by Mansoureh Tajik for The Saker Blog
In an essay published on the Saker blog at the beginning of March, I wrote with a restrained skepticism about the novel coronavirus, the narratives surrounding the severity of its adverse health impacts compared to its cousins causing other influenza epidemics, and its reported mortality rates both in Iran and elsewhere. Now, towards the end of March some three weeks, five continents, one hundred ninety two countries, three hundred twenty thousand cases, and thirteen thousand four hundred deaths,[1] and one official pandemic announcement by World Health Organization later, my original skepticism has evolved into a nagging, nuanced, and forcefully persistent suspicion. A lot of things just do not add up.
In this essay, I would like to examine this locally-specific globally-diffused novel coronavirus phenomenon from two distinct yet interlinked angles. From one angle, we look at the phenomenon as an infectious respiratory disease epidemic as it is experienced and weathered by ordinary people in Iran while at the same time, juxtaposing the people’s experiences with the official reports of morbidities and mortalities that are either confirmed and/or alleged to be caused by nCoV-19 and/or other factors. From the second angle, we follow this phenomenon as part of a socially-constructed phantom pandemic buttressed with multiple connotations of a zombie virus and amalgamated by death from other causes.
Firstly, I am not using the word zombie in a derogatory manner just to be disrespectful of this lifeless creature. Rather, the use of the term is meant to instill an interest in the readers to dig deeper into the history of the development of these sorts of viruses[2] should they be interested. Cambridge Dictionary defines zombie as “a frightening creature that is a dead person who has been brought back to life without human qualities. Zombies are not able to think and they are often shown as attacking and eating human beings.”[3] The evidence that grandparent of this virus and its relatives may have been dug up[3] from the remnants of civilians and soldiers who died of influenza in 1918[4], reversed engineered[5], and genetically augmented[6] in series of experiments far exceeds the evidence that it did not. Exploring potentially choreographed intentional and/or accidental releases of the virus with respect to epidemiological trio of person, place, and time, though interesting and informative, is not the topic of this essay.
SARS-cov-2 as an Infectious Respiratory Disease Epidemic Experienced in an Ordinary Way
Let us exclude detailed information about the statistics, routes and mechanism of exposure and infection, biological progression of the disease, and finally the outcome (recovery or death) of this disease since enough easy to follow information about them is available online. They will not be repeated here unless they are used as specific references. Instead, we will take a look at examples of scenarios about what ordinary people in Iran have been encountering on a daily basis and how they have been dealing with the epidemic. Some details are included in case they prove useful for others elsewhere around the globe.
A vast majority of the people are not experiencing any signs and symptoms of any flu. They mostly read and/or hear about someone who knew someone who had it. Very few who are experiencing some illness, their symptoms include severe headache, overall body ache, dry coughs, and high fever. Shortness of breath ranges from non-existent in some, moderate in most, severe in very few individuals. A greater number of people are opting to stay at home, do self-treatment with traditional Iranian and herbal medicine instead of visiting hospitals.
Home recovery procedures look something like this: Very close relatives and immediate extended families who live close by designate one of their apartments or one segment of a large house to the ill person. One person (a parent, a spouse, a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or grandchildren if they are grown up) becomes the designated care taker equipped with gloves, mask, and disinfectant spray bottle. Foods, bone broth, and herbal teas are prepared elsewhere by other members of the family and delivered to the ill person and the caretaker. Everything, and I mean everything, is thoroughly washed and disinfected before and after use. On average, it is taking somewhere from four to nine days for the person to completely recover. But the duo remain quarantined for two full weeks. Afterwards, the entire area gets a thorough disinfecting; cloths, bed sheets, towels and more are washed separately. The entire family remains on alert for several days in case signs and symptoms appear in anyone else. If yes, the same cycle repeats itself. Otherwise, life goes on as “unusual” (avoiding gatherings and crowds).
Daily treatment routine for the ill and the preventive measures for the family is roughly as follows (the person with no symptoms follows the treatment less frequently throughout the day):
- Drinking, in regular and constant sips, plenty of fluids (between 12-15 glasses) of non-diary and see-through nature, like water and herbal infusions. These liquids help clear the mouth and throat area from viral and microbial accumulation (it does not destroy but flushes them down). Less accumulation of pathogens makes it easier for the immune system to fight off the viruses.
- Gargling with salt water and nasal rinsing with the same every 3 hours or so keeps both the numbers and the viability of the viruses in the mouth, throat, and nasal passages lower. Please note, the salt water does not actively kill any viruses or bacteria. It does, however, change the available water and pressure in viral-infected tissue and bacterial cells within the mucus of the respiratory system (i.e. through salt-triggered osmosis). Once the water is drawn out of the viral and bacterial cells, the virus ceases to propagate easily and it becomes more manageable for the immune system to fight the infection.
- Laying down and/or sleeping in a semi-sitting position (i.e., head and shoulder area raised at about a 30- to 35-degree angle) until completely recovered. This position reduces the probability that some viruses are aspirated into the lung and there is less likelihood that lung infection would occur in the course of the disease progression. Please note, this position does not eliminate viral aspiration but reduces the likelihood of that happening. Therefore, there would be less chance for breathing difficulties and need for hospitalization.
- Consuming natural virus-fighting plants like raw garlic (one clove every 6-8 hours) on time and just like taking antibiotic pills. Anti-viral potential of raw garlic is very well-studied[7,8,9,10,11]. Despite ample evidence, there are voices from within medical establishments that try to create ambiguity about the effectiveness of raw garlic. I was curious to know why. It turned out, at least among those with whom I had discussions, they fear people relying too much on these “home remedies” and not seeking professional medical help for “real remedies.” Hmmm.
- Consuming anti-inflammatory herbs like mints, raw honey, and turmeric to help reduce the burden on the immune system so that it could fight off the virus.
- Using absolutely no pain killer, over-the-counter medication for cold and flu, and corticosteroid inhalers. These treatments make the situation turn bad quite rapidly. I found detailed account of experiences from China published in a report titled, Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment[12] published by the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine very helpful. In addition, the experiences of many here have shown this advice to be wise.
- Avoiding worries, stress, and/or anxiety about the illness or other issues. With stress, cortisol levels increases which in turn leads to weaker immune system, higher rates of secondary infections, breathing difficulties, and possibly higher mortality in influenza.
Most people are opting out of going to hospitals unless their breathing becomes too labored and difficult to manage independent of some respiratory equipment. It appears some of the deaths that occur in hospitals are not due to the influenza itself but due to errors in administering medications, improper use of ventilation equipment, and other factors. Given the hospital personnel work under very stressful conditions, in general, and during an epidemic, in particular, errors are a sure bet. A careful reading of the Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment provides extremely valuable insights into the real causes of death for a good fraction of patients who are/were hospitalized because of CoVid-19. Administering the wrong medications, inadequate monitoring of ventilators, cross contamination, insertion injuries, and more appear to be some of the reasons for mortality in Covid-19 patients.
