Dear friends,
First, a small announcement: I am working with a few friends to try to get a daily “Operation Z SITREP” posted in our SITREP section. This would contain the latest news and the maps that so many like so much. This is still a work in the planning stages, but I hope to get the ball rolling reasonably soon.
Next, according to Chechen sources, Chechen special operations have entered the Azovstal factory in Mariupol. This is too important a claim to be accepted yet, but there are many indirect reports which seem to confirm the veracity of this claim. If so, then that means that most of the residential areas of Mariupol have now been liberated from the Nazi terrorists of the Azov battalion. If the combat operation inside or near the Azovstal buildings is still going on, well that means that very soon Mariupol will be denazified which, considering that the Nazi forces inside the city were just about the most evil and yet quite combat capable units available to the Ukronazi regime, the final liberation of Mariupol will mean a huge difference for the entire operation.
Check this video by Gonzalo Lira to get a full picture of why Mariupol is so crucial.

This is a photo of the head of the Chechen special forces of the Russian national guard, Adam Delimkhanov, coordinating combat activities this afternoon in Mariupol (look here: and here to see how much the West hates this man!)
Speaking of Gonzalo Lira, I am extremely worried about him, he has said that he would post a YT report every 12 hours, and by now it has been sixteen (16!). And, considering this, I am frankly anxiously waiting for him to give a sign of life. Gonzalo, if you read these words (who knows?) I recommend that you try to get out towards the Russian lines if at all possible. If somebody has his email, please send it to me, I would like to contact him.
If you have any news from/about him, please let me know.
Now turning to Zone A:
This is the kind of stuff one can see in the London subway, I was told.
True or false? Who knows, but the point is that it pretty much encompasses the traditional British view of the Russian people. Again, these types of “coming outs” are fantastically important for the future of Russia, so I encourage them.
Which brings me to the official narrative.
I think that it is finally cracking. Here and there in the official corporate media, there are articles about some Ukrainian fakes, other articles question the wisdom to go to war with Russia over what is a dead, corrupt, Nazi country 404.
The reports about the Russians losing a million tanks, soldiers, missiles and men are gradually being replaced with more sober assessments and the maps produced by Western outlets are gradually starting to look more or less similar to the maps produced by the various “Putin propaganda outlets”.
I see two things coming next:
- The much announced “Russian atrocity” false flag (several have failed over the past few days, including one chemical one which was thwarted when the wind blew in the “wrong” direction – that is away from the targeted town.
- Poland will try to convince the USA to allow it to hide behind Uncle Shmuel’s back and conduct a “peacekeeping operation” to create a mini-Banderastan in western Ukraine.
Now there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the USA wants three things:
- A war lasting as long as possible
- As many civilian victims as possible
- To flood the Ukraine with weapons to then direct a “stay-behind” insurgency
I am not at all convinced that the USA will go along with the Polish plan. Why? Because I believe that a Russian Iskander strike INSIDE POLAND (similar to the ones we saw in Iavorov, the ammo dump in Kiev and in Novaia Liubomirka) is a quasi-certitude (remember: Russia IS ready to fight both NATO and the US together!). BTW – the one in Iavorov blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?
Bottom line is that if the Polacks organize another little “peacekeeping training camp” and think that the Russians won’t dare to strike a NATO country they are quite wrong. They are probably too dumb/delusional to realize that, but the folks at the US DoD probably do and don’t need this. Why, well precisely because NATO member or not, Article 5 or not, nobody will come to aid the Polacks against the wrath of the entire Russian military, the manpower and resources needed is not there anyway…
Unless the Russians and the US Americans agree to a partition of the Ukraine. Not likely, but always possible. It is going to almost certainly happen anyway, the only way to prevent that is Russian tanks at the Polish border, and not just for a quick visit, but to create something like the 201st base in Tajikistan.
Anyway, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, this is all still in the future.
Want a good laugh?

No, this is not an early April’s First joke!
Here is how low CNN has sunk, check out this truly priceless headline: twice poisoned and still very much alive, amazing! Russian “biowarfare killers” really need more training if they can’t even kill a guy but kill his pets (Skripal), they can’t poison a Russian citizen inside Russia (Navalnyi) and fail to kill that guy (his name is Vladimir Kara-Murza, he is a common criminal) TWICE!
KGB killers are not what they used to be…
What about the events on the front line?
I won’t into details here but I will offer a few bullet points
- Very heavy combats near Avdeevka and Mariupol.
- Combat pretty much everywhere the line of contact, which result in slow positional warfare with artillery exchanges and very careful mopping up building by building and even room by room.
- On average Russian forces advance between 5 and 20 kilometers per day, which is rather fast against a defense in depth prepared for years.
- The key cities of Kiev and Odessa are almost completely blocked, but not fully surrounded yet.
- The Black Sea fleet basically controls the entire Ukie coast and all of the Black Sea itself.
- The Black Sea fleet also prevents any resupply of Odessa from Romania.
- Russia has full air superiority over the entire Ukie airspace
- The Ukies are STILL firing both Tochka-U and Grad/Smerch missiles in the general direction of liberated cities just to create as many casualties as possible, but the Russians have become very skilled at not only shooting down these missiles (the destruction ratio has gone up very sharply) but also destroying the key Ukrainian ammo dumps where they hide those missiles (this is what happened with the big building in downtown Kiev which the Russians totally vaporized with one perfectly aimed Iskander missile. If you have not seen this amazing video, you can quickly re-watch it here:
And here is a video of what the Ukies were hiding under this commercial building (photo from a local resident since disappeared by the Ukie SBU:
And, finally, I want to share something very important with you: the Ukronazi forces cannot resupply or rotate themselves. Why?
- Because moving around when the air is full of Mi-24/35s, Mi-28Ns, and Ka-52s in “free hunting” mode requires a type of courage very few people have.
- Because most roads are carefully monitored by multi-sensor Russian reconnaissance/intelligence capabilities
- Because more big roads (you cannot use small dirt roads to resupply or rotate effectively) are either already physically controlled by the Russians or are “shot through”, which in Russian indicate that while Russian soldiers have reached each other and hugged they can shoot at any location from these roads from any side.
So it does not matter how motivated the Ukrainians are. Even if we assume 100% of the Ukrainians are well trained, well-armed and would rather die than retreat or surrender, they still need many TONS of stuff (food, ammo, water, MREs, medicine, batteries, petroleum, diesel, lubricants, oil and many more things!) EVERY DAY. Just to give you an idea, read this pretty decent discussion of some aspects of logistics by the US military.
So once the Ukies are blocked by Russians, it is essentially over for them. Anybody with a basic understanding of modern warfare can confirm that to you.
Add to this in the very first day Russia destroyed all the Ukie communication centers and capabilities in the first few hours of the operation, and you will see that while the Ukrainian side has “brigades” and “battalions” these are all undermanned and, crucially, cannot cooperate with each other. In other words, they cannot jointly maneuver to support each other.
To put it in the simplest terms, the Ukrainians are not able to conduct any operations, and that is why all their so-called “counter-attacks” always fail and mostly never even materialized. At best, they can destroy a Russian checkpoint, blow up a truck or even shoot down a helicopter, but none of that solves their real problem which is that they are now mostly reduced to WWI type of warfare against a 21st-century ultra-modern military which has the total control of the situation.
That’s it for today. I really have to stop because I have a roaring repetitive stress injury (RSI) in my right hand because I spend waaaaaaaaaay too much time on my keyboard. I already use a brace to protect my thumb, but even that does not help. So I will sign off for the day and be back tomorrow, God willing.
Kind regards
PS: found a very decent map of the situation on Telegram (the place to go for good info!). Does anybody know where this map is originally from?
Confirmed: Nazis are the proxy army of the US imperialists against Russia in Ukraine
Now, we have another fanatic foreign legion of the USA, in addition to Al-Qaeda. Glorious!
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Enough with the Uncle Schmuel garbage.
What is the situation around Izyum because that could be the biggest game changer?
Fights continue around Izyum, but there is no major progress yet. Ukies have still plenty of cannon fodder and pieces of scrap metal to throw at Russians.
They have been pretty much beaten in Izyum. The fighting has now moved to the city directly to the south that starts with a K. The Ukies are fighting very hard and well.
@Robert Lindsay
//They have been pretty much beaten in Izyum. The fighting has now moved to the city directly to the south that starts with a K. The Ukies are fighting very hard and well.//
They’re effectively encircling Izyum. The Ukies who are fighting there will soon suffer the same fate as those who are in Mariupol.
The Ukies have been driven out of Izyum. They were holding out in the outskirts for a while but they’re done. The Russians are establishing control of Kamenka, in the direction of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Those advances threaten the large Ukie forces in Severodonetsk and Lischansk with complete encirclement. Kamenka translates to “heater.” It’s a common name for villages whose claim to fame is hosting a boiler for centralized steam heating.
Gonzalo Lira’s telegram
He’s as far as we know alive and well.
But in my opinion, he should use more security measures and cut down on his frequent activity in the web.
thank you!!
He’s a stone throw from the border. The train used to bring us back and forth between Kharkov. It was a sister city and shopping there used to be frequent before 2014. However, the trains to Russia haven’t worked for years already. So if there is a safe passage like a functioning train that takes stops, North to villages, it is an option.
Furthermore, from what I heard, Kharkov got loaded up with Banderites like Mariupol. Its a very big city. However, if police are good at finding someone in apartment blocks. The SBU won’t have much difficulty. I am worried about him like everyone else. Hopefully, you’ll be able to contact him. I don’t think there is a safe way to cross from one side to the other. And the city is like an old school castle under seige, with unsavory characters within.
My ex-gf was a Kharkov native so I was there three times between 2018-2019. I first entered Ukraine in 2018 and Kiev had a really weird, unfriendly vibe and there were Right Sector flags *everywhere*. Also in 2018 there was an Azov recruiting tent on Freedom Square in Kharkov. But there was still the odd bit of anti-Trizub graffiti visible on the train ride (the high speed train from Kiev that actually has air conditioning in the summer, unlike most of their trains) into the city. In 2019 all of that was gone. The Azov tent was still there. But you started to see “patriotic” shit everywhere, like really over the top, everything must be blue and yellow. You saw more and more NG soldiers/reservists in uniform walking around the city. Kharkov became a stronghold for them, just as Mariupol did. Two cities, in the Ukrainian east, full of ethnic Russians … and major bases for the nationalist militias. I ended the relationship in late 2019 and have not returned to Ukraine since. The next time I go, it might actually be a nice place!
I’m sure you have seen this, but …
its better to keep a high profile – maybe.
Unfortunately, the SBU already took popular people. They also killed one of their main negotiators that met the Russians in Belarus. That’s top officials working for Ukraine. They are pushing American, British soy boy volunteers to the front lines. They don’t care. This has been talked about for the past 8 years. It was ignored or written off as just propaganda. None of us, not Andrey, not Gonzalo, not you or I would be like oh, I won’t touch because they’re somebody…. Oh, they won’t touch their Patrons so long as they keep supporting. They will devour themselves though as they fear and hate. They are already blaming their own for objects being blown up. Yelling traitors. Hateful things devour everything. Their future is bleak, but they are dangerous as they will take down everything they can with them.
Agree–if the Ukrainians can locate a Black Sea commander using ELINT (if true), Gonzalo should be extremely careful. He appears bravely but perhaps excessively nonchalant.
Boy you got that right! For somebody who doesn’t speak the language and suspects with good reason that he is actively being hunted by professionals, he is recklessly careless about revealing his whereabouts. I like a lot (not all) about his posts, but rule number one: when being found could cost you your life, don’t tell the bad guys where you are. He is dangerous to himself and those around him. Very irresponsible!
He needs to go offline for a few days, and try to relocate, at least somewhere within the city. Maybe he´s no longer there, and just trying to mislead the goons on a wild goosechase?
Gonzalo is a good guy but he let this Daily beast or whatever corruption publication bait him. They said that he was not in a Kharkiv and he said yes I am. Don’t take the bait. F**k these publications. Don’t tell them where you are Gonzalo. Tell them BS that you are in some other town or city. Lie about your location. We don’t care what some blog is publishing.
They are trying to find you. People listening to his youtube posts are more concerned that he safely hides because the Azov-Zelensky vermin are looking for him or anyone who speaks up. We don’t care about some crappy web site trying to smear your reputation. You are a truth teller.
