
Mumbai massacre story unfolds in terrorist’s interrogation

The Hindu reports: For the past week, newspaper readers across the world gazed at photographs of the dark young man who, sack slung over his shoulder, was caught on closed-circuit camera minutes before he opened fire at commuters at a busy Mumbai railway station. Based on interviews with key officers involved in the investigation and on the interrogation records of the terrorist, The Hindu has been able to assemble key parts

India on “war level” security alert

By Bappa Majumdar for Reuters India: India will increase security in the country and on its borders to a “war level” in the wake of the deadly attacks in Mumbai that killed nearly 200 people, a government minister said on Sunday. “Our intelligence will be increased to a war level, we are asking the state governments to increase security to a war level,” Sriprakash Jaiswal, India’s minister for state for

Press reveals gruesome details about the Mumbai attacks

Rediff India Abroad reports: Doctors shocked at hostages’s torture by Krishnakumar P and Vicky Nanjappa in Mumbai They said that just one look at the bodies of the dead hostages as well as terrorists showed it was a battle of attrition that was fought over three days at the Oberoi and the Taj hotels in Mumbai. Doctors working in a hospital where all the bodies, including that of the terrorists,

Pakistan may pull out nearly 100,000 troops from Afghan to Indian border

Press TV reports: Pakistan may pull out nearly 100,000 troops from its western borders with Afghanistan and will deploy them on the eastern border with India. Media reports quoted Pakistan’s defense ministry officials on Sunday that Islamabad had already stated the decision to the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. The officials added that Pakistan’s priority on the so-called ‘war on terror’ would shift and it would to take care

Predictably, Pakistani papers blame Mumbai attacks on Mossad “false flag” operation

This was to be expected: Pakistani websites are blaming Mossad for the Mumbai attacks. Russians have a small aphorism which makes fun of pathological Jew-haters which see “the Jews” as always responsible for everything: If there is no water in the faucet – then the Jews must have drunk itIf there is water in the faucet – then the Jews must have peed in it (it rhymes in Russian) Seriously,

Indians had advanced warning, Pakistani connection becoming clear

(Thanks to Shashank for sending me the link to this article. VS) by Saikat Datta for Outlook India By mid-September, Indian agencies knew that the attack would come from the sea, by mid-November, they knew that the Taj hotel would be targeted… And yet… and yet… A blow by blow account of how the plan to attack Mumbai by sea was hatched and executed: In mid-September this year, the CIA

Obama’s odious entourage

This will appear in the next issue of Al-Ahram Weekly http://weekly.ahram.org.eg Disappointment follows disappointment with each ‘new’ face, bemoans Eric Walberg, but there is a sort of silver lining Yes, we mustn’t expect too much. We all know it is the establishment that comes first in United States politics. Obama’s presidency could easily be sabotaged by the powers that put him there. But still. He would never have made it

Victory for Venezuela’s Socialists in Crucial Elections – November 2008

by James Petras for Venezuela Analysis The pro-Chavez United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) won 72% of the governorships in the November 23, 2008 elections and 58% of the popular vote, dumbfounding the predictions of most of the pro-capitalist pollsters and the vast majority of the mass media who favored the opposition. PSUV candidates defeated incumbent opposition governors in three states (Guarico, Sucre, Aragua) and lost two states (Miranda and

The Election, Economy, War, and Peace

by Noam Chomsky for ZnetThe Election The word that immediately rolled off of every tongue after the presidential election was “historic.” And rightly so. A Black family in the White House is truly a momentous event. There were some surprises. One was that the election was not over after the Democratic convention. By usual indicators, the opposition party should have had a landslide victory during a severe economic crisis, after

Chávez Supporters Win 17 out of 23 Venezuelan States, but Lose 3 Most Populous

from venezuelanalysis.comPresident Hugo Chavez’s governing party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) got mixed results in the regional and local elections today, winning stronghly in 17 out of 23 states, but losing the country’s two most populous states and the Capital District of Caracas, with two more states still to be decided. At midnight Venezuelan time, about eight hours after the first polls closed, the president of Venezuela’s National

Yes, I am my brother’s keeper

By Siv O’Neall, Axis of Logic Columnist The polarized world Do we need further proof that greed is not the solution for a sound economy? Do we need further proof that capitalism is foundering? Do we need further proof that ignoring the poor is not the way to make the world go round? That selfish accumulation of wealth is not the key to peace of mind and a life worth

Israeli Media Hails Obama’s Pick for Chief of Staff

Al-Manar TV: Israeli media on Thursday hailed Barack Obama’s choice of Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff, with one daily calling the Democrat of Israeli descent “our man in the White House.“ Radio stations and newspapers pointed out Emanuel’s occupied Jerusalem-born father was once a member of Irgun, an underground, ultra-nationalist Jewish movement that fought British troops before the 1948 existence of Israel. Emanuel himself volunteered to serve

Obama shows his true colors on day 1 after winning the election… again

by American Goy It is deja vu all over again, as Yogi Berra used to say. What did Obama do the day after getting the Democratic presidential nomination? Well, that is not true. What did Obama do 12 hours after being nominated by the Democratic voters as a possible president of the USofA? If you have been reading my blog, you would know. Obama and the common treason, my old

Yesterday the puppet, today the puppeteer

This from the BBC: Barack Obama has started forming his administration by asking Rahm Emanuel, a former adviser to President Clinton, to be his chief-of-staff. So that’s who Obama will put in the single most sensitive position in his White House and that is who will form the rest of the Obama team for “change”. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the names…..

It will be is easier to live among people who rejected McCain

So Obama won, predictably I think. The McCain/Palin ticket was truly the perfect embodiment of everything the world hates about the USA. But that is not the important thing here. What is far more significant is that the McCain/Palin ticket also embodied what so many Americans hate about their own country and that is why Obama won such an overwhelming victory. The readers of this blog must know by now

An Open Letter to Barack Obama

Between Hope and Reality By Ralph Nader (source: Information Clearing House) Dear Senator Obama: In your nearly two-year presidential campaign, the words “hope and change,” “change and hope” have been your trademark declarations. Yet there is an asymmetry between those objectives and your political character that succumbs to contrary centers of power that want not “hope and change” but the continuation of the power-entrenched status quo. Far more than Senator

“We” support our [raping] troops!

More and more reports are surfacing about US troops raping and torturing women in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is nothing racist about these rapes – US soldiers are “equal opportunity rapists” – they even rape their own fellow women soldiers in what US Congresswoman called a “jaw dropping” raping spree by US servicemen. US mercenaries also rape and again, they even rape their own colleagues as the case of Jamie