Other encounters that are shaping ordinary people’s overall perception about this infectious disease epidemic could be illustrated through the following examples. Increasingly more people are experiencing these encounters now almost on a daily basis.
- An elderly man (about 77 years old) with unmanaged diabetes who had been very resistant to taking his medications and modifying his diet for many years. Over the years, he had lost vision in one then the other eye due to diabetes. His kidneys were not working well. He collapsed one afternoon and was taken to the hospital. Within less than 24 hours, his kidneys failed, his lungs collapsed, he went into coma and passed away. He was reported as a “corona patient” to his family and in the hospital report. He was buried not as a regular dead person but as a “corona” person (without the regular Muslim ritual washing and prayers). The family was told to be in quarantine for at least 14 days.
- An elderly woman (about 82 years old) with a history of heart disease experienced sudden and severe shortness of breath and was taken to the hospital in one of the provinces. Her own physician diagnosed her to have a possible heart attack but that hospital had a shortage of proper equipment (courtesy of illegal and unilateral US sanctions on all things medical). She was taken (hours of travel by car) to a hospital in Tehran where “corona patients” were hospitalized as well. She died within hours. She was reported to have died of corona. Her body was transferred back to her hometown and buried according to the same protocol as above (for “corona deaths”) with no ritual washing and the family was told to be in self quarantine for a couple of weeks.
- Another elderly woman in her eighties with lung cancer had been in and out of hospital for the past four and a half months with serial lung infections. Due to having extreme difficulty breathing, she was taken to the hospital and died within hours. Her death was classified as “corona death” and the same routine as above for burial and family quarantine was carried out.
On March 27, the number of infected was at 29,406, the number of recovered was at 10,457, and the number of dead due to nCov-19 was at 2,234[13] as announced by the Iranian Ministry of Health. Increasingly, however, above examples are casting doubts regarding official statistics announced on a daily. Another noteworthy pattern is that quite a few people recall getting the exact same symptoms some two, three, or even four months ago and having recovered from it. Now, they say, “it is called corona.” Then, they say, “It was called a bad flu from a new virus.”
Just to wrap up the discussion of ordinary Iranian people’s experience of the current phenomenon as an infectious respiratory disease epidemic and jump to the next segment, I summarize the key points [I really appreciate it when the Saker does it and I find it rather useful. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.]:
- Vast majority of people do not experience any symptoms.
- Most people who do experience symptoms (with different intensity) recover within 4 to 9 days.
- Most people are opting for known remedies and traditional medicine and self-quarantine.
- Fear and anxiety appear to act as co-factors to make the illness progressively worse.
- Increasingly more people are becoming skeptical of official statistics regarding death from corona.
- It is possible the influenza epidemic began many months before its actual official start.
Covid-19 Infectious Disease as a Socially-constructed Phantom Pandemic
The Iranian New Year for 1399 (HS) began on Friday, 1st of Farvardin (March 20) at 7:19:37 in the morning. Every year, this is the time for kids to wear new and colorful cloths and for everyone go to visit all relatives beginning with the elders. Hugs, kisses, exchanging gifts, giving and receiving crisp and new money are all part of the tradition. This year, none of these occurred for most people. In addition, right at the changing of the year, we begin each New Year with the following prayer:
ا مقلّب القلوب و الابصار، یا مدبّر اللیل و النّهار، یا محوّل الحول و الاحوال، حوّل حالنا الی احسن الحال
[“O, the One Who transforms the hearts and perceptions, O, the One Who expedites the turning of the night and the day, O, You who renews the years and our circumstances, change our condition to the best of conditions.”
Last Minute Pivot
I had written an entirely different segment from this section forward. However, for reasons that will not be explained, right before sending the article to the Saker, I changed my mind and with that I changed the direction of the discussion.
When I express skepticism and use terms like “phantom pandemic,” or “zombie virus,” or say a lot of things are not adding up about the atmosphere created around Covid pandemic, I am not speaking from the perspective of someone who is alien to the field, or is a casual observer with cursory knowledge of the subject, or lacks the relevant and proper scientific understanding and skills to interpret these disease events. Quite the contrary, I am speaking from the perspective of someone who has been in the field for years and is well-versed in the subject. It is from educational and experiential knowledge of someone who has collected, analyzed, and interpreted data in order to design and implement projects that could perhaps lower the rates of morbidity and mortalities from infectious and non-infectious diseases by a fraction, a decimal point, and just a few number in a thousand, or a hundred thousand population. Furthermore, for years and semester after semester, I had to teach students methods, approaches, analytical techniques about how to differentiate between apparent patterns of things (diseases, mortalities, toxins, pathogens, etc.) and their actual patterns. They have to be able to critically examine how to determine there is a causal link between a virus, for example, and a given disease, when there is an association, when there are co-factors and more.
With the current “pandemic” situation, I see before me is a series of ineptly-conducted non-systematic and haphazard data collection, opaque and questionable diagnostic procedures, falsely classified deaths, and more that are used as data points, numbers, and information to present some patterns as real. I ask myself why?
I listen to well-known “experts” in the field (connected to CDC, WHO, NIH, and others) and I can see how, in a very crafty way, they try to conflate and augment COVID-19 with other factors, other numbers, and other events to make this real but manageable infectious disease into a giant crisis of global proportion that it is not. Again, I ask myself why? Why is it that hundreds of elderly people in that and that country in Europe who were abandoned in their nursing home facilities for days without any water or food, without their needed medication, drenched in their urine and feces and dying a tragic death were classified as COVID-19 deaths and reported as such? Based on what evidence other than the fact that some group somewhere in some royal health tower decided that even if in doubt, those deaths should be classified as “confirmed”?
Receiving numbers as data points from around the world and feeding them to a geographic information system software and creating fancy and eye-catching online maps with red dots on black background like this as if you were presenting real-time presidential election results in red and blue meant for visually attention-grabbing real-time reports like this to keep people clenching the arms of their seats could not, should not, and will not substitute for sound, reliable, and valid methods and approaches. I ask again, why so many bells and whistles and so little substance?
