[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
Just by asking the question of whether the next Presidential election matters, I am obviously suggesting that it might not. To explain my reasons for this opinion, I need to reset the upcoming election in the context of the previous one. So let’s begin here.
The 2016 election of Donald Trump
The first thing which, I believe, ought to be self-evident to all by now is that there was no secret operation by any deep state, not even a Zionist controlled one, to put Donald Trump in power. I would even argue that the election of Donald Trump was the biggest slap in the face of US deep state and of the covert transnational ruling elites this deep state serves. Ever. My evidence? Simple, look what these ruling “elites” did both before and after Trump’s election: before, they ridiculed the very idea of “President Trump” as both utterly impossible and utterly evil.
As somebody who has had years of experience reading the Soviet press or, in another style, the French press, I can honestly say that I have never seen a more ridiculously outlandish hate campaign against anybody that would come even close to the kind of total hate campaign which Trump was subjected to. Then, as soon as he was elected, the US neo-liberals (who are not liberals at all!) declared that Trump was “not their President”, that Trump was put into power by Putin and that he was a “Russian asset” (using pseudo-professional jargon is what journos typically do to conceal their abject ignorance of a complex topic) and, finally, that he was a White racist and misogynist who will deeply divide the country (thereby dividing the country themselves by making such claims).
The fact is that for the past four years the US liberals have waged a total informational war against Trump and it would be absolutely unthinkable for them to ever accept a Trump re-election, even if he wins by a landslide. For the US Dems and neo-liberals, Trump is the personification of evil, literally, and that means that “resistance” to him and everything he represents must be total. And if he is re-elected, then there is only one possible explanation: the Russians stole the election, or the Chinese did. But the notion that Trump has the support of a majority of people is literally unthinkable for these folks.
Truth be told, Trump has proven to be a fantastically incompetent President, no doubt about that. Was he even worse than Obama? Maybe, it really all depends on your scoring system. In my personal opinion, and for all his very real sins and failings, Trump, at least, did not start a major war, which Obama did, and which Hillary would have done (can’t prove this, but that is my personal belief). That by itself, and totally irrespective of anything else, makes me believe that Trump has been a “lesser evil” (even if far more ridiculous) President than Obama has been or Hillary would have been. This is what I believed four years ago and this is what I still believe: considering how dangerous for the entire planet “President Hillary” would have been, voting for Trump was not only the only logical thing to do, it was the only moral one too because giving your voice to a warmongering narcissistic hyena like Hillary is a profoundly immoral act (yes, I know, Trump is also a narcissist – most politicians are! – but at least his warmongering has been all hot air and empty threats, at least so far). However, I don’t think that this (not having started a major war) will be enough to get Trump re-elected.
Because most US Americans still like wars. In fact, they absolutely *love* them. Unless, of course, they lose. What US Americans really want is a President who can win wars, not a President who does not initiate them in the first place. This is also the most likely reason why Trump did not start any major wars: the US has not won a real war in decades and, instead, it got whooped in every conflict it started. US Americans hate losing wars, and that is why Trump did not launch any wars: it would have been political suicide to start a real war against, say, the DPRK or Iran. So while I am grateful that Trump did not start any wars, I am not naive to the point of believing that he did so for pure and noble motives. Give Trump an easy victory and he will do exactly what all US Presidents have done in the past: attack, beat up the little guy, and then be considered like a “wartime President hero” by most US Americans. The problem is that there are no more “little guys” left out there: only countries who can, and will, defend themselves if attacked.
The ideology of messianic imperialism which permeates the US political culture is still extremely powerful and deep seated and it will take years, probably decades, to truly flush it down to where it belongs: to the proverbial trash-heaps of history. Besides, in 2020 US Americans have much bigger concerns than war vs. peace – at least that is what most of them believe. Between the Covid19 pandemic and the catastrophic collapse of the economy (of course, while the former certainly has contributed to the latter, it did not single-handedly cause it) and now the BLM insurgency, most US Americans now feel *personally threatened* – something which no wars of the past ever did (a war against Russia very much would, but most US Americans don’t realize that, since nobody explains this to them; they also tend to believe that nonsense about the US military being the best and most capable in history).
Following four years of uninterrupted flagwaving and MAGA-chanting there is, of course, a hardcore of true believers who believe that Trump is nothing short of brilliant and that he will “kick ass” everything and everybody: from the spying Russians, to the rioting Blacks, from the pandemic, to the lying media, etc. The fact that in reality Trump pitifully failed to get anything truly important done is completely lost on these folks who live in a reality they created for themselves and in which any and all facts contradicting their certitudes are simply explained away by silly stuff like “Q-anon” or “5d chess”. Others, of course, will realize that Trump “deflated” before those whom he called “the swamp” almost as soon as he got into the White House.
As for the almighty Israel Lobby, it seems to me that it squeezed all it could from Trump who, from the point of view of the Zionists, was always a “disposable President” anyway. And now that Trump has done everything Israel wanted him to do, he becomes almost useless. If anything, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of them will try to outdo Trump’s love for everything Israeli anyway.
So how much support is there behind Trump today? I really don’t know (don’t trust the polls, which have always been deeply wrong about Trump anyway), but I think that there is definitely a constituency of truly frightened US Americans who are freaking out (as they should, considering the rapid collapse of the country) and who might vote Trump just because they will feel that for all his faults, he is the only one who can save the country. Conversely, they will see Biden as a pro-BLM geriatric puppet who will hand the keys of the White House to a toxic coalition of minorities.
So what if Trump does get re-elected?
In truth, the situation is so complex and there are so many variables (including many “unknown unknowns”!) that make predictions impossible. Still, we can try to make some educated guesses, especially if based on some kind of logic such as the one which says that “past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior”. In other words, if Trump gets elected, we will get more of the same. Personally, I would characterize this “same” as a further destruction of the USA from within by the Democrats and their “coalition of minorities” combined with a further destruction of the US Empire abroad by delusional Republicans.
I very much doubt that it makes any sense at all to vote for that, really. Better stay at home and do something worthwhile with your time, no?
Now what about a Biden election?
Remember that Biden is now the de-facto leader of what I would loosely call the “anti-US coalition”, that is the “coalition of minorities” which really have nothing in common except their hatred of the established order (well, and, of course, their hatred of Trump and of those who voted for him).
These minorities are very good at hating and destroying, but don’t count on them to ever come up with constructive solutions – it ain’t gonna happen. For one thing, they are probably too stupid to come up with any constructive ideas, but even more important is the fact that these folks all have a hyper-narrow agenda and, simply put, they don’t care about “constructing” anything. These folks are all about hatred and the instant gratification of their narrow, one-topic, agenda.
This also begs the question of why the Dems decided to go with Biden in spite of the fact that he is clearly an extremely weak candidate. In spite? I am not so sure at all. I think that they chose him *because* he is so weak: the real power behind him will be in the hands of the Schumer-Pelosi-Obama gang and of the interests these folks represent.
Unlike Trump who prostituted himself only *after* making it to the White House, the neo-liberal Dems have *already* prostituted themselves to everybody who wanted to give them something in return, from the Ukie Nazis to the thugs of BLM, to the powerful US homo-lobby. Don’t expect them to show any spine, or even less so, love for the USA, if they get the White House. They hate this country and most of its people and they are not shy about it.
