
Why Did Defense Secretary Panetta Say Iran Not Building Nukes?

LEON PANETTA, U.S. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No, but we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability, and that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is: do not develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us. BOB SCHIEFFER, FACE THE NATION (CBS): What would happen if Israel does decide to take this matter into its own

Marine snipers urinate on the people they killed

Yes, I know, this is all over the Internet, but I decided to post it here before Uncle Shmuel convinces the big video hosting companies to pull it off, not wanting “a few bad apples” to cause resentment against “the fine men and women who serve in uniform to protect our freedoms” etc. etc. etc.

President al-Assad: It Is No Longer Possible for the Regional and International Parties Seeking to Destabilize Syria to Forge Facts and the Events

Note: Just to make sure, I want to clarify something here:  the fact that I post Assad’s speech here should in no way be interpreted as a sign of support for him or his policies (neither of which I have ever supported in any way).  I am posting this here “for your information”, because it is an important document otherwise hard to find.  In the past I have posted many

Iran in the crosshair again?

I am sure you all have followed it.  From Panetta’s threats about Iran crossing a “red line”, to the saber-rattling of pretty much all the Republicans except Ron Paul, to the Israel’s lobby renewed efforts to get the US to not only impose illegal sanctions against Iran, but to actually attack it. So is this really going to happen? Last time it appeared that Iran was about to be attacked

Is Hugo Chavez suffering from delusional paranoia?

Typical headline from the corporate media: “Hugo Chavez Nuttily Claims the U.S. Gives South American Leaders Cancer“. The article explains: Yep, it’s another controversial statement from Hugo Chavez — but he really seems to dial up the Nut-O-Meter to 11 with this cancer conspiracy theory. Late yesterday Chavez decided to go on national TV and drop the mild suggestion (not an outright allegation, he insists!) that the U.S. maybe, just

Ron Paul’s economics: a very toxic brew indeed

It appears that Ron Paul did well in the Iowa caucuses tonight.  On one hand, I am rather delighted by this, but on the other, I am also very concerned that a lot of people are seeing only one side of Ron Paul’s ideology.  There is, however, a much darker side to Ron Paul, one which we all must have the courage and intellectual honesty to look at and not

Check out how Jewish Democrats meddle in the *Republican* race

Check out what I found in my email box today: ——- Dear NJDC Supporter,   Jewish Republicans and Jewish Democrats disagree about so much, but there’s one thing on which we see eye-to-eye: Ron Paul is bad news when it comes to Israel.   The New York Times reported Sunday about some of Paul’s fringe following, which also includes white supremacists and anti-Zionists — and how Paul would “not disavow

Russian v. US Elections

by Steve Lendman Russia’s December 4 elections filled 450 State Duma seats, Russia’s Federal Assembly lower house. Claims of electoral fraud followed. All elections have irregularities. At issue is whether results are comprised. Election monitor Golos accusations were spurious. America’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funds it. It supports regime change in non-US client states. It backs opposition groups, conducts propaganda campaigns, and does openly what CIA operatives do covertly

A Doomsday View of 2012

By James Petras for Information Clearing House The economic, political and social outlook for 2012 is profoundly negative. The almost universal consensus, even among mainstream orthodox economists is pessimistic regarding the world economy. Although, even here, their predictions understate the scope and depth of the crisis, there are powerful reasons to believe that beginning in 2012, we are heading toward a steeper decline than what was experienced during the Great

Personal announcement – request for information

Dear friends, Today I though I would turn to you to ask you for some assistance.  Believe it or not, but I have a relative who sincerely doubts the fact that the West is behind the so-called “color revolutions”.  Nope, she sincerely believes that all this is the expression of a “deep longing for freedom” by “the people”… For me this has never been even an issue, so I have

Season’s greetings!

I wanted to send some sort of holiday greeting to my friends and colleagues, but it is difficult in today’s world to know exactly what to say without offending someone. So I met with my lawyer yesterday, and on his advice I wish to say the following : Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, nonaddictive, gender neutral

Pensacola City Priest threatened with arrest over Free Speech!

by Joe Vinson for the Pensacola Digest: So, a priest walks into a city council meeting — stop me if you’ve heard this one — and is nearly hauled away by the police for speaking calmly to his elected officials. Hilarious, right? Father Nathan Monk wasn’t laughing at last night’s City Council meeting. During the Boyd Forum, an open comment period named in honor of the late civic activist LeRoy

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

By Economic CollapseEven though most Americans have become very frustrated with this economy, the reality is that the vast majority of them still have no idea just how bad our economic decline has been or how much trouble we are going to be in if we don’t make dramatic changes immediately. If we do not educate the American people about how deathly ill the U.S. economy has become, then they

Europe’s Transition From Social Democracy to Oligarchy

By Michael Hudson for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung via Information Clearing House The easiest way to understand Europe’s financial crisis is to look at the solutions being proposed to resolve it. They are a banker’s dream, a grab bag of giveaways that few voters would be likely to approve in a democratic referendum. Bank strategists learned not to risk submitting their plans to democratic vote after Icelanders twice refused in 2010-11

“Iranian scenario” for Russia while the EU collapses? (UPDATED)

The BBC is reporting that: Moscow is braced for what the opposition claims will be the biggest demonstration in Russia for 20 years. Tens of thousands are expected to gather in a square south of the Kremlin, in the latest show of anger over disputed parliamentary polls. Smaller rallies are due to take place in cities across the country. The protesters allege Sunday’s elections – which gave Prime Minister Vladimir

Russian ‘Mousavi’ found!

Sure looks like in my first post about the elections in Russia I missed the obvious “Russian Mousavi”: the good old Mikhail “Gorbi” Gorbachev – the man which the West loves so much for wrecking the Soviet regime and country – now is calling for new elections.  Which makes me wonder if George Soros wants to be the (not quite Russian) ‘Russian’ Rafsanjani.  So far, he has kept a low

This is what they call a punishment, setback and defeat (UPDATED 2x)

With around 95% of votes counted, here are the results in terms of seats in the next Duma (for percentages, see previous post, update 3) United Russia: 238 seats Communist Party:  92 seats A Just Russia: 64 seats Liberal Democratic Party of Russia: 56 seats This is what the Western press calls “Voters punish Putin”, “Putin Setback”, “Putin barely hangs on to  majority” or “Poor results”.  That, and of course,