In a study published last year by Paget (2019) and his colleagues, titled, “Global mortality associated with seasonal influenza epidemics: New burden estimates and predictors from the GLaMOR Project,” they state:
“Our study of global seasonal influenza-associated respiratory mortality is one of three influenza burden projects conducted in consultation with WHO; the others were led by the US-CDC and GBD project. We find that 389 000 deaths from respiratory causes are associated with influenza each year on average (range 294 000 – 518 000) during 2002-2011, excluding the 2009 pandemic season, implicating influenza in roughly two percent of all annual respiratory deaths.”[14]
Now, if you look at the total number of deaths reported on Johns Hopkins University’s site for today (March 28) is 27,365. This is the total number from all countries that have reported for the past 4 months. I must add that this number represents all cases that were classified as “confirmed cases” not based on accurate and actual testing of each case but based on an administrative decision by hospitals and by participating countries’ respective ministries of health. Let’s suppose that many actually die and they are accurately diagnosed as COVID-19/SARS-Cov-2. Let us further suppose that number does not correspond to 4 months but every month we have that many deaths. Multiply that by 12 and compare that to 389,000 above. Why have we not been in a pandemic lock down and imprisonment of people in their homes all over the globe for the past 20 years? Why this year? Why this way? Why at all?
While I am remaining suspicious and skeptical, I ponder about some other things as well. I think, when a noun becomes an adjective, one must pay strict attention. We now have “corona deaths.” These are the type of deaths that do not get the ritual preparations and burials, normal gatherings to mourn the passing of the loved ones, and offer condolences to the grieving family members. We have “corona babies.” These are babies who are conceived during these stay-at-home-don’t-go-anywhere times and who will be born about seven or eight or nine or ten or more months from now. Talk about back-firing of a population-reduction strategy (as some suggest). We also have “corona greetings,” “corona looks,” and more. Happy Spring to all and a prayer: “O, the One Who transforms the hearts and perceptions, O, the One Who expedites the turning of the night and the day, O, You who renews the years and our circumstances, change our condition to the best of conditions.”
[1] Worldmeter (2020). COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic based on Last update: March 25, 2020, 07:52 GMT, Accessed online at:
[2] Beiner G (2006). “Out in the Cold and Back: New-Found Interest in the Great Flu.” Cultural and Social History 2006; 3: 496–505.
[3] Cambridge Dictionary (2020). “Meaning of Zombie in English.” Accessed online at:
[4] J van Aken (2007). “Is it wise to resurrect a deadly virus?” Heredity, 98,1–2; Nature Publishing Group; doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800911; published online 11 October2006. Available at:
[5] Taubenberger JK, Reid AH, Krafft AE, Bijwaard KE, and Fanning TG (1997). “Initial Genetic Characterization of the 1918 “Spanish” Influenza Virus.” Science, 275(5307):1793-1796. DOI: 10.1126/science.275.5307.1793
[6] Basler CF et al. (2001). “Sequence of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus nonstructural gene (NS) segment and characterization of recombinant viruses bearing the 1918 NS genes.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98(5):2746-2751.
[7] Weber ND et al. (1992). “In vitro virucidal effects of Allium sativum (garlic) extract and compounds.” Journal of Planta Medicine, 58(5):417-23.
[8] Mehrbod P, Amini E, and Tavassoti-Kheiri M (2009). “Antiviral Activity of Garlic Extract on Influenza Virus.” Iranian Journal of Virology, 3(1):19-23.
[9] Bayan L, Koulivand PH, and Gorji A (2013). “Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects.” Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan-Feb 2014, 1-14.
[10] Guoliang Li et al (2015). “Fresh Garlic Extract Enhances the Antimicrobial Activities of Antibiotics on Resistant Strains in Vitro.” Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 8(5):e14814. doi: 10.5812/jjm.14814.
[11] Mohajer Shojai T et al. (2016). “The effect of Allium sativum (Garlic) extract on infectious bronchitis virus in specific pathogen free embryonic egg.” Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, Vol. 6, No. 4, Jul-Aug2016, 458-467.
[12] Tingbo Liang (Editor). Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment. The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, 2020.
[13] Mehrnews, “Corona Statistics reach 29,406 and more than 10,000 recovered.” 7th of Farvardin, 1399 (March 27, 2020), at 14:28, News Code: 4886571.
[14] Paget J et al. (2019). “Global mortality associated with seasonal influenza epidemics: New burden estimates and predictors from the GLaMOR Project.” Journal of Global Health, 9(2): 020421, doi: 10.7189/jogh.09.020421
It’s a shame we don’t have much of that family-oriented culture in the West anymore, or remember how to deal with illnesses outside of a hospital.
It’s very likely that anti-malarials + antibiotics are going to be very effective treatment (Dr. Raoult on this website, and more happening each day … Russian announcement on RT, Pfizer trial in France (already completed).
One of the biggest benefits, this may dampen the hysteria, which is going to kill many more people than this virus ever could (sorry, Trump is right on this, and also gets credit for pushing hydroxychloroquine right out of the box … not being a bureaucrat is sometimes a good thing).
Thank you.
Incredibly insightful and compelling discussion.
I wrote a similar (and unfortunately, similar in length) article to one of the Saker’s recent articles, labeling this event as primarily an information war, citing many of the strange mismatches of information, and apparent utter lack of data integrity, while always pressing the compliance by fear angle.
I was hoping to include the link, under the article, “debunking-clickbaits-expert-not-just-a-flu-and-not-a-bioweapon” but it was a lengthy and probably thickish comment, likely requiring secondary examination by the hardworking information-antigen anti-bodies here (shout out to mods).
Here it is. Mod:
AT last – an article NOT based on an opinion. (Is one word like this ok with caps? It is emphasising, not shouting)
About time someone with credentials, and genuine experience, wrote something with reasoned thinking. A very balanced article, thank you author.
Just to add to this, here are some excerpts from “Swiss Propaganda Research” – which I am now posting for the third time and which, as I have observed, it seems that hardly anyone here has studiously explored, succumbing instead, to unfounded opinions from people who lack experience and knowledge in this field.
This is the latest update from this site – see for more details.
It is in the following languages: DE, EN, FR, ES, HU, IT, NL, NO, PL, RU
March 28, 2020
“A new study by the University of Oxford concludes that Covid19 may already have existed in the UK since January 2020 and that half of the population may already be immunised, with most people experiencing no or only mild symptoms. This would mean that only one in a thousand people would need to be hospitalised for Covid19. (Study)
British media reported on a 21 year old woman „who died of Covid19 without any previous illnesses“. However, it has since become known that the woman did not even test positive for Covid19 and died for another reason, possibly even suicide. The Covid19 rumor had arisen „because she had a slight cough“.
The German media scientist Professor Otfried Jarren criticized that many media provide uncritical journalism that emphasizes threats and executive power. According to Professor Jarren, there is hardly any differentiation and real debate between experts.
The latest data from the German Robert Koch Institute show that the increase in test-positive persons is proportional to the increase in the number of tests, i.e. in percentage terms it remains roughly the same. This may indicate that the increase in the number of cases is mainly due to an increase in the number of tests, and not due to an ongoing epidemic.”