Gonzalo, please do the videos with a neutral background. When you get up the chair color and other characteristics can be identified. Edit this out every time you get up. Make sure only a bare wall or sheet is your backdrop, that no window shape, form or color is in the picture. These are clues to be able to find you. This is basic risk management.
Keep safe.
May you know them by the company they keep.
The Daily Beast wants to out people who expose fascism. That implies that the Daily Beast is Facist.
Thanks, DB,for the confession.
Thanks also!
“…If so, then that means that most of the residential areas of Mariupol have now been liberated from the Nazi terrorists of the Azov battalion…”
An American in the Tennessee mountains fervently prays to our Christian God that this is so. And if so, it means that the end of this wholly justified war of liberation is close to a successful conclusion.
Gonzalo Lira tweeted about an hour ago. He seems to be fine.
But he plays with the fire. SBU is pretty cruel.
He is on TWITTER?!?!?!?!
They did not ban him (yet)?
Twitteristas will certainly ban him in due time as they did with Juan Sinmiedo who posted about Ukrainian abuses.
Juan’s telegram if you want it –
For me war game is over.
Military victory of Russia is inevitable and majority of Ukrainian forces are steadily grinded with minimal losses, despite few tactical victories of Ukies like: some successful ambushes of Russian non-armoured columns, attack on helipad near Kherson, but all of that was thanks to use of MLRS like Smerch.
I mean Iraqis also got some successes here and there over USA too, but we know the outcome.
NATO can only watch and cry over it.
I am more affraid of USA starting with putting sanctions on China. Now these sanctions are only PR Stunt, which has no effect on economy whatsoever. But who knows if it is end of stupid actions of US elites. These maniacs could try to sink almost entire global economy. And if that fails they could be very unpredictable when comes to the nukes – their last resort.
The sanctions will continue to escalate same as with Russia. It will go full economic to cover the collapse of the west. Alexander Mercouris covered this in his last episode.
Sanctions could lead to the military confrontation. Japan in WWII. I am stuck in EU. I have still a lot of savings, but in this scenario… I am afraid. So much uncertainity.
Agreed. There is no climb back for the Empire. They never, ever admit they were wrong. With Russia there are only two outcomes: A Russian win or an Empire win. Same as it was in the Cold War–the US will never back down. And we’ll see the same thing with China–once they go up the escalatory ladder, there is no backing down. Again, either China wins, or the US wins. The only other alternatives are something bigger and scarier distracting everyone, and then the original hysteria gets memory holed. Thus, as the covid narrative was beginning to fall apart at the seams, there was never going to be a retraction, but the Russia situation just happened to give them cover to pivot from that hysteria and use the momentum of the mass hypnosis to switch to Russia. Likewise, Russia gave them enough cover to back peddle on Venezuela and Iran momentarily. We could forget that they were the enemies because a bigger baddie is around now.
The only bigger baddie than Russia and China is an alien invasion. That is the only way they back peddle from the mess they’re creating. But I think it is fair to assume that aliens view the entire Earth as a 404 planet, and they’re not interested. So there is no exit ramp now. They’re afraid to fight, so the only tools left are rhetoric escalation (and there isn’t much further they can go on that with the Russians, but a ways with China) and sanctions escalation–but here again, not much further to go with Russia, and cutting China off like Russia pulls the plug immediately and totally on the Western economies. Even if this thing dragged out at a warm simmer until the next US administration, whomever “wins” the White House has to look tougher than the corpse of Biden. And the only way to do that is fight. And that also is a dead end. There is no u-turn here.
Which leaves us with what the Empire does best and thrives best in–chaos. Cut ties with Zone B, and thrive within the chaos of Zone A. Which probably involves some sort of protracted retreat and stewing behind a new iron curtain, except this time Zone A plays the Soviets. And maybe they’ll just implement the Great Reset transhumanist thing inside North America, Europe and Australia and they’ll be content living inside of machines. Or maybe they figure if they merge with AI they can become hyper intelligent and then fight back and defeat Zone B. What happens after the full break is anyone’s guess, but I see no path left that doesn’t involve either a total separation of the West from everyone else, or nuclear war. The divorce is going to be really, really, really bad (at least for those of us in the West), but the alternative is far worse. So I hope they just continue with their verbal diarrhea and sanctions tirades until there is nothing left to sanction and then we can just get on with navigating the new world.
I am afraid that the new world is not for Zone A, and it is Zone B that has all the resources , and that will be for Zone B exclusively. Zone A thriving after is a. Illusion, just like Hollywood.
Forget nuclear dream, as your last resort; That will wipe Zone A entirely off the map of planet Earth. The only thing they have is sanctions; never gonna work, propaganda & end of any alternative news: last longer but what’s next? Reality is a hard thing to face, especially when you were born and raised to believe in your excecptionalism.
What you can have is a ‘Cultural Revolution’ in Zone A. You know, like China had.
Go in on itself, come to terms with itself and gradually redevelop something more cohesive.
I’m not saying Mao did it the right way, but he did show that a large region of the planet can insulate itself from the rest of the world and both survive and, eventually, prosper.
A return to the land is definitely an option for people without megalomanic complexes and a desire to survive for generations to come.
Nicely said.
Good for you. Best summary.
I share those very fears, friend. I’ve loved and taught European history and, at 68 years, I have never been as concerned as I am today. We are witnessing a global shift into economic blocks built on the priority of divorce from western financial and cultural institutions. It’s going to happen regardless. A Russian victory is certain, but the Biden administration’s decision making process should scare the hell out of everyone. Start with the State Dept.
I appreciate your your voice in this wilderness, but let me add; I have read English literature & History and some European, and from that alone, I see the failings coming.
The 2 things I have always noted is that Russia & China do not make idle threats. FACT! Every essential country is going to Russia to talk. Fact: America has been going around the world try to bully/cajole countries to join them, to no avail.
Well, you be the judge, and in the meantime; get ready for more “atrocities” committed by Russia. They will get rid as much Nazis as they can, and the rest will run to the west, USA & Canada, and Jew controlled Donald Trump will become president again.
But it really makes no difference, for down is down, no matter which puppet is put in.
For the strike on the bunker, I would say. High amount of explosives + high velocity of the missile = deep impact. the most crucial thing is not the ammo but the velocity of the head during the impact.
yes, but 60 meters??? that is 120 feet.
presumably a mix of rock and concrete…
is that possible?
60m are 196 feet ….
Penetration weapons generate seismic shock that can collapse bunkers.
According to Bullshitopedia the proposed US Massive Ordnance Penetrator is designed to penetrate 200′ (61m).
Yes, seismic bombs were also my first thought. Problem is those are bombs, not cruise missiles. I have no idea how a missle would be able to do this.
And no: “Hypersonic” isn’t gonna fix it. None of you “KE magically fixes everything”-folks have done the actual maths. And by maths i don’t mean “blabla velocity squared poof a miracle happens”. I mean actually putting in the numbers.
I suspect there’s a factor we don’t know yet. Perhaps that facility wasn’t actually designed like a bunker, and hence was easy to collapse?
“Problem is those are bombs, not cruise missiles.”
News flash – what’s the payload of a cruise missile?
“I suspect there’s a factor we don’t know yet.”
Indeed. What kind of payload carried by a cruise missile or any other variant could penetrate 60 metres of reinforced rock and concrete?
And incidentally, who says it was only one munition that dunnit?
I did measurement and little math, as you wished a day before. Missile that hit shopping mole traveled at speed of 980m/s (2.9Mach). And yes, it’s throttle is turned to eleven during descend. You were right about speeds in thick air, hands down.
I guess this is the work of mr. Kinzhal.
Bunker Busters were used in Afghanastan on the caves, they impacted above the openings and sliced down through the rock to detonate deep inside, probably 60 meters plus of solid rock penetrated.
As far as I know it is not possible to destroy (outright) a nuclear bunker or nuclear resistant storage facility at that depth with a single convential bomb or missile, however it is possible with low yeild nuclear “bunker busters”, high-velocity “kinetic penetrators”, and kinetic engery “shockwave” weapons.
I dont think the Russians have gone nuclear, so I can only assume that a high velocity kinetic energy weapon was used, most likely a shockwave generator as opposed to a penetrator due to the depth.
A hypersonic missile carrying a Tungsten or Uranium alloy core or weight would not need to penetrate the facility to put it out of use or even destroy it. The production of a sufficiently powerful kinetic shock wave could collapse the structure or cause high velocity “scabbing”, or more accurately “spalling”, to occur. This is the breaking off of the internal walls like concrete shrapnel – which would destroy all internal equipment and personnel, and potentially collapse access routes. A big enough hit producing suffient spall could even touch-off the ammo itself – completely destroying the bunker.
This concept has been around since WW2 and “Spalling” of internal walls in a bunker is analogous to the “spalling” which can occur when a HESH anti-tank round hits a tank turret – killing all inside (and maybe also setting off the ammo) but the exterior of the tank shows no actual penetration.
The British were the first to field such weapons but the US has experimented with kinetic-energy shockwave weapons to an exponentially greater degree, producing “earthquake” weapons since the 60’s and designing orbital penetrators (banned) and orbital shock wave weapons (also banned) such as the infamous “Rods of God”.
These were thought to be an unstopable alternative to nuclear bunker busters but have been banned by internation treaties if space based, but not in bombs and conventional missiles.
My thoughts on this is that the Russians have just demonstrated to NATO that they too have a kinetic-energy penetrator / shockwave weapon which can destroy any bunker as effectively as anything NATO has – thereby showing that Russia can destroy the various Polish and German facilities currently housing US and British weapons for Ukraine without crossing the nuclear threshold, and without the strike being intercepted by Patriot / Thadd.
That is just my thoughts on this matter, which in the absence of more data is really just an educated guess (and maybe a bit of food for thought for those not previously aware of kinetic energy or shockwave weapons).
I should point out, that all this technology has been well worked out. It is used routinely in the design of modern deep metal mines. The people that do this are called “geotechnical engineers” who usually work in close conjunction with geologists (obviously) and geophysicists (less obvious). They usually all have Ph.D.s and decades of experience. Below them are the mining engineers, sometimes with Ph.D.s, almost always with graduate degrees. For big mining companies, the monies involved in such deep metal ore extraction projects is huge so they know they better get it right.
Given the international nature of the business, many of the senior technical people are also “ex-spooks” from one side or the other, often several. It is a curious space! They have far more in common with each other than their surrounding societies and tend to think on a world wide scale.
Another concept might be the ‘squirt’ effect used by current anti-tank weapons:
“High-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warheads are made of an explosive shaped charge that uses the Munroe effect to create a very high-velocity partial stream of metal in a state of superplasticity that can punch through solid armor.”
Expand this approach to the size of a warhead carried by current Russian rockets, and you might ‘squirt’ your way down 60 meters. It might not do too much to a cave, outside of punching a hole in the ceiling. However, squirt a jet of molten metal through an ammo-filled cave and you might have some fireworks…
(No idea if this is true; just popped into my mind.)
60 m – Jaworow looks like built on sand, I don’t think the 60 m are related to this place.
Deljatyn in the Carpathian mountains (once a depot of nuclear forces ( seems more suitable for a 60 m deep depot.
As the building plans are likely inherited in Russia, they may have hit some weak spots like ventilation wells, staircases etc.
my bad, it would be about 180ft.
Nope, you need very heavy bomb like MOP, which is dropped from strategic bomber directly on to target. MOP weight is around 14 tons so its massive punch. We should look into the matter of Russia created simillar bomb.
If a missile hits the target at hypersonic speed it’s going to need much less weight to deliver the same kinetic energy.
Hmm. I wonder if Russia would let Poland occupy West Ukraine. It might make some sense for them…
Some third party is going to have to occupy, keep the peace and rebuild after the end of this civil war. Russia in the East, Poland/Hungary in the West. It’ll take a generation or so to rebuild the country.
Yes, it will be a third party that will set the cat amongst the pigeons.
My pick is that China fill this roll.
The Chinese would also be able to help with re-construction and build the appropriate parts of the BRI into Europe.
$10 says we see China inside Ukraine as independent Peace Keepers / neutral guarentors by year end.
I think that is very likely especially now that the US seems to have picked a fight with them as well.
Larov mentioned it in his speech.
Don’t think he likes the idea.
