First, a hodgepodge sample of the kind of recent news: (sorry for the chaotic presentation, I am doing this all under time pressure)
The International Chess Federation (FIDE) wants to sanction a Russian chess player for supporting the Russian intervention in the Ukraine. Hey, losers! This won’t help you! If you remove the Russians, the Chinese and Indians will still take all the titles from you :-P
The Scala in Milan has dropped the Russian conductor Gergiev because he “failed to condemn” the Russian military operation. Bravo Italy! Bravo!
EUFA/FIFA have banned all Russian clubs sine die.

The battle for Russia House is over. That can, I suppose, count as a Nazi victory over Russia. Bravo!
Russia House, a restaurant and dining lounge, in DC has been vandalized. I guess a few local Nazis had their own, private, mini-Kristallnacht. That will show ’em Snow Niggers who’s boss! Bravo!
The EU has closed most of its airspace to Russian carriers.
Russia has closed her entire airspace of carriers from 36 countries.
The Ukies are doing two things at the same time: they are blowing up bridges and explaining that they have defeated the Russian attack and are now counter-attacking on all fronts (Note: blowing up bridges is not what a winning force does).
You know what else the Ukronazis are doing? Distributing huge amounts of weapons to anybody willing to pick them up. Question: is that “tactic” known as something the winning side does? Exactly…
And, finally, Ze has said that anybody in jail who is willing to pick up arms will be freed and armed. As a result, gangs of looters are shooting each other in Kiev and other cities. Question: is that “tactic” known as something the winning sides does? Exactly…
At the same time, a Ukrainian delegation and a Russian one met in Belarus. They are still talking, but I don’t expect anything to come out of this, at least not in the early stages of these negotiations.
Still, apparently the two delegations have agreed to “certain things” and have adjourned for the day. I have no idea what that means, but I certainly do approve of ANY negotiations as long a they do not slow down the Russian movements in the Ukraine (and the current ones do not, the Russians refused to make even a short stop).
There is also REALLY good news: the Zaparozhie nuclear plant is under Russian control. Thus, no false flag there and no false flag in Chernobyl. Good!

The big story today is the gradual closing of the operational cauldron in the East.
Now the latest map:
The big story here is the gradual closing of the operational cauldron in the East. Once it it closed, about 10-12 Ukie brigades will have to choose: surrender or die.
Next, Kiev: the city is blocked from three directions, but the Russians have left one open corridor which anybody can take to safely get out.
Mariupol: the Russians have entered the surrounded city and combats are taking place.
Kharkov: heavy combats are taking place with both sides using artillery and MLRS.
Volnovakha: surrounded but the Russians are not storming the city.
Schastie and Novaia Astrakhan: have been liberated
The Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman has declared that Russia has air supremacy over the entire Ukraine.
In the meantime, the US-NATO base in Achakkov has been totally destroyed by Russian missiles, as shown on this video:
This is crucial – it shows that US or not US, NATO or not NATO, Russia will destroy any threat to herself or to the Russian military anywhere in the Ukraine. This clear warning strongly suggest that NATO hotheads might want to think long and hard before sending in hardware or troops inside the Ukraine.
Due to the incredibly intense traffic we are getting, we had to do some hardware upgrades on our servers. This is why the blog was down for about 1 hour this night. We hope that these upgrades will give you all a quicker load time (which was very slow over the past 2 days). Please remember that hardware costs money, even rented hardware, so one way for you to help us is send us donations to increase our IT budget, making our servers both quicker and more secure against attacks.
RT is under constant DDoS and their anti-DDoS protection does not work very well.
TASS in English was accessible yesterday, but not the Russian version.
RIA, Izvestia and Commersant are all under DDoS attack.
There is a real possibility that Telegram will be blocked or, at least, throttled down around the Ukraine.
Finally, and let’s be honest here, besides Andrei Martyanov’s “Reminiscence of the Future…” blog and Bernhard Horstmann’s “Moon of Alabama” – there are no news sources which I could recommend to you even though there are A LOT of websites and authors which are desperate to use the situation in the Ukraine to increase their visibility. This is especially bad considering the absolutely HUGE increase in fakes, false narratives, trolls (paid or not) and the hammering of the brains of those who still expose themselves to the western media.
So please be aware of the fact that we are definitely losing the “informational battle” so far.
Now, finally, I have a real gem for you. Remember the Russian spies which were betrayed by Poteev and eventually expelled from the USA? Yes, the one in which the entire western media focussed on the sexy Anna Chapman aka Anna Kushchenko? Well, she was amongst the LEAST interesting of the lot, except for her looks I suppose.
One of these spies, Andrei Bezrukov, now is a teacher and a member of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. He is also often a guest of various Russian talkshows. Yesterday he made rather interesting comments and I ask our new volunteer interpreters to race with each other for a quick translation. This morning, one was already in (thanks N.!!!!!!!). Just to clarify: Andrei Bezrukov used to be an “illegal” (NO COVER) spy for the PGU/SVR, and he is superbly educated (I read his writings and listen to his interviews, he is truly a world-class specialist of the West). Listen to what he (and people like him) are saying nowadays:
Transcript of Andrei Bezrukov’s comments on Russian TV yesterday: (emphasis added by me)
I cannot forget several things…which I would just like to mention
Firstly, I want to state the fact that the West succeeded in dragging us into this war
No matter how we tried to resist this, so, this is their tactical victory.
They succeed in colliding two brotherly nations against one another
From this we can draw the following conclusion – now we have been practically forced, especially after the latest packet of sanctions, into a position where we have no other choice but to totally restructure our economy, financial system, and in essence our domestic policy.
De facto, war has been declared against usWar…I don’t want to say that. Who am I to use such terms?
Nonetheless, we have been put before the fact – our very survival is at risk.
Here we have both danger and a gigantic opportunity
The point is, by tactically winning and by successfully quarrelling us with the Ukrainian people, and war, naturally is the ultimate level of quarrel, they have not understood that now, by doing so, they have totally destroyed the very system which they had built in the world.
It is not visible yet, but in a few months, it will become apparent that the severed financial chains, broken ideological messages and the broken security system –
I agree – this is the breakdown of the security system.Allow me a question:
Given such sanctions, does it make sense for us to stop with Ukraine?
Of course, not! Of course, not.I want to go further…
Two short messages which shows the mentality which we should consider.
We are being intimidated and, in fact, many are now afraid that for decades Russia will be disconnected from everything, will become impoverished, she will lose all her friends, etc. etc. etc.We’ve been through this before. The young Soviet Republic was encircled and even worse off. Then everyone formed diplomatic relations and it all normalized…This does not last long…
But I’m not talking about thisThing is, western people, and especially Anglo-Saxons – all their thinking is based on the concept of “the rational man”…their entire legal system is based on this concept of “the rational man”…All their strategic solutions are built on the concept of “the rational man”.
What does this mean? When you are put before a choice: “Look, we will punish you. You don’t want to be punished, right? Then you must behave in a way to avoid this punishment”… and so on… “If you are threatened with sanctions, you won’t like that, will you? You will do something to avoid it… you will come and negotiate on our terms.”This principle of “the rational man” is in effect now. They think this way even now: “We will push Russia to the limit and she will surrender”. But, for Russian mentality, Slavic mentality, Orthodox mentality, Eastern mentality …
this rational mentality is totally alien!
Here, we have: “I’d rather die than surrender!” It’s a completely different mentality.Here, it’s not about that at all. This they didn’t consider. And the main mistake.
The point is – this is not the time to judge Russia.
It is time to serve Russia. The serving class of Russia has always pulled her out of all the liberal failures – of which there have been four over the last 200 years.I begin with the Decembrists, and so on…
And it has always been the serving class, those people who are in uniform, those who don’t ask a lot of questions…pick up their machine guns and go when they are commanded….those that stand, hungry, for 24 hours at the machine bench …it is these people that have served and will continue to serve… they will pull Russia out!The Russian people don’t think about “Courchevel and iPhones”…in their midst they are thinking about fairness and development…. That is what the people want from their leadership…and they will support it.
For us… now we have an enormous opportunity to build an entirely different economy
Well, they gave us no choice…we will have to. But I remind you, this economy will be based on those principles that we will have to build again, it was the second largest economy in the world… and it was developing the fastest.
So, here I am an absolute optimist.
And if they have committed such a gigantic strategic error, why shouldn’t we show them the whole stupidity of this mistake?Right now, discussions are going on … in the USA, and in other countries… they have rational people there saying: “Look, how we have cornered the Russians…what are we going to get from that? Nothing good. The main thing is, we are not thinking…”
“Never mind” – others are saying: “In the short term, things will be pretty bad for Russia, but in the long term, in a few decades, things will get really bad… and it will just collapse” – I’m talking about the sanctions, how they argue.
In actuality it is exactly the opposite.
It will be really bad for us for a short time. Maybe not for everyone, but, nonetheless…and then, later on, in the long run, it will give us the opportunity to breathe normally, build a self-sufficient economy, because, in that shell that was formed in the 1990’s around us, Russia can no longer live. It cannot remain in that small, tight shell….in Domestic Policy, in Foreign Policy…
They are the ones that have broken that shell.
Tonight I need to leave my home for several hours.
I will do my best to report here again, but no promises.
If not, I hope to “see you” all tomorrow morning, probably with some major news.
I just bought a sh*tload of Russian ETF indexes.
Have no idea how the index corresponds to the economy but Ryssie will rise, America will fall.
May I ask how you did that?
Russian index’d ETFs
Maybe they will all collapse since they cant trade anymore.
Try RSX in North America…..funny I was just researching the same thing. Ruble currency too.
Another fresh example from RT.
EU is just harming itself on behest of USA. So much for these sanctions.
Chinese will happily put extra money into their pockets. Brawo Mr Borell!!! Stupid Eurocrats are putting even more strain on weaken automakers by Covid-19.
Zelenskiy’s mouth opens, Blinken’s words come out. Western countries often use the ceasefire to rearm the terrorist! This war, Will it affect the Ukrainian sales of Hunter Biden?
You make a comedian your president, so don’t be too surprised your country is a circus!
FIFA is one of the most corrupt western institutions in the world. Humanity has really reached an IMPASSE. Many here on the blog laughed at the word war, me and Saker and others who talked about war got it right. The world works like that, it always worked like that. Welcome to reality.
Sitting in the café with the conversation of women comadres is not for us. The west thinks this is the football world cup. Russophobics get excited over the smallest thing. the EU doesn’t want a poor nation to join, they already have a big inflation problem.
Navalny’s LGBTQIA voters are now in Russia protesting. While Russian and Ukrainian teams are having some talks and a ceasefire, the US and its pawns send planes loaded with stingers to Ukraine: so they can be used against civilian planes even after Ukraine is defeated! We’ve seen it all before in the Chechnya war.
Before the war, I am sure that President Putin and his team already calculated the risks and consequences involved. That’s why he is in China before the game and has signed many deals that are worth enough to support Russia’s economy. Regardless, I think he just wants to make NATO and the West realize he was serious and with a warning shot… Please don’t approach me.
Talk is better than nothing, but the West is desperately trying to buy time to arm Ukraine… so we have to wait and see how that plays out.
Why did Ursula and Macron smile so much when they met? Are they happy with the sanctions on Russia? What is bringing joy to these European trident-wielding Satan puppets?
Macron lives in a bubble. They smile, smile for the cameras.
O senhor é o pastor evangélico no Brasil? Nunca imaginei encontrá-lo neste blog. Sempre achei que os evangélicos apoiassem os Estados Unidos e Israel incondicionalmente.
Google translation,MOD:
Are you the evangelical pastor in Brazil? I never imagined finding you on this blog. I always thought that evangelicals supported the United States and Israel unconditionally.
Isn’t Volvo owned by the Chinese?
Not Volvo trucks. It’s Swede
The way these sanctions work is like this: The US gets one of the lickspittle vassals to piss off China/Russia. China/Russia get angry and sanctions are placed on the offending entity. The offending entity loses business and starts whining. Then, US steps in to sell the offended entity, China/Russia, what the offending entity once did.
And then, the offending entity goes on to repeat the same stupid mistake later, while US laughs all the way to the bank.
These EU morons better realize that the anti-Russian sanctions are also sanctions on the EU. US and EU are competitors, not allies.
Head of MI6 “blasted” for saying this war is about LGBT rights.
You know, on a spiritual level, they are not wrong.
Russia does not want and of these lettervomit inside her civilizational realm
That goes for MSNBSFOX as it does for CIAMI6BND or LGTBQ+
You wrote that “Russia is losing the information war”. But I would be sad if Russia would be “winning” the information war.
Because truth is often sad and bitter, while lies are always sweet an nice. That is the power of Satan.
