud, waste and abuse. Just look back for hundreds of years or more so many criminals rotten down to their core. Who slaughtered the natives, was their land taken by stealth?

We Will Resist

In memory of the 290 innocent Iranians murdered by the crew of the USS Vincennes on 3 July 1988.  Following the massacre, the USA refused to apologize, the entire crew received  Combat Action Ribbons “for completion of their tours in a combat zone”.  The air-warfare coordinator on duty received the Navy Commendation Medal, while the Vincennes’ captain,  William C. Rogers III, was awarded the Legion of Merit “for exceptionally meritorious

The AngloZionists failed to boot Russia out of the Olympics, or even to affect Russia’s medals standing

Let’s see Russia’s Olympic medal standing over the past four Olympic games: Apparently, banning the ENTIRE track and field group did not prevent Russia from making it into the 4th position. If you ask me, all the medals achieved this year in track and field are *worthless*. Which means that the *real* Russian performance was even better than what is reflected in her 4th position. Screw you, AngloZionist Empire :-P

The Rhythm Of Time

There’s an inner thing in every man, Do you know this thing my friend? It has withstood the blows of a million years, And will do so to the end. It was born when time did not exist, And it grew up out of life, It cut down evil’s strangling vines, Like a slashing searing knife. It lit fires when fires were not, And burnt the mind of man, Tempering