What would happen to the USA if the likes of Bloomberg or Harris took control? First, there would be the comprehensive surrender to the various minorities which put these folks in power followed by a very strong blowback from all the “deplorables” ranging from protests and civil disobedience, to local authorities refusing to take orders from the feds. Like it or not, but most US Americans still love their country and loathe the kind of pseudo-liberal ideology which has been imposed upon them by the joint actions of the US deep state and the corporate world. There is even a strong probability that if Biden gets elected the USA’s disintegration would only accelerate.
On the international front, a Biden Presidency would not solve any of the problems created by Obama and Trump: by now it is way too late and the damage done to the international reputation of the United States is irreparable. If anything, the Dems will only make it worse by engaging in even more threats, sanctions and wars. Specifically, the Demolicans hate Russia, China and Iran probably even more than the Republicrats. Besides, these countries have already concluded a long time ago that the USA was “not agreement capable” anyway (just look at the long list of international treaties and organization from which the USA under Trump has withdrawn: what is the point of negotiating anything with a power which systematically reneges on its promises and obligations?)
The truth is that if Biden gets elected, the US will continue to fall apart internally and externally, if anything, probably even faster than under a re-elected Trump.
Which brings me to my main conclusion:
Why do we even bother having elections?
First, I don’t think that the main role of a democracy is to protect minorities from majorities. A true democracy protects the majority against the many minorities which typically have a one-issue agenda and which are typically hostile to the values of the majority. Oh sure, minority rights should be protected, the question is how exactly?
For one thing, most states have some kind of constitution/basic law which sets a number of standards which cannot be violated as long as this constitution/basic law is in force. Furthermore, in most states which call themselves democratic all citizens have the same rights and obligations, and a minority status does not give anybody any special rights or privileges. Typically, there are also fundamental international standards for human rights and fundamental national standards for civil rights. Minority rights (individual or collective), however, are not typically considered a separate category which somehow trumps or supplements adopted norms for human and civil rights (if only because it creates a special “minority” category, whereas in true “people power” all citizens are considered as one entity).
It is quite obvious that neither the Republicrats nor the Demolicans represent the interests of “we the people” and that both factions of the US plutocracy are under the total control of behind-the-scenes real powers. What happened four years ago was a colossal miscalculation of these behind-the-scenes real powers who failed to realize how hated they were and how even a guy like Trump would seem preferable to a nightmare like Hillary (as we know, had the Dems chosen Sanders or even some other halfway lame candidate, Trump would probably not have prevailed).
This is why I submit that the next election will make absolutely no difference:
- The US system is rigged to give all the power to minorities and to completely ignore the will of the people
- The choice between the Demolicans and the Republicrats is not a choice at all
- The systemic crisis of the USA is too deep to be affected by who is in power in the White House
Simply put, and unlike the case of 2016, the outcome of the 2020 election will make no difference at all. Caring about who the next puppet in the White House will be is tantamount to voting for a new captain while the Titanic is sinking. The major difference is that the Titanic sank in very deep water whereas the “ship USA” will sink in the shallows, meaning that the USA will not completely disappear: in some form or another, it will survive either as a unitary state or as a number of successor states. The Empire, however, has no chance of survival at all. Thus, anything which contributes to make the USA a “normal” country and which weakens the Empire is in the interests of the people of the USA. Voting for either one of the candidates this fall will only prolong the agony of the current political regime in the USA.
The Saker
Cynical but realistic assessment, Saker.
However, if Trump loses, all your rights will disappear. Forget America as you know it and trust it for your Bill of Rights and Rule of Law.
Want to live in the Wild West?
I don’t.
We’ve seen CHAZ/CHOP and Occupy and Antifa/BLM. I don’t want more of that.
So, cynicism aside, the expression of the will of People is imperative.
The Swamp may be thoroughly corrupt, but Bill Barr is fighting for some sense of Law and Order. He needs to feel the outrage against the System, even if he has been part of it all his adult life.
I judge the future as a struggle against a complete Cultural Revolution that will turn very bloody and cruel.
You have totalitarian fascists in the Liberal Cult. They are talking blood and taking blood and they want more flesh and blood, not just your property and your silence.
The election per se is meaningless.That’s not unusual. However, the election is determinative, and it works on two fronts, the WH and the Senate. They both are bulwarks against total chaos.
Let the Empire collapse, die, or whatever destiny becomes it.
But the Society we live in is vital that it stays within the Bill of Rights and Rule of Law.
Or you will witness your family running for their lives, your dog shot dead and you shooting it out with the gun confiscation forces.
So a vote for Trump and Republican Senators is a non-political vote. It’s a vote for safety, security and hope for a stable community. It comes at no cost. It is common sense.
The Democrats made a fatal mistake by supporting BLM. They could have had a re-run of the 1932 election by painting Trump as Hoover who collapsed the economy with his Smoot-Hawley tariffs/ trade war with China.
Biden could have campaigned for a “New Deal” and focused on the economy, which has historically been a strength of the Democrats.
Instead the campaign will focus on law & order traditionally a strength of the Republicans.
I think many people in the US share your perspective, Larchmonter.
Dead right there.
but isnt this about the true stage of current human society, globally, comprehensively…the evolved human stage of life with a level of technological achievement that changes everything?
that seems to me to be the probem the day and age.
the economic crash was easy to see building up by watching the stock market…then all the printing of dollars, resulting inflation and hyper inflation that allowed just a small capitalist group to capture so much or the wealth of nations, the remainder is insignificant.
it was obvious the stock market was going to crash and her financial perps knew that so what was their plan..they had to have one?
war was out of the question so what then?
then Corona hit amost immediately on the stock market collapse, and that had to be it…although clarity had to await evidence. and by now it is clear that Corona was the elitist response to the stage, a move that had been planned and was ready to go on economic copllapse of this basic magnitude and nature..the challenge the stage presented to the capitalists, the basic challenge to elitist society that modern technology represents. the elites were going to, had inded begun to revolutionize global society from the top down, change society into ways that woud deepen and make total their social control globally. and Corona ‘Pandemic’was their chosen tool
they would have to have a world brought to its knees but without war. Corona pandemic gives them that possibility by locking down society globally..and making the pandemic of flu worse by passing out directions to handle the ‘flu’ that make it worse not better, while discouraging and shutting down all the obvious and simple treatments that actually work, effectively killing the Corona ‘flu’. in the world that is resulting from the ‘Pandemic’ as in the aftermath of world war, the elites would be able to stap their order on the world.
the elite have achieved a lot of it to this point, for the world is on its knees, destruction everwhere but not on a world war…only fake ‘Pandemic’. they are getting what they want without world war..which would have been war to end all wars.
we may still get such a war because the pandemic can still fail, ordinary people are smartening up. the people are become aware that we have all been had and whats afoot at the root if all.
but capitalism can no longer work feeding the elites. and technoligical advcance cannot be handled positively by capitalism..by which I mean its implementation at its highest levels whch must take place for we must consume the day to clear the decks for more advance..always. the implemtation of technological advance by capitalism makes ordinary people redundant as workers, as humans. we become good only for drudge work for which some humans can be modified, biologically engineered.. and not a whole lot of us at that. so a lot of us will have to be accounted for, eliminated in some effective way systematically to permit the capitalist to go on in charge of society, with his robots and engineered human bio bots
only popular democracy can take hold of technoligical advance and wrestle in into shape and form that serves humanity…the vast human population in their various cultures/nations..to put technology to work in the human interest.
this to my way of thought is the problem of this day, the basic, fundamental issue of this stage of human evolution we must deal successfully..which means a popular take over of society, resulting in society by the people for the people.
unsuccessful implementation of modern tchnology, would be a capitalist victory in which case most of us are toast and future human sociey likely collapses into extinction in nature soon enough, unable to be supported in survival fully, only by a small basically Jewish/Khazar minority that remains fully human.
we must also note that the elites cannot afford to lose for they are steeped in crime and losing means their necks in nooses around the world. they may blow the planet if they are going to lose anyway. humans are a long way from getting past this stage. the obstacles and many, huge, basic and comprehensive, fundamental and potentially very, very hot!
