
Why the US Wants to Delegitimize the Iranian Elections

It is with somewhat of a relief that I found a good article about the situation in Iran published by Counterpunch. Maybe, just maybe, will the voice of Paul Craig Roberts bring some people back to their senses. Anyway – check out what this highly knowledgeable observer has to say and please read it carefully and heed the warning of this honest man who knows – from first hand experience

Mir-Hossein Mousavi’s Iran/Contra Connection?

by RFS for the RFS blog What do Michael Ledeen (the American ‘neo-conservative’), Mir-Hossein Mousavi (the Iranian presidential candidate of ‘chagne’) and Adnan Khashoggi (the opulent Saudi Arabian jet-setter) have in common? They are all good friends and associates of Manuchehr Ghorbanifar (an Iranian arms merchant, an alleged MOSSAD double agent, and a key figure in the Iran/Contra Affair, the arms-for-hostages deals between Iran and the Reagan administration). In one

The Empire is Bankrupt – is anybody paying attention?

While the “big story” right now is the situation in Iran, check out this other “big story” which is not getting nearly as much attention: The American Empire Is Bankrupt by Chris Hedges De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire by Michael Hudson (thanks to C. for bringing these two articles to my attention!)

Netanyahu’s overt racism

I just saw this quote from Bibi’s latest speech: Any demand to resettle refugees within Israel undermines Israel as a state for the Jewish people He is absolutely right. And denying the right of return of those illegally displaced is, in itself, a form of Jewish racial supremacy, in particular when combined with the equally racist right of “return” for any and all Jews worldwide (nevermind that they never lived

Israel is controlled by religious fanaticism

by Shulamit Aloni for Ha’aretz Not very long ago, during Rabbi Meir Kahane’s racist rantings, the late writer and journalist Amos Elon gave me a copy of a letter Lord Rothschild sent to Herzl in August 1902. In the letter, Rothschild explains why he refuses to support the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel. He writes that he “should view with horror the establishment of a

Bad news from France and Lebanon

The preleminary results/projections from France and Lebanon show that the pro-Israeli parties have cleary won the elections. In France the big winners are Danny Cohen-Bendit and Sarkozy while in Lebanon the Three Stooges (Hariri, Jumblatt, Siniora) appear to have defeated the Resistance parties. It is too early to comment much about these results, but they are clearly a victory for the USraelian Empire.

Wow! Just listen to these crazies

A good friend of mine just sent me this video: Listening to these crackpots made me wonder if the pro-Apartheid South Africans were ever that totally nuts. From my recollection of these years, the South African racists were not nearly as gone finishing as the Ziocrazies on this video. And Blacks sure were treated much better in Apartheid South African and Palestinians are in the “Jewish state”. I really wonder,

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Narallah: Der Spiegel Report is an Israeli Accusation to Hezbollah

Al-Manar TV reports: After the southern city of Nabatiye, Beirut’s southern suburb marked Resistance and Liberation Day Monday as tens of thousands of people gathered at the impressively organized Raya playground to listen to the speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah. Political, military, security and religious figures also attended the massive ceremony that comes amid an intensifying campaign against Hezbollah including the latest report by the German weekly

The Three-Legged Monster

by Gilad Atzmon for Paletine Think Tank Unlike her cosmopolitan brothers and sisters who spread Zionism and tribal racism using a liberal and progressive disguise, Melanie Philips is open about it all. The other day she defined what Zionism is in a very clear manner: “Zionism,” writes Philips, “is simply the movement for the self-determination of the Jewish people. And its significance is greater than any other movement of national

NATO in Georgia: Fun and games

Yet another excellent commentary by Eric Walberg who has been consistently churning out well-informed and insightful analytical pieces for a long while now. Highly recommended. Bringing the threat of war to Russia’s borders is having wide-ranging repercussions, argues Eric Walberg As Russian troops marched to celebrate the victory over Nazi Germany 8 May, NATO troops — 1,300 of them from 10 member countries and six “partners” — were beginning their

US warns of ‘military’ response to hackers

When one might be forgiven for thinking that we have seen it all, now this: Press TV reports: A top US commander has warned that Washington will consider using any option even a military one against threats to the army’s computer networks. Air Force General Kevin Chilton said cyber espionage and attacks from well-funded nations or terror groups are the biggest threats to the military’s networks. “Our job would be

Sadly, Israel is no longer democratic (assuming it ever was!)

by Shulamit Aloni for Ha’aretz: Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin and philosopher Asa Kasher, two respected men around here, published an article entitled: “A just war of a democratic state,” (Haaretz, April 24, Hebrew). A remark about the first part: There are wars that are necessary for self-defense or to fight injustice and evil. But the expression “just” is problematic when speaking of war itself – which involves killing and destruction

Israel furious over EU discontent with Bibi

Press TV reports: Israel has threatened to block the Middle East peace process over the European Union’s harsh criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. An Israeli Foreign Ministry official said on Thursday that Israel strongly protested at the criticism by EU ministers and senior officials about Israel’s new government, warning that the Netanyahu’s largely right-wing cabinet will forgo the Mideast peace process as long as the hawkish administration is under

Will Israel Attack? Mixed Messages from Washington Could Lead to Catastrophe in Iran

By Roane Carey for Tomdispatch.com via Alternet Israel has been steadily ratcheting up pressure on the United States concerning the grave threat allegedly posed by Iran, which seems poised to master the nuclear fuel cycle, and thus the capacity to produce nuclear weapons. The new Israeli prime minister, Likud Party hawk Benjamin Netanyahu, has warned President Barack Obama that if Washington does not quickly find a way to shut down

By Haitham Sabbah for Palestine Think Tank Same old story, new president: U.S. President Barack Obama will not cut the billions of dollars in military aid promised to Israel, a senior U.S. administration official said Wednesday. The $30 billion in aid promised to Israel over the next decade will not be harmed by the world financial crisis, the official told Israel Radio. He spoke on condition of anonymity. The U.S.

Israeli humor: 1 shot 2 kills

Check out this amazing photo representing a T-shirt popular among Israeli snipers: It shows a veiled pregnant woman (presumably Palestinian) through a rifle scope. Under it, a short sentence: “1 SHOT 2 KILLS” (read all about it in Ha’aretz) Can anyone even imagine the worldwide outrage if, say, Iranian snipers had been seen with such T-shirts with the Muslim woman replaced by a pregnant Jewish Haredi woman? If one picture
