
Mullen Wary of Israeli Attack on Iran

by Ray McGovern for Consortium News: Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, came home with sweaty palms from his mid-February visit to Israel. Ever since, he has been worrying aloud that Israel might mousetrap the U.S. into war with Iran. This is especially worrying, because Mullen has had considerable experience in putting the brakes on such Israeli plans in the past. This time, he appears convinced

Proof that 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous

from The Washington Blog: Most Americans don’t know what kind of people 9/11 truthers really are. So they can’t figure out whether or not they are dangerous. Below is a list of people who question what our Government has said about 9/11. The list proves – once and for all – that people who question 9/11 are dangerous. Email this list to everyone you know, to prove to them that

Case study: US corporate media vs 911 Truth media

Check out this video of an ABC producer interviewing the two authors of the Loose Change film series. ——-Commentary: to see these two young Americans standing up to the corporate whore interviewing them deeply touches me. Frankly, it fills me with hope that such people are still out there. They are the living proof that the USraelian Empire has not succeeded in stupidifying all young Americans and that, as the

Fading Color

by Vladimir Radyuhin for Frontline (India) The victory of opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych in the presidential election in Ukraine marked a crushing defeat for the United States-masterminded “orange revolution” designed to weaken and isolate Russia. In the first round of the election, held on January 17, voters threw out the anti-Russian President Viktor Yushchenko, who was propelled to power by the orange revolution in 2004. Yushchenko polled a dismal 5

Dubai seeks Israeli prime minister’s arrest over murder of Hamas militant

The AFP reports (via Raw Story) Dubai police said Tuesday they are seeking the arrest of Israel’s prime minister and the head of its spy agency over the murder of a top Hamas militant in a hotel room of the Gulf city-state. Police chief Dahi Khalfan said he had issued the demand for the arrest warrants as he was now certain they ordered the Cold War-style hit on Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

Dubai police reveal more details about Mossad operation

Gulf News reports: The assassins of the Hamas commander, Mahmoud Al Mabhouh, fled to the US and Israel after stops in Europe and Asia, the Dubai Police chief said on Sunday. In the latest revelation on the killing, Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim told Gulf News: “Some of them [the killers] went to America and others to Israel.” Earlier, the police said that the assassins travelled to Europe and Asia,

Tzipi Livni open praises the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh

According to the BBC, Tzipi Livni, herself a former Mossad officer, has now openly applauded the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. Well, that is just another proof that the self-declared “Jewish state of Israel” does not care one bit about being considered a pariah state beyond the pale rather than the “only democracy in the Middle-East”.

Venezuela’s Revolution Faces Crucial Battles

by Federico Fuentes for Green Left Weekly Decisive battles between the forces of revolution and counter-revolution loom on the horizon in Venezuela. The campaign for the September 26 National Assembly elections will be a crucial battle between the supporters of socialist President Hugo Chavez and the US-backed right-wing opposition. But these battles, part of the class struggle between the poor majority and the capitalist elite, will be fought more in

Take revenge on these bastards now!

Today, 1,000 Signatures from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) were submitted to Congress citing new scientific evidence of explosive demolition at WTC. This global event included special press conferences conducted in over 23 cities worldwide with the press conference in San Francisco broadcast worldwide over the Internet. Now take a look at the sickening bullshit the corporate media was broadcasting to the American public. Please, do watch it:

All this reminds me of the following quotes

“By way of deception thou shalt do war”(unofficial translation of the) Mossad motto “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”Gospel according

1,000 Architects and Engineers Call for Grand Jury into 9/11! This GLOBAL MEDIA EVENT will be simultaneously hosted in over 23 cities worldwide!

1,000 Architects and Engineers Call for Grand Jury into 9/11! 1,000 Signatures from “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth)” to be Submitted Today to Congress—Petition Cites New Scientific Evidence of Explosive Demolition at WTC This GLOBAL MEDIA EVENT will be simultaneously hosted in over 23 cities worldwide! WHEN: Friday February 19, 2010, 10:00-11:00 AMWHERE: Ground Zero, Manhattan (in front of the PATH Station) PHOTO AVAILABILITY:Actor Daniel Sunjata, and Author

The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement

(thanks to LH for pointing out this article to me – VS) by Elizabeth Woodworth for Global Research Abstract In the past year, in response to emerging independent science on the 9/11 attacks, nine corporate, seven public, and two independent media outlets aired analytic programs investigating the official account. Increasingly, the issue is treated as a scientific controversy worthy of debate, rather than as a “conspiracy theory” ignoring science and

Dreyfus, the Protocols and Goldstone

by Gilad Atzmon Alan Dershowitz on Judge Goldstone: “But now I see him as a traitor… It’s as if they would have taken a Jew to edit the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. He uses his Jewish last name to kosher his slander of the Jewish People.” For those who still cannot make their minds up about Jewish nationalism and the Zionist violent abuse of Western academic culture (tolerance,

Top Insurers Post Record Profits While Dropping 2.7M Policyholders

Democracy Now reports: A new report says the nation’s five biggest insurance companies set an all-time record for combined profits last year. According to Health Care for America Now, the companies WellPoint, CIGNA, UnitedHealth Group, Aetna Inc. and Humana posted cumulative profits of $12.2 billion. That marks a $4.4 billion, or 56 percent, increase over 2008 and amounts to an average profit margin of 5.2 percent. CIGNA saw the highest

I smell a rat

Call my paranoid (I am). Call me distrustful (I am). Call me cynical (I am). But I still smell a rat and the stench of that rat is getting stronger every minute. Take a look at this BBC article about the election results in the Ukraine. Observers from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) were unusually blunt, warning the country’s political leaders they should listen to the