Opinions are like a certain part of the human anatomy – everyone’s got one.
I want to add a word to your comment: …Otfried Jarren criticized that many _official_ media…
The alternative media provide a different view and publish interviews with experts who have a different view.
I apologize for commenting on myself, but this an important point.
A video from an investigative journalist got posted on youtube, taken down very fast, re-posted on various other sites and not available there.
Finally I found it on telegram looking for “Billy Six”, the video is in German and has some English subtitles.
The reporter is Billy Six and he starts by showing the admission area for the Virchow hospital in Berlin and it is empty. Then Six went to the Charite hospital in Berlin where the ambulances get in and out. Plenty of ambulances there stopped with no activity going on.
After that boots on the ground reporting he goes on to interview a dentist from Vienna, DDr. Belsky who questions the official worldview on infections and backs his view with arguments. then he goes on to critizise vaccination with the example of the spanish flu. He calls it “vaccination desaster” and states that he would not take a corona vaccine at all.
On a smaller scale the Corona-Virus story happened before with SARS 2009. In retrospect SARS was a blip on the screen.
the regular flu was way worse.
In Germany two experts were involved back then who are active now as well.
Back then Dr. Wodarg was right.
from his website, most is in german but halfway down there is an english aticle, a short quote from there:
We are currently not measuring the incidence of coronavirus diseases, but the activity of the specialists searching for them.”
The inventor of the PCR test for corona is Dr Drosten, the comment copied from Dr. Wodarg’s website:
Drostens test detects SARS-like viruses, that preexisted worldwide before Wuhan.
„These virus-positive samples stemmed from European rhinolophid bats. Detection of these phylogenetic outliers within the SARS-related CoV clade suggests that all Asian viruses are likely to be detected.“
In official Media Dr. Wodarg got attacked personally but not refuted professionally.
Moreover, most alternative cures were shot down or not talked about in western Media,
be that chloroquine, vitamin C in high dosage or other things.
To put numbers in perspective the death rate in Germany is a bit over 1% per year, with some 80 milloin people that comes to 2200 per day.
double digit deaths from Corona are but not the reason to shut the country down when every flu season has a way higher death toll.
The strange thing is that it feels like that “someone” gave an order to all world leaders who obey this order. Almost the whole world is shut down and nobody has reliable data to back it up.
That leads to the question what is really going on.
Very good points, Gunther.
My sentiments exactly.
There is so much omission of genuine information in the media – as if orchestrated from above.
Latest update for March 29 from Swiss Propaganda Research:
“March 29, 2020
The latest data from the German Robert Koch Institute show that the increase in test-positive persons is proportional to the increase in the number of tests, i.e. in percentage terms it remains roughly the same. This may indicate that the increase in the number of cases is mainly due to an increase in the number of tests, and not due to an ongoing epidemic.
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology in Mainz, Germany, wrote an Open Letter to German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel, calling for an urgent reassessment of the response to Covid19 and asking the Chancellor five crucial questions.
The Milan microbiologist Maria Rita Gismondo calls on the Italian government to stop communicating the daily number of „corona positives“ as these figures are „fake“ and put the population in unnecessary panic. The number of test-positives depends very much on the type and number of tests and says nothing about the state of health.
Dr. John Ioannidis, Stanford Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, gave an in-depth one-hour interview on the lack of data for Covid19 measures.
The Argentinean virologist Pablo Goldschmidt, who lives in France, still considers the political reaction to Covid19 as „completely exaggerated“ and warns against „totalitarian measures“.”
Well fine, of course it doesn’t add up, like Mark Twain said “Truth is Stranger than Fiction has to make Sense”
Why is that nobody is looking at the places that got hit the hardest versus places that didn’t get hit at all, … especially given all other things equal.
Perhaps the wrong question has been asked all along.
Rather than asking why has god rolled the dice and destroyed Israel’s enemy’s.
1.) China’s infrastructure – Wuhan – The Chicago of China
2.) Iran, China #1 source of oil
3.) Italy, China’s #1 source of Euro’s via Chinese owing 100’s of textile-leather factory’s in North&Central Italy, that are the most expensive fashion-brands on earth.
Perhaps rather than asking, Why did god randomly put this virus in the above places perhaps we should be asking,..
1.) Why is Russia have no deaths, and very few infections?? 160M people are immune? Yet Russia also like Italy, or Iran has very large “Chinese Community’s” within its borders.
2.) Why does Israel not have a huge infection rate? Why does Israel have little to no deaths? Israel has huge Chinese presence, as Chinese build the roads, bridges, tunnels, and ports in Israel. Why are Israel’s Chinese community’s not hit, but Italy’s were wiped out??
Yes something is very strange; But there is a common denominator, and it begins in UK, with the Bank-of-England. Uk belongs to AIIB, so does Israel, so does China; Israel belongs to SCO, Russia too is involved in SCO&AIIB.
Why has SE-ASIA quit accepting Foreign Currency some three weeks ago? USD&Euro’s are not worthless in paper form. Why did UK (BOE) call for banning paper currency on March 1, but only to date SE-ASIA implement?? Now they’re saying they don’t know when they’ll be accepting $100 USD bills, they may even ban local paper-currency, that only the old people are in the way of progress. Last year we had the option to do all purchasing and banking on our phones, most people didn’t sign up, I sure didn’t, why would I risk having my phone stolen, and see my bank account depleted?
Parks, you all know that National-Parks are closed in USA, but they’re closed in China as well, in DALI ( 2,000KM from Wuhan remote wilderness ) which is like the “Yosemite” of China, along with Li-Jang all the trailheads and national parks are closed. But the quarantines have been lifted, Parks remain closed.
A lot of this reads like the Agenda-21 wish-list; Everything on the wish-list is being enforced in the name of the virus. Who ordered this? Lot’s of Gov’s fought like hell, even Orange Man fought the virus but lost. Lots of leaders in SE-ASIA wanted to keep the country’s ‘open for business’ but they lost, and now all the borders are sealed. Just as is wished by Agenda-21.
Your comments always reveal something interesting. This time you mention the name of the name of yet another pretender to fame by imitating PCR. For those who do not know, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique invented by the late American Biochemist Kary Banks Mullis. He was of the opinion that using PCR for AIDS testing was inappropriate and would produce inconclusive results. The establishment labeled him an AIDS dissident despite the fact that he had been awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The man was a genius.
PCR has been an absolutely revolutionary tool in molecular genetics. I was a PhD student just as it started rolling out in research labs: folks were manually transferring racks of tubes between three water baths over a 3hrs period. All before Perkin Elmer brought out the first PCR machines which made all of our lives change for ever.