NASDAQ is at all time high.
Stocks are rising for one simple reason. Corporations are receiving a trillion dollars from the Federal Reserve this quarter, to “bail out for the economy”. But in fact, corporate leaders are using that money for stock buy-backs. By reducing the number of shares in the market, the remaining shares rise so the total market valuation is the same as before. US stocks are up 39% since April 1. This is huge and has been going on for over 10 years.
Corporate managers get huge bonuses because their companies’ stock rises, so that’s why they rush to destroy the future of their corporations. The buy-backs are mostly funded by bonds, and those bonds have to be repaid, someday, supposedly. Because none of the bail-out money is going into capex (capital expansion) by way of R&D or factory improvements, there is no increase in productivity for paying back the bonds. So the companies have become fragile and would be insolvent in any real downturn that lasted 9 or 12 months.
I wrote in haste. I should have said many corporations could not survive a one-year downturn without additional credit. Main Street has been living in a downturn, but with massive credit injections.
If only you could print value, but you can’t. What you can do is redistribute it to rich people and away from Mr and Mrs Average to Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Buffet et al, – which is exactly what the Fed does. This by increasing the level of asset price inflation which occurs in stocks and property by printing more green paper symbols. These symbols may be a unit of account, and a means of exchange, but they are not a store of value. Government figures for growth, inflation, trade, employment and unemployment are all fake.
Exactly! money printing by the Fed has redistributed wealth to the already wealthy. It does so by asset inflation especially equities. Assets are owned unequally by the wealthy. The reason this does not lead to inflation is because the wealthy can only consume so much. They do not affect aggregate demand in a major way.
Overseas, the Fed printing is a way to “purchase” the hard assets of foreign nations locked into the dollar trade for the printing cost of the dollars. This, so far, has not led to inflation because most of those dollars stay overseas and do not affect aggregate demand in the US.
Larchmonter, my friend and comrade, I don’t foresee ‘the empire’ collapsing overnight, I see a gradual decline, but this November we have the choice of sudden and irreversible chaos and mayhem with untold lives lost and unbelievable destruction or some kind of orderly return to normal. I have voiced my thoughts to you personally about what I think will happen when President Trump serves his second term but I will certainly not voice them here if for no other reason than to save a life or three for the good and future of our country.
It is of paramount importance to uphold the rules of law and order in USA, but at this time it seems anarchy is rampant and ascending. This will not be allowed to continue. However, the truly distressing development is more than one of my old and long service comrades, those who in the last months have moved away from what they describe as the ‘hedonistic’ life of the east and left coast, have now clearly stated that in their opinion sides are being chosen and if it comes to a fight, they will fight to protect their families and homes. My God, I hope they are wrong.
An Incident On Simonka, ebook version. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ERKH3IU March 2014. NATO Is invited to leave Sevastopol, one way or the other.
Never The Last One, ebook edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ZGCY8KK A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
You are certainly right. The empire will not collapse overnight. And yes, we shall see a gradual decline, which has already started. However, what needs to be asked is what this gradual decline will lead to ? A weakening of the empire, or the total collapse of the empire ? No empire in history has survived, for the simple reason that empires cost a huge amount of money and create a heap of enemies. The working man, of course, covers the expenses of the empire and provides soldiers for it’s ‘defense’, while the elite enriches its self. Sound familiar in today’s USA ? How long will the modern serfs stand for this ?
Have you read Putin’s People by Catherine Belton!?
I agree that the choices are becoming more and more stark as the days progress. I posted an article link over on cafe a day or so ago that the dimos are (dnc, elite, et al except soros) becoming fearful that they will be able to control blm and antifa even after they have won the election, if that happens. So that is very concerning as to the prospect of continued mayhem in the streets. There must be order for all Americans.
At the risk of citing tucker carlson (again), he notes that average Americans are becoming extremely fearful for the lives, their families, and their property. It is indeed fearful for all. i note that trump is now sending ads out that safety in america may well be at risk with a biden victory-no opinion here but it definitely will be and is an issue.
I post a link (from a very pro-trump site) to a short article and 3 minute clip of a confrontation between whites and blacks, not sure where, not sure as to details of who triggered it: but it does show a white woman pulling a gun because she was extremely frightened and the sounds of the blacks shouting at her, continuing to shout and i believe blocking her and the car she was riding in from departing (racism charges are being used in very threatening manner):
Just a followup to the link I posted:
It was in Michigan, the white couple was each charged with felonious assault, each posted $50,000 bond, and their firearms, for which they had licenses, were seized. The white man was fired from his job.
I think things like the CHOP house are the perfect cover for the coming millions of homeless. Politicize them, beat the stuffings out of them, kill as many as you can, and the rest will starve as derelicts. Then your right wing problems are over. One bird, two wings, same (Removed language,MOD).
what about chipped vaccinations any which way things turn?
who will have the power to impose them if things fall apart totally…private armies of the Gates Soros rich types?
then again wont Trumt and the repug senate in their maintained order, have the power to impose chipped vaccinations?
that being the case is that a better state to live in..a chipped social order?
your dog might be able to run for its life otherwise..it wont be chipped. your family will be chipped, they wont be able to run..from the Trump vaccinating Gates private armied, world controlling Chosen Jewish gang
Saker brilliant expose as always but there is another more destructive path being imposed having greater impact on the novemebr election which ever way that swings …..
There are trends right now – bit early to be absolute – but under neath all of what you warn above there is this hyped winter flu arrival and exit as per normal … Yes I know most are sick to death of hearing about it But there is another agenda which many/most maybe are aware of.
This virus which nobody can escape from has successfuly generated a “global fear” and some/many/most are lining up for a miracle saving vaccine….. (No safe vaccine has ever ever been developed for “flu s colds per se)
So under this mantle of vote for me stuff we see a trend to eventually inject most global citizens with a mix of ingrediants we know nothing about. Yet it is touted to be the magic cure for the wider “global society etc etc etc. (Dont forget the boosters !!!)
Who ever gets into the white house may or may not be relevant to post Novemebr society but under cover or parallel to the campaigns is this drive to poison (vaccinate) many with this injection – 91 manufacturers are racing to produce one yet no golden standard has been developed or corner stone to build one from – IMPORTANT NOTE – thats why the testing is a flop !.
We do need to be seriously alert to what these powerful syndicates of pharmacutical s monsters are up to.
Monitor closely their mantra s re vaccines…
I enclose a link . its one hour long but its an informative warning of a far more destructive path than this election (UNless nuclear)
“So a vote for Trump and Republican Senators is a non-political vote. It’s a vote for safety, security and hope for a stable community. It comes at no cost. It is common sense.”