But we have SOULS and that made us able to not fall for easy temptations.
The current war is not about Ukraine, it is much deeper than that
It is the very existence of mankind that is at stake. It is a war between those that want a future for their SONS and DAUGHTERS, and those that want we don’t have sons and daughters anymore but genderless amoebas.
Russia, and China and others give me a reason to still fight for live.
I don’t care about the information war.
It may be possible, as I live in the belly of the Beast, that my life would come soon to an end, that my eyes and ears are closed forever.
But I will die in peace and joy, knowing that real humanity still exists. I saw it.
I also saw te Evil, that I didn’t imagine existed to such an extent.
But far from staining the human soul, the true nature of Evil magnifies even more the human soul.
I am truly transformed.
I mean. I am an atheist.
But those days Ienxountered something greater.
Now I have peace on my hearth and a smile on my face.
Thanks, everybody.
I liked your words. You live in Freemasonry Babylon 2.0, but you thirst for justice and truth. You have an open and humanitarian spirit. Cheers.
You wrote that “Russia is losing the information war”. But I would be sad if Russia would be “winning” the information war.
I sadly have to disagree.
The Russian media is a bloody mess, mostly run by Atlantic Integrationists.
There are good Russian websites and channels, but only Russians speaker know about that.
One thing about western propaganda is true: all the western leaders are united into one bit race to see which of them all is the most russophobic! That’s all I see.
I never had a particularly idealistic view of the West. But now my disgust is total.
Here is a fact:
Folks in the West prefer Nazis to Russians.
That is, I think, what the current PSYOP proves.
That is sad, disgraceful and depressing.
Hi Saker,
Since childhood, I have dearly loved Russian literature, spirituality, music, art, as if it were my own country.
How much hatred and contempt was directed against your country and people all through the Cold War and even much earlier, really, for centuries.
In Russian history, there were always the Westernizers who looked to France and England for their inspiration and there were the Slavophiles, like Dostoevsky, who believed the soul of Russia lay to the East and today maybe it is still the same…
Maybe also Putin is only a KGB guy cynically playing at being a defender of his faith. I don’t know. But sometimes we become the things we play.
I pray that Ukraine might come to its senses, disavow this Zelensky clown, and realize that its culture and heritage will not survive integration into the EU. May it look forward to brotherly coexistence in a sincere spirit with its coreligionist, Russia.
What the current PSYOP proves is that a full press, 360 degree propaganda campaign works. No more than that. Is it any wonder? They’ve been refining their techniques for 100 years now.
”I never had a particularly idealistic view of the West.”
Joint the club. Mass murder from the sky was a particular form of barbarism which is not discussed in Western ‘enlightened circles.’ If Sir Arthur (Bomber) Harris C-I-C of RAF Bomber Command had had the misfortune to have been German he would have been executed as a war criminal, which in fact he was, memories of Hamburg and Dresden come to mind. A fortiori with the case of Curtis Le May, of USAF ”I do wanna set the world on fire.” just a grammatical error rather changes the meaning. Fire-bombing Tokyo, then giving the full works to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And it didn’t stop there; next stop was Korea with the usual US incineration of the population.
Saker, your words gave me unpleasant cold chills.
There is indeed a war for the minds of people around the world. However, if the west were not extremely scared of the outcome of this Russian intervention in Ukraine, they would not be so desperately employing their other weapons against Russia, such as media and financial weapons, so resolutely. This is beyond hypocrisy. They must be in panic! They certainly have understood by now that they won’t survive Russia’s resolve, and for this reason they are desperately coordinating efforts to resist Russia’s advances as much as they can.
How long will they be able to sustain this quasi-suicidal behaviour?
I wish I had a crystal ball. If I did, I would probably see Russia in a difficult situation for a while, but surviving gloriously to celebrate a splendid victory, recognised by the majority of humanity in Asia, parts of Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America, while the US and the EU fell gradually into a long lasting coma.
Privet Saker,
I’ve been following your blog since 2014 but have never posted.
And let me just say that I feel your pain when you state:
“I never had a particularly idealistic view of the West. But now my disgust is total.
Here is a fact:
Folks in the West prefer Nazis to Russians.”
Because of my roots and way of socialization/education I can’t say that I’m surprised of the fact but perhaps the level of how much this nazi venom has made a come back is. Me being German I’m absolutely horrified what statements a must endure of the ruling political figureheads – in Germany of all countries! It seems that the times of “Nie Wieder” (never again) are long gone and the lack of historical education is frightening – but than again the one denazified German state got wasted by the dumb masses in ’89.
AS for the current information war I don’t see how Russia can win this – at least not in the short term. Not because the Russians are not clever enough but because they have tried far too long to play it by the democratic play book when the West never did.
Just look how long it took to finally put a stop to the worst NGO’s who infect us with all this trained zombies who destabilise the countries. Also the overwhelming numbers of so called journos and politicians who all got ‘processed`through the same think tanks and NGO`s – and when passing muster got cleared to have a career. Anyone having a dissenting opinion is getting silenced, canceled, demonitized, deplatformed or worse.
This makes it so much harder to spread the truth but to end on a positive note – the fact that THEY are now (trying to) ban the most prominent Russian news outlets in all of NATO and EU countries tells me that they are scared. They feel the heat – and rightly so – let’s fue that fire!
The truth is not always obvious to all.However we all must have faith in genuine truth seekers.What brought you here and who allowed your comment to pass?This place is a place of learning and sharing of genuine self aware individuals for the most part.Have some faith in yourself and do not be afraid to speak the truth.You may think you are loosing friends, when in reality you will shed burdensome relationships that in your heart you know are not for this time.
I agree completely. This is a war of two diametrically opposed moral philosophies. The elites in the West understand this. Russia understands this. The people in the West, no so much…
As Jesus said “No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one, and love the other, or he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
This is the war.
MSNBC—Rachel the Rhodes plant. The century-long nefariousness of the Anglo-American establishment is in full noxious bloom, the stench is of the corpse plant via the propaganda qualities of television—the West’s most potent weapon of all in dispensing passive lies to generate inertia and apathy so evil’s path remains unimpeded. Especially in how it aids and abets the destruction of critical thinking…. and conscience.
Don’t forget about all those evil NGO’s….
Thanks for link to MI6’s silly comment that Ukraine war is to defend LGBT+ rights. Is Ukraine’s culture significantly more gay-supportive than Russia’s? Each new letter added to the (unpronounceable) acronym represents a still smaller percentage of the population, whereas the really huge problems society faces affect everyone–economic inequality, resource depletion, climate catastrophe, nuclear war–as do Orlov’s stages of collapse. Isn’t this even sillier than the claim that Afghanistan War was to defend women’s rights–since they’re roughly 50% of the population?
However one views LGBT+ minority morally, Western societies have discovered they can de-fang/defuse many kinds of militant minorities by giving them a “place at the table. In gratitude, they quickly support the exploitative mainstream values and perspectives. What good is a Congress, Cabinet, or Supreme Court that “looks like America” in its diversity if they all support imperial groupthink about Wall Street and Pentagon, eg, “Mayor Pete”?
“Celebrate Diversity” is relevant/helpful only if we truly share with/learn from each other and “walk a day in each other’s shoes.” Diversity of what kind and at what level? Chicago is very diverse, but ethnic neighborhoods remain largely segregated. Should all families be interracial by marriage/adoption? To be truly representative, don’t we need more Amish in government, and more Jews in farming, mining, and plumbing?
Can we with “white privilege” find ways to appreciate minority subcultures in our society without being accused/guilty of “cultural appropriation”?
The Scala of Milan it is certainly not the center of the Italian culture anymore .. it has become merely a place of celebration for our political institutions .. in particular the head of state who has now become a sort of monarch at the service of supranational interests
Italy was long a friend of Russia, so it is probably trying to find a way of kissing an ass in Brussels whilst not harming their long-time friends in Russia.
This is the Italy I love and respect:
Tonight, I am heartbroken
Saker, Italy right now is a boiling cauldron, we had the hardest covid repression, political betrayals and “the dems” firmly in charge despite losing every elections. You can feel anger in every corner, and so “Putin” come right away to collect the delusional state of the masses. Still, last, 2 new political parties were born and they are anti NATO and “eurasiatic” to the bone. But it’s a long way to the top, the average “luigi” knows nothing aout what’s going on.
So moving. Tks.
a lot of us are heartbroken dear Saker. who was the first to respond to Italy’s near demise when it was hit hard by covid 19, two years ago? who is the world leader who sent a special team to assist the Italians parry the onslaught of the fast spreading virus? at least if the swiss were foolish enough to show their real skin, Italy could have counter balanced it by staying neutral. now we know who these Italians are.
Apparently the location in that video is spelled differently in online encylopedias:
Its Achakov in Russian and Ochakiv in Ukrainian.
Why should I use the Ukie spelling in English???
And I hope someone is taking care of those dogs.
I’m half-expecting the America college and university chemistry departments to announce that they are abandoning the periodic table of elements, because it was discovered by a Russian scientist.
Thank you, Andrei, thank you so much for these reports. If nothing else I feel like they help me feel like I have some idea what is going on. Legacy news reports are not even self-consistent, they make no sense.
I am not looking forward to the eventual outcome of these events.
awaiting for the couldron to happen quickly. would love to see western advisers paraded and summarily executed.
Foreigners who get caught should simply disappear as “enemy combatants.” Precedent has been set.
lots of precedents have been set since 9/11 and all of them are now coming HOME to roost…(as many predicted at that time)..
after the fall of the soviets, pax americana didnt last 100 years it lasted 10 years and 9/11 was the apotheosis of the united states; it was all down hill after that.
I agree with the parade of POW in downtown Donetsk.
Kiev does not deserve such a parade.
I don’t think Russia does that kind of summary execution for the camera and to make a statement. That’s a US kind of thing, sending messages. If it happens, it seems unsavory to me.
No, but it is a fact that Russia ended up killing all the main Wahabis even long after the end of the war.
The Ukie Nazis are all on the Russian’s “hit list”.
I can only agree – they must all be punished.
See, that’s why I miss Givi…he definitely would have the CIA backed “volunteers” and other western mercenaries face the wall. :)
This is a WAR on RUSSIA, Ukraine is just a small visible part of the iceberg that has been forming for years.
They are counting on strong resistance in UkroNazi forces, which would bug down Russia into prolonged and exhausting war. Then, when Russia is weakened, NATO will attack. I am afraid this is just a beginning of their long planned operation final goal of which is to cause chaos in Russia (throught 5th and 6th column), depose Putin and install some new Yeltzin or Gorbatchov as a governer of their colony. Then start spliting it a part and taking pieces.
I believe Putin did put nuclear arms on the high alert – with a good reason. West and NATO is not stupid, and this is not a result of Western stupidity, I am afraid it is a long time planned and far bigger operation than we can see from today’s perspective.
This is why it is imperative that the victory in Ukraine be fast and decisive!
NATO will never attack Russia, Russia won’t be weakened by this, they didn’t even send the reserves or did full frontal air attacks. I have family in Russia and friends in Russia and everyone I know hasn’t been called on standby yet.
Russia already anticipated this and calculated this, they never wanted full occupation or really fast invasion. This is all what they planned, if they wanted a SWIFT operation they would at least call in some reserves (no reserves have been called at all). And they would use more air attacks. Also no one would dare to attack Russia at their home, especially during winter or in the colder parts of Russia.
Krasavchik, many thanks for the wise words. I believe you know what you are talking about. Reassuring comments are necessary, I think, at least for people like me who know little of what is going on. Thanks.
This comes from Colonel Cassad: Ukraine 28 Feb 2022:
“Kyiv. There is no assault on Kyiv to the west of the city. A humanitarian corridor has been opened through Vasilkov. Columns of vehicles are making their way to the city from the east. Taken Nizhyn. Tanks go to the highway Kyiv-Chernigov. Part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine departs from Chernihiv to Kiev. The city itself is partially blocked. Chaos continues in the city itself, panic attacks and the mayhem of the Volkssturm.
2. Kharkov. Fighting continued in the city in the morning with the use of artillery and MLRS. It is impossible to determine a specific front line in the city. It is unlikely that such a big city as Kharkov will be taken quickly.
3. South. The troops of the Crimean group took Energodar and the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Fighting is going on south of Zaporozhye. There are movements of Russian equipment in Kherson.
4. Mariupol. The city is blocked. There are attacks on Sartana and Shirokino. Talokovka was taken. The RF Armed Forces are approaching from the west through Mangush. The Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Nazis are actively moving around the city, trying to determine the direction from which the main threat comes.
5. Volnovakha is surrounded, but not taken yet. The enemy is trying to attack from the north in order to unblock Volnovakha.