The thing is, it is better suited for bioengineering and sequencing than for quanititative diagnostics, in many cases. You can synthesise and sequence almost any DNA strand you want nowadays.
Quantitative diagnostics is another matter, however. It can be done, but all it does it detect presence of RNA/DNA, it is not detecting infectious particles, nor is it detecting spread. It is not ideal. But if it is all you have, it is better than nothing. ELISA tests for particular proteins tend to be more quantitative….
Folks slamming PCR are ignorant idiots: it is one of the top 10 most important biological inventions since 1900.
My thoughts exactly. But who could force Russia, China, and Iran to “lockdown” and destroy their economies? Surely no “western” potentate could force Russia and Asian states into conformity.
Thank-you, Mansoureh … I’ve had the same suspicions myself!
Things do not add up … there is more going on than we are being told!
I assume that the Chinese health authorities, and especially Dr. George Gao, head of their CCDC, made similar calculations and decided to proceed with a civil defense exercise and lock down Wuhan.
A correspondent, Valerie Van Kerckhove, agreed, “I actually find the response by the Chinese government to be extremely interesting. It seems like it’s overblowing the matter on purpose. Considering the low number of cases (compared to China’s population) and low death rates, it feels like the Chinese government is overblowing fears on purpose, with maps filled with dark areas and shutting down everything everywhere (and this is during China’s most important holiday season).
“I suspect it’s practicing for when a Really serious disease breaks out, the sort with people dying like flies. So I find all this fuss quite interesting. We’ve been warned about a potential superbug outbreak for years, and now we can see how the response will look like. No doubt the Chinese government is busy taking notes on what it could have done better.
“Not to mention, I don’t think most Westerners realize just how big Wuhan is, just how significant Chinese New Year is in terms of people moving around and just how many people go in and out of those wet markets every day. That’s like, tens of thousands of people leaving the wet markets, taking public transport then going home to expose all their visiting relatives, and all those people in turn going to all sorts of crowded areas too. With a high enough contagion rate, we’d easily be at 1 million infected. The fact that we haven’t reached such numbers means that this virus isn’t That bad.”
Godfree, your analysis at Unz (both articles) has been the most precise to date. Add in the evidence of no excess mortality anywhere (I have been beating this drum), high pollution (specially dust) that explains hot spots, numerous pieces of evidence pointing at the virus circulating in Fall (not all of them reported by you), intentionally faulty data handling to show mortality rates 10 to 100 times higher than in reality, and the picture is complete. Numerous interviews with immunologists provide plenty confirmation.
The globalist press has shown well established, previously observed patterns, including slight variations according to degree of alignment. On the day trillions were given to Wall Street, 6 CV-related news led every page, leaving Trump’s generosity at 7th or later. Now we just have to wait for Wall Street to buy those profitable companies which will be unable to reopen, using the 1.5 trillion given to them.
Your correspondent, Valerie Van Kerckhove, raises some good points Godfree.
The PRC’s response is certainly remarkable. I’ve been keeping track of it for weeks.
The Chinese were spooked by the SARS outbreak in 2002/3 and, according to Nature , prompted them to build, with French assistance, the BSL-4 Lab in Wuhan, their first and only BSL-4 lab. SARS was caused by a Coronavirus.
Reports of a new strain of CoV killing people in Hubei naturally brought up the spectre of SARS amongst PRC officials. They had no information about the origin of the virus and it’s natural history. China was the worst affected with about 7,000 cases and 750 fatalities (WHO data). They did not want a repeat of SARS, assumed the worse and swung into action. With so many uncertainties at that time — naturally evolved virus, escaped virus or bio-warfare — they conducted a civil defence exercise (as in doing for real, not rehearsing/practicing), basically to save lives but also to test the CD machinery and perhaps send a signal to their adversaries to show their preparedness in facing CBRN threats.
In the meantime, in the context of great power politics, PRC’s adversaries (collective West and its satraps) were intent on extracting maximum gain from China’s misery — until the virus turned around and hit them. Now there’s pandemonium in US, UK and Europe save perhaps Germany which is acting sensibly like the ROK and Japan. Lest people lump them as ‘deniers’ of the crisis, note that these three countries are not blase and are taking precautions. Sensible precautions.
Again in the context of great power politics, now that the table has turned, PRC is maximizing its PR gain — winning hearts and minds — by using so-called soft-power to assist countries in need, solidify existing friendships and make new friends. And it’s making good inroads. In the meantime the integrity of the EU is being threatened, with old sores reopening; and that of the Atlantic relationship as well — there’re hints of dog-eat-dog behaviour emerging with reports of Trump trying to poach German vaccine researchers. Many Germans are look at it as taking MAGA too far. The panic, mainly generated by their own MSM, is coming back to bite them. Sad images of medics and nurses crying in Hubei are now being reprised in Lombardy, Madrid and New York. The ruling elites in the US, EU and the rest are trying to save their grimy neck by shifting the blame to China.
The PRC has handled its epidemic remarkably well. Italy has suffered the most fatalities to date with its epidemic. Many lessons can be drawn from these two countries for sure but many of those lessons should also be taken with caution.
Good essay, I suspect the same. Nice to see on this site space for alternate well argued views whereas some others are threatening to ban posters not agreeing with the bloggers view of shutting down the world.
Every single thing always adds up, and it always has.
It always will.
You are both gifted, and intelligent.
If you look at the entirety of the whole situation, honestly, then you will certainly see the truth.
May God’s mercy be upon us.
thank you for this, extremely enlightening and helpful. nawruz mubarak
“Why this year? Why this way? Why at all?”
These questions have spun around in my head for weeks now, sadly im not finding any logic answers.
Thank you for the tips in your article.
God bless you all.
Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention
and Treatment (english) pdf:
It’s a weapon of mass distraction. The real deal, I am coming to believe, is the big bailouts we are seeing being funded in the U$$A and the UKreign, etc – in just those countries with the biggest claimed fatalities and the biggest social clampdowns. Similar to 2008 but this time securing not only banks that are “too big to fail” but the too-big-to-fail Big Businesses (airlines for example), and on a far larger scale.
The best thing you can do to avoid infection is to sleep >7 hours a day. Studies show that for viruses such as this, there is a 3 times greater risk of infection if you sleep an average of less than 7 hours a day, and time of day isn’t that important. The immune system weakens greatly from lack of sleep.
Suspicions are arroused more and more day by day.
This would explain why there is such resistance to widespread testing.
If all deaths are reliably recorded, an examination of what has happened versus what was expected to happen should yield the truth eventually, if not immediately.
With people practicing good hygiene, the death toll may actually shrink.
The death toll from a desiccated economy will be a complicating factor.