“You have totalitarian fascists in the Liberal Cult”
The liberal Cult IS FASCIST at and from it’s roots (it has nothing to do with the fascia, just another term being misused). If a culture insists that humans are animals, who are not formed foremost by their up bringing and thus able to discern between right and wrong, good and bad and by this process primarily becomes civilized, then always the lowest drive and instincts are the norm and thus the wrong becomes right. Of course the whole was not sold like that but as always needed a fancy flowry packaging under the banner of maximizing personal “Freedom” – how could that be bad ? But in reality it’s just another expression of the rule might makes right and nothing else !
The liberal West IS FASCIST to the bone, one can always see how easily they go along with open fascist entities like now Ukraine. It is only the insistence on petty nationalism which finally comes at odds with them, who cannot accept borders by definition.
I read avidly your posts, but here I have to agree with Saker that a vote for Republicans would be meaningless, just like ANY other vote, it would be a vote for the system that dupes us with the duocracy and that voting counts.
I’ll just ignore the election and put my trust in the Almighty.
Just to make you happy I vodid vote the whole republican ticket out of disgust and hate for the alternative, and the results are there, you have to be blind to not sense that Yankistan is collapsing.
Your friend,
What if Hillary runs for VP?
Biden can have another stroke and ….
This cartoon says it all:
Hillary will never be POTUS and Bibby wont like that cartoon with that flag there.
The election will be in the last month of Saturn’s rule in Capricorn, the ‘conservative trend’. But One month later Saturn returns into Aquarius, the toppler, till 2023. Yes, no question, the president doesn’t matter, the destruction by minorities will go on, and the origin of new mind also.
It is not “destruction by minorities”!
More citizens than not march for peace compassion & economic justice.
Absent the fear-mongering of potus & cie, Congress may have a chance at extricating the usa.
Saker, spot on, I was looking for an article like this. Yes it’s become clear where USA is headed, and the captain wont steer the ship to salvation as it’s already taking on water.
This reminds me in many ways of 1993 constitutional crisis in russia, between the parliamentary forces of RNU (national salvation front), supreme soviet, and congress of peoples deputies vs the presidential forces of boris yeltsin and the ministry of interior and MOD.
In many ways yeltsin and trump are mirror reflections of each other, buffoonish in many ways, and an amalgamation of reform brought to the country by the Global Predictor. Both are changing the social fabric of their countries, and are considered revolutionary figures by their voting base, while later they will be seen as an embarassing but temporarily necessary chapter of history.
I do think they were both necessary, as the USSR had become lost and was overburdened with bureaucratic hiccups and small outbreaks of chaos around its huge global governing system. Whereas USA has also lost it’s way and is mired in so many bureaucratic and system questions that it’s probably better to reset the whole thing a la perestroika/glasnost harbinging Trump.
But the end result might not be the same. While Russian constitution crisis was bloody and chaotic, I believe the American resolution will be more bloody and chaotic. I believe that the army made a choice to stand with Yeltsin so as not to throw the country into chaos.
In trumps case , I am not sure how much of the military will be loyal to him, Yeltsin had the kantemir and taman divisions fire on the parliament, I wonder if there will be units that are as loyal to Trump when the height of this crisis reaches its climax in November.
Most likely in a repeat, Trump will say he won, contradicting the Deep state congress and try to uproot the system by hyper presidential force. Not that I blame him , considering it will be stolen anyway…
Am not sure how successful he will be and if he can avoid jail or execution. Maybe there is an unseen hand which will put the Deep state to sleep, as happened to the Soviet Politburo, once global communism was no longer tenable. Again I am thinking gorbachev and yeltsin were spawned from the same monster which spawned trump, although it’s an entirely different subject altogether.
Unfortunately the crisis will be bloody, there is no question about it, but it remains to be seen who comes out leaving their mark as victors, much as yeltsins constitution left a 20 year mark on Russia.
I remember during Yelstins term, the protests and chaos in the streets which resemble American chaos and anarchy. The police looked sheepish fighting the angry crowd, and of course shooters appeared in rooftops and caused confusion.
I do believe if USA pursued a hyper presidential system, it could work. There would need to be gradual purges, and just how Russia dealt with liberasts for 20 years, USA will struggle with the embedded liberasts in their own quest for sovereignty and return to normality. Also the question of a new social contract between elites and population will have to appear, but whether America will have a Putin to keep the peace during social negotiations remains to be seen.
Maybe in 20 years time USA will be able to have monuments of their history like the recent Rzhev monument unveiled by Putin and veterans, although USA still is young and does not have such glorious moments as Rzhev, although Lexington and Concord can be a distant similarity.
For USA such a day seems so far away…
Either they will triumph or perish, there is no third way!
The problem the deep state GOP congress has is their party rank and file love Trump.
They themselves risk being removed for pro-Trump candidates if they attempt a coup or fail to support him.
There is likely stable forces within the Dem party will move to takeover things after this election and out the radicals currently running the show (Clinton-Obama-Pelosi), or if they dont or if one fails, they may move to form a new Dem Party bleeding enough votes off them to wreck an further chance of the Democrats every getting elected again. Bernie Sanders supporters will not be happy about him being shut out this second time.
All this chaos goes back to JFK being removed which has triggered this radical element to emerge but even before then reform of some policies was needed.
Both JFK & Khrushchev knew reform in both countries was needed and it was not allowed to happen and the result in Russia was 20 years of stagnation under Brezhnev that in the end resulted in reforms. I think even Malenkov in 1950 knew reforms were needed but he wasnt allowed to implement any.
Major ruptions in both parties after this election and to 2024.
Biden wont be the DEM candidate in November. He has been specifically chosen (knowing he has medical dementia problems that can be used to remove him at the last moment) to hold the fort until they can work out a way to slide Hillary back in with someone else deemed suitable at her side.
Unless a GOP coup takes place to oust Trump for say Ryan or Jeb in the next few months, which wont go down well with the rank and file and will cause a party split, he will be there.
So it could it be Trump vs Hillary again ?
Could she win having been so incompetent at campaigning and lost before and still have medical problems ?
Plus all the rioting etc that voters know the DEMS are behind. Plus Bernie supporters not being happy. Not likely.
After 2020-24 there will be major shakeups in both the Democratic and Republican Parties with knives out for the Clinton-Obama failures and GOP grassroots finding another Trump type candidate.
The old era of elites picking POTUS candidates is about to end.
And there’s nothing they can do about it.
Yeah, but we’ll be the last man standing, the go to market for safe haven seeking international wealth.
And then the demand economics of Socialism will finally see their demise.
I only need point to QE, NIRP and the destruction of public and private pensions under these policies as we now see the deliberate excuse of a planned pandemic hoax as distraction (of a virus that has never been identified, proven by PCR tests that have no basis in diagnosis and rife with false outcome).
This is not an isolated policy. Yet the the thing I fear most is what comes after President Trump’s time in office.
‘Prolonging the agony’ is one thing, to watch USA dissolve in to a loose confederation of warring city/states, all of whom will have access to nuke and chem/bio weapons, is, to be kind, a non starter. The problem with the Democrats is they hate us deplorables and will as soon pull down the entire country rather than see President Trump win another term. But, on the other hand, what other choice is there? Biden/Kankles? And as one wag put it, Kankles will be president between Biden’s swearing in and his inaugural ball. Thing about that real hard and try not to sweat bullets.
In President Trump’s defense, never in the history of the United States of America has a duly elected President been attacked and savaged by the ‘loyal opposition’ and the even more ‘loyal media’ than President Trump. Never forget, the dems were screaming impeachment before the final vote tallies were in! Never forget, Newsweek magazine and Kankles was so sure of Kankle’s victory that they had a congratulatory edition printed and in process of distribution before kankles did not have the nerve to congratulate the actual winner of the election.
