
Who’s The Boss?

By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Katie Couric’s interview on CBS News on July 7 leaves little doubt that she considers Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel ‘s Prime Minister as the boss and that President Obama is irrelevant. Couric, descendant of Jewish immigrants from Germany, anchor and chief managing editor of CBS news, makes it clear that it is more important for Netanyahu to “trust” Obama and his decisions than for the the American people

US and Russia swapping ‘spies’

(Carlo – I reply to your emails via this post for all, I hope you don’t mind – VS) Now its official: the USA and Russia have swapped ‘spies’. Or are they?! Well, the Russians have for sure released some very real spies, including a nuclear scientist and even a former GRU Colonel (now that there is no death penalty in Russia, this guy should, IMHO, have received life without

Zionist censors score ‘victories’ against two high-profile women

Two women have recently been found guilty of aggravated crimethink cleric: Grand Ayatollah : CNN reporter Octavia Nasr and UK ambassador to Lebanon Frances Guy. Their crime? They dared to express respect for a recently deceased senior Shia cleric: Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah. Frances Guy had her blog taken down, Octavia Nasr was simply fired. These two women clearly were not aware of the fact that the ever vigilant Zionist

Left-leaning despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do you really believe in miracles?

by David Ray Griffin An Open Letter to Terry Allen, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, David Corn, Chris Hayes, George Monbiot, Matthew Rothschild, and Matt Taibbi.1 According to several left-leaning critics of the 9/11 Truth Movement, some of its central claims, especially about the destruction of the World Trade Center, show its members to be scientifically challenged. In the opinion of some of these critics, moreover, claims made by members of

Guys – you are fantastic!

Dear friends, First, I want to thank those of you who gave me good pointers as to where to find some cheap hardware. I am sure I will end up finding something. Second, several of you have actually offered to send me money, for which I am also deeply grateful. Frankly, I never expected that somebody would be willing to help me financially, and I am deeply touched by your

Hardware trouble – can you guys help me out here?

Dear friends, Today my old desktop finally went belly up and died a painful death. I have to tell you that I have not used a new computer in decades – all my computers have always been “rescues” from friends who got rid of their old hardware, or even “rescues” from the trash. The one which died to day was such a “rescue” given to me “for spare parts” by

US “lobby war” behind Russian spy charges

(yet again, thanks to F. for pointing out this article to me! VS) by Robert Bridge for RT: As international special interest groups are vying for influence in the US government, the line between espionage and lobbying work is becoming dangerously vague. The US Justice Department announced on Monday that 10 individuals were arrested on charges of working as “agents of a foreign government [i.e. Russia] without notifying the US

Chomsky and Castro warn about the upcoming war on Iran

Chomsky quotes Dan Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at the University of London: “They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran, US bombers and long range missiles are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in Iran in a few hours, the firepower of US forces has quadrupled since 2003” Castro outlines the pretext for war: I do not harbor the slightest doubt that

After fake terrorists, now fake spies?!

I am reading the official affidavit of the FBI (see here and here) and I can’t believe the nonsense I am reading. First, the “super-dooper secret agents” are charged with a) not registering as agents of a foreign government and b) money laundering. Yep, no charges of spying. Then, it get better. According to the affidavit, the FBI decrypted a “super-dooper secret message” from Moscow explaining to the apparently clueless

USS Carrier Harry Truman Now Officially Just Off Iran, As Israel Allegedly Plotting An Imminent Tehran Raid

(many thanks to J. for pointing out this source to me! VS)by Tyler Durden for Zerohedge As we first reported last week, in an article that was met with much original skepticism, the Pentagon has now confirmed that a fleet of 12 warships has passed the Suez Canal, and is now likely awaiting orders to support the escalation in the Persian Gulf. The attached image from Stratfor shows the latest

Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers

by Paul Joseph Watson for Prison Planet President Obama will be handed the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight if the Senate votes for the infamous Internet ‘kill switch’ bill, which was approved by a key Senate committee yesterday and now moves to the floor. The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, which is being pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman,

Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee

Written by Darcy Wearing and Richard Gage, AIA Having had the privilege of speaking with Tom Sullivan, an actual explosive-charge placement technician, we have some new insights to pass along as to how controlled demolition works, where it started, and the effect that 9/11 had on the demolition industry. Sullivan gained his experience as an employee of the leading firm in this field, Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI). Sullivan stresses though

Surviving in a world of zombies: using news aggregators

Not too long ago a wrote a short piece entitled “Take revenge on the bastards now!” in which I recommended a total boycott of the Zionist corporate media. I also provided the URLs of some websites which provide streams of alternative TV and radio stations. If all you have is 10-15 mins a day, listening to Russia Today, Press TV, Telesur or al-Jazeera is not the worst option. Listening to

What Happened at Srebrenica? Examination of the Forensic Evidence

by Stephen Karganovic for Global Research The judgment delivered by the ICTY Trial Chamber in Popović et al. on June 10, 1995, is of some interest in the ongoing Srebrenica controversy. While it affirms all the principal positions of ICTY jurisprudence in this important area of the Tribunal’s judicial practice, it does so in some ways that do not follow mechanically the pattern set by its predecessor cases. In two

12 American Warships, Including One Aircraft Carrier, And One Israeli Corvette, Cross Suez Canal On Way To Red Sea And Beyond

by Tyler Durden for Zerohedge (thanks to L. for pointing out this item to me – VS) Arabic newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi reports that 12 American warships, among which one aircraft carrier, as well as one Israeli corvette, and possibly a submarine, have crossed the Suez Canal on their way to the Red Sea. Concurrently, thousands of Egyptian soldiers were deployed along the canal to protect the ships. The passage disrupted

Email exchange with Professor Arkady Aharon Tsinober

I recently got an email from one Professor Arkady Aharon Tsinober whom I had never met, whom I had never heard of, and who clearly had no idea who I was. The subject heading of his email was “are you Jewish?”. I decided to share the exchange with you: This is a message to Edith Lutz, Kate Leiterer and Glyn Secker, Jews for Justice For Palestinians, I just wonder how

Shooting and Sobbing

by Gilad Atzmon Hold your breath. This in not a joke, this is not a satire. It is real almost as much as it is pathetic. Israeli Ynet just reported that the images of captured Israeli commandos published in Turkish papers opened “…old wounds among those Israeli commandos involved in similar circumstances. Thus far, at least four combat soldiers have reported worsening of their (mental) condition” While the rest of