6. The Donetsk-Gorlovskaya group continues shelling of Donetsk and Gorlovka, stupidly killing the civilian population. But her time is running out.
7. In the LPR, troops liberated Shchastya and a number of villages, including Novaya Astrakhan north of Severodonetsk, for which fighting has already begun.
8. Slavyansk and Kramatorsk – the assault on the cities has not yet begun, but missile and air strikes are already being carried out against the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Russian troops are also approaching Izyum.
9. In the coming days, the advance of the RF Armed Forces may put the entire grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass, except for those units that will crawl back to Dnepropetrovsk, to the brink of complete collapse due to the interception of all communications.
10. Today, the Russian Aerospace Forces were actively working in the Donbas and over the territory of Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry announced in the morning that air supremacy had been won.
There is no clarity on the negotiations in Belarus. But they don’t expect much.”
Thanks for the info. I wish Cassad was running an English language version like he did during 2014. The “English” button doesn’t work on his Russian site, presumably because there is no English version. I could use Google Chrome Translate, but I prefer to run Firefox than Chrome, and anyway, the translation, while adequate, is not great.
Try Brave Browser. It has a translate button.
Use 5000 characters.
Good to see that there is still Somewhere to go for sane news in the World where insanity reins supreme namely in the MSM. I Hope and pray that la Russie Éternelle come out of this battle of good against devilish evil stronger, wealthier, and wiser for the sake of all humanity.
Andrei, courage and keep the good work.
From an African well wisher and admirer.
About RT – even when the website is down, RT Live is sending 24/7 on YT.
Often only ca 8000 viewers, should be much more in my opinion.
Of course it is more than 8000!
There is propaganda everywhere.
Now it is blocked….
Andrei Bezrukov’s understanding of the West is to be commended. He speaks of the Anglo-Saxon emphasis on the “rational man.” This is a very clear reading of the dominant force in the West. It is really an ego driven “rationality” that cuts itself off from soul and spirit and then wars against the spiritual values to be found in the soul. Watch how the BBC programming constantly but subtly undermines Christianity. It’s rational bias cannot integrate Christianity’s real inner content. It reduces everything to ego. In this way the rational mind very cleverly drives the soul into the unconscious. It suppresses it into the underground. This is characterized in the Marxist lexicon as “bourgeois bias” and it has a recognizable class basis. “Bourgeois Britain.”
This is a collective cultural sickness that gives rise to the myth of Faust, which has been described as Modern Europe’s only myth. Faust’s rational ego went into full throttle denial of the spiritual world. The political result is Anglo-fascism. This results on a mass scale as both class conflict and international tensions. This so called “rationality” is really a war against truth as it denies the higher understanding which is to be found in the soul. True rationality can only come from the integration of the developed mind into the spiritual awareness of the soul. However it is told that the salvation of Faust is to come to him when he opens to the feminine. Mother Russia perhaps?
How can the West claim to be truly rational? All they are doing is proving their entrapment in egoism. Which from the level of soul understanding can be seen as a mind lost in a dark madness where nothing real is seen. But they will try and lock their demented and narrow vision in upon us all by attempting to define the parameters of science as an exclusively materialist enterprise.
I read however that Moscow is the city where the rationalism of the West meets the spirituality of the East. Which is why this great city is so pivotal in modern world history. So it fits that the political processes currently underway in Moscow have responsibility for negotiating the conflicted relationship between Western rationality and humanity’s spiritual destiny.
What is clearly needed is a cultural movement that reintegrates the developed rationality of the West into the life giving waters of true spirituality. However the powers that be can be trusted to desperately resist that until the very last.
Apologies offered to Andrei and all readers if this comment appears too coldly cool and rational. Sometimes my soul feels so much that the only way I can deal with this situation is to be as clinically precise as my rational mind will allow. But like Andrei said; “we are winning.”
Snow Leopard, this is really to the core. Soul mediating between Spirit and matter.
I’m gointo print your comment.
Hi Snow Leopard.
The change has already started. I hear it from feedback back in the US. My family was pretty hardcore nationalistic and we don´t believe squat from those guys anymore. To boot, here I am on TheSaker.
Alastair Crooke recently posted it will possibly be around 2 years before the EU is beaten up to the point where it changes direction.
Bidens numbers are dropping out of the sky. ABC polled him at 37% over the weekend. This fall is going to be like the end of the world for some of those people. Have faith, God is in charge.
I wish well to you.
‘Apologies offered to Andrei and all readers if this comment appears too coldly cool and rational.’
On finding a cool stream in a wasteland, the water shall have no sorrow; from whence its source?
Put in an order for Norilsk Nickel. Not being filled as it is going up in price!
Support Ukraine, Facebook likes: 5-8
Support Freedom Convoy, Facebook likes: 50,000+
Russian stocks are some of the most amazing bargains right now.
The balance sheets and income statements of companies like Surgutgasnefte or Polymetal are unbelievable for the valuations, as in once in a lifetime. Surgutgasnefte with a 25% dividend. It comes with some risk though. Not for Russians, for buyers living in the west.
i wish you much luck. in 2008 i came into an unexpected windfall in my deceased husband’s tax free account, i immediately transferred it to rosneft. in 2011 it was frozen. the drag being most of young turks @ the firm have no idea what a frozen account means: ie, they can neither touch it nor ding it—o/c neither can i. all the same it sits, no matter how they attempt to cut it by fees etc. i’ll wait it out. rosneft is not a bad hold. ;-)
Where should i buy them? does it matter where i live in europe? Or do i have to have worries if i buy such stocks?
Well, having absorbed a lot of information about this current ‘war’ I am in no doubt that, firstly, Putin caught NATO, the EU,the USA, UK and Canada off guard with his actions. What the Russian army has found in the Ukraine is far more NATO control than anybody thought possible. Also, the 14 ‘secret’ bio-weapons around the Ukraine almost on the Russian border which, I understand, the Russian military have now captured and the Pentagon erasing all information about them internally. Secondly, NATO had the chance to accede to Putin’s requests for diplomacy to resolve the situation over the past 10 years and they treated Russia with disdain, contempt and quite frankly, in an insulting manner. There can be no doubt that Putin took the right decision, which I don’t think he would have taken lightly knowing the full scale of the Sanctions that would be put in place. I doubt very much whether he took it without dialogue with Xi Ping first. The EU, USA, Canada and NATO are now behaving like the school playground bullies issuing sanctions left right and centre without any thought about the serious blowback to them of those decisions. They are lucky Russia hasn’t turned off the Gas yet because that would put any military assault on Russia beyond their reach. They have completed overreacted to a straight forward situation which NATO could have resolved. And it is a gross over-reaction. They are the school bullies thrashing out at the worms who have turned and who are getting the upper hand. Well, Russia will survive this economically and politically as it has been preparing itself for such a scenario for the last decade. The blowback for NATO and its affiliating countries on the other hand, is going to be considerable and something the school playground bullies haven’t actually considered. They now also have China to contend with who currently hold USD 1.6trillion of USA debt. If they unleash this on the stock markets, the USA and the EU are f****d. They have backed themselves into a desperate corner with all of this without a single thought of the consequences and are having to rely on industrial levels of propaganda and censorship to make it stick. Thing is, where I am here in the UK, nobody seems to be interested. Nobody is talking about it anywhere.
China’s power isn’t that it has the funds. China’s power is it’s ability to prevent American printed money from flowing back into the USA and spiking inflation even higher.
They’ve been taking all this paper cash and distributing out to build up the Belt and Road. Eventually the cash starts to come back to the USA, and I think it already has.
Inflation numbers in the USA have been cooked for a LONG time and it’s getting hard to hide it.
And where I am in the States, nobody is talking about it. There seems very little interest in it at all. But that, of course, is the result of “our” government having been *constantly* at war on the other side of the world for 20 years. Ordinary people have tuned it out. Also, I know quite a few people who favor Putin in particular and Russia in general. It is not unusual (when conversation turns to foreign affairs) to hear people say that they wish Putin were president of the US. I concur.
Something for anyone to use that may help in the social-media meme-war on the conflict, a meme I made for the many history-challenged out there who insist on starting the story in the middle with ‘Putin is the aggressor’:
Thanks again for another informative post, much appreciated.
I’ve not heard of this Andrei Bezrukov, but my impression here is not of a “world-class specialist of the West”. He certainly gives an accurate picture of what the Western nations are doing, but speaking as one of the Western (specifically Anglo-Saxon) people he’s talking about, I don’t think he understands us at all.
“…western people, and especially Anglo-Saxons – all their thinking is based on the concept of ‘the rational man’…their entire legal system is based on this concept of ‘the rational man’… All their strategic solutions are built on the concept of ‘the rational man’.
Yes. As an “Anglo-Saxon” (American with roots in the founding generation and before, nearly all my ancestors came to this continent in the 17th and 18th centuries; according to 23&Me my genetic heritage is 67% British, 96% northwest European), I agree this is correct: I am a believer in Reason as the best guide for action.
However, what he’s talking about – the thinking in the ruling circles of the Western nations, and their consequent actions – has nothing to do with Reason. Said ruling circles have long been dominated by a foreign element, not Western, certainly not Anglo-Saxon, whose only priority is their own profit, whose greed, perfidy and cunning are limitless. You must have seen the memes showing the real nationality of, for instance, the overwhelming majority of Biden’s cabinet. And this is nothing new; US foreign policy has been at the bidding of these people at least since Woodrow Wilson (and America with him) was duped into joining the first Great War.
And more evidence is surfacing every day of how this element has infiltrated the ruling circles of pretty much every Western nation. For instance, what do the president and prime minister of Ukraine, and the mayor of Kyiv – the three most prominent people in that “country” – have in common? Even Slavic people are not immune to their treachery.
It has been precisely our belief in Reason, and its corollary, reasonableness, which has allowed this foreign element to take over our nations. This, of course, is our responsibility; and if we don’t wake up and do something about it, we – in particular the USA, my nation – will finally, simply expire.
The peoples of eastern Europe – the Slavs he speaks of – have long experience with this element, and are not nearly so naive about them. We of the West have a lot of learning to do. I am not sure if we will manage the task in time.
you didn’t understand what he meant. Reason without faith and spirituality, paradoxically drives man to insanity. Why is China 5,000 years old? Reason without spirituality allows ego domination. Yes I know, this is deep and high! American Protestant Christianity became rational, therefore egoic and soulless. An instrument and weapon in the hands of the CIA.
From the mod:-
Uhm … please stay on topic.
Maybe you have heard about Donald Heathfield?
This is Andrey Bezrukov –
Donbass encirclement is complete, Kharkov is being mopped up, and Mariupol is effectively surrounded and the neo-Nazis who are hiding there will be wiped out quite soon.
These developments would deal a severe blow to the Ukies and maybe the entire region east of the Dnieper would fall to the Russian armed forces. I believe that this is the Russian’s strategy; do cover maximum land without much resistance.
Once the eastern Ukraine and Kiev is pacified, Russia would probably focus on Western Ukraine. I believe so because of two reasons ; 1. Pres. Putin clearly set for the ultimate goal of the operation – to annihilate thr nazis 2. RuAF today declared that they’ve achieved air supremacy over the entire Ukrainian airspace.
Russia’s ultimate goal wouldn’t be complete if the Ukrainians are able to have a foothold in Lvov and function as a government. It would be an injustice to the people who died at their hands.
The fact that Russia completely controls the Ukie airspace enables them to effectively cut off any and every type of military/logistical for the Ukies.
Btw, Intel Slava reported yesterday that the RuAF was operating in Brody. I can’t find the link now, but that city’s just 103 km away from Lvov.
Perhaps we might see a repetition of
What is your guys view on this? The article suggests that USA trigger the start of the war by feeding Russia with incorrect data
Ukraine was already a proxy of NATO, which was making real threats against the Russia and Russian-speaking population. Also it hosted NATO soldiers and thier facilities, soon to be fully operational. Doesn’t make any difference if they officialy make it as part of NATO. Actually, Putin’s decisive action had perfect timing.
I would say that article is a pure damage control.
See the video in the article at the top of the page.
The video shows the wreckage of a soon-to-be NATO base that was apparently being built at the mouth of the Dniepr river. I can’t tell from the video how big it was, but I’m inclined to believe the text.
From a frequent commenter here, Auslander, we also know that NATO intended to take over the Russian bases on Crimea. Apparently there were NATO officers in Crimea back before 2014, when international relations were more peaceful. The “experts” at the State Department foolishly thought Russia would simply turn over the keys to their 200+ year old navy base.
It was not a joke.
In 2013, the Pentagon released an RFP for the reconstruction of some buildings in Crimea to NATO standards. Thetransfer of Crimea to NATO was long expected and long prepared for.