Every nuance of anything the President does or supposedly says is adversely parsed ad infinitum continuously. To what purpose? Lemme think here…
Basically what the American public has is another choice, supposedly, of the ‘lesser of two evils’. I beg to disagree, and I will aver that when President Trump wins a second term, woe betide the inhabitants of Fiver Points and Langley, those who have disobeyed legal orders to do what the President says and in the case of Five Points, aka Pentagon, have visibly and treasonously disobeyed orders from the Commander in Chief, aka the President of the United States of America.
As far as the red herring of ‘black lives matter’, it is a tempest in a teacup to foment confusion and discontent. I am appalled to see major corporations and all classes of citizens kneeling in subservience to the ‘sins’ of past generations. As for me, I kneel only to my God, I kneel to no man and I stand at Attention when my National Anthem is played. If you want me to kneel, then make me. The choice is yours, the consequences to you are mine.
The entire planet dodged a bullet when Trump defeated her four years ago. Sends shivers down my spine…
“‘Prolonging the agony’ is one thing, to watch USA dissolve in to a loose confederation of warring city/states, all of whom will have access to nuke and chem/bio weapons, is, to be kind, a non starter”. You raised an excellent point, something that has been on my mind for years. America starts to break up, and we have the question of all those nukes. Who will end up controlling them ?
Yes, you are certainly right that it would be a non starter to see the US dissolve into warring city states. I don’t see that happening, as feudal style city states could not function in this day and age, as we have the question of economics, something city states could never manage on their own. However, having the US dissolve into a number of regions containing a number of current states is very much possible.
I have been watching the current situation in the US very carefully. Yes, many of the demonstrations were spontaneous, people reacting to a number of negative issues in the US. On the other hand, there is no question that many demonstrations and groups were organized by hidden powers, like the Black Lives Matter movement, which has existed for years, and almost certainly controlled by Soros, who is using it for subversion, turning one ethnic group against another. And the motive ? The intentional break up of the US, with the northern states joining Canada, as one analyst has stated years ago, and with Dixie Land and the Confederacy being resurrected ? We shall see. However, those nukes in the US will certainly continue to worry me.
Re: “… woe betide the inhabitants of Fiver Points and Langley, those who have disobeyed legal orders to do what the President says and in the case of Five Points, aka Pentagon, have visibly and treasonously disobeyed orders from the Commander in Chief, aka the President of the United States of America.”
Not an American, but within the 5-Eyes domain (which I initially thought you meant with your ‘5 points’) I watch USA domestic antics with some mild interest, if only to detect the wind change from time tot time and its effects on broader geo-political vectors. I picked Trump to win in 2016 based on my own idiosyncratic sense of historical drift, sense of time-place, and emerging archetypes (and perhaps a personal loathing bias of Hilary Clinton and all she stood for etc).
I expected little from his win (and it has proven the case largely — a mark time period culminating in a Covid-19 lock-down/in. Four largely wasted years on ‘pause’ while he fed the Israeli-first lobby and the Fed fed the Wall Street Gang etc. The main issue now is the soporific ‘Reality’ seeping out of the TV is being drowned out by the real Reality hammering on the front door.
So, applying my current toolkit of upgraded toads feet and divining sticks; how do I read it now, some 3-4 months out from the big decision by the Electoral College?
Firstly, too early to call with any confidence. Predictions can always be made, but their probabilities range on a scale usually based on trends with a few wild cards thrown in. However, at the moment it largely reversed — basically a cluster (f_ck) of wild cards with a few trends thrown in.
However, given all that, and excluding all the outlier conspiracy scenarios involving election fraud/delay/usurpation etc, I’d again say Trump by a nose hair or two. However, this time not based on archetypes (although they still apply), but rather on weak signals and some auditory tonal ‘information’ that one can detect with ears on the railway tracks. Samples of indicative evidence I find interesting (not in any specific priority order):
1. Joe Rogan Experience #1494 – Bret Weinstein — where Weinstein clearly describes the only viable way forward in his view is (in all but name, the recent Russian approach) of trusted leader and vice leader swapping places for a couple of terms to buy the necessary time and space for fundamental causal change. (see around 1:31:42 / 3:06:48 at https://youtu.be/pRCzZp1J0v0 )
2. A description (and prognosis) by Sidney Powell that, if accurate, sets out an absolute systemic horror-show of bureaucratic malfeasance and unaccountable criminality brought to light at the highest levels with the shame persecution of Gen. Michael Flynn (see comments about making the US Justice system work at “Sidney Powell: Inside the Michael Flynn Case and DOJ Reform | American Thought Leaders” https://youtu.be/SHeCSjcTC64 — c. 45:38 / 53:05 with key recommendations at 47:56).
3. What may, or may not, happen with Assange (the hostage who can’t commit ‘suicide’ — in spite of how convenient it would be for certain elite election players) — there is an Australian ‘5-eyes’ precedent of a ‘go home & STFU’ scenario with David Hicks. Assange may just be inclined to take it and get on with his new family life in the shadows. I would not blame him, especially if he dumps the trash on the Clinton Gang in a timely manner.
My sense (making) concludes this is all tight-rope walking, and any breeze may do it one way or the other, but the emerging Flynn agenda looks the dark knight on the chessboard to me. Powell and Flynn (point 2) meet the Weinstein criteria and imply a core around which a non-criminal cohort could form for a major-general stables clean out of Herculean proportions — aka “the stables in which King Augeas kept 3000 oxen, and which had not been cleaned for 30 years. The cleaning of these stables was accomplished by Hercules, who diverted the river Alpheus through them.”
Trump going forward with a resurrected Flynn (and his new team including Powell et al) has the capacity to fall over the finish line in November — a ‘law and order’ ticket of not just on the streets, but also in the bureaucratic hallways, embassies and 5-pointed barracks. That is a ‘best pick’ of a poor batch of possible future directions. Past that point, it is probably easier to point to what will not happen, than what will. Nothing, basically of any great note, as the world moves on through and past a great depression (and possibly USD$ collapse, or at least great reset).
Watch the emerging Flynn discourse closely, imo. Huge forces are pivoting on it atm.
Yes, completely right. When Trump allowed the assassination of Soleimani , instead of dealing with a major infection/thingee coming our way, I knew that it was the cock crowing for the chickens coming home and that this country was doomed to enter some incredibly hard times.
There still is time for Trump to start a major war: Venezuela comes to mind but this is the era of coalitions. ( Russia/Syria. and Iran/Venezuela) However, not one of the lumpen intelligentsia in the USA has a clue because they are too busy purging their fellow academics who beg to disagree. A few like Madea Benjamin have some principles intact but even she does so because of protectors within the establishment . Plus the way she cooperated with the psye-op of Charlottesville ( CIA suburb) makes me very leery of accepting her leadership for anything.
The only meaningful political arena is the local level: neighborhood, city, county, state.
As my neighbor said, ” I wonder if they ( BLM/Antifa) are going to start killing cops? ”
” Right now, they don’t have to do so when they’ve managed to demoralize them sufficiently.”
” How do you know these things?
“Oh, you do not want to know–let’s say, I just do.”
Then we had a discussion as to why the old Russian-American owners ( in their early 90’s ) have gotten even more paranoid lately in their old age. Word has it that Rimma sits glued to the T.V. and when she comes into the Park only stops to talk with the one remaining Ukrainian caretaker. So I gently tried to explain that it was more than a medical condition but was met with absolute disbelief that something “like that” could ever happen here. OK. end of conversation. shut my mouth.