I thought that too. Poles move into the L’vov area as peacekeepers and stay. Anywhere there is a significant Polish minority. That region was once part of Poland and that doesn’t seem to be easily forgotten if Taiwan is any example. Then the mini-Banderastan would be between the Pole’s in L’vov and the Russians somewhere to the east of that. Then they are the EU’s problem, the little Nazi state to the East… and they thought Victor Orban was a problem. (lol) As for the United States, they won’t stop until Eastern Europe resembles the Middle East: Syria, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq… wrecked nations as far as the eye can see.
Interesting, not only analysis but also the nickname. Rokossovsky was a great individual, probably the greatest of all WW2 commanders, half polish – half russian. May he rest in peace.
Poland has a very clear and strict law prohibiting the promotion of totalitarian regimes, and at the same time the current government, somewhat steeped in radical Russophobia, looks calmly and unresponsive at the breeding of neo-Nazis in Ukraine, erection of monuments to Bandera and other terrorists etc. Madness. I do not understand why they cannot notice that the exact same scenario was/is played by the US in Afghanistan, Syria and other places where it carries out (more or less effective) coups. I am most amused when American political commentators, be they Democrats or Republicans, always emphasize with full force that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world, no self-reflection whatsoever.
I direct my hopes, prayers and actions towards the fraternal unity of Poles, Russians and Ukrainians while pushing Western (mostly anglosaxon) troublemakers away from Central Europe.
Polish government is maybe more corrupt than Ukrainian one, it’s not actually Polish. It’s exactly totalitarian outside rule. Most people follow the media(even more spoiled) and these politicians, usually they oppose with the mainstream opposition since new government turns out worse than previous one(they just alternate from election to election)…Their actions are indeed puzzling, they contradict themselves constantly. Many times they could be called traitors, yet they’re still here… Same as you I hope local people can somehow find common ground and get rid of this scum.
Sounds plausible but the mere existence of Banderastan in something Russia can’t risk. A better compromise situation – partition W. Ukraine between Poland and Russia. Zero Banderastan.
But on topic, lets view long term and assume Russia comes out as the victor from this whole NATO induced potential thermonuclear mess (which I think they will)
Long term, if this goes beyond Ukraine (say, take out Poland, Bulgaria Czech Republic and Romania which have NATO misiles targeting Russia), I think Russia will have to simply split NATO and Strengthen the East, i.e. restore the old Yugoslavia.
How could a victorious Russia split and check NATO? Simply restore the old Austria-Hungary state, neutral or nonaligned, either Habsburg restoration, Habsburg constitucional monarchy or a republican/federal model similar to the Russian Federation. A huge buffer between NATO, a neutered Poland and Russia.
Yugoslavia another great pro Russia buffer state. Croacia and Slovenia will have to decide be backwater nations in E. Europe, join restored Yugoslavia, or join the new Austria Hungary entity. A new Yugoslavia would put Albania in check. Kick out the Isis types in Bosnia and nurture the muslims who believe in true brotherhood.
That would leave Romania and Bulgaria and what to do with those two after neutering them.
Why not just add Turkey to the mix. Take Constantinople and annex region to Russia and run the Bospherous, not NATO nation. Might as well make Kurdistan a buffer nation in the Middle East.
If Poland makes any such movements expect either complete destruction of Poland through the use of conventional weaponry…or a global friendly exchange of mushrooms.
Great! Nuclear war depends on the sound political judgment of Poland.
If Poland does move into Ukraine, it will be because they have a secret agreement with Russia.
I think Russia would be overjoyed if Nazi Western Ukraine was added to Poland, who would end up being responsible for it. Western Ukraine is the former Galicia, and it has people of mixed blood. However, Poland would end up in a conflict with Hungary and Romania, who would also demand their share of Western Ukraine.
Partition of Ukraine ? It’s inevitable. Ukraine will break up, at least, into three parts. Of course this will not happen overnight.
Putin is giving Poland all the banderites. In a decade or so, those banderites may end up fighting a separatist war in Poland, as they believe that Galicia belongs to them, along with eastern half, and Cracow. Poland is letting a lot of foxes into the henhouse. It could get ugly. And seeing how the ukie migrants are getting benefits and privileges that even Poles don´t get, tensions will increase as ukies feel more and more entitled to anything.
Good question. What will Russia get in return for Poland’s control over the “Banderistan”?
1) Will the US remove its missile defense systems from Poland and Romania?
2) Will Poland give Belarus or Russia the Suwalki Gap for passage to the Kaliningrad region?
3) Options #1 and #2 together?
4) Will he get nothing, but will he get rid of the need to disarm the deployed military units of the “404 Country” and then maintain troops to control the “Banderistan”?
Not going to happen. Russia must secure border between Poland and former Ukraine.
“the one in Iavorovo blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?”
Fast heavy strikes = powerful strikes.
Russians throw hypersonic punches!
As I had my on repetitive stress injury in my shoulder and elbow I can vouch for the effectiveness of Rolfing or Structual Integration Massage (essentially the same things). I was 100% improved after one session. You might check it out.
Thanks for all you’re doing and the info and perspective you’re sharing, it is MUCH needed and appreciated!
will look into this, thank you!
I found out I could save typing by using free text to speech on the cell phone and then simply emailing that as a text file to the computer. I am using a free app called WriterP but there must be any number of cell phone notepad apps that will do the same thing.
Carpal tunnel is not arthritis, I guess, but … If you have arthritis, glucosamine works very well, even though the doctors say it doesn’t. It takes over three months to have an effect, and medical research only looks at the short term. I know this from personal experience. I used to bend sheet aluminum with my bare hands, but arthritis in my thumbs began making that too painful. I went to a specialist M.D. who told me glucosamine does not work – and that nothing else works, either. I had nothing to lose; glucosamine is cheap, over-the-counter, and has no side effects, so I started taking glucosamine three time a day. After six months, I was able to go back to bending sheet aluminum, although not as often as before. That was a game-changer for me. I don’t know if gllucosamine would help your hands, but since arthritis is common, and the doctors are flat wrong about there being no treatment, it is well worth mentioning.
Inflammation. Need to reduce usage: give a rest. Also, reduce sugars/carbs.
I credit rolfing with ‘miraculously’ fixing persistent knee pain, due to prolonged basketball playing. This was after I went for traditional physical therapy. At the conclusion of that, my quadriceps were the strongest, as percentage of body weight, the therapist had ever measure. I played basketball 3 times on my super-strong quads, and the knee start hurting, again.
The rolfing program (that I did) was 10 treatments, but basically the knee pain was knocked out on the 3rd treatment.
It is also possible that Saker has a little lactic acid build-up in his hand/arm from over-straining. To get rid of it, take a pinch of baking soda (food grade from the baking section of the store) in a glass of liquid. Just a pinch, it is bitter and nasty – (never overdo herbs or home remedies – you will be sorry(!)). Magnesium supplements also help relieve lactic acid and muscle cramps. It helps to research the correct form of Magnesium; some are good, some are bad. Magnesium Citrate might be the best, but I don’t remember off hand.
The Saker is an amazingly talented writer and thinker. Russians are a very high I.Q. people and it shows.
Andrei, I’m a good piece older than you, and also also doing a lot of keybord-work, hence I longer yet know the stess-pain in my thumb, Doctor calls it the daumensattelgelenksarthrose.
My Doctor gave me a bandage imbued with ‘Retterspitz’.
Next morning my pain had faded away. It’s really a good medicine.
Hope the best for you. Slava Rossia!
thank you
Dmso will cure your pain. Former QB for the falcons, june jones, used dmso on his throwing arm. Said he couldn’t throw without it. Look for the 60 minutes episode discussing dmso. Also, life magazine published an article about it.
Also! see either a specialist that is empowered to use “cortisone” ( a needle) or be disciplined enough to put your affected hand in a brace, immobilize, elevate on a sling that is wrapped around your neck and arm is about a right angle from the elbow. If you aggravate your nerve/tendons further you are in grave danger my friend.
Get an expert help and a treatment. If you cannot do the icing, immobilize, rest.
Wish you a firm and diligent resolution, discipline. Worse come to worse, record a message and post.
I am no expert, but I was in the same jam and my wrists took almost two years to recover. I lost my job I loved, and never returned to computer graphics. Still life goes on.
I wish you the best and wish that you ask your self which is more important. Please do it.
Real Thai massage, with a masseuse trained in Thailand or by a Thai teacher, is amazingly effective, too. My experience was that you don’t have to even know what’s wrong; you can say something like I’m off, I’m not walking right, and they will feel around a bit, do something (maybe briefly painful), and you will feel and function better. The effect seems to continue improving for about a week afterwards. A lot of American therapists seem to have had a brief course, but I’d go with a fully trained one.
DMSO topically, as mentioned above, can be almost magical for pain. Thought to be especially useful for joints. Not for everything, but worth a try. Thought I’ve read is that it breaks down inside the body into a form of magnesium that we are all deficient in, because it is destroyed by cooking. I once treated a ram with a badly infected, painful and swollen joint, sloshing DMSO on several times a day; in a couple of days the swelling was gone and he’d stopped limping. Today he’s still fine. I’ve used it on myself for pain. If it irritates my skin, I decide it isn’t the right remedy and wash it off. It carries other substances through the skin, so wash the area and your hands first (or wear gloves).
Oops!! It should have been that DMSO is thought to break down into a form of sulfur (not magnesium) that we’re deficient in. Sorry!
If a doctor gave me this diagnosis:
I would consider him cruel beyond belief and would run out of his cabinet in terror fearing that the remedy he might recommend would have an even longer name. Germans refuse to breathe between syllables. I had to take German for two years in college and suffered from hypercapnia before each exam.
To set the record straight, the Skripal cat -the only true casualty of this whole affair- was killed by the municipality’s animal-friendly etc shelter employees.
(Ok, maybe it wasn’t the only casualty. It is believed they killed the hamster as well).
As for “the official narrative cracking”, it has been completely shattered, and before a month has completed.
So, Russia didn’t lose the information war after all.
And Saker…. you did play an important part. Congratulations! Well done!
PS: One doesn not have to play at the base level a lowly enemy wants, to win.
After all, in a contest of foulness, the most foul wins.
Glad, Russians stayed out of it.
If you are interested in the subject of Skripal’s pets, the facts are as follows:
The police arrived at the Skripal House at 5pm on Sunday 4 March and stayed there for several days. A BBC reporter, stationed outside the house, reported on pizzas and other refreshments entering the house during this period.
About a week later, the Russian Embassy posted a (mocking) tweet asking what had happened to Skripal’s pets. There then followed days of nonsense, in the UK press, while stories about the police finding the pets, still inside the house, were circulated… but they got the facts wrong. Skripal had 2 cats not one (the second cat had been acquired in Salisbury from a home for stray cats) and they never did even try to correct this point.
It is obviously impossible that the pets had been overlooked by the police who had spent days in the house, so you can be absolutely confident the whole story is a lie. What really happened was that all the animals were removed from the house by Skripal (who knew he would never return) on the morning of 4th March and were subsequently reunited with Skripal.
No animals died in making the Skripal hoax but a young (homeless) man was killed in incident… which the official narrative has never mentioned. And, oh, yes… absolutely nothing happened at the bench that whole story is complete garbage and quite obviously, no door handles were poisoned either.
A US infantry brigade in the field needs approx. 1,400 tons per day. This can vary up or down depending on intensity of fighting, maneuver, or weather.
The link Saker provided above provides detail to the subject.
That’s more than the men of the brigade weigh!
VKS has exploited the potentially devastating kinetic energy released on impact to blew up the underground ammo depot and it proved very effective. hypersonic weapons being also too fast for any air defense system so you have the perfect weapon for blowing heavily fortified assets like like in lavorovo …
To the contrary I think the US would welcome a Russian strike on Poland and the entry of NATO into the war.
1) It’s clear that to “bog Russia down” is going to require a lot more than Ukraine.
2) Militarily engagement of Poland puts all of Europe at risk and on the defensive (for real), which translates to more US arms sales and reinforcing the ties between the US and its European puppet states.
3) As the longer term strategy is to “finish” Russia before turning on China (despite seriously jumping the gun on that), a wider European war is the obvious strategy.
Judging by the blatant stupidity we have seen so far (increasing rapidly over the last 30 years) I fully expect the Empire of Lies and Hypocrisy to double- and triple-down.
How this will undoubtedly all go wrong is open for discussion. Regime changes throughout Europe by popular demand, internal collapse of the US as the economy disintegrates, the entry of China into a hot war in the Pacific, nuclear Armageddon …
For what I read of the US politics, a war against Russia is welcomed by practically all legislator.