I have better things to do (and so do you)
Early in the diplomatic phase I noticed large and fundamental differences in the understanding of morals between the two parties. I think the Russians understand their “Western” colleagues a lot better than the “West” understands the Russians. What the Saker has posted perfectly illustrates this point.
Perhaps it isn’t too late for serious diplomacy and dialogue. The kind of dialogue where one party talks, the other listens and considers before responding. The “West” has done nothing but lecture their Russian counterparts and you can see where that has pushed the world. If there is a chance of avoiding spiraling escalations then earnest dialogue needs to start before something really crazy happens. Really crazy is at the doorstep. I don’t think the Russians have a problem with getting crazy. I don’t think pushing in that direction is a good idea.
A real dialogue would be great. When you compare the size and strength and the amount of resources Russia has, with all the “has-been”-countries of say EU, it’s really absurd how they get treated in international affairs.
The difference in culture is striking when you compare Putin’s straight language with the touchy-feely tone of Western leaders. Putin talks a language of power, which is very foreign to most westerners that has not been in conflict their entire lives. All they can respond with is bureaucracy (sanctions) and money (gifting missiles, not even knowing if they will arrive).
It is absurd how Russia gets treated in international affairs. Russia has had a gigantic influence over the nations of the world for many centuries. Hell, just look at the influence of the Russian navy on the outcome of the US civil war for one small example. Never seriously talked about in history classes over here though.
Quote: “All they can respond with is bureaucracy (sanctions) and money (gifting missiles, not even knowing if they will arrive).”
If you subscribe to the idea that politics is about power then the Empire has picked the weakest option in solving a conflict. Empires in their terminal phase often resort to this method. A stable power uses education and propaganda to influence. An unstable state will use force (police, military, ect.) to influence. An almost deceased empire uses bribes to influence. Bribes and money aren’t going to have any success on influencing the Russians in a perceived existential crisis in any case.
Really crazy is at the doorstep. I don’t think the Russians have a problem with getting crazy.
What sums it up is, I think, that if obliged to choose between their annihilation alone, and global annihilation, they’d choose the latter.
Putin has already stated that in 2018 when talking about a future hypothetical attack on Russia.
Quote: “Certainly, it would be a global disaster for humanity; a disaster for the entire world,” Putin said, in an interview for a Russian documentary “The World Order 2018,” adding that “as a citizen of Russia and the head of the Russian state I must ask myself: Why would we want a world without Russia?”
However the usual criminals in high places either didn’t listen or didn’t care.
American jingoism is the opiate used to keep the unthinking population from seeing that:
1. We have no culture.
2. We have no industry.
3. Without oil purchased with fiat money, we will descend into savages.
I’ve got my plot of land in the boonies. Going off grid soon. Were I a young man I would learn to speak Russian. Too late for that, for me.
Russia is the future and the Deep State cannot tolerate that reality.
James, I’m 74 and learning Russian from the web site “Boost Your Russian”. The young proprietor is very smart and has an excellent program for learning the language. I’m currently learning all the dialogue from the movie Брат. It’s worth a try…keeps the old grey matter from ossifying.
“focus on the sexy Anna Chapman aka Anna Kushchenko” – LOL. Come on dude. A drop dead gorgeous redhead with an IQ over 150? What’s not to love? Heck she probably plays a mean game of chess too.
I loved it when she proposed to Snowden. That would take care of the citizenship problem but he already had a wonderful lady dancer.
First, she was a junior, long term, project of the SVR, and her looks are totally average, at least by Russian standards. Go to any Russian village and you will find 10 20 such “drop dead gorgeous” women. And Kushchenko (un)dressed and acted cheap and vulgar, which most Russian woman do not!
I don’t think that she is particularly smart, and way, waaaaay intellectually inferior to real brains in the group like Andrei Bezrukov or the formidable Juan Lazaro (Mikhail Anatolyevich Vasenkov).
Thanks Saker for your brilliant work.
Yes – the sanctions will hurt a bit – but not long term.
What is telling is that Russia can strategically drive up the cost of energy worldwide. And according to Moon of Alabama, Russia has market power for the following: wheat, potassium, titanium, aluminum, palladium, etc. All of these items could be used against the West by simply making them more scarce than they already are. Mind you, this needs to be done strategically. Items that have relatively inelastic demand are ideal. Energy is certainly one of these. As the price goes up, consumers must pay more to drive autos and power their homes and infrastructure. So Russia should do what it can to cripple USA and NATO industry – and make it clear that it is doing this.
If they do this correctly, it will actually earn MORE money for Russia as consumers will be forced to pay MORE for LESS.
Other than that, I say Russia should press on and take all of Ukraine. The NATO and USA have indicated they will continue to supply weapons (and military jets!) to Ukraine. NATO and USA simply cannot be trusted to deal with this threat to their perceived global domination in any rational manner. And Russia cannot risk NATO or EU membership for the Ukraine.
I have predicted a bifurcation of the world economy for some time. This bifurcation will be accelerated. Zone A and Zone B will operate in different worlds. China will provide the mechanism for the Southern Hemisphere, Eurasia, and Africa to exchange goods and services. The producers and raw material suppliers will all be in Zone B. Zone A will simply be where a few goods, such as agriculture, are produced, but mostly just a large population of consumers. Good luck with that economic model Zone A. Implosion is coming.
The Kansan
My money is on Russia; she will prevail, she always has!
Concerning that “rather die than surrender”. That makes total sense. With NATO’s advance, the Empire was taking a nuclear gun to the temple of Russia, in order to blackmail her into total surrender and destruction as a nation. Reportedly, Putin said something like “the world without Russia is not worth living in”. And, though I’m not Russian, I feel he is 100% right. Even with the nonzero probability that this operation will end with the destruction of all life on earth, the game is worth the candle. (Of course, this probability is reasonably negligible, currently; but it would have grown as NATO’s pressure increased. Once this victory is secured, the demilitarization of 3B+P will have to be secured as well.)
Up until yesterday I was able to watch Россия-1 and Россия-24 (ipad via смотрим app), but this morning am getting gateway errors (Savannah, GA, US, corporate network with upper level domain but on comcast/xfinity backbone). Anyone else seeing this problem?
Your humour on the news we are subjected and limited to in the West is most appreciated, Saker.
But how absurd that propaganda campaign has become is unprecedented in its degree of insanity. The appalling thing is that the more insane it gets, the more the crowd swallows it, hook line and sinker. In my long life, I don’t believe having experienced anything that widespread and so fanatical. The degree of conformity from one source to the other is nothing short of surreal. Thank God we have you, Moon of Alabama, Martyanov, Pepe Escobar, and the few others.
Thanks for your dedication, precious analyses, the maps, the lists of reliable sites, the warnings and all the rest… And please don’t worry about the difficulties we are all facing together on this site and on others… This is war! And that is what war is about, more so when the stakes are so high. At stake is indeed the accelerated fall of the Empire. It knows. Hence the innumerable acute spells of hysteria.
Wishing you well. Please take care.
LOUIS ROBERT le motard qui m’a précédé sur la super aventure de Moscou à Vladivostok.??
J’y ai appris à comprendre et à aimer les russes comme nos frères du Nord.
Unconfirmed rumor that Pawlohrad in der Oblast Dnipropetrowsk has been secured by the peacekeepers. If true, this means the Ukie nationalist units plus the Mercs and enlgish trainers are caught in a caldron.
Anyone can confirm or otherwise clarify ?
It was already mentioned by Saker. I belive like 2 days ago, he wrote that between two fronts of Russian and LDNR forces was gap only 100km wide. This is enough to cover that with Russian MLRS systems, which are supporting advancing troops. Good luck with trying to run through rain of rockets. If some managed to escape could be also hunt down by the Russian’s air force.
They were caught already and know the fun begins.
Sorry, forget about that previous comment. Oblast Dnipropetrowsk is an entiry different place.
Andrei Bezrukov , a very impressive guy, wise words. I have a feeling we will see more of him. I hope so.
Yes, definitely losing the information / propaganda war, in the west. Entirely expected, although hard to swallow. Personally sickening. But the reality is being won, and that will surface in due course.
Russia’s softly softly approach in Ukraine (so far) will gain her friends around the world. Those who will compare her actions to those of the US and the jackals that follow her. Especially those that have experienced us aggression, or are threatened with it, or fear they may be threatened with it. If a new paradigm / order is to emerge, it must be opposite to the one we currently have, and must be seen to be so.
God bless Russia, those who serve her, and those who pray for her. We are really praying not just for them, but for our futures too. Our children and our grandchildren.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
can anyone confirm or deny this rumor from rabo bank: putin has fired gen. Gerasimov.
if anyone can confirm this or debunk it as zionazi lies it would be appreciated.
I think Bill browder (yes THAT asshole) tweeted it but later deleated that tweet. A rather genuine (though not russia-friendly) US guy retweeted it and already retracted it and then Putin was publicly discussing with gerassimov and others on 26th. So , no, it’s a complete fabrication, Rabobank is doing their usual clickbait non-information bs (I read those from time to tome re financial markets- most of the time they are way off but I guees they just do it for attracting visitors and potential customers)
Removed. Mod.
Pls stop spreading nonsense !
I mean, your chosen alias seem to point to a low IQ, but Gerasimov fired and so said Browder?
How terminally stupid do you trolls get???
Go and build a sandcastle, that would be at least productive…
Andrei,I marvel at you patience having to reply kindly to these children, yes,a sand castle is a pretty decent activity for children,I learnt a lot from trying this a long time ago.I mean actually building sandcastles on a beach far from my home, we were inland island people then in this part of the world.
Anything coming out of Bill Browder is just like his business dealings: fraudulent
Have confidence! It’s faked…
This fake hoax has struck twice already. On day 2 there was fake tweets that Gerasimov has been dismissed. And now yesterday there was another series of fake tweets again that he’s been “dismissed” after “disaster in Kiev”. Complete fake HOAX aimed at demoralizing and confusing our troops. Don’t buy it.
Btw Gerasimov served in Chechnya, he understands very well how to clean this radical scum both the easy way or the hard way if need be…
Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Spain, France, Czech, UEFA, FIFA…you name it. All Russian “partners” are giving it a lesson in morality. Just two years ago Putin was still scaring the world with Srebrenica scenario in Donbas, presumably a genocide like one the Serbs commitment could happen again. The last year Russia was placing flowers on the tomb of the great fascist, the Serbian and Russian enemy F. Tudjman it seem for no other reason but to poke the dirty fingers in the eyes of the only friendly nation in the world. And it seems amazing to me that the most Russians, especially those on the top, do not fully understand why and how they found themselves in the current situation.
zoran, facebook and twitter contacted me and have instructed me to tell you that they miss you and want you back.
And maybe as a career boost you could set up as a comedy duo with Zelensky.
I recommend some re-education regarding the Srebrenica ‘scenario’, you seem to be a victim of the Empire of lies propaganda machinery. There are some nice resources on site.
Anyone care to comment? This explains why things don’t seem to be going well for Russia:
Things are going well. This is some propaganda fiction from Ukies. Advancing columns of armoured vechicles, especially huge like this one, are covered with mobile anti air units like Pantsir. Just look the videos of Russian columns.
This is no high noon, shooting town.
Reading is a wonderful skill that should be developed in parallel with reading comprehension.
The lame stream media is going full retard in the information war against Russia and mis-reporting virtually everything, never go full retard!
Andrei has mentioned many times to refrain from posting these sources. Do yourself a favour, download Tor and connect to more reliable, factual sources and read for yourself.
Please do not post western Propaganda psyop links. Furthermore how do you know how it is going for Russia?
looks like something from a video game of badly organised convoy of rabble been droned……drone drone drone
for fu§º¢ sake
Frank, we have been asked repeatedly to not post disinfo from enemy websites. Please take note.
I would but add Gilbert Doctorow’s blog and Patrick Armstrong’s “Russia Observer” to the list of fact-based analysis available regarding the overall situation. Both have reliable sources and many years of high level repartee from years spent in Russia and former U.S.S.R. republics.
Do you concur, Andrei?
Armstrong – yes
Doctorow – no
Andrei Bezrukov’s testimony is in concert with Alastair Crooke’s latest article and Karaganov’s foreign policy essay upon which Crooke’s article is based. Early in February I saw the message contained in the 4 February Joint Declaration and fashioned two essays of my own about the goals it professes.
What we are witnessing is a Great Reset not planned by the WEF but orchestrated by China, Russia, and the vast majority of the world that craves it becoming Multipolar. It won’t happen instantly and will require patience for perhaps a generation. The Old World will soon also become the Outdated World.
