
The New Mandela

by Uri Avnery MARWAN BARGHOUTI has spoken up. After a long silence, he has sent a message from prison. In Israeli ears, this message does not sound pleasant. But for Palestinians, and for Arabs in general, it makes sense. His message may well become the new program of the Palestinian liberation movement. I FIRST met Marwan in the heyday of post-Oslo optimism. He was emerging as a leader of the

“We stand with you”: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters announces Palestine solidarity forum in Brazil

The Electronic Intifada reports: Roger Waters, British rock legend and co founder of the group Pink Floyd, visiting Israel’s separation wall surrounding the West Bank town of Bethlehem on June 21, 2006. Waters wrote slogans as “Tear down the wall” in a protest against it and the affect it has on the Palestinian population. Legendary UK musician, Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, has reiterated his strong support for the Palestinian campaign

Israeli regime goes totally apeshit over human rights issue

Israel cuts contact with UN rights council, to protest settlements probe By Barak Ravid for Haaretz: Israel decided Monday to sever all contact with the United Nations human rights council and with its chief commissioner Navi Pillay, after the international body decided to establish an international investigative committee on the West Bank settlements.  The Foreign Ministry ordered Israel’s ambassador to Geneva to cut off contact immediately, instructing him to ignore

Ali Abunimah and Gilad Atzmon at the OK Corral

by Roger Tucker for One Democratic State The recent open letter Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad Atzmon, apparently written by Ali Abunimah, has come as a shock to many people, including yours truly. Not only have the Zionists colonized Palestine and subjected them to a permanent campaign of genocide, but as anyone who has been paying attention knows, they have

The French newspapers are really ridiculous…

This is the front page of the French magazine Le Figaro: That’s right – a Dubya-style “mission accomplished”.  It took these folks 32 hours to get a single guy.  And they got at least three colleagues shot in the process… Even the excuse “we were told to get him alive” is not credible.  There are plenty of “special technology weapons” which can be used to catch an armed terrorist which,

Six Ways the Media Has Misreported Syria

by Afshin Mehrpouya for Counterpunch: As in the case of Libya, from NY Times to Fox News, from Guardian to National Post and from Le Monde to Le Figaro, the Western mainstream media’s coverage of the Syrian conflict has been mostly simplistic and black & white with a Hollywoodian good (opposition) and evil (Syrian government) story. The basic storyline reported is: “The dictatorial Syrian government is torturing and killing Syrian

My imagination vs Occam

I have been thinking a lot about the recent events in Russia, the elections to the Duma, the short-lived “White Revolution”, then the cameras in all voting locations, and finally Putin’s triumphant election.  Something just kept creping back to my (admittedly paranoid) mind, over and over again.  I was pushing it down, but it used the “what if?” method to harass my imagination which is by nature, training and trade

Why Putin is Driving Washington Nuts

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Forget the past (Saddam, Osama, Gaddafi) and the present (Assad, Ahmadinejad). A bet can be made over a bottle of Petrus 1989 (the problem is waiting the next six years to collect); for the foreseeable future, Washington’s top bogeyman – and also for its rogue North Atlantic Treaty Organization partners and assorted media shills – will be none other than back-to-the-future Russian President

Can Russia Save the Day?

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich “You are my creator, but I am your master—obey!” So said the Monster to its creator Frankenstein(1). As with the monster and its creator, we witness once again Israel telling America to obey – to start yet another war of choice and massacre Iranians. For over six decades, Israel has demanded full obedience from the United State. Every U.S. president, pressured by the pro-Israel lobbies in the

Russian opposition leaders congratulate Putin for his victory

The only ones disputing the results of the elections in Russia today are the Western corporate ziomedia and their new darling, Gennadii Zuiganov of the Communist Party.  But then, that guy was always a clown… All the other opposition leaders came to personally congratulate Putin on his victory: Zhirinovski, Putin, Mironov, Prokhorov In the streets of Moscow over 100’000 people came out in the middle of the night to declare

Iran elections strengthen Khamenei, weaken Ahmadinejad

Ynet (reluctantly) reports: Initial results from Iranian parliamentary elections show Ahmadinejad losing support, while Khamenei gaining strength. Iranian minister says voter turnout at 64%, claims ‘Americans, Zionists tried to knock down our regime, but nation slapped them in the face by going to vote’ Initial results from Iran’s parliamentary elections suggest that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s camp has been dealt a devastating blow, while Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s camp might

Russia and the changing world

by Vladimir Putin In my articles I have already mentioned the key challenges that Russia is facing internationally today. Yet this subject deserves a more detailed discussion and not only because foreign policy is an integral part of any national strategy. External challenges and the changing world around us affect our economic, cultural, fiscal and investment policies. Russia is a part of the big world, economically, culturally and in terms

France leads the world in hypocrisy

Amazing, mind-boggling, brazenly hypocritical! Check this out: the BBC reports that, A top French judicial body has ruled a law backed by President Nicolas Sarkozy making it illegal to deny the Armenian genocide as unconstitutional as it infringes on freedom of expression. Oh yeah?  Then what about the infamous Gayssot Act which is in the French law books since 1990!! Some victims are clearly more equal than others… Nothing new,

This is what the “bleeding hearts for Syria” will bring to that country if they succeed in taking power

This is the type of “freedom” and “democracy” which the “bleeding hearts for Libya” and other assorted “humanitarians” brought to Libya: people treated like animals (literally: they are caged in a zoo) and forced to eat their national flag: And this is also what the “bleeding hearts for Syria” will bring to that country if they succeed in taking power.

Distributism – first impressions

(Today Michael posted a very interesting question about “Distributism” under my frustrated rant about the Syrian disaster (check it out by clicking on the link above). First, I began by replying to him in the comment section, but then I found the topic so interesting that I decided to turn my reply into a separate post. So here we go:) Michael, I did look at the sites you recommended and

Clueless Arab world slouches into disaster (Saker rant)

Alas, these headlines really say it all: Hamas prime minister backs Syrian protests against Assad Egypts Salafists go after Hamas Haniyeh Russian Secret Services: U.S., NATO, GCC Arm Syrian Rebels Through Iraq, Lebanon And Turkey And all this after what happened in Libya… Well, it also happened in Bosnia and Kosovo, of course, but I figured that what made so many Arabs and Muslims so blind to what was really