That most Americans are patriotic, love their country and seek reconciliation with their neighbors to build schools and strong communities is all we have going for us now, folks. Racism has always been used to divide the working class—always. Trust no one who does not absolutely understand this.
It is handy to divide them for now. “Racism has always been used to divide the working class—always.”
Always is a very big word, so big that to use it twice in one sentence seems imply a question of veracity, by always, do you mean certain sections of society in certain countries, during this, or the last, or more, centuries ?
Dividing them for now anyway, will certainly be power for the good cause, and, as the Bolsheviks slogan: “Workers Unite” was used to hijack the revolution, so the cries of the anti-Christ will preach peace on earth, brotherhood doctrines and so forth, and gain huge popularity in the face of despair and suffering of the masses.
Although I take no joy in knowing that radio free liberty filmed the chaos on russian streets, revenge will be fully served on a cold dish when american tanks are firing on the institutions which they once served, a sight for the entire world on live TV
I know it’s a sad thing, but most likely this is a mirror of what will happen in USA, although levels of bloodshed might be much higher.
The differences between parties is too great, and the contradictions are huge. Leadership is impossible in this climate. We will see if the president has some military forces at his disposal to quell the insurrection, I’m not holding my breath
That a great point.
Leadership impossible under these conditions.
Its because the divide in values has shifted so far apart the past 60 years this mess exists in US.
Both sides need to re-shift back if stability is to return.
Jo Jorgensen Libertian Party canidate for President does provide a breath of fresh air, but challenging the one party state will take nothing short of a miracle.
Why not take the Zionazis ”seriously” and appoint Putin the puppet-master US President instead of his oafish puppet Trump? Would be the first time ever Pindos were ruled by a truly civilized government (the ruled citizenry not so much).
The US is crumbling. What is not to like?
Agree with Saker’s assessment of the current and future situation here in the US and with Trump; however, I still harbor a faint suspicion that Trump is just a patsy who was put forward (or allowed to be put forward) in order to totally discredit the idea of and demoralize the supporters of a populist president, never mind any prospective populist revolution of any sort. This would be in keeping with the smearing and total discrediting of Bernie Sanders and any putative “socialist” revolution he was claiming to lead. And yes, I realize that Sanders was no true socialist in any sense of the word, but the fact that he even used the word in public was enough to send the ZioNazi Capitalists into convulsions of early 20th century communist Russia flashbacks. This would certainly explain Trump’s utterly schizoid governing “policies” (if, indeed, you can even use that phrase in conjunction with Trump) and the fact that the Dems seem determined to hold Trump up off the floor to continue to use as a bloody punching bag long after the time that he could have simply been removed by any one of the Deep State’s many well-practiced and time-honored methods of dealing with such nuisances. This idea would be virtually confirmed for me if Trump were somehow to win in November, as even the Dems could not be so totally incompetent as to blow the upcoming election (by whatever means necessary, legal or otherwise) to someone like Trump, who is being publicly smeared 24/7 in every possible way now. His reelection, rather than signaling any sort of faux “resistance” (a ridiculous notion, given his track record for the past four years), would signal to me that’s he’s still useful to the culture wars that are tearing the US apart as we speak (among many other things, I’m sure) and that he’s indeed the Deep State’s puppet. I think the idea that he and Barr and Flynn, etc. are going to suddenly set things right vs. the giant worldwide monster squid that is the US/Israeli/British Deep State and their associated interests is laughably naive and serves only to keep a die-hard few of core supporters on board with Trump and his what can only be described as an ominously (and yet, laughably at the same time) reckless “administration” (for lack of a better word).
But we’ll see soon enough. Regardless of how all this turns out, I expect thinks to continue to spiral out of control. There will be no saviors this time or any other ever again. The empire’s cooked, and all any of us can do at this point is plan as best we can and remain agile in responding to events as they unfold. More interesting times ahead!
No, it doesn’t matter, if it even takes place and here’s why:
It all goes so much deeper than most are willing to even consider or admit. Essentially a nation-state based analysis is not adequate to understand or explain most of the most crucial events now occurring on the planet.
Great article till I hit this line “A true democracy protects the majority against the many minorities …”.
This is a very scary statement and any minority representation reading this must sense some fear if something like this line of thinking runs among the law makers and the law keepers.
I don’t really know what you define by “minority”, but I go with the commonly accepted definition, that is “people of certain religion/color/creed who are not the highest in number — or have a small representation”.
If my definition is same as yours, if I’m a minority I’d be looking for the exit door asap.
I am afraid that Saker is right, a true democracy protects the majority.
However, I prefer the following formulation: The ‘quality’ of a democracy is seen in how it treats its minorities.
On the other hand, there is no need to worry about all of the power going to the minorities. In the fascist paradise that their ‘Globalist’ masters intend to build, all of the peasants will be treated equally.
Wrong, Dead wrong.
The real worry is that all of the power will wind up in the hands of a single minority.
Typically that single minority will suffer from hubris and the result of that will be the revulsion of those it attempts to use and abuse. Again, typically, it will suffer yet another excoriation of biblical proportions.
History has an odd but eminently observable habit of rhyming.
Great article till I hit this line “A true democracy protects the majority against the many minorities …”.
This is a very scary statement and any minority representation reading this must sense some fear if something like this line of thinking runs among the law makers and the law keepers.
Not at all. Consider this: minority X wants policy X while minority Y wants policy Y. But that does not at all mean that minority X wants policy Y or minority Y wants policy X. What protects them from having a minority demand some kind of “special status” which would give them special rights? The built-in firewall of “one man one vote” – i.e. the protection of the majority from the minority.
You are making a logical mistake here: you assume that in a system in which the majority is protected against the minorities the minorities will suffer. In fact, they minorities ALSO are protected by a true majority rule.
I know, it is counter-intuitive and goes against what we are taught. But please think about it again.
The Saker
The only minority that really factors into this equation is the 0.001% or whatever of ultra-rich and ultra-powerful oligarchs as well as the powerful lobby groups. The richest 200 in the US are split evenly (more or less) in financially backing Trump and/or Biden, so how much difference can there be between these two and their parties that extends beyond personality politics?
The other minorities, such as people of color, LGBT, etc are relatively powerless in comparison. This thinking that the Democrats favor minorities is faulty insofar as it puts the cart before the horse…whatever the historical antecedents for Democrats and minorities, the current reality is that minorities favor the Democrats out of sheer momentum generated by the legacy of civil and other rights.
To wit: Obama arose as a constitutional scholar from a liberal community-oriented background but immediately revealed himself to be a Wall Street shill who disrespected the constitution and did more damage to the Black population that any previous president since the war. (See this article by former Wall Streeter Pam Martens that she wrote early in Obama’s candidacy – he was always the favoured candidate by the oligarchs: https://www.counterpunch.org/2008/05/05/obama-s-money-cartel/). The historical record shows that the Democrats have waged more and bloodier wars than the Republicans, although the latter have set an exceedingly low benchmark.
In the worlds of that British sage George Galloway, they are “two cheeks on the same arse”…ie the two wings of what is in effect a War Party.
So in summary, dear Saker, this was an interesting and reasonably good analysis but it overstates the role and influence of minorities that are not oligarchs, the NRA, the MIC or AIPAC, ie actual minority demographics such as POCs rather than cabals of violence loving corporate and Zionist shills.
