
Moscow demonstrations report – basically, a non-event

As promised, here is a short report on what took place today in Moscow.  First, let’s see what the BBC had to say: The caption is priceless!!  Turns out that some heroic freedom fighter & “activist” called Katz is *secretly* filming the protest to get his own crowd count.  I did not find the count, but I am sure that it must run in the millions. But, seriously, is the

Interesting developments in Moscow

You probably have already seen the horrified news reports in the Western corporate media about the “crackdown” on Russian “dissidents” in Moscow.  If not, check this one by AP for a more sober tone.  What is really taking place? Putin = Stalin Is Russian really going back to Stalin’s year 1937 as the local tweeter-freedom-fighters have been posting?  Not quite. What happened is this.  The authorities were investigating the violent

The definition of insanity

They did it again.  This time it is Spain – or rather, Spanish banks – which are getting a 100 billion Euros bailout in exchange for a wide and comphensive program of austerity measures by, no, not the Spanish banks, but the Spanish people. You got to admire the brazen arrogance of this system. First, the banks screw the people, then the international plutocracy makes it a condition to further

Moscow bans homosexual “pride” parades for the next 100 years

First, when I saw the RT news item announcing that “Moscow bans gay pride for century ahead” I went “no way!” and had the giggles thinking of how the doubleplusgoodthinking Lefties in the West would cry in outrage if such a decision had really been taken. Then I saw an outraged statement by Human Rights First confirming that the folks on Moscow had really taken such a decision.  Now some

Today’s “minute of hate” will be directed at Russia

This masterpiece was published by The Guardian: I wish I could say that this throws us all back to the Cold War, and basically repeat the words Medvedev recently address to that drooling idiot Romney: “As to ideological cliches, I have already spoken on the subject. I always get very cautious when I see a country resort to phrasings such as “number one enemy.” It is very reminiscent of Hollywood

Eben Moglen: Why Freedom of Thought Requires Free Media and Why Free Media Require Free Software

Dear friends, I urge you all to listen to this amazing, truly visionary, presentation by Eben Moglen, one of the most knowledgeable and savvy defenders of freedom of our times.  To be honest, I find his arguments very disturbing, because he brilliantly shows that our society and our technology are truly headed in the wrong way, and because I find it very believe that this can be stopped.  But maybe

Obama has a busy week

Here are, according to Haaretz, some of the highlights of his schedule: Earlier on Tuesday, President Obama dropped by a meeting between the heads of the Conservative Jewish community and White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew. According to a statement later released, Obama thanked the leaders for their work on improving communities around the country and reiterated his unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security and the steps his Administration has

Very candid statement from Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister

In an interview with Russia Today Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor has called Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, the “Axis of Unholy Lands”: Syria is the only Arab country that is ally with Iran.  The axis that was built between Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, the Unholy Lands, should I call it. ­This is a very bad and dangerous axis against us and all the Arab countries. In that respect this

The real Obama – a Ziofanboy of the worst kind

Obama just handed out 13 Medals of Freedom.  Let’s remember here what this medal is: The Medal of Freedom may be awarded “to any person, not hereinafter specifically excluded, who, on or after December 7, 1941, has performed a meritorious act or service which has aided the United States in the prosecution of a war against an enemy or enemies and for which an award of another United States medal

This is what the GWOT is really all about: war crimes and hatred

Check out this video posted on Live Leak: On Live Leak this video is entitled “High Value Target (HVT) gets taken out”. What do you see? I see an unarmed civilian running away.  Maybe it is indeed a terrorist, or some insurgency leader, but he is not dressed in any battle fatigue, nor does he appear to be armed.  In fact, let’s assume that he is some kind of “High

The day of the Democracy-bearers

The Nazis used all sorts of really cool names to describe themselves: Herrenvolk (master race), Übermenschen (literally “overmen” or even “supermen” as opposed to “Christian”) or Christlichen Adel Deutscher Nation (Christian noble German nation). But my all-time favorite is Kulturträger (culture bearer). Yes, the political movement which was born in refined atmosphere of German beer breweries and whose top leaders loved to repeat the motto “whenever I hear the word

New Russian government: boring, disappointing and uninspiring

The suspense, to the extend that there was any, is over.  Medvedev has presented a list of candidates for the next Russian government and Putin has approved it, and the result is, frankly, rather unimpressive. First, for all the talk of a “new team”, this is a team of hyper-continuity.  The only big change was the replacement of Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev by Vladimir Kolokoltsev.  The good news is that

Anti-Shia plans finalized by NWO elites?

The leaders of the New World Order are clearly engaged in major and intense consultations of how to deal with the “Shia problem”.  Check out this agenda: May 18th – May 19th: G8 Summit in Camp David, MD. May 20th – May 21st: NATO summit in Chicago, Il. May 31st – June 1st: Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly, VA. On the agenda?  Syria and Iran, of course, at least according to


We are thrilled to announce the Gaza’s Ark project and the participation of those in the United States who support the people of Gaza and the West Bank.   If you would like to know more about Gaza’s Ark and how you can support the project, join us on a conference call,   Tuesday, May 22 at 11pm Eastern.  Please call 712-432-3900, access code 481417#. Ann Wright and Jane Hirschmann