But it encounter hard oposición from the Pentagon.
Politics are totally stupid but militar not so much.
You can not engage in a conflict with China if you have MAD with Russia.
Nobody who is not mad wants a militar conflict with Russia that could go nuclear in seconds.
I think polish are being contained by the Pentagon, and if they do something to provoke a Russian strike they will be left alone by the rest of NATO.
US want a long conflict, isolate Russia from Europe and sell weapons. Not a mutual destruction in a moment where Russia is above them in hypersonic nuclear missiles…
Gonzalo posted in his Telegramm Channel approximately an hour ago and he was also active on Twitter two hours ago (@realGonzaloLira).
I don’t think SBU would bother keeping his channels alive. I really hope he won’t get caught. They don’t even would have to come up with a fancy story. They just might say “American Youtuber killed in Russian shelling.”
“BTW – the one in Iavorovo blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?”
My guess is that Russia has bomb similar to US Massive Ordance Penetrator. It weighs like 14 tons and can pierce through exactly 60 meters of concrete.
Here is great grahpics showing how powerful is MOP in comparison with other bunker buster bombs.
Curious, people who develop these bombs, explosives, regardless of which country, do they think about the ‘environmental’ impacts it will have on the surrounding area, underwater, mountain regions etc? and how it devastates wild life, and Eco-systems.
Is this taken into consideration by military planners? or is the Earth expendable.
When Hitler launches Barbarossa against you, the environment is the least of things at the forefront of your mind. Are you going to save yourself or the environment?
I would be interested to see the math of dropping one on the Yellowstone Caldera. Certainly more than one War Game Theorist has done it.
People are poking holes in the zalensky (does not deserve a capital z) Harvey
Weinstein produced weepy begging propaganda comedy show. A post on Facebook that was pro zalensy to the extreme. Half of the comments were questioning the author of this article on z’s background and Ukraine’s involvement in the Nazi deathcamps. It was pulled as soon as the questioning was posted. The message is getting out there slowly but surely.
I have no affiliation with this man, but it updates daily, and shows through the fog of Zio-deception’s…The “vacant” shopping mall footage is worth a look, the MLRS crew truck drives right to it for rearming, in drone footage posted. Then wham from the stored ordnance and rocket fuel…
Perhaps he’ll allow linking here…He debunks CNN, etc. as well with real interviews on the ground…
Thank you all again!
Z for victory!
Surprisingly, even MSM media is showing it. Skip the clickbaity title – they mention it in the body of the article:
“The video was reportedly released by the Russian military itself in a bid to prove Ukrainian forces were using the mall to station their own missiles and justify the brutal attack.”
Little slivers of truth are seeping out.
Some of the “heroic” male population of Ukraine is stripping Roma women then tying them to poles. There may be a tendency for a population to turn on each other when they are losing a war but I would suggest that the non Russian Ukrainians are more apt to become barbaric than most populations.
I read that it wasn’t just Azov battalions bombing the Donbass for 8 years but also regular Ukrainian troops. If this is true then I will have no pity for them when they when die.
At first I had some doubts about Gonzalo because I found it strange that he was condemning Ukraine during a time of war while inside their country. But after to listening to his videos and reading his tweets, I am convinced that he is Truth Teller
The severe weakness of ALL AngloSphere combat agencies is their doctrine (National Inter-agency Incident Management System, NIMS) that does not fully recognize the value of communications and logistics support.
This is true of all branches of the military, and even domestic emergency service agencies such as Police, Fire, and Ambulance. It is why the “Empire of Lies” has lost every war they have been in since WWII. It is also why fires could rage unchecked across Australia, Canada, and California. It is why the handling of floods in Australia, and Hurricanes in the USA has been a disaster. Total breakdown of logistics support and marginal communications capability with no redundancy.
There are other (often fatal) weaknesses in AngloSphere military doctrine as well. It really can’t handle alot of geographically separated small “incidents” starting up simultaneously. All the real decision making is only at the highest levels and assigned to people ill equipped (inadequate education and experience, poor health and stamina, and marginal native intelligence/brains). Or to put it another way, the highest ranks are uniformly occupied by people who joined their particular service as an adolescent cadets and are now old. Their ingrained habits and instincts are based on experiences from a half century ago. Conditions have changed, but for the most part, they haven’t, especially in the “strong culture” organizations that are combat agencies.
“All the real decision making is only at the highest levels and assigned to people ill equipped (inadequate education and experience, poor health and stamina, and marginal native intelligence/brains).”
In other words, patronage-employees:
“You’re doing a great job, Brownie.”
And nowadays often-enough “woke” workplace-politicians, “committed” to anything and everything but their jobs, kind of like the Red Guards.
It is known as the Peter Principle. In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.
“Speaking of Gonzalo Lira, I am extremely worried about him, he has said that he would post a YT report ever 12 hours, and by now it has been sixteen (16!).”
No, he says he will post on telegram, and he continues to do so.
Great Map!!
“Russian destroyed all the Ukie communication center and capabilities in the first few hours of the operation”
Not very sure about this. Even if communication centers are hit, this is still not enough. In 1999, NATO hit almost all military (and civilian) communication centers in Serbia (some were hit many times) but still could not disrupt communication of Serbian army. Russia has some powerful EW systems, this could be the advantage. On the other side, Ukraine has support of US/NATO which means portable satellite communication equipment, etc.
But the Serbs were intelligent. No lack or whatever with iodine.
The Yugoslav Army’s battle plans were designed to repel an attack by a superpower, so the comms used by the army weren’t the obvious command centers in time of war. NATO hit very few military targets because they hit what the Serbs wanted them to hit, and not what was actually important (which is why they turned to terror bombing the civilian population instead).
In contrast the Ukrainian army seems designed to be a large terror cell which assumed NATO protection that it never received.
to Saker: This seems to be a most recent (16 minute) video of Gonzalo Lira.
Saker, get Chiropractic help with your carpel tunnel, RSI, then let you wife massage your forearm after your typing sessions. That regime works!!
it may not be a complete solution but it is no cost and can do no harm. Try this ideally several times/day (i can never manage this).
1. Simply lie on your back flat as with no distractions.
2. Force yourself to relax (this is not easy i find)
3. think about the area that hurts or one nearby
4. If your arms/fingers start to throb then you are doing it right
5. Keep on thinking and relaxing the area that hurts until the throbbing gets too much
6. Repeat as often as possible.
As i say this can do no harm. The theory as i understand it and it makes sense is that by relaxing as much as possible the capillaries in the body open up and blood flow increases. This part is known fact of course.
Now my own extension of this is that increased blood flow will increase the ability of the blood/body to wash away any inflammatory irritants and aiding healing.
Of course this suggestion is not an alternative to more intensive medical treatments but as i say may help a little bit and can do no harm. The general relaxation may help in other areas.
I was told that the more your throb, the more closed are the capillaries and the greater the need for the relaxation.
Also I guess you know, keep the area warm. Nothing makes RSI worse than to be cold.
This shit is killing me too.
Think therapeutic inhibition of mast cell activation: Hesselink et al. (2015) Palmitoylethanolamide, a neutraceutical, in nerve compression syndromes- efficacy and safety in sciatic pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. DOI: 10.2147/JPR.S93106
Ellis, Folkers (1990) “Clinical Aspects of Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Vitamin B6.” Pyridoxal 5-phosphate vitamin B6 reportedly is an essential cofactor for normal cortisone activity, trigger finger, etc.
The UnCommon Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
I used to spend lots of time working on the computer. Check height of desk. It can’t be too high or low. Usually too high. I also had arm, upper back and shoulder pains. Lat machine for weights in a gym and other weights. Not heavy just toning muscles.
Do take care of your hand. It sounds like you might be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. This can only be remedied by rest. So rest your hand. One thing you might consider is taping your answers to email and questions (you sent me audio once). Regards your daily columns, you might consider creating an audio file and then having the file transcribed by someone else (REV transcripts does a good job of this for relatively little monies).
I have given my statement as to what Russia’s goal was in entering Ukraine, i.e., to prevent a nuclear war. However, I neglected saying that this is not only due to the attempts to make Ukraine a NATO member, but also due to the weapons buildup by NATO within Ukraine and the training by NATO military of Ukraine’s military. There really was no choice for Russia. Furthermore, there was the issue of protecting the citizens of Donbass and eliminating the threat posed to Russia of the bio-weapons labs.
I found this exchange between Lee Camp and Scott Ritter a rewarding listen:
I want to also underline my impression that Russia will withstand the economic onslaught by the collective West, and within a year or two, thrive in a bifurcated world economy. The USA, oddly enough, is sanctioning China. What kind of economic suicide is this? Mercouris calls this the sanctions an escalator which will increase the risk to the USA economy via Chinese retaliation.
Regards the operation in Ukraine, Russia appears to be winning on all fronts. There are cracks forming in the EU/NATO as Hungary says it plans to continue buying Russian gas. India and China appear to be standing tall in saying they will not honor USA sanctions. Italy has said if Zelinsky speaks to its parliament, Putin will also. Poland has also accused Hungary of wanting to take part of Ukraine for itself. So the great psyops is crumbling. The corporate media has begun to downplay the Ukraine war as the inevitable appears on the horizon. I seriously doubt Poland wants any part of a fight with Russia. They made this clear when they refused to send jets to Ukraine. So I don’t believe it will be necessary for Russia to strike Poland and risk a nuclear war. That said, long term, Russia will have to again say to the USA it expects it to remove its missiles from Romania and Poland, and I hope that this can be accomplished via treaty once Ukraine is firmly emasculated.
Regards Gonzalo Lira, I share your concern for him. He is certainly brave to remain in Kharkov. Hopefully he can get behind Russian lines. I think he took an unnecessary risk by going out on the streets yesterday to film war damage. Hopefully he is ok.
Keep up the great work!
So basically, the only thing ukies can do is defend their positions, and no more. This is slow-motion capitulation.
A Russian Bear Hug slowly tighting its grip
Gonzalo Lira’s twitter
And there’s a tweet from him 2 hours ago
Gonzalo Lira @realGonzaloLira 2h
He’s totally right. But he will be ignored. Because it’s not only that they want a war — they think that they need one too.
Andrei, in my long experience with various self-induced or accidentally-induced pains, the best strategy for overuse is complete rest. (Rest is best!) For computers there are some great voice-to-text programs out there nowadays. Alternatively, you can use your smartphone’s built-in voice-to-text software and then send the “message” to either your computer’s email program, or to someone else’s phone, then forward the sent” text to yourself using gmail, or whatever.
Below is a sample of the above message that I spoke into Microsoft 10’s built-in “Windows Speech Recognition”. I did this right inside the comment box. (Not great, but easy corrections can make it right. I lol’d at the program’s spelling of my spoken “Andrei”. I suggest you give it a try just for the heck of it. Maybe you’ll like it. Can’t beat the price.)
Of Jewish, if I log experience with various self induced or accidentally induced paints, the best strategy for overuse is complete groused. Rest is best. For computers there are some great voice to text programs out there nowadays. Alternatively, you can use your smart folds built in voice to text software and then send the message to your either your computer’s e-mail or to someone else’s fold them forward this at text to yourself using G mail or whatever.
A hypothesis about the destruction of the ammunition depot.
It was not nuclear. It was not a conventional missile strike. Then what was it? Maybe a plasma torch? The Nazis were already working on it 80 years ago. A flux compression system activated (see Sakharov’s work) by a conventional explosive is triggered on contact with the ground and sends out a plasma blast of several hundred million degrees that digs a well and detonates the munitions. The Nazis had as an objective to pierce several hundred meters of tuff limestone. The missile could have 2 stages by striking the ground. 1 the plasma followed by an explosive which explodes at the bottom of the well and close it.
I am neither an engineer, nor a scientist, while surfing on the net I often look for innovative hypotheses that hold the road. And given the work of Sakharov I take the liberty of sharing it here.
Flux compression generators are used to generate non-nuclear EMP bursts with a 1 kilometer radius
The flow compression device can be designed to disperse or concentrate energy. That said, this is only a hypothesis and everyone does what they want with it.
Regards the USA billionaire oligarch corporate media and the USA government propagandists that populate it, I found this article of interest. Enjoy….
