
Declassified Senate Investigation Files Reveal Clandestine Israeli PR Campaign in America

PRnewswire reports: WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Declassified files from a Senate investigation into Israeli-funded covert public relations and lobbying activity in the United States were released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) on July 23rd, 2010.  The subpoenaed documents reveal Israel‘s clandestine programs for “cultivation of editors,” the “stimulation and placement of suitable articles in the major consumer magazines” as well as U.S. reporting about sensitive subjects

Americans for Peace Now interviews Yossi Alpher – ex IDF and Mossad analyst

Americans for Peace Now interviews ex IDF and Mossad analyst Yossi Alpher: Alpher answers questions about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program, and the status of Israeli civil-military relations. Q. Jeffrey Goldberg’s “Atlantic” article on the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program is causing quite a stir. What’s your take? Yossi Alpher A. The article contains a lot of interesting perspectives and is

From Goldstone to Uribe

by Stephen Lendman for the Steve Lendman Blog Despite a credible start, the fix is in. Expect justice again to be denied. After the Gaza War (Operation Cast Lead), the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) appointed Justice Richard Goldstone to lead an independent four-person fact-finding Commission to investigate human rights and humanitarian law violations committed on both sides, Israel doing everything possible to obstruct him in vain. The Commission conducted

The Illusion of a ‘limited war’ against Iran

by Mahan Abedin for Informed Comment The frank admission by Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and America’s highest ranking officer, that the U.S. has plans to attack Iran to prevent that country from acquiring nuclear weapons, is being treated with the utmost seriousness in political, intelligence and military circles in Tehran. This is the first time that a high-ranking U.S. official has spoken about the

Keep your eye on witnessgaza.com for the US Boat to Gaza launch videos

They said it couldn’t be done, that Americans couldn’t raise money fast enough to buy a boat to join Freedom Flotilla 2 in the fall. But never underestimate American determination in the face of Israeli intransigence and brutality. The launch of the US Boat to Gaza began last night in New York, and Free Gaza was there to participate. Listen to Col. Ann Wright’s eloquent speech, then watch our TWITTER

War with Iran: Memorandum for President Obama

By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity August 3, 2010 MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: War With Iran We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran as early as this month. This would likely lead to a wider war. Israel’s leaders would calculate that once the battle is joined, it will be politically untenable for you to give anything

Private communication with me and me only

Dear friends, We are living in weird times and, for some of us, in weird places.  I wanted to make sure that you could contact me without having to fear that a third party might be reading over your/my shoulder.  So here is what I wanted to suggest to you: you can encrypt your email using a very powerful encryption technique called public key cryptography.  Though it is possible that,

This Country Needs a Few Good Communists

By Chris Hedges The witch hunts against communists in the United States were used to silence socialists, anarchists, pacifists and all those who defied the abuses of capitalism. Those “anti-Red” actions were devastating blows to the political health of the country. The communists spoke the language of class war. They understood that Wall Street, along with corporations such as British Petroleum, is the enemy. They offered a broad social vision

Request for help to my Shia readers

Dear friends, I am a little confused about one topic and I would appreciate some guidance here.  All of you are welcome to help me out, but I am particularly addressing this one to my Shia friends and readers. Here is what I think I know (correct me if I am wrong): Any Shia Muslim has to choose a spiritual guide and, if I remember correctly, he is referred to

Is Israel really cooperating?

First, I read this piece of “good news”: Turkey welcomes Israeli inquiry into flotilla raid.  But soon, it turned out that this “good news” had a perfectly simple explanation, and its Philip Weiss who provided it: Outgoing Colombian president Alvaro Uribe is to be the vice chair of the new U.N. panel looking into the flotilla raid.FYI, Uribe won an award from the B’nai Brith. “Past winners include first Israeli

South Korean newspaper exonerates North over torpedo

RT TV reports: A South Korean newspaper claims Russian investigators have found North Korea did not torpedo one of the South’s warships that sank in spring. The report says the vessel hit a mine. Russia has not yet commented on the story. The “Cheonan” sank off the Korean peninsula in March, with the loss of 46 sailors. Earlier, a US-backed international investigation found Pyongyang responsible. However, Pavel Leshakov, the director

The Real Aim of Israel’s Bomb Iran Campaign

by Gareth Porter for  Truthout   Reuel Marc Gerecht’s screed justifying an Israeli bombing attack on Iran coincides with the opening the new Israel lobby campaign marked by the introduction of House resolution 1553 expressing full support for such an Israeli attack. What is important to understand about this campaign is that the aim of Gerecht and of the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu is to support an attack by

Is the United States a Dictatorship?

by Omar Ghraieb for The Palestine Telegraph Unfortunately for some decades now the past Presidents and key members of the US Government have been on one continuous war footing. They have embarked on an extremely aggressive foreign policy and taken over the role of policing the world in place of the United Nations. It is clearly evident that as far as the United States is concern you had better “Do

US and Colombia Plan to Attack Venezuela

By Eva Golinger for Global Research Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez denounced this Saturday US plans to attack his country and overthrow his government. During a ceremony celebrating the 227th birthday of Independence hero Simon Bolivar, Chavez read from a secret memo he had been sent from an unnamed source inside the United States. “Old friend, I haven’t seen you in years. As I said to you in my three prior

Venezuela nabs 6 Colombian paramilitary suspects

By CHRISTOPHER TOOTHAKER (AP) – 10 hours ago CARACAS, Venezuela — Police apprehended six alleged far-right paramilitary fighters from Colombia, including a militia leader wanted in the killing of a Venezuelan mayor near the border with Colombia, authorities said Tuesday. Johnny Marquez, a federal police investigator in the western state of Tachira, said officers arrested the militiamen during a sting operation near the town of La Fria. He said the

Israel’s list of broken world records

by Uprooted Palestinians for The Truth Will Set You Free Israel, a country the size of New Jersey can only claim to the following achievements: • Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that it destroyed; Palestine • Israel hold the world record in the number of towns & villages it ethnically cleansed…500+ • Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported…4 million +

46 Representatives introduce in the House a resolution supporting an Isareli aggression on Iran

H.RES.1553 — Expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and… (Introduced in House – IH)HRES 1553 IH 111th CONGRESS 2d Session H. RES. 1553 Expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and

How to Create Supremacists? and How to Manufacture Consent to Genocide?

from the Respect-Discussion blog: Did you everwonder how manipulation and brainwashing works? Did you ever wonder how could people take part (even by their silence) in acts of genocide? This is a collection of items below will give you an idea. These items are for sale, on a UK website, CafePress The items include -in their own words- ” Baby Bodysuits > Anti Islam Baby Bodysuits “ and “Anti Islam