After reading Mr. Bezrukov’s comments, I feel that there’s no better opportunity than this for Russia to completely break away from the Western structures that were imposed upon her since the ’90s (E.g. ECHR).
If this blog has meaning and importance to you now, in this vital moment of current events, with nuclear weapons and dirty bombs spoken by crazies capable of insanity, then dip into the wallet and support Andrei, Amarynth, the mods and translators and the IT tech master who keeps one step ahead of the dark hands of fascism.
It takes money to mirror website on servers in safe places around the globe.
It take a lot of hours, scores of hours to protect this website so it can function.
Support your bastion source of information. This is the barricades, the trenches in the fight for Free Information, for a curated salon of global POVs and discussion and links to sources of video and articles.
Now is the moment. Some can’t. We understand. Some of us add some dollars to our patronage or donations in behalf of those who count their change to buy their food or pay a medical bill.
I’m addressing some who think life has no costs and Freedom comes with the breezes.
The Vineyard is and has been a target for years. Saker and his team have fought to maintain stable presentation for any to join who were like-minded.
So, do a little “duty” and donate some support right now.
Or this pipeline will be sanctioned and shut down like NS-2.
Cheers LM445!
Snail-mail check is on it’s way.
And thanks so much for your commentary and contributions.
Subscribe Stared for 5 bucks a month. A good chunk of my disposable income, but I spend a good chunk of my unstructured time here. too! Fair’s fair.
DeJaVu. All reminds me the US Nato playbook with Serbia. I am only worried that Putin makes the same mistakes like Milosevic before. Slobo provided too less soldiers, always claimed Serbia is not in war, took care of enemies civilians, confusing strategy, poor implementation of tasks caused by unclear definitions of targets.
Later Slobo drowned in senseless negotiations. The biggest mistake has been made in the early starting of Croation, Bosnian, Albanian war in not securing first the borders to Nato states Hungary and Austria. Even Austria claimed to be neutral the influx of weaponary was gigantic. Same with the ports in Croatia and Slovenia. Every day every two shipments with weaponary arrived in the ports. Coming back to Ukraine i believe it is strategic mistake not to take over borders with Slovakia, Poland and Hungaria. U might destroy all ukraine weapon and ammunition depots but they replace the lost immediately on daily base with the help of their real partners.
Putin has always used the word partners. These partners now delivering ammunition and weaponary on a just in time system to the Ukraines. Milosevic has also used the word “partners” and ended up in Den Haag prison.
I would say the biggest mistake was the lack of a crackdown of the crimes leading up to Slovenian sessesion. IMO it was the unofficial beginning of WW3. It always starts in Yugoslavia for some reason.
Have the negotiations today slowed the pace of Russian advances, including in and around Kiev?
That US naval base which Russia destroyed should be given heritage status and turned into a museum type structure ( The Death of NATO or NATO’s Graveyard ).
He who panics first in this instance, is lost. NATO are in full panic, desperation mode.
Finally, and let’s be honest here, besides Andrei Martyanov’s “Reminiscence of the Future…” blog and Bernhard Horstmann’s “Moon of Alabama” – there are no news sources which I could recommend to you
So far CGTN, PressTV, and Telesur have been objective; but they are not up to date. The Telegram channel “Intel Slave Z” provides lots of photos & videos, much of which appears to be source material for South Front.
For anybody that reads French, the website seems pretty objective, but again not so up to date. An example:
The Olymmpic Committee banned Russian athletes due to the violation of the “Olympic Truce”.
The Ukranian army intensified the bombing campaign in the Donbass between the 15 and the 22 of February. Shouldn’t be Ukranians also banned from Olympic and athletic competitions?
Gold medal in double standard. Although the World record is for FIFA for banning Russian players without any major competition ongoing.
IMO, Russia, China and other nations will form a new series of sporting organizations for their athletes and teams wholly separated from those of the West, that latter of which will eventually wither and die as will other Western organization that adopt similar policies.
The West has shot its bolt and now comes time for the reckoning.
I am even wondering whether other countries might boycot olympics unless all countries can participate, certaily the public can “vote with their feet” and just not attend/view olympics or those other events that ban other countries from participaiting. And yes, I was thinking too, parallel events might also help.
HI everyone.
I have just finished watching the 20.00 Tageschau ”news” here in Germany.
I find it totally depressing that the bulk ( all ?) of the press here has fallen in with the US narrative with zero and I mean zero analysis of how we have got into this situation, what the long term consequences are for Germany and who is benefitting.
The entire coverage is emotional with no independent analysis, the closest they get to anyone like Hudson or Mearsheimer is some guy from the Bundeswehr Universität. So not close at all really. If anyone has a better german language suggestion I would like to know…
The people who rent their homes (50%) are now getting their service charge costs for 2021 now, hugely inflated through energy alone . This time next year they will be even higher and they will have suffered significant food inflation costs in the interim, much as a result of US/Nato strategy.
Scholz, a spineless grey nematode, will face enormous domestic pressure to explain no NS2 gas and monstrous energy cost rises and I imagine will resort to blaming the Russians.
The only positive thing I see from where I stand is that the rest of the world will come off the dollar quicker.
You can try for German very pro-Russian “news” (a lot of it is just Russian articles or news reports translated into German, however); the author is a German living in St. Petersburg.
On social media, look up “Russian Perspective” (@RusPerspective) or “Nikita Gerassimow” (@NikGerassimow) on Twitter (the latter is also on Telegram).
Overall, I don’t think there’s a lot of Germans who really love Russia…those on both edges of the (non-extremist) political spectrum seem to have the least anti-Russian views, but both seem to just see Russia as a tool for helping along the fulfillment of their own geopolitical or ideological goals. While almost all Germans speak English and quite a few have a real faible for British or US “culture”, almost no one (except Russian emigres) speaks Russian and I’ve yet to encounter a German who actually really loves Russian culture.
Meanwhile, many Russians learn German and are genuinely interested in Germany…I hope this changes and Russians develop more of an interest in China and Latin America in the future. Instead of English and German Russians should be learning Chinese and Spanish IMO.
Yes Spiegel is total crap – It’s apity ant-Spiegel is not also available in English.
Check out the blog (and books) of Mathias Bröckers:
He has been writing and reporting brilliantly about all of this for years.
Here’s an interesting video about Ukrainians shelling their own people and pretending it’s the Russians (in German, translated from a Russian channel):
On that channel is also an English language translation of the video and perhaps there will be more German and English translations of this guy’s videos in the future.
The author of the original Russian channel is asking for these videos to be distributed far and wide.
Andrei or anyone else here “in the know” about the military situation:
You indicate that 10 to 12 Ukie brigades are in danger of being encircled in the east. How many Ukie troops does that amount to? What proportion of the entire Ukie army does this represent?
Thanks in advance.
It could total 50,000 guys. We were told they had 100,000 in the Donbass. There is that fog of information and the fog from the fighting that has been ongoing.
It represents 25-35% of the military at 50,000. But what quality units?
Clearly, not the best in that number. Guys stuck in trenches for long periods of time.
Kharkiv seems to be the toughest nut to crack.
Then Mariupol.
And sections of Kiev.
So you can diminish 23-35% but that doesn’t mean you took out their toughest, best trained, best quipped.
What you hope for is an enormous surrender which will have a psychological effect on other places.
What also matters in these sectors is how many US, UK, Poles, etc are there with them. That toughens them enormously with spirit and competence.
The impact of liberating Donbass with this cauldron will be felt in Mariupol. They know the end is near for them with absolutely no possible help ever coming to break their siege.
about 100’000+ soliders
about 2/3rd of the Ukie military
it is hard to tell, because their units are all not to full TO&E and not really “brigades”
also these numbers depend on the brigade types.
Could be as low as 60’000, I don’t know
but very roughly, I think my guesstimates make sense.
What is certain this: it would be “the bulk of the Ukrainian ground forces” being cut-off and surrounded on all sides.
And keep in mind that the Ukraine only had about 850 tanks and around 1600 IFVs/APCs before this conflict started. Nearly all of this is old soviet era material that has seen little or no upgrades. It is estimated that up to half of those vehicles were not (fully) combat capable due to mechanical problems and lack of spare parts.
Most of the functioning armored vehicles that they did have were issued to the brigades along the LOC with the LDNR. Especially if the suspicions are true that the Ukraine was close to launching their own attack on the Donbass. So its not only about the men, but also about the equipment.
Except for the engagements near the Donbass LOC, the Russians forces have mostly been fighting poorly equipped Ukrainian truck-motorized infantry formations which have been bolstered by fairly small groups of tanks and other armored vehicles (if at all). These infantry formations now hunker down in urban areas as they don’t stand a chance in open terrain. Which means they are effectively pinned down and can’t freely move about.
One of the reasons the Ukrainian are getting desperate is that the only reserves they have in the western half of the country are either similar brigades with infantry in trucks and a few mechanized/armor brigades with very few functioning tanks and other armored vehicles. All of these brigades are also likely to be considerably under strength and in need of large numbers of reservists to be brought up to strength. That’s very difficult, if not impossible to accomplish under the current conditions.
What I’m getting at is that while as percentage of the total number of men available to the Ukrainian armed forces, the number that is at risk of getting trapped in the east may not be that high. But as a percentage of the total fighting power of the Ukrainian land forces it is very, very high. The brigades in the east simply have far greater combat capabilities than those in the rest of the country. More than everything else in the country combined even.
As a Muslim I find Turkey’s opportunistic anti-Russian political maneuvers disturbing and disgusting. Turkish media can’t be distinguished from CNN. I always knew Erdogan to be an opportunistic hyena, but siding with NATO in this manner will be a colossus strategic mistake endangering future relations between the two nations. Unless he thinks he can play one “disbeliever” against another and pave way for his Neo-Ottomanism. But I am afraid he is not that pure religiously and not that smart politically.
Saudia Arabia and the Gulf monarchies have remained neutral to my surprise. This would not have been the case had Trump been the president. He would have forced them to take a side. But their mutual loathing of Biden and his “democratic”/woke/green agenda has forced them to show some spine. I won’t bet that it would last long. But for now they are lukewarm about joining the NATO chorus.
Rumors are that Putin will recognize the Taliban soon and hence Imran Khan’s visit to Russia. Putin trying to convince khan to follow suit and recognize them too. Pakistanis have always been under American influence and hesitant to make major unilateral moves. But that seems to be changing now. Time and again they have been thrown under the bus by the Americans for the Indians. Russia-China-Taliban-Pakistan-Iran entente is in the making. And in many ways can be a game changer.
Dear Anwar,
Something flashed through my mind while reading your comment – a Sunni-Shia reconciliation with Russia’s and China’s help might be on the cards leaving the Sultan of swing… on the ropes.
Dear Anwar,
I can tell you this: in Russia, Muslims are not “aliens” and we make the difference between the Ottomans and Islam. Second, we also make the differences between, say, Sunnis who are the canon fodder for the CIA and the Sunnis like the Chechens who are now fighting in the Ukraine against the Nazis.
Most Orthodox folks from the Balkans have a very bad opinion of Islam due to the years of murderous terror and occupation by the Ottomans. But while Russia had 12 wars against the Ottomans, OUR Muslims are OURS and we love and respect them and, crucially, know the difference.
Remember the Dagestani officer who said “brothers work!” before being murdered? The unofficial motto of Russian Special Forces is a reply to him “we are working, brother!”.
QED :-)
I saw a motorized column of Chechens soldiers in Southern Ukraine on Youtube. On their sleeves is the flag of Chechnya, not Rossiya, but every last one of them had a St. George ribbon – probably as ID. They were in very good spirits, eager to do their part, and fully confident about facing the challenges. The Youtube channel, “Eli From Russia” made a few vblogs last autumn from Chechnya and Dagestan. Really amazing people. Their culture is very different from most of Russia, and the Dagestan countryside is breath-taking.
Hi Andrei,
You should not worry about the war of information, at least, i can state that on the french side, all telegram channels and many re-information websites understood what is happening. This is very noticeable.
You can also count on SOTT websites (in multi-languages), english one : but many others too.
One forum member behind sott found one interesting article, with some information found in some wikileaks files, from 2008, it’s worth to note it somewhere :
Don’t forget to rest !
@ Saker
“…It will be really bad for us for a short time. Maybe not for everyone, but, nonetheless…and then, later on, in the long run, it will give us the opportunity to breathe normally, build a self-sufficient economy, because, in that shell that was formed in the 1990’s around us, Russia can no longer live. It cannot remain in that small, tight shell….in Domestic Policy, in Foreign Policy…
They are the ones that have broken that shell…”
Thank you, Saker, for bringing light to the darkness. The shell is broken, and Russia is now ready to create a new reality without carrying the proverbial dead albatross around her neck. Travel safe.