Please read this open letter to Merkel. It is a real eye-opener.
The Masters who are at the top of the nascent New World Order (at least in the West) are committed Luciferians and closely follow astrological indicators. Do a search on the 2008-2023 transit of Pluto in Capricorn to see the timeline and influence. The NWO sees a shortening window of time in which they can take control of the world. This is why we are now seeing such over-reaction, because during this period of implemented fear, the NWO can direct their lackeys in our governments to enact totalitarian legislation without resistance, which is exactly what we are seeing. These legislations will be used later (in the next few years) to implement the real lockdowns and other atrocities, again without resistance – all with a view to creating a World Order under the control of the Masters.
People have exactly two options. Either the masses must organize and revolt violently to take their freedoms and lives back from the Masters of the NWO, or you must individually put yourselves in the hands of God and live your life as He commands to save your soul. What is that you believe in?
And after Pluto’s eventual egress from Capricorn – Pluto in Aquarius. Let’s research that too. Aquarius is the Revolutionary of the Zodiac. Allegedly forward-looking societally; forward-looking as in Brotherhood of Man in-itself and for-itself. Which takes us politically to the Leftists – the Godless socialists and the communists, and the Democrats in the U$$A. Let’s consider that Pluto in Aquarius might transform people’s enchantment with socialism and its tacit motto of “free stuff, everywhere, for everyone, for ever”, and turn it into disenchantment. Perhaps even a new conception of socialism might emerge, one not rooted in Marx and its current manifiestation as the notion of “what’s in for me-me-me?”, but in a long forgotten notion of community rights, ie a recognition that not just individuals but communities also have rights.
Dead right Jason. The time to strike is now.
Irrespective of their plans this NWO lot are fools, and dont realize their plans will fail. They will end up like King Louis facing the chop.
@ Mansoureh Tajik. Sir you are truly a Learned man.
“I must add that this number represents all cases that were classified as “confirmed cases” not based on accurate and actual testing of each case but based on an administrative decision by hospitals and by participating countries’ respective ministries of health”
The above words are summed by the phrase:-“Bangui protocol”. A W.H.O approved tool, for rapid field AIDS “testing” in the Sub-Sahara. The words below remind me of Dr Anthony Fauci – the crafty AIDS warrior of note.
“I listen to well-known “experts” in the field (connected to CDC, WHO, NIH, and others) and I can see how, in a very crafty way, they try to conflate and augment COVID-19 with other factors, other numbers, and other events to make this real but manageable infectious disease into a giant crisis of global proportion that it is not. Again, I ask myself why?”
Covid-19 is allegedly a new disease/syndrome but the script is old. This article clearly reveal the contents of that script to everybody.
Daniel, Mansoureh is a Lady, not a Sir. Like you, I am very happy for her contribution and most of the comments here.
With the low infection rate in Mexico, could it be that the population developed immunity because Covid19 was in the country a while back. Let nature take its course.
There is way too much hyperbole around this situation.
Simple facts – it’s a corona-virus like sars or mers, but more contagious, because it:
– has long incubation period and 50%+ infected show no/light symptoms at all
– is contagious in those stages of incubation
– thorough antibody testing is just starting, so no reliable stats about the true spread of the virus
– no vaccine and knowledge about immunity
on the other hand:
mers/sars were more deadly and had shorter incubation periods, thus were easier to contain
Basically I think, regardless of the origins of the virus (lab, mutation or w/e), authorities are in a panic mode right now, because the western health system is hardly able to handle large scale pandemics. That some actors are trying to profit of this is a given, too. No good capitalist lets a crisis go by without making someting out of it.
You can see the bluster in every move the West makes. While China/Russia/Cuba are sending aid to the world, the west engages its brainwashing commanders to demonize them. It’s a sad thing to be watching, to be honest.
Stay healthy, comrades
One of the summarized key points the author wrote was “2. Most people who do experience symptoms (with different intensity) recover within 4 to 9 days.”
How is “recovery” of any type of malady typically identified by the medical practitioner? The answer is, the patient no longer displays symptoms of the illness.
However with respect to COVID-19, the public is told a person who is asymptomatic (no symptoms) may have COVID-19 and still be able to spread the disease. That flies in the face of normal clinical observation as stated above.
There have been no documented cases that prove an asymptomatic person spreads the disease that I have read about so far. No laboratory tests, no controlled experiments that prove this can happen with COVID-19.
Here is an article from Scientific American that says otherwise.
See: .
It turns out Mr. Joseph the author, based his article on a finding reported in the NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine). Further investigation showed the NEJM was in error as it did not thoroughly vet its source.
Here is another article from JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)
See: .
The title of the article shows that based upon the observation of the subjects, it is “presumed” that asymptomatic patient number 1 spread the disease to her family. But this cannot be confirmed since patient 1 was in contact with patient number 6 who was the first to display symptoms before any of the other 5 family members.(see figure in the article). Because patient 1 was the last family member to test positive for COVID-19, the conclusion was that she is believed to have spread the disease to the rest of her family. But couldn’t patient 6 have been the carrier since she was the first one to test positive? That is a reasonable hypothesis as well since it is possible that people have different incubation periods than others.
Now take a read at this article that concludes in the first paragraph that patient number 1 who displayed no symptoms, spread the disease to her family.
See: .
The article incorrectly states that patient number 1 never became ill but the JAMA article never disclosed if she became sick, only that she was the last family member to test positive. The article then quotes an article in the Business Insider that approximately half the passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship had tested positive for COVID-19 but showed no symptoms. The fallacy suggests the asymptomatic patients spread the disease to each other but failed to confirm the number of passengers who did exhibit symptoms as the ones who actually spread the disease.
The public must think and carefully analyze what they are being told by news sites that rush a story with unverified facts. The takeaway at this point is that COVID-19 is spread by an infected patient who displays airborne transmission symptoms only (e.g., coughing, sneezing, post-nasal drip) until otherwise confirmed.
@poke the truth
“However with respect to COVID-19, the public is told a person who is asymptomatic (no symptoms) may have COVID-19 and still be able to spread the disease. That flies in the face of normal clinical observation as stated above”
I fully agree with your observations. However, the notion of an asymptomatic person transmitting disease is a trick that was first Postulated during the AIDS epidemic. When prudent scientists rebutted the notion as “non factual”, they were ridiculed, denied funding & excommunicated under the label of “dissidents”. You may poke the truth, but poking the “Establishment” is a risky undertaking..
There’s no denying the fact that Covid-19 has become a threat but I believe the MSM have purposefully create a worldwide panic around this virus. One must be very suspicious when the MSM are suddenly drumming the same beat about any issue.
Another nice piece @Tajik, brilliantly done as always.