Thanks, but actually I did not enjoy the article. Especially this sentence: “I believe I speak for the majority of Americans when I say we have been methodically conditioned from birth to believe Russians are inherently ruthless and amoral.”. What???? In school we had courses on Russian history, read Russian novels (in translation), studied the great Russian composers and listened to their music. All of which instilled in me a love of Russia, the people, history and culture which has continued through my life. And I am not unique in this. Tragically, Americans have been conditioned to accept brainwashing by the media and the lies, but I doubt most believe anything about Russian people, but do swallow the invective against the leaders, and of course the current narrative against Russia without an iota of understanding. My unending gratitude to the Saker blog.
@Sarah in PA,
You were clearly better educated than me. I was educated in the south and of course we all know what that was about, especially if you were African American. That said, I remember in my high school we had a mandatory class we had to take prior to graduation: “Americanism vs. Communism.”
The America I grew up in was nothing but psyops whenever it came to Russians – so the statement that we “have been methodically conditioned from birth to believe Russians are inherently ruthless and immoral” rings true to me. The Soviet Union (Russia) was the enemy. Watch the movie “Dr. Strangelove.” You think Kubrick pulled his characters out of his butt? No – these were the prevailing beliefs about Russians during the Cold War. Reagan called the Soviet Union (populated by Russians) the Evil Empire and suggested that the ideological war between the Soviet Union and the USA was a war between “good and evil.” Here is Reagan’s speech rom the 80s (40 years ago!) – listen for yourself:
Another good article (link below). It demonstrates Hollywood’s influence on USA opinions and shows how Hollywood cast Russians as “…straight-up ‘evil’ or ‘stupid’, (or) they are one of several other things: intense, fanatical, tragic, mysterious or otherwise hiding ulterior motives. It’s never a good look.”
To further illustrate the point, check out this scene from the popular 1980s movie “Red Dawn” – just filled with “a love of Russia.”
I’m not sure how you’ve come to your opinion that Russians were or are beloved by Americans. I mean, we can debate about why Americans fear Russians (caused by years of brainwashing), but facts are facts. We have fought major proxy wars against Russia – Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan (the birth of Al Qaeda) and now Syria. Millions of lives have been snuffed out in these wars.
Our military planned a sneak attack against Russia after WWII. Don’t believe me? Check it out:
From link:
The 1949 Dropshot plan envisaged that the US would attack Soviet Russia and drop at least 300 nuclear bombs and 20,000 tons of conventional bombs on 200 targets in 100 urban areas, including Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg). In addition, the planners offered to kick off a major land campaign against the USSR to win a “complete victory” over the Soviet Union together with the European allies. According to the plan Washington would start the war on January 1, 1957.
You think our military would plan such a thing because of America’s love for Russian history, novels, music?
How about the Red Scare under McCarthy? Persons were blacklisted if they were communist and believed to be secretly Russian spies. Rosenbergs anyone?
The examples are endless:
Of how about this wonderful film:
It’s true that the “Red Menace,” “Atheist Communist Russia,” and “Totalitarian Russia” were tied to its communist government. But this has just morphed into Putin, a dictator who is now branded as the head of an authoritarian government.
Today’s headline in the USA edition of the Guardian: Russian forces have “kidnapped” 2,389 children from the Russian-controlled territories of Luhansk and Donetsk, the US embassy in Kyiv has said, citing figures by Ukraine’s foreign ministry. The embassy said: “This is not assistance. It is kidnapping.”
As I wrote yesterday on Saker’s previous column:
Russiaphobia goes much further back historically in the United States than this current action in Ukraine. It must be remembered that Americans like me were taught to hate Russians during the Cold War. They were evil, sinister people who had no freedom and whose government spied on them, and if they did not agree with their government, they were shipped to gulags where they were tortured. The one characterization I remember vividly from my childhood was that Russian children were encouraged to turn in their parents to the secret police if they uttered anti-government statements in the privacy of their own homes. Recall that Ronald Reagan, that great rightwing icon, called the Soviet Union an “evil empire.” Furthermore, as a student of geopolitics all my life, I can attest to you that we were NEVER told that Russia contributed anything to WW2 (The Great Patriotic War). The Germans and the Japanese were defeated by the USA (and their little buddies in the UK). Think of all the movies on WW2 made by Hollywood. Can anyone cite a single one that celebrated Russia’s contribution? I can’t. This was what I was raised on.
Creating a new wave of Russian hatred I’m sure was an easy task for the psyop crew in DC. After all, folks from the Cold War era simply renewed their hatred and spread it to those younger folks who might not have heard of Reagan’s evil empire but who needed to know that the evil empire was once more raising its ugly head.
I already lost one good friend over the Russian operation. To him, I was a Putin dupe. I’m sure there are many others like me who have lost friendships over their dislike of NATO policy that, IMO, forced Russia into a corner. But life goes on.
P.S. My love of Russian arts (literature and music) was only developed once I entered the university. But my childhood was about hating communism as practiced by the “Godless Russians.” Non-stop psyops….. No different than today….
To further illustrate the point, check out this scene from the popular 1980s movie
“Red Dawn” – just filled with “a love of Russia.”
An interesting tidbit about that movie was that it was co-written by Alexander Haig, a retired US General who had been the Chief of Staff to Richard Nixon and served as Secretary of State under Reagan.
Haig was on the board of MGM and took a personal interest in the movie. He rewrote large parts of the script to make it a more hawkish movie.
When you watch it you notice that the Russian are all one-dimensional cardboard cut-out cartoonish villains. The only character on the invaders’ side who is played a bit sympathetic is the Cuban officer who is seen writing a letter to his wife and lets the last surviving but fatally wounded Wolverines go.
Red Dawn was a great propaganda piece to go along with Reagan’s hawkish politics of the time (it was released just a year after the Evil Empire speech).
The story was ludicrous of course (the USSR + allies conquering and occupying such a huge landmass as the US would be as disastrous as NATO trying to conquer and occupy Russia). But it served its function well, lots of young and impressional Americans were conviced of the “Red Menace”.
Russophobia go indeed much earlier in the time than Cold War.
British were the inventors of Russophobia in the moment were the 2 countries were the major powers in the world.
Nothing new, they also invented the “Spanish Black Legend“ almost 400 years ago when Spanish Empire was in its peak of power and influence as the most powerful force.
However since the Spanish fall to the most complete irrelevance, this ended time ago and nowadays nobody care so much.
Since the Russians have maintained the power of the Russian Empire and they still ignore to the US (Anglo Saxon) dominion, the Russophobia never disappeared…
At the end of the movie “La vita è bella” (“Life’s beautiful”) by the Italian Oscar-winner Roberto Benigni, where the story takes place in the nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz (reiterating all the post-Nurnberg trial lies about those environments), the Americans actually do enter the camp as liberators.
In reality, it was the Russians that did that.
Probably a big chunk of the Italian population despises that movie.
A (truly) great Italian movie director, Bernardo Bertolucci, just made this comment: “It was the Russians liberating Auschwitz, but it’s the Americans who give the Oscar prize”.
One thing is certain: since the modern era, no political rulers have been slandered more than the Germans, Hitler above all. This taught me a simple rule: victors are, on average, the biggest liars.
growing up in Toronto in the 50’s and 60’s and having russian ancestry my father also born in Toronto,
yet i was often subjected to anti russian sentiment in places which were mostly anglo or as then called WASP.
also, as most cdns do not know, back in 1933, canaduh deported some 60,000 people of slavic ancestry. why what threat were they?
and did you know the word slave comes from the word slav?? why is that? what is it abt russians that is so feared and hated??? this is not something new or recent and the situation shows that!!!
@ Jenn: the ethymology of the word “slave” has nothing to do with hate for russians: it was just born as a rethorical figure after the victories of the Saxon Otto the Great against the populations coming from Slavonia (a wide region from the balkans to kazakhistan, more or less), after he became Emperor of all the Romans.
This kind of meaning-shift is also typical of other similar situations, like english vs. welsh, or like ancient greeks vs. elotis, indicating more “who is the victor” than ethnical or racial hate.
If the tips of your thumb and first two fingers are slightly numb, its Carpal Tunnel.
Drugstores sell a wrist/palm protector to protect your hand from pointing downwards. Put wrist on table and elevate keyboard to type.
And sleep with the protector to keep hand from flexing inwards at night.
Take appropriate measures for pain. Which can be unbelievably intense.
Were the non-Poles of the Pale so badly treated by Russia, that many ethnic Russian Ukrainians prefer not to be part of Russia?
I’ve always considered Ukies and Ruskies to be Russians. Besides Jews, what was the reason for the Pale?
And whats up with the language? I thought few spoke Ukrainian outside of Pole (western) regions.
“BTW – the one in Iavorovo blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?”
Looking at Google Maps i think they didnt hit that. While there is tunnel system for former storage of nuclear weapons (as used in storage sites of the first generation, 1950s) there is also a second bunker at 48° 31.092’N 24° 34.693’E.
This is a standardized design from the 1960s, as seen in many 12th GUMO sites, concrete construction with a llittle earth cover. Defeat by Kinzhal very plausible, a penetrating warhead version would be a good fit for Kinzhal also.
Can someone explain to me why Donetsk is still being shot at, civilians still dying there? I don’t understand and this is getting to be very upsetting. Many thanks.
60,000 Ukies are in concrete and fortified bunker-trench systems. Also, the heavy artillery and tanks are parked next to apartment houses and homes.
So, a massive army, dug in deep, using civilians as shields.
Thus, constant shelling and constant civilian deaths and maimings.
Your are sure there are that many bunkers in the Ukrainian part? I believe they planned to attack the Russian parts to get it back. In that case they would not need to fortify their positions.
But with modern warfare, you can shoot from far away. And the Russian to not demolish everything. So there are probably some rocket launchers in the 100km area around the Donbas, especially when the Russian are not that far advanced.
The Germans bombed bombed London until 1945 with their V2 rockets in WW2.
The Ukies had 7 years, 6 months to fortify their positions, and they would have known early on that it was only static warfare, intended to grind down the DPR and LPR. So yeah, lots of reinforced concrete. As for parking their weapons in residential areas to have human shields, there are some infamous photos of forbidden Ukie tanks in high-density residential areas, parked near OSCE vehicles, and of course OSCE was “supposed to” make sure this did not happen. But the OSCE was completely evil. Once I went to send an email complaining about something, and that’s when I found out the email went to a Canadian Ukie, so probably a full-on Nazi, and the OSCE was not even pretending to be neutral or balanced.
Unfortunately, the contact line is also the eastern boundary of the cauldron. It’s basically the same mindlesness as when the Germans go so tightly focused on small-scale fighting in Stalingrad, and ignored the red army that surrounded them. It’s very much the same mentality: a madman ran the Wehrmacht in 1942, and a larger group of madmen in 2022, running the Ukies from the safety of Washington.
Goodness, that guy Vladimir Kara-Murza has some dead eyes. How would W describe his soul? Reminds of the James Earl Jones character in Conan the Barbarian!
dear Andrei,
regarding the repetitive stress injury. I bought ergonomic accessory devices, such as these, which ease the problems and are among long-term solutions.
Also consider dictation software which has gotten pretty sophisticated even for free.. I use Samsung smartphone’s Voice Recorder which has inbuilt Speech-to-text functionality.. It generates useful text, with minimal editing needed afterwards.. It will save a lot of typing.
Changing culture habits help too – switching mouse to other hand (very annoying but gets easier with practice), using “page down” keyboard button rather than scrolling during acute phases.. Taking a 5-minute break every hour rather than typing steadily over 3-4 hours.. Trying cupping and/or acupuncture on that wrist/forearm.. Go full court press approach to avoid the orthopedist’s knife!
This is all fine Saker and gives consolation and hope in very dark times; but the ‘narrative’ as im seeing it here in the uk, on cnn and even al jazeera is that ukraine are now winning territory back and the volume of russophobic articles and comment continues to be relentless and sickeningly ubiquitous; your efforts are an essential corrective to those of us starved for reliable information here in blessed zone a
….and as a corrective to my own post; that bastion of Liberal neo-con-ism ‘The Guardian’ leads tonight with the revelation that Russian and even DNR troops might actually have gotten into Mariupol!
Gonzalo Lira was on RexCast 8 hours ago, he had to suddenly leave because of something but said it’s not a serious matter-
Saker, there is a guy on YouTube, he uses Russian and Ukrainian Military reports to plot what is going on using GPS technology. He does have some analytical skill and has proven to be very accurate in predicting Russian movements. So far he has produced the most useful representation of what is going on. He usually produces 2 or 3 maps a day.