Lone Wolf
Am harassing Steve Bannon on his Gettr account about his anti-Russian bias. Have sent very critical emails to my Congresscritters explaining to them that Americans do NOT “stand with Ukraine”. Have posted photos of Oleh Tlannbyxysys doing his Nazi salute. Plan to post photos of the mass grave in Lugansk.
American Neocons are scum. President Putin is handling the situation well, as far as I can tell.
Should Russia immediately stop gas shipments to Europe? I am of the opinion that it should.
Europeans haven’t yet cut off ALL Russian banks from SWIFT, because as soon as they do, Russia would no longer be able to receive payments for their gas deliveries. EU doesn’t have any alternatives to Russian gas right now; there would probably be significant power outages and electricity rationing if Russia does this. However, come spring or next year this will no longer be the case. Russians meanwhile are experiencing significant economic disruptions right now. Why not hit them back?
On that note, what do Russia lose if they turn off the gas to EU? Apart from $$$… What impact will the lack of precious metals / Russian technology do for the EU/US industries?
I don’t think this would be wise long term. It is the anglo saxons goal to drive EU into poverty and despair. We know how it goes when Fritz sits unemployed, hungry and freezing in his basement for to long. There is no better reqruitment tool for facism, than poverty.
Exactly. It makes me wonder how many of those who want Russia to cut off the gas to Europe are even aware of this and, if so, how they reconcile the two, and how it will affect Russia’s moral higher ground over the USA/UK. Have we become too ‘Americanized’ to think this through?
Snow Leopard, this is really to the core. Soul mediating between Spirit and matter.
I’m gointo print your comment.
I fear that, saving the huge differences, the same “rational” on sanctions was applied on the Western citizens who opposed the irrational now demostrated unscientific pandemic measures, and a good bunch of them did not mind losing everything, their succesfull careers, all what they had, which was what some states seized from them plus being demonized and criminalized in the media 24/7 for a year in a round, and we are still alive, some of us supported the Donbass people and repbulics as best as we could during these past 8 years, but especially around the Maidan.
The shell, i fear has been broken also for the citizens of the West whose states fell on them without reason except refusing to offer their lives and health in the altar for those corrupt officials´enrichment whikle they impoverished our country on beahlf of foreign countries.
We will impoverish the same as the Russians, but our pupopet governemts will never have a plan out from there, since the only plan the US has is getting everybody down so that they can bright somehow and when they are in low hours that means that Euriope must be in the underground levle in standards of living.
Who wins? The Davos crowd, since they get their tabula rasa reset to rewrite our societies to the level we were witnessing in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Italy and France, continuous crippling sanctions on anyone who has another opinion, or do not submit.
‘It all comes out in the wash’ or as I’ve been taught ‘It’ll all come out in the wash’, an idiom, meaning the truth will eventually be realised.
Then Putin wins back to back Peace Prizes while the Satanic Banking Forces of the Wicked West collapse having been on life support for nigh on 40 years. The western charade of Economies disguised as going-concerns when actually bankrupted will soon come out in the wash. Temple Bar, The Bank of England , The Central Banks, IMF, BIS, The Federal Reserve, The Baron Rothschild, all sunk with no fresh blood to sacrifice at the masonic alter.
What does it all mean? I’ll let you know what it means . . . .
It means, German, Spanish, British, French, Italian and other European citizens applying for Domestic Staff positions in Asia. Goodnight Europe, blow out your candles, tomorrow will bring no better news.
Aside from moon of Alabama and Andrei Martyanov, I also follow southfront, but I seem to remember that the Saker wasn’t allowed to link to that site anymore because of some US censure? I check out zerohedge too, they have a lot of nonsense, but also some more sane commentators in comparison with most media.
The Russians are doing exactly what they need to do. They are prepared for every move by the West. MSM is controlled by the US government. Its all propaganda, and will be forgotten soon enough. RT and Sputnik are fully accessible in USA. Serious people get things done. Non serious people get nothing done, and spend their time criticizing the people who sacrifice and produce. Russia is on the correct path and it will be difficult, but its absolutely necessary for survival as a sovereign country. Nothing worth fighting for is easy.
Putin basically has anticipated an Ukraine attack against the russian republics in Donbass. The new insides from last days about the effectivness of ukraine Forces only prove this thesis.
In addition to Grandmaster Karjakin, more have been sanctioned:
Military experts on Twitter indicate they are seeing evidence the Russian army may be changing tactics. They expect the Russians to revert to their standard military doctrine of overwhelming enemy positions with brutal, heavy bombardments.
It would be good if the Ukies incur losses so catastrophic that Western media is flooded with reports and imagery documenting such reversals. That’s what we saw at Ilovaisk and Debaltsevo in 2014-15. I remember those reports demoralized and sobered up many people on the Ukie side, including their Western supporters.
I am heavily focused on the possibility that a large portion of the Ukie army may be encircled in the east, in the vicinity of Donbass and Mariupol. If the Russians can induce a mass surrender of Ukie troops – lets say in the tens of thousands – that might change the entire situation militarily and diplomatically.
Interestingly, not a single one of the prominent military analysts on Twitter is reporting anything about a possible Ukie cauldron developing in the east. Possibly this is a clue that something’s really happening in the east, and the analysts are fearful of talking about it because they could be blacklisted by their contacts in Kiev, the Pentagon, and in Brussels?
Hello GW.
Once the cauldron and Maripol are a wrap, imagine what will happen next. That is one reason why the rest of the twitter crowd don´t say anything. They know exactly what is shaping up.
The Mariupol cauldron has already happened.
The operational cauldron in the Donbass, no yet.
But already Russians have “fire control” over the escape routes.
Tomorrow is my guess for a full closure.
I wonder if they will close it, or leave it open and play ‘pop’ the pimple. Rather like a Bison Drive but with air support if you get my drift
I believe that the Russians need to demonstrate to the country currently called Ukraine – and its Western allies – that a large portion of the Ukie army has been destroyed, captured, or otherwise neutralized. We’re talking about a huge victory that is impossible for the Western propaganda machine to ignore.
If this happens, the people living in the country currently called Ukraine will likely lose their resolve to continue waging war. Such a Russian victory would also signal strength and resolve to the US/NATO power interests that are the real cause of this war.
This development is an absolute must, IMO. And it needs to happen soon.
I’ll bite: I do not use twitter, so could you provide me with a link or two to these analysts?
“Military experts on Twitter”
Bwahahahaha, that is a good one!!
Interestingly, not a single one of the prominent military analysts on Twitter is reporting anything about a possible Ukie cauldron developing in the east.
And that seriously surprises you?
Maybe you should be kind to yourself and stop paying attention to bad quality PSYOPs on TWITTER (of all places)?
Thanks Saker for bringing so needed balanced information and excellent analysis for all these years and specially nowadays.
Let me share this very interesting video from Gonzalo Lira, a chilean analyst (not at all a lefty) in Kiev. Nothing really new but in line with we read here. It’s worth watching
There’s a particular pre-condition for knowing this great country (U.S.). Besides the one about living many years in a country and reading about it, it is necessary for this to have attended an American high school for some time. You can compensate for it, but it’s that important to have that experience. Mr. Bezrukov is a good illustration of this fact. We can forget about the “rational man” theory altogether. That’s how it may look from Russia. There was no such “tactical victory” for the West, and most certainly not for the United States. Practically nobody wanted Russia to do this, certainly pres. Biden and sec. Blinken did not want this. They were surprised by the recognition of the two republics on Russia’s part; then, if I know, they were surprised by the invasion too. They thought it could be avoided…
Bezrukov: “It will be really bad for us for a short time. Maybe not for everyone, but, nonetheless…and then, later on, in the long run, it will give us the opportunity to breathe normally, build a self-sufficient economy…”
True. One of the things the policy of sanctions does not take into account is the relative nature of trade advantages. Given the present technological knowledge, even if Russia, China, and Iran were isolated from all the rest, they could live happily on a friendly basis by trading among themselves. If Brazil and others are willing to trade with them, it’s more obvious that the sanctions are ineffective.
“ Practically nobody wanted Russia to do this, certainly pres. Biden and sec. Blinken did not want this. They were surprised by the recognition of the two republics on Russia’s part; then, if I know, they were surprised by the invasion too”
This is my impression also. While this is a dream come true for the lunatic neocons and their Euronazi brethren, and a windfall for the MIC, the West seems to be making it up as it goes along. There is no whole cloth plan, just handful of rags of wishful thinking being stitched together.
I am thinking the same that the west seems to be making it up as it goes along. Like when Zelensky was in his bunker complaining that all the NATO countries were scared and left the Ukrainians to do the battle all by themselves and shortly after requested/suggested peace talks with Russia and to agree to neutral status. Zelensky then didn’t show up for the “meet up” and not only that, right after that, all kinds of “support from Nato began to apear and increase. I felt that maybe NATO felt that it had to save face in some way and seem to be doing something, but also had to control Zelensky and prevent at all costs an agreement to neutralize. But this was kind of done at the spur of the moment, not planned out.
Julian Ropcke – one of the best informed and most sophisticated military analysts on Twitter despite his strong pro-Ukie bias – reports that the Russians are indeed making progress in Mariupol and on the Lugansk front.
Ropcke is now making comments to the effect that Mariupol is nearly encircled by the Russians. He doesn’t say how many Ukie troops are in this emerging cauldron, though.
He also reports what he says is “terrible news” – that half of the entire Ukie front has collapsed in front of Lugansk.
So indeed…there is evidence emerging which corroborates the claim of some analysts (including Andrei) that something big and favorable for Russia may be on the verge of happening in the east. If some like Ropcke feels compelled to admit these facts, that is a very good sign.
I want to see a huge, highly visible defeat of the Ukies in the east. Lots of prisoners. Something that Western media cannot possibly conceal, deny, or obfuscate.
Those cluster bombs/rockets in Kharkiv look pretty awesome GW.
Actually there are some interesting responses in the ‘twitter war’ that suggest that not everybody is buying the bovine excrement spewed forth by the media – not at all as negative as I’d thought.
Something that Western media cannot possibly conceal, deny, or obfuscate.
That is also what I am waiting for.
JULIAN Röpcke is a Russian and Serbian hater.
He is the successor of JULIAN Reichelt. Another Putin hater.
Just have a look at their faces.
They could be twins
I dont know where they find all these haters.
There must be a breeding laboratory in Germany for these persons.
He is the reincarnation of WW2 era German militarists. The kind of people who, at heart, think nothing of killing Russians.
Ropcke is a swine.
But he’s worth following on Twitter because he is among the few high-profile analysts who at least acknowledge Ukie reversals and pending Ukie disasters. If someone like Ropcke is compelled to admit these facts, then it’s clear that there’s got to be some truth to them.
Ropcke is a journalist. He knows nothing about military matters. Ignore him. He cites nothing, he points to nothing. He merely makes assertions, like most of these “experts.”
I listen to Andrei Martyanov and Scott Ritter and The Saker and anyone with a military background who understands the history of this situation. Everyone else is not worth listening to, except on the geopolitical side. On the military side, as Martyanov said today, he listens to a very narrow group of Russian military specialists.
It has only just occurred to me that sanctions on musicians and sportspeople are not pathetic attempts to “punish” Russia, but a calculated move to prevent the Western audience from feeling fellowship or admiration for Russians in order to crush qualms about attacking them.
My personal take/updates (scatter-brain style) on Day 4:
-The number 1 takeaway so far that to me is the “theme” of this war: the entire West does not comprehend the complexity of Russian battle doctrine, nor is capable of understanding or mirroring it.
A little military back-history for those not familiar: the U.S. armed forces are a very slow, lethargic, and methodical army. American doctrine goes along the lines of a predictable, slow, careful/cautious computer. They move huge bulky forces whose vehicles are extremely slow, setup massive foreward bases and then wait for airpower to first level everything ahead of them, and only THEN continue onward. This is exemplified for instance during 2003 Iraq invasion when, a week or two into their slow trudge towards Bagdad, they actually took a big “tactical pause” where they ceased all advancement in order to let its slow lumbering forces catch up and regroup.
U.S. doctrine with special forces is such that they are a very proportionally small group of specialists used only for specific/precise small sabotage operations, whereas the vast bulk of the combat is done by the heavyset army which has to really “plant its feet” and “dig in” in order to be effective, and does not move or advance without every t being crossed and i dotted, airforce having fully cleared the path etc. American combined arms capabilities are extremely low, everything is done in the manner of “one thing at a time”, which is why you never see training footage of American exercises with combined arms whereas Russia is world famous for its huge scale exercises (like Zapad 2021 etc) where landing ships, helicopters, airforce, army, navy, tanks, etc all work together simultaneously in rapid advancement, interlinking their data and capabilities.
