
Who is Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s prospective Chief of Staff?

As a follow up to my previous post, I would like to introduce Rahm Emanuel to those of you who are not familiar with him. Here are three excellent articles which I highly recommend to you all:Andrew Cockburn: Meet Rahm EmanuelJohn Walsh: How Rahm Emanuel Has Rigged a Pro-War CongressJohn Walsh: Emanuel’s War Plan for Democrats I think these three are a *must read* for anyone contemplating an Obama vote.

OMG! Obama wants Ziocon Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff!

Check this AP news item: Barack Obama’s campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about possibly serving as White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is, along with Joe Lieberman, just about the most fanatical Ziocon in Congress. He is at least as evil and fanatical as any Richard Perle or Paul Wolfowitz. The simple fact that Obama is seriously considering making him his Chief of Staff really says it

Vote Independent or Boycott the Elections

By Reza Fiyouzat for Information Clearing House How long shall we allow the system to kick us in the head, take our money, insult us after taking our money, and still expect us to participate in its frauds? With every passing year, the differences between the two ruling political parties in the U.S. diminish further, and their outlook, conduct and even advertising campaigns merge so much so that their members

Yet another botched US raid?

Take a look at this al-Jazeera report about the US raid in Syria: From the information slowly trickling in it appears that the US SNAFUed this time again. The fact that any footage at all is coming from this village shows that there was nothing of any kind of value there, be it people or infrastructure. Then the accounts by the civilian victims also points to some rather pathetically inept

The Imperial crackpots are at it again: Ha’aretz confirms US strike on Syrian town

Ha’aretz: U.S. confirms strike on Syria that killed eight A U.S. military official confirmed late Sunday an American helicopter attack in an area along Syria’s border with Iraq, which left 8 people dead and three people wounded. Syria condemned the attack, which it called “serious aggression.” The raid indicated the desert frontier between the two countries remains a key battleground, more than five years into the Iraq war. The U.S.

A vote for either John McCain or Barack Obama is—at best—an act of criminal negligence.

by Mickey Z. for Dissident Voice You don’t stick a knife in a man’s back nine inches, and then pull it out six inches, and say you’re making progress. – Malcolm X Another Election Day approaches and I’m reminded of something the late Pakistani dissident, Eqbal Ahmad said about Noam Chomsky in the book, Confronting Empire (2000): “He (Chomsky) has never wavered. He has never fallen into the trap of

Here we go again!

MARKET DATA – 13:06 UK FTSE 100 3796.71 down -291.12 -7.12% Dax 4148.65 down -371.05 -8.21% Cac 40 3042.78 down -268.09 -8.10% Dow Jones 8691.25 up 172.04 2.02% Nasdaq 1603.91 down -11.84 -0.73% BBC Global 30 4842.99 up 5.55 0.11%

ZAG! (updated)

MARKET DATA – 18:50 UK FTSE 100 4040.89 -188.84 -4.46% Dax 4571.07 -213.34 -4.46% Cac 40 3298.18 -177.22 -5.10% Dow Jones 8651.03 -382.63 -4.24% Nasdaq 1645.80 -50.88 -3.00% BBC Global 30 4814.27 -54.50 -1.12%

Interviews of Pat Buchanan and Cynthia McKinney on Al Jazeera

Great stuff indeed; Pat Buchanan and Cynthia McKinney interviewed by Riz Khan: Part 1 Part 2: Small note: I had no idea Buchanan liked Palin. The thought struck me as so obscenely stupid that I almost decided not to post the first part of the interview with him. But then I still decided to post it. For all his wrongs, Buchanan is at least a real old style conservative, not

Colin Powell takes the prize for the lamest endorsment ever

I just came across the transcript of Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barak Obama. Take a look: “So when I look at all of this and I think back to my Army career, we’ve got two individuals, either one of them could be a good president, but which is the president that we need now? Which is the individual that serves the needs of the nation for the next period of

Parsing Mr. Paulson’s Bailout Speech: The Unprecedented Giveaway of Financial Wealth Story

by Michael Hudson for Global Research Mr. Paulson’s bailout speech on Monday, October 13 poses some fundamental economic questions: What is the impact on the economy at large of this autumn’s unprecedented creation and giveaway of financial wealth to the wealthiest layer of the population? How long can the Treasury’s bailout of Wall Street (but not the rest of the economy!) sustain a debt overhead that is growing exponentially? Is

Tips for New Paupers (a must read for non-Americans)

Unemployment. I thought I would never – ever- experience that. I had great Ivy League degrees, five languages, plenty of connections with the high and mighty and I was darn good at what I was doing. And then, one day, I got fired. Not for not doing my job, but for doing it. Doing it too well in fact. That story still cannot be told, but I will sum it

A shot summary of what has been happening in the world economy

“The US plan has done nothing at all about the debt crisis itself. It’s bailed out the creditors, but not a penny of the actual debts, the subprime mortgage debts, are addressed. Without any of the media knowing, the Federal Reserve over the last few months has given $850 billion of cash for trash already. This is what the $700 billion discussion in Congress was supposed to be about, but

So is there a difference between Obama and McCain? A guide for non-Americans

The readers of my blog know that I see no substantial difference between Obama and McCain, I have said so many times. The choice between these two is about as meaningful as the choice between the SA and the SS in Nazi Germany or between the Trotskysts and the Stalinists in the Soviet Union. In the context of the USA, I like the following metaphor: the choice between the two