Thank you for the fine article. I am going to eat some raw garlic for sure. Living in SoCal I have never seen so many people riding bicycles, walking, hiking, etc. . Amazing what can happen when you shut down the endless sports entertainment industry that keeps people glued to the tv on a perfectly nice day. We are as a society so dumbed down that we believe the media, and hope that our political class will see us through. We have celebrity pastors of alleged Christian churches living in multiple million dollar homes. Everything is a scam.
This virus is a giant leap forward from the 9/11 hoax. I do not have much faith in the strength of my fellow citizens to fight for our freedoms, or what is left of our Republic. I believe in Christ, and in my eternal salvation. I am almost 60 years old and will live what is left of my life on those terms.
This is an excellent article. As well as providing a real window into the illness and its treatment, the author also flags the many gaping holes in the “epidemic” narrative.
It would really interesting to see the questions which he raises answered. The big problem now is that anyone who dares to questions the official narrative runs the very real danger of being destroyed by the media et al.
Thank you for your insights. It’s a privilege to know more about the way people are dealing with this in Iran. I also share some of your skepticism about this corona black hole.
I stopped reading at the end of the second paragraph. good luck out there.
That makes two of us.
Interesting isn’t it…the “it’s just a hoax” brigade now prevails strongly here on The Saker site…you and I appear to be outnumbered by about 25:1. So too by extension then I assume the “do next to nothing” strategists also dominate.
Meanwhile, the US mortality doubling rate is somewhere between 2 and three days.
Assuming the MR doubling rate settled at 3 then the 100,000 death toll mark would be surpassed on 15 April.
Even if by some sort of miracle it went out to 4 days, the death count would still be at 25,000 on that date with the 100,000 barrier broken a mere 8 days later on April 23.
It remains to be seen what the dominant narrative will be with any of these scenarios’s…just a bit of a bad run with seasonal bad colds and flu perhaps?
And a quote from the below link…
“The map, which was posted to Twitter by global flight tracking service Flightradar24, shows the US covered in tiny yellow planes that represent flights over the country.”
“Of the 4800 flights we’re currently tracking worldwide, two-thirds are seen in this image,” Flightradar24 said about the image.
Thank you greatly for this account on how people are dealing with the pandemic in Iran under such difficult circumstances. I note my husband and I had something very corona-like in January and used nutrition, constant sips of turmeric/ginger tea, lots of vitamin C and especially raw garlic to get over it (biting off tiny bits and chewing them slowly). It is good to know others are also finding that effective. I consider your article a real service to the people of the world.
Well, let’s turn the table. We all have been used to “react to ever changing reality”, which is “produced” by Americans. We implicitly expect that they are clever and all other nations just react to their shenanigans. Although they are clever in money laundering, weapons production, killing innocent people all around the world and propaganda. But mostly that’s it.
What if Chinese are a little bit cleverer? Chinese decided to make a greatest lockdown in human history on two purposes. First, to make sure that this virus (which could be a bio weapon) doesn’t spread as a wild fire arounf China and make a major testing scenario for the future. Second, to make a sort of a “lockdown template” which all other countries will follow: first EU, then America: lockdown everything, people, businesses, just everything. China will come from this economic battle almost uninjured. But the West, especially America, will suffer. It might be just a clever game from Chinese to “de-dollarize” the world and put Americans on their knees.
Maybe, just maybe, we are now witnessing that some other superpower is proactively making our reality, and all the West is just reacting to it. Sun-Tzu comes to mind.
@2nd opinion :-)
You nailed it. Many things that do not add up start to add up if we look it from new point of view. I myself came to the same conclusion, but was never able to articulate it. Russians openly said that this was a great opportunity to test their readiness for similar situation.
So far, this crisis revealed interesting things:
1) It is quite possible to sell to people whatever propaganda, to most people, at least. Those who did not fall for the trick are in such minority therefore irrelevant
2) People will accept draconian measures with little push-back
So far, so good for globalists. However, there is more:
3) Some countries are more ready to handle bio warfare than others
4) Some countries/nations are more willing to help than others
5) For profit health system is an utmost failure – incapable to deal with any disturbances
I better stop listings, Dmitri Orlov both predicted and explained it in his book “5 Stages of Collapse”.
Your posting – it does provide additional parameters so the picture becomes clear, and all things add up.
Thank you
You talk of selling the propaganda. However it is worth bearing in mind that the “propaganda” being sold is backed up with heavily armed police who won’t think twice about arresting dissenters or imposing crippling fines.
This is exactly what I tried to convey in numerous comments.
I would add that in the West they had no other option bcs the Just-in-time business model broke down. As long as China is dragging their feet with restarting deliveries they hold the world hostage.
God only knows how the Western govs misuse this lockdown. I’m starting to see CCTVs put up, most likely during the police hours. God only knows what else they r doing unnoticed at night.
I was looking for a “boots on the ground” article.
Many thanks for share it.
It´s a “drop of common sense” in this immense sea of hysteria, lies and deception.
Many thanks, be safe, all of you..!
The pandemic scare will run until China resumes deliveries to the ROW.
China is holding the world hostage. China uses the pandemic as an excuse to shut down production. China is signaling the world all your service based economies are nothing without my production.
The WHO and UN are complicit. They are a tool of China / the globalist. It is China which pays most into the UN budget therefore China runs things and decides, not the US (wrong popular belief).
The Western govs use the corona hysteria to hide the fact that their economies would grind to a hold with China shutdown, virus or not. They are also 100% globalists.
I’m in accordance with Mr Tajiks analysis (especially on the suspicious classification of “cause of death” by administration officials) up to the point where he cites yearly death tolls v. projected deaths by covid 19. This is more of a correction rather than refutation: to compare an established epidemic to an emerging one is tricky at best as the emerging one can be claimed to have a far greater potential (this is scary concept the pharma folk are drilling into the masses) once “established”. Also, from what I have read/ heard, the PCR test amplifies bits of foreign DNA/ RNA from samples to be detected by other methods. The test is easily contaminated AND even if done correctly, only detects non-specific coronovirus debris. There is then a significant statistical probability that any non- covid 19 coronovirus could lead to a false positive. This test, nor any others sanctioned in Western society give any useful information on viral load of the individual, which is critical in assessing it’s etiology (progress). The vilification, bureaucratic foot dragging of existing generic drugs/ treatments (such as Chloroquine), is another modality the technocrats are using to limit options by the public. I would guess one reasonable (and entirely unprovable in the system the technocracy protects itself with) motive might be to create a diversion from a far more harmful policy they are rolling out to consolidate their terms of power/ control.