For those that don’t know, the Soviets invented the concept of “deep battle” which later inspired (read: was ripped off by) the Germans in their “Blitzkrieg”. The idea was first invented by Russia which means Russian forces have had the doctrine of agility and battle behind enemy lines the longest of any other armed forces/country on earth. If you’re not familiar please read up
Now, what does this mean: Russian military doctrine differs from the slow, ponderous, methodical and lumbering American military behemoth which does not move or conduct any advancement until all its forces are perfectly dug in and calibrated. Russian forces are much more agile, and rely much more on airborne and light advance units that can go behind enemy lines and disrupt command formations, supply trains etc. The most notable example of this difference is, like I mentioned before, U.S. special operations forces operate in very small picked groups, whereas Russian “Spetsnaz” and VDV forces are numbered in the tens of thousands and regularly conduct entire large scale operations on their own. See the most famous example for context You will never see an american equivalent where almost 1,000 Navy Seals storm a giant palace on their own. This is a major doctrinal difference.
The U.S. and West do not have the capability to drop the types of large scale mobile and highly agile units deep into enemy lines, or penetrate thereof. They can do small platoons of Seals by Blackhawk to take out a tower, but not several thousands of VDV racing across the country with swift light / amphibious vehicles, BMD’s etc.
So my point in this is that, what U.S. analysts, including top military “experts” are witnessing in Ukraine has them completely frazzled and perplexed. They are not even capable of comprehending the type of deep battle and agile tactics that Russia is utilizing. The strategy is in fact of a ‘creative’ and highly advanced nature simply not possible in the U.S. armed forces. The extreme operational speed that Russian mobile units are utilizing in racing past enemy lines, then enveloping their cities while capturing rear echelon units, destroying supply/command, etc., is simply unthinkable and impossible in the U.S. military doctrinal space. So when these Western ‘experts’ view these actions they resort to a strange cognitive dissonance and various psychological biases which force them to make excuses and completely flawed analyses.
The fact of the matter is, Ukraine is the largest country in Europe, much larger than anything U.S. has ever invaded in fact. 50% larger than Iraq, (and double the population), double the size of Vietnam, double the size of Germany. And Russian forces in only a matter of days are already all over the country, penetrating swiftly and deeply to its interior. Granted they haven’t captured the deepest interior portions yet, but that goes to my point which so flummoxes western analysts, is they’re incapable of understanding the maneuvers of forces which do not necessarily aim to capture everything. The speed and agility of Russian ‘deep battle’ systems sends enemies into disarray, confusing their commands, destroying internal/rear strategic points, etc.
In summary: the sheer “creativity”, agility, and complexity of Russia’s current incursion is too baffling and advanced for any Western ‘expert’ to properly understand or analyze. They are only used to the one dimensional, lumbering and methodical American operations doctrines which rely heavily on massive carpet bombing of all civilian infrastructure for the sluggish and leaden-footed main force to advance, until they can once again dig in and “pause” for a long time to concentrate on the next enemy battle grouping in the same predictable, methodical manner. Sorry, this simply isn’t how Russia operates.
Now with that said, this method does have some drawbacks, so I’ll speak on those now.
In my analysis (as other experts have agreed recently) yes Russia HAS stretched itself a tad thin with these methods, but this is accepted risk they are taking and not some sort of “accident” they found themselves in. They are exchanging time for other resources. For instance, one of the reasons we’re seeing such light assaults on cities like Kharkov is because as of yet, Russia does not have the full manpower to make an overpowering infantry assault on the city.
The main reason for this is because for now Russia has only committed roughly 35-50k troops to Ukraine out of the reported 150-180k they have stationed and ready right outside the Ukr borders. This is also done deliberately. In Georgia 2008 they also came in with a much smaller force first of 10-15k then gradually poured in more until there were 30-40k or more. Reports last night/today claimed that Russia will now be sending the 2nd wave of another 50k or so troops, so this may begin a new phase of besieging the currently surrounded major cities like Kharkov and Mariupol.
For comparison purposes, Ukraine is said to have its most crack / elite / veteran troops in the Donbas region, and roughly ~100k of them. So let’s say Russia has used only 40-50k forces so far. Logic dictates the largest batch would be around Kiev the capital. We know for a fact a large amount is also in the southern Kherson push, aiming to cap that city and push west to Odessa. Then we know a large amount also is in the Mariupol theatre. So let’s just say for argument’s sake there’s 10k around Kiev, 10k for Kherson, 10k for Mariupol and 10k in Kharkov region. Clearly you can see, 10k for Kharkov is not quite sufficient for a Ukie holdout force of 100k spread all over the region. Sure DNR/LNR are there as well but they are operationally limited to what their objectives are and I’m not sure they’re even allowed to participate in Kharkov’s capture, and they don’t have much troops to begin with compared to these other numbers as I understand it (maybe 20-30k? possibly much less? I’ll have to confirm).
So yes as you can start to visualize from this, the current phase of Russian operations does not really allow for the full capture of these major cities. It has been focused on surrounding and using the misunderstood and unequaled agility/deep penetration of Russian forces to disrupt and weaken the enemy’s lines/supplies/command structure all over the country. Only when reinforcements are confirmed to start arriving will we likely see true sieges and attempts to liberate the major population centers.
One last note: the other misunderstood factor of a force that relies on such complex/mobile tactics is the fact that Russian forces utilize a lot of ‘testing’ attacks where they are able to test the defenses of an entrenched enemy, while staying “light on their feet”. This includes pulling in and out with quick strikes at different weak points not only to soften the defense up, but to confuse them (make their forces constantly have to redistribute to different vectors of defense), and also test the defensive responses. American forces are incapable of this and thus their experts/generals are likewise incapable of analyzing these maneuvers. In the eyes of the American generals/analysts, they misunderstand the tactics and end up concluding “the Russians keep retreating! What are they doing? They strike Kiev’s gates then pull out. Putin is unhinged! His military is failing! Blah blah.” This is the type of hysterical nonsense I’m hearing from western “experts” because their own systems do not allow for such mobility. Russian units are like ghosts capable of appearing at your gates, attacking, then disappearing without losses. You can see evidence of this in the dozens of videos we have of Russian forces zipping around the country at incredible speed. There’s videos of light armor/truck columns just speeding down highways around the country to create these bursts of initiative to completely confound the enemy. The other drawback of course to this is, that sometimes they move SO fast that they are leaving behind lost rear units, or they move so “creatively” and on the fly to new objectives that miscalculations occur in regards to supplies and a tank or two might run out of fuel on the way there as we’ve seen in some of the videos. These are calculated costs, the Russian generals know the risks and know these are the drawbacks to these methods, but there are huge rewards and advantages to them which the Russian forces are reaping which go completely over the Western analysts head. To them, all they see is a chaotic mess of units spread thin, zipping around the country directionless simply because their own forces have never been capable of such doctrines and their overladen, sluggishly designed equipment is not capable of even conducting it (think of the massive, slow American medium armor units that crawl around Iraq and are sitting ducks). Everything in the American armor category is designed doctrinally to be much larger, more armored, but far slower and sluggish. Think of the Abrams, Bradleys, MRAPS etc which are all double the size of Russian tanks, BTR’s, and Gaz Tigr equivalent vehicles and go at half the speed. You can see easy evidence of this in the rash of videso published last year from Syria where Russian light/medium patrol vehicles squared off against their American equivalents, ramming and racing them. In every video, the Russians won and there were several recorded instances where the American vehicles flipped or got stuck in mud, incapable of keeping up with the Russian equivalents.
Just look at these poorly designed, non-rugged, slow and sluggish lumbering pieces of crap try to keep up with superior Russian equipment. In the words of Biden, “Come on, man!”
Please try not to laugh!
Well done explaining this.
Real ‘experts’ should and could have known this though. They have done this before, in Syria (to some degree and by proxy mostly). What struck me back then was the enormous difference in collateral damage between cities ‘liberated’ by US controlled forces (Raqqa, Mosul, Fallujah) and those liberated under the operational command/advice of Russian forces (Aleppo, Palmyra, Douma).
The Russian influence was clearly visible in the way some of the better Syrian formations began to operate during the liberation phase of the civil war.
The Russians and Ukrainian military trained together in the same military schools.
Surely they would be able to understand what the other side is doing.
Your comment on Russian testing attacks goes well in line with a phase 2 attack. Probably the Russian forces are getting an idea of the amount of force that should be exerted on each enemy stronghold.
Good points.
I also think that this “light, mobile” method of Russian forces are useful for implementing the Russian doctrine of “prosecuting penetrations to the fullest”, AKA “what matters is winning.” I read somewhere about the following scenario:
There are three battalions, one on the left, one in the center, one on the right. The one on the left has penetrated the enemy force, the one in the center is holding, and the one on the right is in big trouble. American doctrine says rush all reinforcements to the one on the right. Russian doctrine is rush all reinforcement to the one on the left, including even taking some forces from the center. In other words, take advantage of every break and throw all your forces into success. Winning is what matters, not trying to avoid taking casualties.
So a light, mobile force can conduct the necessary probing attacks to see where an advantage can be gained, and then rush the heavy forces into it.
That is an intelligent warrior doctrine, unlike the US doctrine which is bomb civilians from the skies so US troops don’t have to directly engage the enemy and avoid casualties at all costs because the home front won’t like it if the troops come home in body bags.
That’s how Napoleon won so many battles. Concentrate your forces in one sector preferably where they are not suspected to be. He also had a huge advantage in artillery.
“a force that relies on such complex/mobile tactics is the fact that Russian forces utilize a lot of ‘testing’ attacks where they are able to test the defenses of an entrenched enemy, while staying “light on their feet”. This includes pulling in and out with quick strikes at different weak points not only to soften the defense up, but to confuse them (make their forces constantly have to redistribute to different vectors of defense), and also test the defensive responses”
Excellent observation.
Russian way of war is alien to Western in great part because of the historical roots of their differing civilizations, as well as opposing moralities. The two Andreis have explained this many times. Think of the highly-mobile horseman of the steppe.. thrusts and parries and withdraws.. it is an art and intellectual way of engaging. Remote from the medieval bone-crushing heavy frontal charges of the West. Russians are capable of this too, and have done it, but their traditional approach is superior. It is done throughout much of Asia. Think of the “Hit and Run” tactics of defenders in Syrac and Afghanistan too. Nothing cowardly about it, and actually preserves more life and results in less long-lasting ill-will. It is in a way a ballet of deadly metal..
Another consideration is the all-important moral dimension of war. Those engaging in wars of aggression lack conviction and courage and do not want to die – so they armour up excessively, hoping it slows down death.. Those in defense of land and kin and their very existence dare more and have the wind and the Fury of the Lord at their back, so to speak.. and so the chess pieces have always been arranged.
Agreed, beautifully written
It is not just Russia that the West has included in its declaration of war.
That declaration implicitly includes a whole host of other Countries who have received the gift of “freedom and democracy” from the USA, along with others in the non-English speaking World who have seen the American way of doing business, have no wish to experience it, but are keeping their heads well down in order to avoid being “liberated” by the USA.
President Putin and the Chinese are speaking now to the rest of the World.
Globally, the Anglosphere is a minority, a minority that has made itself the enemy of the free World. Watch as reality dawns.
One account says Bulgaria, Poland, and Slovakia to give a combined 70 Mig-29’s to Ukraine
Other reports state it’s pure b.s. and Poland/Bulgaria both refused giving any planes at all.
“ASB News / MILITARY〽️@ASBMilitary·15mBulgaria has rejected Ukraine’s request to supply Mig-29 fighter jets to tackle Russian air supremacy. – Politico journalist ”
Btw, I’m of the “this is b.s.” camp because I don’t think those countries even have anywhere near those numbers of planes to give.
That is the most insane shite I have heard in a long time – planes for volunteer pilots…🤣…and that ghost of Kiev nonsense.
So lets put this together: they have so few pilots, that poor overworked ghost needs to fly six sorties a day to become the first ace in decades, they dont have enough pilots to hotswap the airframe while refuelling, but they will have pilots to fly into ukraine for…what exactly?
Contesting the airspace? CAS?
With how many flight hours in the last decade?
In a hostile airspace?
I swear, they get this show on the road I am buying a ticket to a front seat right inside the ukr border enroute with a chaise lounge, binos and a case of beer: its gonna b magnificent!
I mean…jaw dropped…and some peeps are buying this?
I thin it’s all smoke and mirrors simply for the sake of 1. morale boosting of Ukie troops and 2. continually consolidating concensus and unity amongst U.S. puppet states so they can tow the line in lockstep on all major policy decisions
Correct. It’s all BS.