Video puportedly showing US troops in Poland close to the Belorussian Border.
Thanks for posting the map guy. Looking forward to observing Russia’s progress through his reports!
It is an interesting site, and he uses GIS not GPS tech. He zooms in and out showing roads, strong points, bridges and buildings.. Worth a visit.
Yes this guy is great. He is even getting better at pronouncing Russian names. he was terribly /awful/funny a week ago but is getting smoother. He struggles very hard to be balanced and neutral and seems to have reliable sources. also when he has a less than reliable source he says so and why he is unclear.
From his analysis it seems to me that:
1. The Donesk/Lukansk forces are doing well, but face entrenched (WWI) dug in lines. Progress is slow but steady
2. The Russian troops in the North are aiming at siege not destruction and also are slow and steady
3. Several areas eg Karkov have put up stronger resistance than expected
4. The Checken forces are cleaning up Mariopol slowly and steadily, but in may take a week or so
5. The Russian troops out of Crimea are doing well now but perhaps were not so good at first
6. The Nokoliev front has been a bit of a disaster. He was actually rather rude about this strategy
7. The UA are essentially retreating in Kiev and have blown up the last bridge (railway bridge)
8. Nothing has started much in Odessa, partly because of mines in the waterways -many of which broke loose in a storm and are floating towards Romania and Bulgaria.
“Who knows, but the point is that it pretty much encompasses the traditional British view of the Russian people.”
That is only the view of the upper class and politicians. In the Cold War everyone was concerned about the USSR, but since then end of it ordinary people don’t really care one way or another the only exception being the NPCs, but they are of no consequence, they just post on Twitter. One major thing that did boost Russia was when they hosted the football / soccer, the government tried to scare people into not going, but many did and had a great time there, and those ordinary people do not see Russia as a boogieman. The MSM is screaming Russia this Russia that, but more and more people are accessing none MSM sources like yours, hence the massive growth you have seen in traffic, many people have been red pilled by the whole COVID situation and have little to no trust in them and the government.
Yes, in 30 years of bar-hopping and other social merriment I can say hand on heart that I’ve never once heard a derogatory remark about Russia/Russians. Heard plenty trash-talk on a few other nationalities/religions but not Russia. The Establishment I can’t speak for but this is only 2-3%.
On my travels to Africa (mining) I’m forever hearing Aussie Banker-Corp grumblings about the Chinese ( tying up the best deals ).
Not counting the mouthpieces (politicians, msm ) for the Elite, I’d confidently predict that of the people who cared about/understood geopolitics (which is 10-15% only ) in deadbeat UK are pro and not anti Russia. Most wont admit it even under oath though for fear of state harassment.
Ich bin mir da nicht so sicher, dass es die Polen sind, die die USA in den Krieg mit rein ziehen wollen. Für mich als Europäer sieht es eher so aus, als würden die USA versuchen, Polen zu irgendeiner Dummheit anzustiften. Zumal es eher zu den Amerikanern passt, sich einen Idioten für ihre Drecksarbeit zu suchen. Das Theater mit den Migs vor ein paar Tagen/Wochen ging ja ursprünglich auch von den USA aus.
MOD: Please provide your own translations to your posts,as Saker asked. Moderation is too busy these days to always do that for you.
I’m not so sure that it’s the Poles who want to drag the US into the war. To me, as a European, it looks more like the US is trying to incite Poland to do some stupid thing. Especially since it suits Americans better to look for an idiot for their dirty work. The fuss with the Migs a few days/weeks ago originally came from the USA.
The fuss with the Migs and Poland was just the NATO bully telling the stupid kid to poke the hornets nest. But this time the stupid kid said, “You first.”
I expect the US are preparing themselves to drop Ukraine. We know the Ukrainian government is a puppet to the US, yet they do more and more PR mistakes. Banning political parties, consolidating all their TV channels in one, that doctor pretending to castrate POWs, that Ukrainian journalist caling for the murder of Russian children, the holocaust references, and many more… It’s too much at once to not be deliberate.
The disagreements over the sanctions are increasing in the EU, and if it keeps going the unity of façade in the West will irremediably fracture. The US need a pretext to withdraw their support in the incoming weeks without looking like they suffered a defeat.
Considering this, I’m reasonably optimist there won’t be a false flag attack with chemical weapons coming from the CIA. They know they can convince NATO countries the Russians are responsible, but the rest of the world won’t be so inclined to believe this without solid proofs. One coming from the Ukrainian forces is still a serious possibility though.
Is there a way to use Telegram without giving up my cell phone number? I use a desktop computer for internet access.
You could use a burner or an activation service such as which allows anonymous payment.
In any event your number can be set to private in Telegram settings and will then never be displayed.
This video shows how a bunker buster works.
“Poland will try to convince the USA to allow it to hide behind Uncle Shmuel’s back and conduct a “peacekeeping operation” to create a mini-Banderastan in western Ukraine.”
Unless …. that’s the excuse and the reason is …. reclaiming some territory?
This reclaiming historical teritory scenario, if it is true, which I doubt, will blow back. Banderovites hate with passion Poles. Now they are focused on Russians, but right after taking Lvov, they will cause so much trouble for Poles that it won’t be worth it.
Securing mini-Banderastan is much more possible scenario. I belive many parties will be interested with cordoning off Banderovites famous for loving axes and knifes and slaugthering civilians – polish and russian speaking.
US government is true to form as in the Xi-Biden virtual conference.
No worry about loss of face or consequences of actions, hold press briefing, declare victory.
@ Saker
Thanks for the update.
The map has this seal on the top right hand corner, ВОЕННАЯ ХРОНИК, Military Chronicle, and here is the link, I haven’t seen any map yet, difficult to look for it in translation, you might be able to find it. The site has a lot of fresh info/videos of street fights in Mariupol, Chechen brothers in action (may Allah bless them, protect them, and provide for them while in combat), and other areas of the Ukraine front.
Lone Wolf
With the RSI there are computer dictation systems that you can look at.
“but none of that solves their real problem which is that they are now mostly reduced to WWI type of warfare against a 21st-century ultra-modern military which has the total control of the situation”
The problem is that that situation persists for almost a month now, and meanwhile civilian’s situation is really critical in non-liberated cities, with no gas, no water, no electricity and few food.
Nazi propagandist calls for using chemical weapons against Russia
Here’s my analysis of nazi propaganda from the last couple weeks, and what we can learn from it. Yes, this is disinformation, so is deliberately misleading. However, based on what has happened over the past three weeks, I am seeing clear trends in nazi disinformation coming out of Ukraine and the dictatorships of the “Collective West.” Nazi talking points are not random and do seem to have a clear, though often inverted, relationship with real-world events. I do believe it is possible to dissect this propaganda to gain insights about the nazi war machine, and their future plans…
Mr. samer, maybe it is time to consider dictation software?
Thanks so much for the update. God bless Russia.
Mr. Saker, maybe it is time to consider dictation software?
I might have missed it but you said you had some news about big developments in Belarus and some plans of what Russia is thinking after the liberation of Ukraine is over.
Any update ?
Or are you still keeping it under your hat ?
Hey Saker:
“roaring repetitive stress injury (RSI) in my right hand because I spend waaaaaaaaaay too much time on my keyboard. ”
Have you tried the split “Natural Keyboard” from Microsoft? I tried it 20+ years ago and haven’t had any RSI since. The fingers would sting and burn after 5 minutes typing. On the MS-Natural I’m fine even after 30 minutes work.
I find the one with the tilt away works the best for me.
> Have you tried the split “Natural Keyboard” from Microsoft
This is the best advice so far and yes, it works, after some practice
“BTW – the one in Iavorovo blew up a huge ammo dump which was buried under 60 meters of rock. I have no explanation for how that was achieved. Does anybody?”
Sympathetic detonation? The shockwave travels faster in rock than in air as it is a more dense medium.
Should be: “seismic” wave travels faster than the initial shockwave in air…….
Keep in mind that the missile could have hit the Service or the Ventilation shafts and the shockwave could have propagated through these.
Meanwhile in the U.S., it’s being reported that Russian soldiers are suffering from frostbite, running out of food, equipment, ammunition and fuel, have bad morale, can’t communicate between units, etc. It’s also being reported that the Ukrainians are “fighting to recover territory” they previously lost. It’s not being reported that the Ukies are actually recovering lost territory so I regard this as irresponsible “reporting.” And of course, it is being reported that the Russians have been unable to take Kiev, which as I understand was not one of the Russian goals. All this reporting is being done by complete idiots who do not understand Russian goals in Ukraine. And you can’t trust the U.S. media because they are the same ones who told us that there was “light at the end of tunnel” in Vietnam for 10 years and we were “turning corners” in Afghanistan for 20 years. And of course, there are reports about Russia possibly using chemical and/or nuclear weapons, which I also regard as mindless propaganda.
I don’t believe anything I hear from the western media. Why should I? On the other hand, I don’t know what the truth is.
Hypersonic missiles or even glide vehicles can destroy deeply buried bunkers because the pentrating depth of a projectile is proportional to its velocity squared. The World War 2 era battleships could penetrate about seven meters of concrete with a projectile that had an impact velocity of about 400 meters per second. The Russian hypersonic, aircraft launched, boost glide missile has a burn out velocity of over 3,400 meters per second. While some of that velocity and kinetic energy will be lost to aerodynamic resistance which is greater if it has to manauvere to evade defenses, impact velocity will still be about 2,000 to 2,500 meters per second. Pentrating depth would then be about 35 meters to 50 meters. The US bunker buster bombs utilize a used howitzer barrel as a casung that is both a penetrator and generates a shaped charge effect. Even if the bomb doesn’t penetrate to the bunker, the shockwave will.
Some of the talking heads and retired generals on the news speculate that Russia is using these expensive missiles (actually not so expensive because it is just a solid fuel rocket motor with a guided warhead) because Russia is running out if cheaper missiles and bombs. So far I see Russia using hypersonic weapons only against super hardened, deep bunkers. This is why I am here looking for alternative information.
If Belarus jumps in, this will be over very fast
While some of that velocity and kinetic energy will be lost to aerodynamic resistance which is greater if it has to manauvere to evade defenses, impact velocity will still be about 2,000 to 2,500 meters per second. Pentrating depth would then be about 35 meters to 50 meters.
Yes. I’m no missile expert by any means but I think this is the most plausible explanation for the bunker question. Thanks.
The impact velocity, that is what really counts when it comes to penetration depth. 2000m/sec is roughly equal to Mach 6 ie hypersonic speed.
Also ties in with what Russian MoD said about the ‘hypersonic aeroballistic missile of Kinzhal complex’ (from RF MoD Telegram post):
‘Due to hypersonic speed and ultra-high kinetic energy, the warhead of Kinzhal missile complex destroyed a protected underground arsenal located in a mountainous area, built in Soviet times to store special ammunition and missiles.’
Another poster, ‘Earthquake’, also wrote something interesting along the lines of the spalling effect of a HESH round; most likely this also contributed to the damage.
@ vera on March 22, 2022 · at 7:00 pm EST/EDT
Can someone explain to me why Donetsk is still being shot at, civilians still dying there? I don’t understand and this is getting to be very upsetting. Many thanks.
Take a look at the video in the link below, I posted it earlier. It shows the horror civilians are living in Mariupol with house to house, building to building combat, the Chechen brothers trying to calm the civilians while looking for Ukronazis, or a window to shoot from.
Lone Wolf
how in the world did that missile come down on the angle shown on this video?
Hi Saker,
The ammo dump under 60m of stone you mentioned is not in Yavorovo. That is Object 711 located in the military town of Ivano-Frankovsk-16. It was an old Soviet black site for storing nuclear weapons that was built into an old mine.
The Russians hit that with their first Kinzhal launch of the campaign specifically because the complex was designed to withstand a nuclear strike so it is theorized that they had to hit it with a hypersonic weapon in order to have enough kinetic force to crack it open. Another theory is that perhaps some of the weapons were stored above ground and that lead to the facility detonating. I tried to find sources about how thick the walls were, but all I could find was that it may have been between 30m and 60m of stone reinforced with concrete.
Apparently though, the ammo stores in Yavorovo which weren’t as protected were VERY expensive. I heard that they were valued at about $400 million USD of Javelins, NLAWs and other assorted goodies.