The Saker is correct in that the US is headed toward chaos and probably an all out Civil War, no matter who wins. If Trump wins the Dems will go even more insane than they are now. If Biden wins, the Dems will try to impose gun control. In the Midwest and South this will be resisted and while the Generals are almost all fanatical leftists, there are a lot of lower ranks that are loyal to the constitution and the war will be on.
The Democrats slogan might be “We hate Western Civilization” , yet they do not offer any positive solutions.
Your local city council and sheriff elections are very important.
Gloom and Doom is great click-bait…..and The Mighty Cynical Finn is “lovin it” as long as it’s confined to North America…..north of the Rio Grande and Tijuana…..but my perspective differs from the prevailing foreboding, pessimistic mood of this article and comment thread, and I don’t mean in regard to retaining Empire….but rather shedding it, and rather quickly.…. and then compelling a different sort of surprised and astonished article…….in 2-4 years time.
Perhaps that is because I have been acutely aware for the last 40 years of the problem of both parochial and globalist oligarchy fundamentally hating the USA since its inception..but rabidly so since 1876…….and then making great inroads into destroying it from within.
AND understanding, more fundamentally…the ..” WHY???” of that nearly fatal targeting from within.
ANSWER: Because despite its sins in its first century of existence it actually used to be admired by people from every part of Europe…..(.even Scandinavia!!! LOL) …that yearned to escape the iron grip of that same European Oligarchy!
And this affinity for the USA (read Tolstoy on Lincoln!!!) was existentially threatening to the oligarchies of the Old World.
1876 The First Centennial Celebration….in Philadelphia. With visitors from all over the world….including Sergei Witte from Russia….and nationalist from Germany…and as far away as China.
The Main Take-Away for those nation-building foreign guests?? Rail Development with which to outflank the strangulation of British “Free” Trade…and Sea Power Domination.
A quarter century later Germany surpassed Great Britain in many categories of industrial output and had plans for the Berlin to Baghdad Railroad…an existential threat to the Sea Power Empire…..Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railroad was well underway (begun 1891…completed 1916) and by 1911 Philadephia’s Baldwin Locomotive Company drew the interest of Sun Yat Sen…and orders for delivery to China followed.
What is missing from the article’s analysis is one critical ingredient from today’s news…The arrest of Robert Maxwell’s daughter Ghyslaine…and another form Trump’s first days in office:
The Executive Order Against Human Trafficking.
These two together are the Tip of the iceberg whose huge strategically….spiritually …culturally critical mass below the surface is not appreciated…and is even regarded by many as a “silly” theme of # 17 and probably Cardinal Vigano….to boot.
Well, we shall see!
We shall see.
Meanwhile, I do not endorse everything in today’s post arrest Twitter thread by The Sharp Edge…..(Mike Pompeo needs to go, next term….) but y’all might even enjoy some of the HEAT building under the Deep State Pot:
Y’all are way, way too fixated on the Faction Screaming Into The Megaphone….ALL they have “left”…..which is losing its formerly dead asleep working class black and Hispanic and white supporters at a world record rate…..IMHO.
I think it’s gonna be very hot summer……but a better late fall and winter than y’all even dare to imagine.
Watch the rate of OTHER arrests…..in this same month of July….or at least more Steven Bing types jumping….. or getting pushed…… off the roofs of tall buildings
Very important question.
I thought hard on the subject lately and I concluded also that it simply doesn’t matter (from an international standpoint) who the president is. It really did matter in 2016, but this time around it doesn’t.
Back then the war in Syria was very much up in the air with a strong indication that Assad will prevail. Now it is all but a waiting game for the US and Turkey to find a graceful way out. Assad has won it. In 2015 and 2016 one could imagine US trying to bully Russia in Syria, but ever since March 2018 and Putins speech this option has left the station. No one, even Hillary now believes that they can bully Russia, especially when folding to Iran and embarrassing themselves with Venezuela.
Why am I bringing this up is because in 2016 Trump was the peace candidate; now there is no viable war candidate. No one is left delusional enough in the US to try to venture a hot local contest with Russia. So it doesn’t matter, sure any candidate will go on with max pressure and other cheap tricks (that are as detrimental to the US) but a US/NATO hot war with Russia is completely off the table.
On the US domestic side I wholly agree with Sakers statements, more-less a charade with similar outcomes.
They could still try for Syria and Venezuela. So i disagree with the Saker. I might be out of the country by then, but if i am here, I am voting Trump 100%.
To rational people a hot war with Russia, or any country would indeed be off the table. But to scyhopaths, and other nut jobs hot wars are the very thing that turns them on. Unfortunately, people of the scyhopath and nutjob sort are the types who happen to be running the USA right now. Interestingly, the complaint of the democratic party about Trump for all the things he already did in the world, is that he is not warmongering enough. It might actually be the Pentagon itself that is restraining these pcyho-nut politicians from going all out. I personnally believe it is Hillary who has been pulling the strings in the Democratic party for the last few years. The recent craze about the BLM movement, Russia-gate, etc. smacks too much of her MO. Hold on to your seats everybody, the next few years are going to be really, really, really crazy.
Why not just elect a pig’s bladder on a stick ?
Both candidates are so implausibly ridiculous. Trump, a preposterous orange braggart with white circles round his eyes – like a mutant panda in a suit. Biden, a confused, barely reanimated mummy in a suit. This is the best the US has to offer ? Both ludicrously posturing as tough guys ( real tough guys don’t need to talk tough – witness Zakharchenko, Putin ).
How can this election be taken seriously ? The Dems’ unctuous pandering for the black vote. ( I note Biden no longer talks about ” Cornpop who was a bad dude.. ” .). Meanwhile Trump tweets and sanctions and talks tough.. What did Putin say ? “…we don’t care who wins – nothing changes.. “.
The people are being led a merry dance with this farce. Manipulated into hopeless division, disputing among themselves over every form of “wokeness”.. They are persuaded to put their faith in one charlatan or the other.. A disgusting spectacle.
Who could take Trump/ Biden’s place ? Pompeo,? Malevolent blubber in a suit ? Hillary ? A vicious raptor – in a pant suit ? It’s a sorry state of affairs. I fear there could be societal collapse.
Putin pretty much said the same thing last time.
Well said. Clear and concise. Both Trump and Biden are a spectacle of incompetence. Mind you this is deliberate. A choice between two morons which is not really a choice.
Very good analysis, and I particularly liked the part regarding Trump’s obvious flaws (but why preferable to the alternative) and the reasons why the Democrats love a weak candidate in Biden.
I would have agreed with the idea of American pro-war sentiment if not for Trump’s substantial victory in the SC primary after a brilliant anti-war performance in the presidential debate. He demolished pro-war Jeb and Lindsey in a state that was thought to be pro-war, especially among the Republican electorate there. While it’s true the US has lost the wars in question and that could be a reason, no reasonable person would now believe that these wars are winnable in the traditional sense.
While the “polls” may show substantial pro-war sentiment, they are typically done by MSM-related outfits who strategically word the questions.
Saker, I thought you wanted to reduce your workload. You could have reduced this article to one small paragraph.
It makes no difference. We have a choice between a malicious supremacist vs senile one. Both of them will continue to squander U.S. power as we continuing our aggression mostly harming innocent civilians in other countries. The only unknown is who is more/less likely to get us into a hot war before the U.S. becomes irrelevant. I do not know who that is since one is more naturally narcissistic while the other has a strong desire to please the establishment warmongers. One wants to declare ‘mission accomplished’ the other ‘I can be just as tough’. If we get into a war, all bets are off because we will lose and that will be such a shock I am scared as to how we will react, anywhere from Dresden to Hiroshima.
