
Venezuela and Citgo Assure Continuity of U.S. Heating Oil program

Venezuelanalysis reports: Contradicting recent reports about the program’s discontinuation, the U.S.-based and Venezuelan-owned CITGO Petroleum Corporation confirmed the continuation of its U.S. heating oil program, said CITGO CEO Alejandro Granado during a press conference here today with Citizens Energy Chairman Joseph P. Kennedy II. “Our flagship social program, the CITGO-Venezuela Heating Oil Program will continue. This decision is the result of a strong commitment and a big effort on the

The War Nerd: Hamas Ain’t No Hezbollah

By Gary Brecher for Exiled online What’s going on in Gaza now is pretty easy to understand if you think a little bit about the way military trends have been going in the past century-but you also have to be willing to take a cold look at how wars work these days, when there’s no such thing as those “purely military” wars you WW II freaks dream about. (There never

Is Hamas capable of accepting such a monstrosity?

Various sources are reporting that Israel is considering “accepting the principles” of a ceasefire plan backed by the USA and Egypt. Get this: the plan does not even *mention* Hamas by name and it would be the PA (Abbas’ Fatah) which would sign the plan on the Palestinian side. Yes, you read that correctly. Let me repeat: The Palestinian franchise of the Shin Bet a.k.a. the “Palestinian authority” would sign

Venezuela expels Israeli ambassador

Press TV reports: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has ordered the Israeli ambassador to leave the country in a move meant to show solidarity with the besieged Gazans, The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the government “has decided to expel the Israeli ambassador and part of the personnel of the Israeli embassy” to protest Israel’s hostilities against the Palestinians in Gaza, AP reported. Chavez had earlier condemned the

Hassan Nasrallah calls the Israelis “stupid and dumb”

Al-Manar reports: “Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah called on Tuesday Lebanese to take part in the massive Ashoura march scheduled on Wednesday to renew commitment to the Resistance choice and hostility to the Zionist entity as well as the “Greatest Satan” which gives the orders. His eminence slammed the decision to launch a war on the Gaza Strip as foolish, thanking God “for making our enemies so stupid and

Where to get information about the war on Gaza

Both al-Jazeera and Press TV have been making a very commendable effort to cover the Israeli war on Gaza and both stations are streaming live in English 24/7. They have also created a special page on their websites for those interested in following the events on the ground: Press TV “Gaza under fire“Al-Jazeera “War on Gaza“ The Isreali newspaper Ha’aretz also regularly publishes very interesting analytical pieces. That’s all I

Breaking News: the Israelis massacre refugees in a UN compound (again)

It is an Israeli tradition of sorts to attack UN compounds in each of its war. Remember the first and second Israeli attacks on the UN compound in Qana? Well, this time the ‘glorious and invincible Tsahal’ did it again: they just attacked a UN compound in Gaza killing 40+ people who had found a shelter in this school converted into a refugee center. As always, the UN had given

Still too early to call

Ten days into the operation and following the first 48 hours of the ground assault there is really very little info coming out of Gaza. Al-Jazeera (the only TV station with a crew inside Gaza) is doing a very decent job trying to report from the Strip, but its reporters clearly lack the ability to move from location to location and thus mostly provide reports from the top of a

Israeli forces enter Gaza – the mind game starts

The Israelis have entered Gaza. The important thing to understand now is that the outcome of this ground assault will be decided by how Hamas will react to it. Simply put, this assault is first and foremost a mindgame designed to crush the will of the Palestinian resistance. For the next 36-48 hours we will hear many reports of Israeli “successes” including seized Qassam rocket factories, destroyed headquarters, killed commanders,and

Olmert plays “tough guy” in photo op

Take a look at the photo the Israeli government has just released: Olmert is visiting and Israeli Air Force base and is trying on a pilot’s helmet. Is that the Israeli version of Dubya’s landing on an aircraft carrier off the California coast? A lawyer fancying himself as a member of the “elite” (read:civilian murdering) IAF. How pathetic and lame can those politicians get?

Fighting Within – Gilad Atzmon Interviews Sid Shniad (IJV Canada)

From Palestine Think Tank Recently I have been corresponding with Sid Shniad (1), a founding member of Canadian Independent Jewish Voice (Canadian IJV) (2). Those who are familiar with my writing are well aware of the fact that I am highly critical of any form of Jewish political activism, for I consider it to be a racially orientated discourse. Yet, as much as I am interested in elaboration on the

Days of Rage

by ‘Anticapitalista’ reporting from Thessaloniki for the Vineyard The murder of 15 year old schoolboy, Alexis Grigoropoulos by a police special guard on the evening of Saturday, 6 December saw a huge explosion of rage across the whole of Greece leading to 8 days of riots, looting, attacks on police stations, mass demonstrations, student occupations and strikes all over the country with at least 400 people being detained (the vast

Important announcement: I am opening a Internet Relay Chat channel for my friends and readers

Dear friends, While I am very happy with the gradual strengthening of my community of friends, I have gradually begun to feel that something else was needed. Formal article publications and discussions are not enough, I think. Simply put, I wanted to “meet” you in an informal way and, no less importantly, I wanted you, my friends and readers, to have the opportunity to “meet” each other informally and chat

9 Is Not 11 (And November Isn’t September)

by Arundhati Roy for Tom Dispatch We’ve forfeited the rights to our own tragedies. As the carnage in Mumbai raged on, day after horrible day, our 24-hour news channels informed us that we were watching “India’s 9/11.” And like actors in a Bollywood rip-off of an old Hollywood film, we’re expected to play our parts and say our lines, even though we know it’s all been said and done before.

Neo-cons Still Preparing for Iran Attack

By Robert Dreyfuss for Information Clearing House What, exactly, does president-elect Barack Obama’s mild-mannered choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services, former senator Tom Daschle, have to do with neo-conservatives who want to bomb Iran? A familiar coalition of hawks, hardliners and neo-cons expects Obama’s proposed talks with Iran to fail – and they’re already proposing an escalating set of measures instead. Some are meant to occur

Report by Mohamed Khodr – How Zionists Occupy Two Nations: America and Palestine

by Mohamed Khodr for Palestine Think Tank From America’s “Jewish Triangle” to Iraqi’s “Sunni Triangle: Government Job Notice: No Gentiles Need Apply “The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century.” –Yuri Slezkine, Professor of History at University of California, Berkeley, “The Jewish Century”; Princeton University Press (Russian Jewish immigrant to the U.S.) No, America, there is no Zionist Conspiracy running our
