
Iranian Guccis scream “death to Russia”

Check out this al-Jazeera report: Does anybody in Iran seriously think that Russia’s stance towards the Iranian Gucci Revolution can influence the outcome of the struggle for power in Iran? Of course not. Sure, Russia sells technology and weapons to Iran, but such contracts are dwarfed by the oil contracts many other countries signed with Iran. So what is the big deal here? The big deal is, of course, that

Building the US Gulag one case at a time

For a partial list of political prisoners held in US jails, please check: The Jericho Movement’s listThe Prison Activist Ressource Center’s list Also, for some background info check out this 2002 article:The Reality of Political Prisoners in the USA (PDF format)

When will the USA be done with Bonaparte?

Done with Bonaparteby Mark Knopfler We’ve paid in hell since Moscow burnedAs Cossacks tear us piece by pieceOur dead are strewn a hundred leaguesThough death would be a sweet releaseAnd our grande armee is dressed in ragsA frozen starving beggar bandLike rats we steal each other’s scrapsFall to fighting hand to hand Save my soul from evil, LordAnd heal this soldier’s heartI’ll trust in thee to keep me, LordI’m done


Dear friends, Tomorrow I will be leaving for a two-weeks long trip. I will have my laptop with me and I will try to keep working on this blog, but I will probably have little time for that. I apologize in advance if I do not promptly respond to your comments and emails or if I fail to cover an important topic. I have a suggestion though: you all can

Plunge into the depths until you reach the truth

by “Ya_Baqiyatullah” We live in a world where the media helps shape our lives; be it for social, economical, political or entertainment purposes the importance of media cannot be underestimated. It is something which builds our personalities due to the information it feeds us. We are in many ways attached to this source and make it our comfort zone. Today, where the World has reached a critical stage in every

Absolutely brilliant piece by Eric Walberg – MUST READ!

June was a busy month for two of Washington’s real ‘Axis of Evil’. Venezuela’s Chavez completed his nationalisation of oil and Iran’s Ahmedinejad stemmed a Western-backed colour revolution, leaving both bad boys in place, muses Eric Walberg What drives US foreign policy? Is it primarily the domestic economy, as it logically should be, or, as many argue, the powerful Israel lobby, or as other argue, the need to secure energy

Amazing behind the scenes look at the crazies running Israel

I just found this video on YouTube. Check it out: Now, the guy speaking is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson aka “the Rebbe”, one of the most influential rabbis among the Hassidim/Haredim Orthodox Jews i.e, the folks who are getting more and more power and influence in Israel. So strong is the cult of this “rebbe” that many of his followers actually consider him to be God. To get a sense

Neda’s fiance describes the circumstances of her death

Notice the syllogistic logic he uses: in Iran people are not allowed to carry guns, cops are always in uniform, therefore the person who shot Neda was not a civilian nor a cop, he therefore must have been a Basij. Also – no sniper on rooftops, no bikers in this account. Only people in a traffic jam and suddenly one single shot. Finally, while he is clearly upset about her

Coup d’Etat Underway in Honduras: OBAMA’S FIRST COUP D’ETAT

by Eva Golinger for Globalresearch President Zelaya of Honduras has just been kidnapped [Note: As of 11:15am, Caracas time, President Zelaya is speaking live on Telesur from San Jose, Costa Rica. He has verified the soldiers entered his residence in the early morning hours, firing guns and threatening to kill him and his family if he resisted the coup. He was forced to go with the soldiers who took him

I really need your help here!

Dear friends, There are two stories which I am very interested in: The first one is the story of the “Basij thug sniper on the roof who is not on the roof but on a motorbike who is not a sniper after all but who was shooting with a small caliber handgun“. It is quite possible that the government is trying to cover up something here and is lying about

Ahmadinejad orders probe into Neda’s ‘suspicious’ death

Press TV reports: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has asked the Judiciary chief to conduct a through investigation into the death of Neda Aqa-Soltan, an Iranian woman who was shot dead in Tehran’s post-vote protests. In a letter to Iran’s Judiciary chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi on Monday, Ahmadinejad called for a serious probe into the “suspicious” death of Neda and recognizing elements behind her killing. “Neda Aqa-Soltan was shot dead in

CIA Crucified Captive In Abu Ghraib Prison

By Sherwood Ross for CLG The Central Intelligence Agency crucified a prisoner in Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, according to a report published in The New Yorker magazine. “A forensic examiner found that he (the prisoner) had essentially been crucified; he died from asphyxiation after having been hung by his arms, in a hood, and suffering broken ribs,” the magazine’s Jane Mayer writes in the magazine’s June 22nd issue. “Military

Israel’s Judaization policy hits church buildings

Press TV reports: Israeli authorities have threatened to demolish 500 buildings owned by the churches in the Old City of Jerusalem (al-Quds), church officials say. The Greek Orthodox and Catholic churches in Jerusalem (al-Quds) released a joint statement on Saturday complaining that Israeli forces have recently stepped up demolitions in accordance with the Municipality’s E1 plan for the city. It further said that with this articulate detailed plan, the Israeli

Check out this debate and make up your own mind

The “theocracy of the Mullahs”. This is how the Western corporate press like to refer to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Well, judge for yourself and check out this special report about the fraud allegations in Iran and ask yourself the simple question: does this sound like the TV of a fanatical dictatorial state? Enjoy!

Analyses of All Alleged Rigging Proofs in Election

by Zainabia for Shiachat Different elements raised DOUBTS about the recent Elections of Iran (2009). Let us analyze them one by one. Objection 1: How it is possible that some Areas got more than 100% Votes? This is “The Biggest” proof which is presented in order to blame these elections to be rigged. Iranian Government confirmed it and then made it clear the reasons why some areas could have more

The latest Hollywood-like nonsense from the Guccis

Haaretz reports: Mousavi’s supporters plan to release thousands of balloons on Friday with the message: “Neda you will always remain in our hearts”, in memory of the young woman killed last week who has become an icon of the demonstrations. I bet you the balloons will be green too, and that the BBC will reports “millions” of them along with reports of “Basiji thugs” assaulting anyone suspected of possessing a

Some victims are more equal then others

A heartbroken and outraged Barak Obama announced announced today that he was deeply saddened by the death every single one of the 20 people who where killed in the clashes in Iran (including the 8 Basijis killed by gunfire?). He had nothing to say about the 60 people killed in Pakistan in the latest strike by US drones. Some victims are “more equal than others” I suppose. Orwell would be

Better late then never, I suppose

Mohsen Rezaee has withdrawn his complaint and declared that “The current political, social and security situation has entered a sensitive and decisive phase, which is more important than the election” Words of wisdom for sure, too bad he did not come to that conclusion as soon as it had become apparent that a) Ahmadinejad had won by a huge, unfakable, marginb) That the USraelian Empire and the Guccis would use

Short Iran situation update

First, two interesting articles: The Iranian Election and the Revolution Test by George Friedman for Startfor andWhat Actually Happened in the Iranian Presidential Election? by Esam Al-Amin for Aimislam.com Then, here is an excerpt from an email I got from a friend whom I asked to verify the “Iranian charge $3’000 for “bullet fee” story:——–That story has been blown out of proportion. Yes the Baseej has been a bit over

Sniper or biker?

Check out this piece from Ynet news: (…) she was not affiliated with any political camp. “Neda’s goal was not Mousavi or Ahmadinejad, but her homeland. It was important to her that the homeland advance a step forward.” Neda Sultani was shot by a Besij snipers, who were apparently riding on motorcycles, on Amir Abad Street in Tehran on Saturday. The video that has been circulating on the Internet, making