Russian Air Force is superior to US Air Force
Gulf War 43 days loss
F-15E ×2
F-16 ×8
F-14 ×1
A-10 ×6
A-6 ×3
F/A-18 ×1
AV-8B ×5
EF-111 ×1
Tornado IDS ×11
You can get in touch with Gonzalo at his Telegram channell. It is
just today he posted like 6 posts on it.
I was helped a lot for probs w right hand caused by mouse use by a vertical mouse that keeps the wrist in a much more natural position.
Iavorovo missile strike destroying depot under 60m or rock – if it seems impossible, then it probably is. What is th source?
Well, it’s not like you need to demolish the whole thing. After all even 60 m under rock need to have an exit to the surface. Destroying the exit is much easier and is just the same as it buries everything under.
Taking 500kg of mass as a guidance, which is reported as the weight of the warhead alone of the Kinzhal, the energy of 500kg moving at 9 Mach is close to 2.4 gigajouls. The explosive energy of 500kg of TNT is around 2.0 gigajouls. Granted the warhead in Kinzhal is more powerful than TNT, and considering that the missile is probably heavier than 500kg, the energy of explosion may be less or equal to the impact energy and combined may be well beyond 1t of TNT. If the warhead alone is 500kg, the impact weight can be easily 1t and this would lead to around 2t TNT energy equivalent.
Yet, this is very simplistic and it also depends how the energy is delivered and absorbed. The impact energy is very directed and very concentrated. Essentially 100% of the impact energy is concentrated in the direction of travel and impact. It gets more complex and I don’t know what happens when the warhead is detonated while traveling with hypersonic speed, that probably directs a lot of the explosive energy also in the direction of travel, keeping in mind that the hard medium propagates the shock differently than air (much faster and probably getting ruptured by the energy).
I bet that this targeting has been modeled and calculated on some supercomputer. This is serious business. Rock has tendency to crack, also shock waves can interact and interfere to generate additional destructive power.
Some videos from today.
Russian combat helicopter crew commander talks about his missions in Ukraine:
Rally in support of Russian military personnel held in Syria’s Latakia:
Drone footage shows devastation caused by fighting in Mariupol:
Destruction of some Kiev regime artillery:
Russian column moves through Kharkov oblast:
You mentioned ” I really have to stop because I have a roaring repetitive stress injury (RSI) in my right hand because I spend waaaaaaaaaay too much time on my keyboard.”
You may be able to get some relief using trigger point therapy. The process involves: finding sensitive points in the muscles in your arm/hand (they may feel like knots), applying sustained pressure to those points for a couple minutes, and then passively stretching and massaging the muscle. For pain in the hand, these points are likely close to the elbow – could be on the top (extensors) or underside (flexors) of the arm. Take it easy, and don’t press too hard – somewhere around 6 on a scale of 1 (no pain) to 10 (intolerable pain). A few rounds will help, and you can alternate cold and hot compresses to stimulate circulation in the area.
Best wishes and thanks for your service to all of us.
Off-topic, but hopefully useful to Andrei:
On your “repetitive stress injury (RSI) in my right hand,” there is a massage-technique that will remarkably reduce the pain. Several people have received this, and it works. (I learned it from a person who learned it from a repetitive-stress professional.)
Much of the pain results from muscles above the wrist getting inflamed from overusage, expanding, and pressing against nerves in the ‘carpal tunnel’ area. Remove the ‘pinch’, and the pain is reduced. (It is easiest to have another person do the following, although one can do it oneself.)
Sit your arm perpendicular to the massager, palm up, and have them feel-out the linear muscles on either side of the forearm. Have them grasp your forearm with two hands, one on either side of the wrist. Place each thumb to the ‘inside’ of one side-muscle. Gently but firmly, draw the muscles apart using each hand. It is kind of a rolling-apart motion. Hold this a while, and then release. Grab a bit up the forearm, and repeat. Work all the way up the forearm several times. Then, do the same massage from the opposite side (anti-palm) of the forearm on those muscles.
This should cause immediate relief from the nerve-pinch pain. Longer-term improvement can come from arm-support on a desk (relieving the forearm muscles), consciously-relaxing your forearms when not typing, and taking more-frequent breaks.
Good luck and best wishes!
So any prediction about when the coast of Odessa will be blocked. I only see Russian troops near Nycolaev? When are we going to see some action in that front?
Let’s make Russia Federation great again.
Some additions to the Sitrep:
Most important developments today:
-The fighting in Donbass region has reached a possible critical break through turning point. Units of the DNR have broken through the heavily entrenched lines of the Ukr forces at several points. The most important is the key suburb town of Marinka (just SW outside of Donetsk) where DNR troops have taken over half of the town from the east and are pushing west.
This is important because that entire line which leads to Kurakhove slightly west is considered a central command & control headquarters of the entire Ukie Donbass contingent. I don’t know why exactly this is simply something I keep hearing from people in the know. One of the reasons I’m sure is because it sits on the important highway to Zaporzhzhia which is one of the 3 or so important arteries that supply all of Ukrainian forces in Donbass. The other northernmost such artery is already blocked by RF forces outside Izyum so this is critical.
There are other breakthroughs on the line at Verkhnotoretske near Horlivka and elsewhere.
-Meanwhile RF forces have been coming up from the south of this location and have pushed up into Novomykhailivka (the Donetsk one, not Zaporzhzhia one). If you look at the map, that’s just to the south of the above mentioned important Marinka battle. That means RF forces will soon be flanking the retreating Ukr forces at Marinka, joining the advancing DNR forces there, and then that all important line and key highway/artery will begin falling like dominos. We’re only a day or two away from that now.
This area is just north of Stepnoe which if you recall RF troops had captured just a day or two ago with brutal UKr losses, which we’ve seen video/photos of corpses littering the streets and destroyed armor. Stepnoe is about 6km behind so this is a clear example of steady progress being made daily despite some people thinking offensives have stopped.
RF troops have also entered Urozhaine just south of Velyka Novosilka (the major town of the area) slightly west of the above mentioned area. the major town of the area.
If you notice I generally only post updates which can be fully confirmed with actual videos of troops on the ground and in the towns, to make sure these map adjustments are as accurate as possible.
-Here’s a map of how Izyum is looking on the north side of the Great Cauldron
As you can see the all-important road junction just south of Izyum there is controlled by RF. This road junction is one of the major arteries and lifelines of the entire Ukrop cauldron from the Kramatorsk-Slavyansk-Dnipro supply axis.
-On that note, Kramatorsk was hit with a devastating airstrikes today which has allegedly caused massive losses for Ukrop rear support. The mayor is said to have lashed out on his social media account accusing citizens of filming the fuel tanks and troop gatherings. There was a huge fuel depot destroyed and several pieces of armor and reports say significant troop deaths as well but this is unconfirmed. The enraged mayor claimed that the person who “leaked” the location was found and “shot on the spot” in an extrajudicial war crime. Whether this is true or him just venting, there’s no way to know.
You can see translated screed here:
-RF forces also bombed a critical rail juncture that was supplying Ukrop forces in the rear.
-Around Kiev, Ukrop authorities are starting to get desperate and concoct all sorts of shrill psyop attempts to demoralize RF troops, saying that they have been “cut off” by Ukr forces and placed in a boiler. In fact, the opposite is true, RF troops continue to expand zone of control and are slowly working their way not only west towards Zhytomir but south as well towards Byshiv.
Large surrenders continue to occur in Kiev region such as this video of 70 Ukrops captured
Graphic Ukr losses near Kiev (this vid may be few days old)
Some other random reports
-DPR has stated that Azov forces in Mariupol started at 14,000 and are now at an estimated 7,000 remaining. The rest have been captured, killed, dispersed/fled into population/evacuation corridor, etc. Cleansing work continues in Mariupol. I saw another photo of dead Azov in a civilian van (I posted video last time of Azovs shot up in a van by Chechens). This is further proof they have no real vehicles left and are scurrying around the city in civilian cars to their bunkers and hiding spots.
-For the 2nd night in a row we have official MOD reports that all night long Russian “NIGHTHUNTER” Mi-28 along with Ka-52’s have operated and destroyed 10+ pieces of armor as well as artillery. The reason for this change of tactic is because they have nightvision/FLIR etc and Ukrops for the most part don’t, including for their Manpad systems. So it allows the attack choppers to operate much more safely and destroy everything they find each night.
For those that don’t know, recently Russian helicopters have pretty much exclusively started operating on the frontlines with a new tactic which I’ve personally never seen before, where they approach the enemy position from a few kilometers away, pull back on their sticks and aim their noses upward, then shoot their rockets upward, almost using them as artillery in order to cover much more range, so that they can reach enemy positions without having to actually go near them for fear of Manpads. A pilot has stated that this method is made surprisingly accurate because the Russians have a system by which to calculate the precise distance to target and then the precise “angle” of ascension to pull their chopper into based on mathematical equations which allows the rockets to go extra far and still hit the targets. There’s several videos showing the choppers firing in this method from far away.
-Lastly, the big rumor that continues to grow in size is that a major escalation looms on the horizon. NATO and American officials have now officially stated that Belarus will be entering the conflict in 6-7 days, to which Ukrainian border guards have replied they are “ready and waiting” for them. I’ve posted countless pics/videos of Belarussian convoys being transported around the country with red square IFF markings.
-But the bigger news is that Poland is now set to officially request a NATO intervention at the March 24 “Extraordinary NATO Summit” in Brussels. Poland is rumored to request permission for 10,000 troop peacekeeper force to enter Ukraine. Interestingly, the U.S. has already issued a statement saying that U.S. will not use any troops in Ukraine BUT, “Other members of NATO can decide for themselves”. It seems U.S. is leaving open the legal possibility that they will allow the greenlighting of other countries to enter Ukraine while U.S. simply conducts the proceedings from behind as mastermind.
Today multiple American convoys of Stryker units were seen reportedly on the Polish/Belarussian border:
And of course we’ve seen massive American Abrams tank transfers in Germany happening for the entire past week now.
Here is an exiled Belarussian parliament member’s statement today:
UK intelligence has warned the Office of the President that Lukashenka will enter the war in the next ten days. Mi-6s are confident that Belarusian troops will be involved in the second phase of the campaign, when Mariupol is taken or Kyiv is surrounded”
-Yesterday I reported that Belarus diplomats suddenly “evacuated” their embassy in Poland and fled to Belarus. Now there are reports that the Russian embassy in Warsaw was seen black smoke exiting the chimney which is a sure sign diplomats are burning paperwork as is the common tactic and reports indicate Russian diplomats are set to leave Poland soon.
Now this may all be cockamamie rumor, or it may be the gradual slide towards major escalation in this conflict. If Poland and Belarus somehow both enter the conflict things will get quite interesting, and an obvious precursor to WW3 will be set in motion.
“It is specified that the project foresees the sending of an international peace contingent, made up of up to 10,000 military from various countries. According to reports, the troops should be deployed at a certain distance from the line of fire and their objective would be to guarantee the protection of humanitarian corridors for people and cargo..”
We’ll have to wait and see for the 24th what happens at the big Nato summit.
Again, thank for the updates. Regarding this;
‘But the bigger news is that Poland is now set to officially request a NATO intervention at the March 24 “Extraordinary NATO Summit” in Brussels. Poland is rumored to request permission for 10,000 troop peacekeeper force to enter Ukraine.’
No doubt this March 24 summit will, by design, generate pressure among the attendees to “do something.” Creating a “peacekeeping” force sounds warm and fuzzy to western constituents, a perfect virtue signal in NATO’s attempt to maintain a benign facade. Meanwhile, they sneak into the warzone in a desperate attempt to salvage something from their large investment in a long, de-stabilizing war of attrition against Russia (an investment knocked on its back foot by the scale of Russia’s intervention). Call it NATO’s “special military operation.”
Don’t expect the Russians to allow this. Almost everybody – maybe everybody in fact (outside of a small number of professional intelligence agents) – did not see Russia sucker-punching the Ukrainians in this way, on this scale. The Russians are ready to take out Poland – especially Poland – if it interferes.
Two days into the Russian intervention I said on MOA that this won’t stop at Ukraine. If Poland or NATO attempts to enter the war zone as “peacekeepers” they will be treated as combatants.