…”Gargling with salt water and nasal rinsing with the same every 3 hours or so keeps both the numbers and the viability of the viruses in the mouth, throat, and nasal passages lower. Please note, the salt water does not actively kill any viruses or bacteria. It does, however, change the available water and pressure in viral-infected tissue and bacterial cells within the mucus of the respiratory system (i.e. through salt-triggered osmosis). Once the water is drawn out of the viral and bacterial cells, the virus ceases to propagate easily and it becomes more manageable for the immune system to fight the infection.”…
This will help, and we use this product.
In Australia there is no real evidence of any health issues other than a lot of media and Govt reports claiming infections and deaths.
Notably we have had this stream of famous people being tested positive for this gremlin virus from Tom Hanks to Trudeau’s wife to Prince Charles which serves to give the story prima facie credibility.
I can only but wonder what is the agenda going on, as even the UK Govt and the Palace are involved.
Many people are now starting to wake up that this is a scam and imagine how angry they will be after a few months of this and people have lost jobs along with shortages of various things in stores. Will those Govts be electable again ?
So what is the game plan ?
Is this a terror exercise for something down the track eg like comet strike they know is coming and wont disclose ?
Is it to damage businesses to achieve a dual goal of ousting Trump and running business either into liquidation or debt so the moneychangers can come in a buy them for cents of the dollar ?
Is it to cause a global production shortage, particularly of food, to kill off a billion people ?
Some reports allege its to slip in digital currency under the guise its needed because physical money – paper and coins – are infected.
Whatever it is their game plan will backfire.
Your new conspiracy theory already has a hole in it. China is not top contributor to the U.N. The U.S.A. is #1, Japan is #2 and China is #3. Further, China’s version of ‘globalist’ is much different than the western version. It involves mutually beneficial trade and cooperation with all willing and sovereign nations. The western version is the ‘rules based order’ of goodness where the U.S. military is used as a club to beat down, steal from and knock into line anyone who does not go along.
Who is extending help to countries in need? Only those who resist the rules based order. Who is threatening and attacking the entire world of nations? The answer is not hard to see.
Australia – Further Comment.
In recent weeks in going around to shops I have noted this pattern where large store chains are peddling the CV-19 virus, whereas small independent stores are not.
The large stores are doing things like:- not accepting cash only card payments claiming notes & coins are a risk; having both inside and outside barriers and staff wearing masks & gloves and they go to shelves to get stock for customers; only allowing limited number of people in stores at a time; requiring customer to smear sanatizing lotion on their hands before entry; opening hours reduced or stores being closed.
To me its all very amusing and telling.
Then there are the supply chains where certain essentials are out of stock or in limited supply. This is puzzeling as production goes on all the time. Why are some things available and others not ? It would appear the supply tap of critical things has simply been turned off.
All this would appear to me to indicate the larger business have been given their instructions and will be getting $ compensation for going along with this story. And surprise surprise that compensation has been signalled.
There are also no masses of people going round coughing or looking ill.
AU PM ScoMo was looking very red faced the past few days – perhaps he realizes this stunt he’s been ordered to push will backfire on them badly ?
I am from Australia.
Noticing similar things in Melbourne area.
Please keep us posted.
The experience of Italy, Germany, Japan, China, etc is factually presented here, with available medical data.
I expect you will find it surprising if you have formed your idea of the virus from the media.
In addition I recommend this video interview w an eminent specialist on epidemiology &
public health, which is here.
I personally feel that if we are to fulfill our responsibility as citizens to judge whether the measures taken are warranted that it is time to leave behind the anecdotal & strive for actual knowledge. (No disrespect intended.)
Lady Penelope,
I report what I see and sense.
If Prince Charles heir to the Crown of the Commonwealth had it and was at risk there would be endless headlines and panic and even been non disclosure of that fact.
You can guarantee none of these famous people tested positive will die of it – if they do I may start to believe.
As I said in another post, if there is something happening Im wondering if this is a northern hemisphere problem as it isnt as clean up there as in the southern hemisphere. It has more people, colder temperatures, more damp air & pollution and less oxygen.
Show me masses of bodies and independent medical people swearing to the fact they died of it.
Want proof girl – not just media reports.
As above someone brought to the attention funds concerning UNO.
However, we should look and inform ourselves who funds and contributes to the World Health Organization because this organization is – as well known – “monitoring and leading” our global “information” and “actions” when it concerns to health problems as well as what should be implemented for remedies etc.
Therefore, a lot of info is on the internet, no problem.
To the point: WHO is mostly funded – i.e. 80 % – through voluntary donations. And only about 18-20% by states.
The point is: if some donators have special interests/wishes the Who wouldn’t be able to neglect.
That’s my opinion. For example the Gates Foundation and others. If there are funds coming from big Pharma companies – I think through some “vested names” or “Foundations” etc. the problem would be big. And brainwashing the masses would be necessary.
Here is a website with weekly mortality data for most european countries.
Italy is up, Switzerland is a litte up and most other countries mortality is down. Scroll down for the graphs.
From the article:
Has such a causal link been established. Where is the original research proving that Covid-19 is a pathogen in the first place? What we do know is that in Oct 2019 the Bill Gates Foundation simulated a deadly coronavirus pandemic and a few weeks later we were told a deadly novel coronavirus had been found. But where is the proof?
In this short video WHO ‘expert’ Catherine Smallwood evades the question when asked when/how was causation established:
In addition:
* We aren’t seeing any new kind of symptoms, nor any measurable kind of impact in death rates.
* Nor are we seeing an impact on the arguably most vulnerable demographic – babies and children. All we’re really seeing is mostly elderly people with underlying health issues die off.
* The criteria for a confirmed case of Covid-19 is simply a positive test. However the test itself is flawed, throwing up false positives. The manufacturer of the test itself states that it should not be used for diagnostic purposes.
It should be noted that the Bill Gates Foundation is the second top donor to the WHO (bumped up to top donor following the US pull-out). The next biggest donors to the WHO are GAVI – and GAVI was founded by the Bill Gates Foundation. GAVI is highly interwoven with the UK government and pharmaceutical lobby, and involved in the vaccination process. Bill Gates is a founding partner in another company, this one is called the ID2020 Alliance, and its goal is to give every human being on earth a digital ID. How do they plan on accomplishing this feat? By combining mandatory vaccinations with implantable microchips.
What an excellent article. So different; so illuminating. I understand that the Iranian people, just from my limited but not utterly ignorant, reading and understanding…were before the the 1979 “Revolution,” among the most educated and progressive, (in the good way), in the world. This is not to dismiss The US Gov’s usual intervention in the the Shah and all that; but I forgot most of what I knew about it.
I imagine the Iranian people – at least those my age – still are.
I, for one, would be very interested in those thoughts you decided to leave out.
Thank tou Sir, and thank you Saker.