Even worse, some idiot in the EU was saying “these planes could be flying in Ukraine skies in an hour.”
Like, how do you get planes out of mothballs, get a pilot, set up the ground support needed and set an operational objective in an hour?
These people are lunatics. They are counting on the average citizen not having a clue about military matters. It’s all just for PR value, to show NATO is “doing something”.
I can assure you that that number is pure imaginary. They can give away maybe 12 Migs. I don’t think this will come to fruition. Bulgaria must be some kind of retarded kid in the block to do something stupid like this. No words towards Poland. They act like Ukraine was their best friend and no killing of polish people ever happend.
As far as for Slovakia:
First of all we have just two – TWO – Mig-29s capable of flying/operating and they are used to defend our air space. Secondly our government is going to hand out small arms that are out of date and even this had received huge backlash due we want to stay neutral. Humanity aid yes, army aid? Huge nope. Only our US puppet government thinks otherwise. Our resident and defence minister are both from NATO / Globsec / Soros ngo’s. 80% of the population do not trust our government that is actually importing hard censorship to anyone that is not on the their same western wave (they hid it to humanitarian aid for Ukraine resolution. Hah, so low), threaten us with jail if we do not condemn Russia like we were in war with it.
Also I want to mention that just days before things went south in Ukraine, Slovakia and US agreed on US bases on SVK soil where Slovakia will have zero power, nothing USA can do anything. US army will have to answer to nobody. A process that takes months, years was ratified in days which resident of SVK presidental palace signed within half n hour after green light of parliament. Again interesting light-speed compared to other things that takes months. Politicians which signed this treaty are public shamed for betraying Slovakia for inviting USA army
For the histrionic Turkish Drone believers amongst us, this is one of several debunkings already in past couple days proving that Ukie army is doctoring some if not all of these alleged TB2 drone strikes.
Footage above was found to be horizontally flipped footage from drone strikes in Syria 2020.
Same goes for many videos of “destroyed Russian equipment” such as this one where Ukies digitally placed a Z onto the fake footage to give an appearance of Russian vehicle. This propaganda campaign of CIA fakes is widespread. Some are saying all of the Turkish TB2 videos so far released do not even have the real TB2 interface shown, proving that it is fake footage from different drone strikes from other conflicts (I can’t confirm).
Ukies made huge amount of fakes back then during in the Donbass conflict and Maidan coup, but majority of folks still belive them.
Yes. I have been thinking about it these days.
Asia should build their own “Facebook and Twitter”… their own smartphones and more important smartphone OSes (their “Android”, “Windows”, “Linux”, “iOS”); their “Google search” and “Google translator” and “Google Maps” (they already have some, but the quality/functionality gap is wide), their “Hollywood”. Their sports federations (even, well, chess federation, and separate Olympic games, if needed). Their car brands (of quality comparable to German cars, I mean…).
They should make their alternative “English”: a newly crafted common script for their half of the world, using a script that should absolutely be simple: not the latin script, but one as simple as the latin one, thus making it possible to learn it to the other, Western half part of the world (a language that can be exported).
They should have their international bank system (along with national central banks independent from the Western banking system), their base, common currency for trade (or anyway, stop using the dollar as well as euro). Their “NATO”, even. Surely their “SWIFT”, their “Interpol”, …
They should stop sending their brightest youth to study in the West.
They should offer a complete package as an alternative to the West.
This would need Russia and China to trust each other with no shadow of mistrust left, first of all: is that possible? Could that ever be possible?
Then, maybe maybe, they should stop hating Japan and giving the Japanese reasons to fear that, if they break their ties with the USA, they’ll be attacked.
Having Japan on board would be super-important.
A block with Korea, Japan, China, Russia, and India, if really cohesive and determined to offset the West and its urge to rule globally, would have its big chance to succeed.
Single countries fighting that urge one by one? Not much, probably.
It is happening already.
Once Taiwan is reunited, Korea, Japan will follow in leaving the Empire.
Map of latest territory:
I have precisely calculated total captured territory so far to be 135,000km2. The total area of Ukraine is 603,000km2.
This comprises 22% of total Ukrainian territory under control of Russian forces (this does NOT count Donbas, which would add even more).
So to the detractors, 22% of the largest country in Europe in 4 days is slow? Don’t forget when the giant cauldron collapses, it will instantly add another massive area.
Btw when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, it took until October 6 to conquer the much weaker country that’s half the size of Ukraine, and yet Germany is supposed to be the most vaunted invasion force in history.
Thank you for your posts!
The West is full of shit, and sadly can’t tell shit from chocolate cake.
No confirmation but:
Putin approved, requested by Shoigu, a threefold increase in the grouping of troops in Ukraine”
If this is true, this may explain the new gigantic convoys entering Syria. 3 fold increase would take us from 50k to about 150k troops.
If true, we are truly entering new middle stage of conflict.
Animated map:
Another good map showing the Ukie brigades enveloped in closing cauldron. Minimum 50k Ukie troops in there (with some estimates as high as 100k)
“ Given such sanctions, does it make sense for us to stop with Ukraine?
Of course, not! Of course, not.
I want to go further…”
Truly ominous and I fear this is where we are heading. Rationality has ended. The Bear is enraged and the West is proving itself to be so stupid. It just does not get it.
By sending weapons through Poland, Poland and NATO become targets. By piracy against a Russian cargo ship carrying cars to St Petersburg, France is a target. Steal $400 billion from Russia, and what do you think will happen?
Friends, do not forget your prayers for this Earth, our home and that of all our fellow creatures (two legged, four-legged, finned, furry, feathered, etc.) no matter by what Name or conceptual Form you know that Oneness, our Creator. A special prayer also for protection for those who love and speak fearlessly the Truth.
Where are those unstoppable TB2’s?
“According to Maxar satellite images the length of Russian convoy is 64km (!). Let’s calculate…. 64km / 27 = 2,3000 pieces of military equipment.”
“69/ New satellite imagery shows that the Russian convoy heading toward Kyiv (ref. tweets 60, 62 and 64) is actually 40 miles long, stretching from Prybirsk to Antonov Airport.”
No wonder they’re scrambling to get European fighter jets ASAP………
We keep hearing about the need for ceasefire from the West… yet in the same breathe hear about every EU country willingly prepared to supply arms, lethal weapons to Ukraine.
What am I missing here regarding the West’s hypocrisy?
and don’t forget the West’s favorite magic word “Escalation”. They keep crying, “Russia is escalating this war!” while they pump billions of newly announced dollars $$$$ in weapons and emergency funds to Ukraine……how is it possible any rational person with a brain cannot see the hypocrisy?
This Russian/Slavic, “rather-die-than-surrender” mentality has just won for Russians a reputation of great courage and honor. Reputation and propaganda cannot be fellow travelers as a genuine reputation can only be achieved by deeds, not words/propaganda. I am truly honored to have learnt the fact that the great majority of the Russian population have been willing to sacrifice their all. Russia has made an extraordinarily supreme sacrifice because, with her back right up against the wall, she was forced by the sadistic, cold-blooded Washington-led NATO to liberate their Slavic-Ukrainian brothers & sisters from the sadistic, neo-nazi savages NATO has funded and controlled. The sacrifice Russia has made is doubly extraordinary because Ukraine is the place of Russians’ cultural origin (as Putin explained just before the launch of the military campaign). Russians therefore have a sacred place in their hearts for the Ukraine. That’s what I’ve learnt from reading and watching non-mainstream reporting/commentaries like this website and Gonzalo Lira (see the Youtube video in “Read Real Experts” on
The Western projection of the rational man has shown the oppressor the door time and again.
From the Battle for Blair Mountain, the Red Army, Moncada Barracks, to the Sandinistas, Hamas, IRA, and all freedom loving people with their back against the wall, which rejected the rational man fear complex and did that what must be done.
The “suits” will never understand. That is our power.
Rest in power all fallen comrades, a new world is being born!
@ JohnT on February 28, 2022 · at 8:31 pm EST/EDT
The Western projection of the rational man has shown the oppressor the door time and again.
From the Battle for Blair Mountain, the Red Army, Moncada Barracks, to the Sandinistas, Hamas, IRA, and all freedom loving people with their back against the wall, which rejected the rational man fear complex and did that what must be done.
The “suits” will never understand. That is our power.
Rest in power all fallen comrades, a new world is being born!
May the fallen Russian comrade soldiers, the suffering people of Donbass, and the innocent people of Ukraine, who have withstood the imposition of a Nazi-Fascist oligarchy prostituted to the West, be the carriers of the banner showing us a future built on principles, not on lies, deceit, depravation, and corruption.
May Russia, once again, carry on its shoulders the fate for a better humanity.
Lone Wolf
Parasite on peoples all across the world has been what Washington has done with its freedom, year after year.
Do good deeds with what freedom one has. Even just doing no harm can earn oneself a good reputation, with consistency year after year though.
Propaganda such as “freedom loving”, “power”, “new world” & etc comes and goes like a rain storm. Propaganda is short-lived. Show of compassion is not. Being genuinely compassion in the eyes of third-party bystanders (i.e. people not related to the two parties involved in a situation) is POWER. If third-party bystanders appreciate your genuine compassion, then that’s power, that’s freedom. The reason is Person A’s freedom is what Person B is willing to grant to A. Freedom is earned, earned by genuine compassion, not propaganda.
“Donbass, after 8 years of war a son was able to hug his elderly parents who lived in the territories still occupied and now liberated”
“besides Andrei Martyanov’s “Reminiscence of the Future…” blog and Bernhard Horstmann’s “Moon of Alabama” – there are no news sources which I could recommend to you ”
I do not quite understand this. I’m also reading the blogs of Gilbert Doctorow (US) and Patrick Armstrong (Canada), old-school Russia observers, who seem, to me, quite in line with your Vineyard’s points of view.
They may not focus as much on the military technicalities, but they do offer serious political perspectives. Gilbert Doctorow was a personal friend of the late Russia scholar Stephen Cohen.
So, what’s wrong with them?
@ Hans Zandvliet on February 28, 2022 · at 8:49 pm EST/EDT
“besides Andrei Martyanov’s “Reminiscence of the Future…” blog and Bernhard Horstmann’s “Moon of Alabama” – there are no news sources which I could recommend to you ”
I cannot speak for The Saker, wouldn’t even try, IMHO his recommendation is about “news sources” only, not about analysts. He didn’t include Orlov nor Pepe, and they get wide readership in his blog, but they cannot be considered “news sources” in the sense of processing daily events for their readers.
My two pennies.
Lone Wolf
Even Bloomberg is saying SWIFT sanctions are not smart. I saw Jamies Dimon saying something to that effect. I guess a lot of western banks are knee deep in Russia, especially Soc Gen the French bank. They used to proudly say that they had the best Russia “access”.
The 21st century leadership of the West have not really thought through the ramifications and still are not thinking rationally in their own interest.
It is interesting to see that every single one of US/EU leader (ok a few exceptions) is from a rich, elite background. It is impossible for them to see things from the perspective of population. Case in point Canada. They branded their own ordinary peaceful working class people as extremists and terrorists just not to lose face and to cling on to their precious story lines.
The leaders do not have military experience either. For a while the US presidents have all come from non military, elite backgrounds.
This means, all they can think of is propaganda war. The narrative. But the media has completely lost their credibility from their demonic coverage of their own president for 4 years and lying about COVID. This means they have to work extra hard to get the story line across. They will have to get even more draconian in their censorship, which further erodes their credibility. Even the Soviets could not lie to their people credibly in spite of 100x control they had over media. This is a losing war despite what you hear on TV and read on Twitter.
This is a great opportunity for realists not to waste $ and time on propaganda, but to focus on ops on the ground. With practically every citizen armed with a mobile phone with a camera, the truth makes its way on internet. It may seep through slowly, but it will. People are a lot smarter than we ourselves give credit to. They see through the bullshit.
They would love to take attention away from their own collapsing system. They talk about Ruble collapsing yet conveniently omit this
and the fact that a huge truck convoy is heading to D.C. as we speak to shut everything down and will probably result in another period of economy choking protests like the Canadian ones if not worse
Interview from very pro-Russian, pro-liberation residents in Donetsk according to whom no possibility as yet of pushing back Ukrainian Army from dug in contact line, so shelling of civilians and infrastructure in breakaway republics continues. Russian army in eastern region main effort is to cauldron large Ukrainian forces around Mariuol, as Saker map shows, but few Russians visible in breakaway republics.
Looking for confirmation or critique of statements in this video interview.
Russian Ministry of Defense has released a video showing some of the (assault helicopter) airstrikes on the Banderites:
This was a hard-hitting discourse.
Thank you, Saker, for passing it on.