I’m not as confident as you in that, I don’t know one way or another what Russia would do in such a case. The only thing I’ve considered is the following possibility: just like how Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine was in fact a pre-emptive action, we’ve learned–due to the fact that Ukraine with NATO’s blessing actually had plans to invade the Donbass days later. Similarly, I could see the possibility (thinking outside the box, here) that the current drumbeats of Belarusian rumors could theoretically be Russia/Belarus’s plan to preempt and circumvent Poland’s action. i.e. if Poland wants to try and seize control of Western Ukraine by way of the “humanitarian peacekeeping” false pretense, then Belarus could enter soon and try to make a dash to seize as much of the Polish/Ukrainian border on Russia’s behalf in order to control it and immediately nix any potential NATO incursions. Remember most things that happen behind the scenes are known in advance to each side long before we know them because both sides have Comms intercepts and good spies, etc. So just like NATO clearly knew of Russia’s forthcoming incursion, Russia may already know of their forthcoming attempt and will attempt to nullify it with Belarus’s help.
The only flaw with this theory is that if a NATO force were to enter under “humanitarian corridor” pretenses, then presumably they’d enter near Lyviv where is where all the refugees are transiting from. And Lyviv is in the southwest of Ukraine, quite a distance from Belarusian border. Could a Belarusian force of only 20-30k cover that 200km+++ distance and secure the border? I highly doubt it. Of course it all depends on the resistance it meets and we don’t know for absolute certain what Ukraine has over there but from what we’ve seen in charts, Ukraine allegedly has massive reserves still left in the West, presumably more than enough to stymy or stop stop Belarus.
But with that said, it could also be a compromise because NATO forces could attempt to secure as much of Ukraine as possible, preferably starting with Lyviv and then up to the Belarus border in the north, so if Belarus even captures at least Volyn oblast it would at least protect one part of Ukraine from being seized by Nato and thus limit them to perhaps just Lyviv oblast, etc.
Anyway there’s good chance this is all bluster and Poland will not be able to muster any sort of consensus for such a ‘peacekeeping’ mission. After all, from the reports it didn’t say that Poland itself was volunteering to supply the full 10k troops but rather they wanted a mixed NATO force (if these reports are even accurate) so it’s yet to be seen how realistic such a proposition is and how eager other nations are to supplying troops for the potential powder keg of WW3. Of course such things are never done in vacuum, a pretext in the form of falseflag will always occur to help muster concensus at the right time, so the clock may be ticking until the next “Volyn Massacre”.
I seem to recall that –
Moscow stated sometime in early Feb. that their forces would attack ‘the sources’ or ‘those giving orders’ of foreign units.
I took this to mean Ramstein and other bases were fair game as well as the Pentagon.
The Pentagon? That would be twice this century to suffer a missile strike!
Not sure who this guy is, but here’s his latest video today. He claims ‘sources’ tell him Biden will be going to Warsaw to discuss options for the things we’ve talked about, NATO incursion, etc.
Of course it appears to be confirmed Biden will be in Poland on friday so, this is not much of a surprise.
He also says there’s rumor of a “coup” in Ukraine taking place soon on Zelensky.
If NATO is absolutely determined to enter the war using the Ukrainian circumstances as their launch pad, it’s better for Russia through harmonization with China, Iran and Syria, as a first step – help the latter take back the Golan Heights from Israel. Also China could move on Taiwan. Let’s see if those who rule Washington i.e. the big money AIPAC, can convince their Anglo-American partners that this is no chicken game and make the arrangement for their clown Zelinski immediate surrender thus saving everybody the time and energy needed to bomb Ukraine, Poland … and the rest into the stone age.
A lot of things are happening on 24th. Theres also the Pope’s consecration thing. Looks like major cognitive operation
Truly grateful for the wealth and breadth of your information
How do you square your Poland-to-intervene gossip with the whole weaseling out of the planes-to-Ukraine thing?
It may just be propaganda/talk to please common people, who love Ukraine very much and hate Russia very much too, here. Like you yourself said easy to weasel out, maybe it was even consulted before that US should block the thing, which they do quite decisively.
Without having any kind of military expertise, it seems to me that the Russian Army currently is managing the special operation as a more or less prolongued war of attrition (maybe this was one of the scenarios considered before launching the offensive), considering that:
1) The ukros had huge arsenals and strong fortifications
2) They have no compunction whatsoever in using the civilian population as human shields (and the civilian victims as PR resources)
The situation in Mariupol, where the azovites are still active after several weeks of siege (in great part because the huge number of civilians hostage) could very well repeat in a macro scale all over ukraine. It seems that the slow but steady depletion of the ukros manpower, ammunition and other logistical needs will be the predominant scenario for many more days to come. In my opinion is a good thing that the Russian forces are adapting to the challenges of this situation, barren an unforeseen scalation, that is.
Saker, I hope that the advices of the commentators help with your hand. Take care of yourself, many thanks for your insights.
Rather than ‘war of attrition’ the better way to think of the operation is simply as you first called it, a “special operation”. The distinction is important in the following way. The way we typically perceive a “War” is a high kinetic, fast type of conflict that’s meant to end as fast as possible by punishing the enemy into submission with little regard for the surroundings. This is more of a military intervention-cum-humanitarian effort rolled into one. RF forces are slowly cleansing villages, trying to be careful to not damage infrastructure or upset/disrespect the denizens, and after each cleansing a large humanitarian effort is launched at the cost of Russian manpower, bringing tons upon tons of food, supplies etc. This is all a large manpower drain and causes obvious drawbacks to the ‘speed’ at which they can proceed. Think of it less as a war and more as an extrication of a terrorist force from within the borders of an ally, sort of like the Syrian conflict where Russia had to be very careful and methodical as they are literally bombing terrorists who are inhabiting areas of civil infrastructure of allied Syrian ground.
So the operation is not meant to steam roll through because too much effort is being focused on the dual nature of the operation which is to offer humanitarian aid, corridors, etc which takes a lot of time. After all, when is the last army you saw offer repeated timed “ceasefires” as Russia did here and the aforementioned Syria. I don’t recall U.S. ever giving “ceasefires” in Iraq to allow humanitarian efforts to operate.
So to me it’s a very different type of “operation” than the “war” most people are used to.
Thank you for your reply. I trust a lot in your appreciations.
It seems to me, according to your understanding of the situation, that this kind of operation most probably was planned with a medium-to-long time frame for its succesful development. If that´s the case, it’s a good sign that the Russian headquarters anticipated for a prolongued effort. May I ask your take in that last regard?
Everything is at stake in the defeat of the nazis and imperialists, which I hope for. I´m grateful for your insights.
Yes in fact just today the heinous creature calling itself Christiana Amanpour interviewed Russian press secretary Peskov with that same question and he re-iterated that no one could possibly have staged such an operation with the thought that it would take ‘days’. I’ve heard rumors/speculations that Russia in fact hoped to finish the operation by May 9 ‘Victory Day’ which is one of the most important holidays in Russia, marking the end of Nazism and end of WW2, or rather the surrender of German Reich. This is a more realistic timetable though personally I believe it may take even longer than that. And yes I believe Russia definitely planned for a long operation given its experience in such. It spent years in Chechnya, years in Afghanistan, years now in Syria, I’m not sure why anyone thought Russia would suddenly expect a country far bigger than both of those to be done in a few days? Sure the Georgian operation lasted only a week or two but the objectives there were much different and even though it easily could have, Russia didn’t even bother capturing Tblisi the capital, instead content to strike a blow, demilitarize Georgia by destroying its military and then quickly recalling its forces back out of the country. Also we must note key differences — Moscow didn’t view tiny Georgia as an ‘existential’ threat, so it didn’t have the need to take over the country and regime change it. But Ukraine is an absolute existential threat not only with the ability to generate nuclear weapons in less than a year, but the actual commitment to using them against Russia as several of the Nazi politicians have threatened to do so publicly.
Remember it took Germany almost 2 months to take just the western HALF of much weaker Poland in WW2.
Anyway I think Russia likely “HOPED” that it could go quickly and Ukrop forces would mass surrender, but it of course never banked on that hope and the contingencies for a long drawn out conflict were certainly not only there, but the planners knew they would be likely. No sort of planning is done on an all or nothing, black or white basis like 100% this is how it will go. There’s many contingencies planned for, and the percentages and likelihoods of each are discussed. So I could envision RF strategic planners discussing it for instance like “30% chance we can take everything in a week as mass surrenders occur and leadership gives up, 70% chance they instead dig in for the long haul on the assurances of NATO/U.S. and we will have a several months long fight ahead of us”.
Remember at the end of the day, Russia is using a relatively small force (still no where confirmed officially, but numbers are claimed in the 150k range though I’ve heard as low as 100k). Why would they believe such a small force against arguably 450-500k (active plus reserves) of Ukraine would go “quickly”? Don’t you worry, all contingencies are in place and the plan is being carried out more or less on target.
Thank you for your highly informative answer. I hope that many commenters here take note and get patient with the development of the operation.
Grain of salt, as always but:
“Lebanese top political analyst and former MP Nasser Kandil said he has heard from sources within the top officials in Moscow that the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine is going as planned, the time for the operation to fulfill its goals was set for 10 weeks within which the first 2 weeks will be focused on destroying the backbone of the Ukrainian military offensive capabilities including air defense, air force, seizing the Pentagon-sponsored biological warfare labs, securing the nuclear plants, and circling the main cities. Starting the 3rd week, the Russian troops will take one major city every week and will try to avoid the Ukrainian capital Kiev (Kyiv) to the end, if possible, giving the Ukrainian regime chance to declare defeat within this period and accepting the terms it refused with the backing of NATO for the past 8 years.”
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The Aus ABC (Aust Broadcasting Commission) our very own unbiased news source (sarcasm) today breathlessly reported mass graves chock full of civilians killed by Russians.
Tucker Carlsen had a good piece on Youtube today, calling out Zelensky and highlighting the order to castrate Russian soldiers …… and the people of the Ukraine want to protect these animals and fight for them?
Seems to me those Ukraine people are the cause of their own problems, with a lot of help from Uncle Sam of course.
Good one Graeme. I’m particularly entrusted in the news I get from the cash cow, and The West Australian – the sausage prices are invaluable.
We need to be careful though, no free thinking allowed in the Straya. Putin apologists you and I.
So, the Ukronazis have now begun the transformation into Mujahideed/Viet Cong? Of course, the very big question remains as to whether these Ukronazis have the toughness and determination to become fully like them…I guess it’s best for Putin to assume that they do, although I do have my doubts about it (Vietnamese and Afghani country folk are about the toughest you’ll find anywhere on earth.). How long do we wait to see whether they can mount a successful unstoppable insurgency? Can’t wait too long as every day this thing drags out is going to deduct some credit from Putin in the eyes of his people…taking him ever closer to negative from his current still positive position. The West via its puppet Zelenskyy sure won’t be backing down.
The vast majority of Russians understand that this is not a war of choice; it is a war of annihilation like WWII, so they are not preoccupied with Putin’s poll numbers. Ukrainian Nazis literally want to invest Moscow and eradicate the Colorados. What do you do with Colorado Potato Bugs? You exterminate them. This is a matter of life and death for Russians. They will support this war effort for years and years to come, if that’s what it takes. If President Biden believes that Russians will crack under the pressure and fold, he is grossly miscalculating.
“The West via its puppet Zelenskyy sure won’t be backing down.”
That at least optically the “West” would be unlikely to “back down” was known by some by 1969, and was/is one of the vectors rendering the “West” useful fools.
” the Ukronazis have now begun the transformation into Mujahideed/Viet Cong?”
You appear to be vague on whom are the opponents, from whence do they come, what are their facilities, what are their motivations and what are their resolves.
An amount of the opponents have alraedy begun the transformation into cadavers not necessarily by remaining in one piece.
A pope once evangelised a crusade which included many children, hence being known to some as “The Children’s Crusade” which replenished Arabian slave markets.
Some useful fools have been socialised in the Top Cat and Hawkeye rubbing stick schools of thermo-dynamics, and hence their fall back hope is using any contingent cadavers for their own purposes – the Guevara gambit – hopefully without cadavering them themselves, which will enjoy the additional benefit of population reduction.
As for the crusading children, some may be put on trial, but the majority will likely be killed since at least some “sure won’t be backing down”, although likely some will by running away, as has already happened, and/or surrendering.
“Can’t wait too long as every day this thing drags out is going to deduct some credit from Putin in the eyes of his people…taking him ever closer to negative from his current still positive position.”
Projection of self is always a disadvantage except for your opponents so thank you for your service.