Saker, I thought you wanted to reduce your workload. You could have reduced this article to one small paragraph.
Thank you for your encouragement!
The Saker
As an actual native born American I must take issue with Saker on one point, even if I agree pretty much with the rest of his article.
It is grossly unfair to regard war as popular among Americans. What is true is that “war” is something that takes place elsewhere…to most Americans. Given that, save a few distant Islands, no war has been waged on US soil since 1865.
This combined with a strong tradition of rallying around the flag, makes Americans extremely vulnerable to pro war propaganda… I assure you that Americans primarily focus on their own pursuit of happiness. So long as government policies don’t prevent these endeavors, be they wars or anything else, people just don’t care.
But I can assure you that this situation now has our collective attention… All that remains is to determine who and how many we need to kill, not because we are bloodthirsty. But we will do what must be done save our children and our people. It is a sad sad time…worse lay before us.
Was going to say the same thing. The ‘peace’ candidate keeps winning … Bush, Obama, Trump, but we don’t get peace.
No war since 1865 in the US? You mean whites against whites. Whites made war with NDNs until almost 1900. It ended with Wounded Knee. A racist war swept under the carpet.
If US Americans did not like war, why the constant mantras about “the best military in the history of the galaxy”?! Or why the constant flag-waving and “we support out troops” thingie.
Sorry, but remember all the chest-thumping after Desert Storm?
Finally, every single US President (even with the theoretical possibility of 1-2 being excluded) initiated foreign wars. Which is the “crime of aggression” under international law. How many US Presidents were prosecuted for this? How many even charged? How many seriously criticized?
The Saker
As stated above, at every opportunity Americans reject war at the ballot box. This alone proves my point.
The “greatest military” stuff appeals to national pride… Once again prowar propaganda works, and it works even better on a people with no living memory of warfare in the homeland. The propagandists may be prowar, but clearly the people are not.
Why haven’t any US leaders been charged or tried? Saker, that one is beneath you sir. In all of recorded history when has a sitting government been tried for war crimes? Never! This only happens to leaders who are defeated by a stronger force.
You seem to imply that it is the American people who are behind the deep state and their crimes. This is like blaming the raped rather than her rapist…
Nope, all I am saying that the ideology of messianic imperialism has brainwashed many (most?) US Americans to feel pride when their armed forces kick some (putatively) deserving “ass”. Just look at all the movies and books out there which glorify “American heroes”: that is proof that there is a demand for that kind of stuff.
Seriously, are you denying that maybe not you personally, but most of your neighbors would not be feeling a tremendous sense of pride if the US beat the living crap out of Iran, Syria or the DPRK?
No…I’m telling you that if the people had a choice there would be no war.
The problem for the American establishment is that it doesn’t like the way democracy worked out in 2016. The American people voted for a candidate who wanted to restore relations with Russia. That same establishment is prepared to burn US to the ground to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
The fundamental problem is capitalism. Trump and Biden represent different factions of the corrupt/criminal oligarchy running the US. As pointed out in a recent piece in the World Socialist website-
Over the past three months, more than 115,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 and 45.5 million have become unemployed amid an unprecedented medical, social and economic disaster.
But the story has been very different for the stock market and the American financial oligarchy. In the midst of what the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development calls the worst peacetime economic crisis in a century, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has staged its largest rally in three decades.
The Dow surged 18 percent in the second quarter of this year, its biggest quarterly gain since 1987. The Nasdaq grew even faster, rising 30.6 percent and leaving the index up by 12 percent since the beginning of the year.
The massive growth in stock values has led to an expansion in the wealth of America’s financial oligarchy. Since March 18, the wealth of US billionaires has increased by 20 percent, or $484 billion, according to the Institute for Policy Studies. Between March 18 and June 17, the total net worth of the 640-plus US billionaires jumped from $2.948 trillion to $3.531 trillion.
As a result of the stock market rally, the wealth of the five richest men in America—Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison—grew by a total of $101.7 billion, or 26 percent.
See- The inequality pandemic: How American capitalism puts profits over lives by Andre Damon 2 July 2020; Link: http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/07/02/pers-j02.html
The fundamental problem is capitalism.
Agreed 100%
The Saker
Could I propose, as an alternative view, that it’s not Capitalism which is the problem – but Capitalists.
As Herbert Hoover said ” “The only trouble with capitalism is capitalists; they’re too damned greedy.”
Oleg Deripaska [ the subject of “give me back my pen” fame :-) ] said, “Putin is trying to build Capitalism without Capitalists”, and I thought “well, good for him, and I hope he succeeds”.
At base, Capitalism is just an economic model and theory – one of many. And it’s pretty good – as shown by the huge number of true capitalists – every middle class home owner, buying his/her own home is a capitalist in that they are taking the profit of the return on their labour and storing it as a usable asset – their home.
It’s been the principles of Capitalism and an International Capitalist market of trade which has enabled Russia to come back like a boomerang from the disaster of post-Communist Cental Control followed by invasion and wide scale looting, by Pirates.
It’s the people who have ridden the wave of a good system but to their own advantage, evil ends of power and destruction, and utter utter unbelievable Greed who have give Capitalism a bad name – and deservedly so, if it could never be any other way.
See some of those society turnouts, millions of dollars spent on a wedding while people starve, and realise just why Greed is one of the 7 Deadly Sins.
The West, largely the Anglo Zionist world, took a principle for storage and distribution of value, and let it fall into the hands of psychopaths and the evil-infested to use. It formed a system which was a Petrie dish full of nutrients for the scum of the earth, and let them loose.
We need to change that system, and learn how to use Capitalism under Government controls to protect people from the pirhanas who swim amongst us constantly; use it to generate profits used for the people as a whole, and leave it for individuals to pursue – under certain controls.
In other words, find a way to have capitalism without capitalists. As Putin, it seems, is perhaps aiming for.
An associated cause of all this is that capitalism in the West has failed.
This is what USSR Foreign Minister Gromyko predicted when he said in 1961 that “We will bury you” referring to the CCCP view capitalism will collapse of its own volition.
And we are seeking this now and its also the reason Trump got elected because of the failure of every President since LBJ – Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush & Obama who allowed and colluded with big $ interests to structure the eco system in such a way as to create inequality.
Nixon Ford & Carter did nothing to fix things in the 70s and Reagan’s efforts saw boom and bust. The 2 Bush’s were hopeless eco managers and Clinton Obama far worse. Hence the mess today.
Trump is simply repeating Reagan policies but with some effort to address trade imbalances but it dont go far enough to address structural problems in the tax system, banking system, medical insurance and education funding.
It is this brand of capitalism that has failed.
Supplementary reading: I’ve recently started rereading Matt Taibbi. Matt’s a decent journalist. He researches stuff, this in contradistinction to all the armchair internet generals who never get past Wikipedia. In his ‘Hate Inc.’ he underscores the point that the Murdoch led media business model is not about grabbing the largest market share, as it once was, but rather nailing down profitable demographics whose ongoing consumption of the media’s product is guaranteed by whipping up as much hate as the likes of Rachael Maddow are capable of. That’s what they’re paid to do. Matt takes notice of a curious statistic. Never before have journalists scored so low in public opinion polls (under 20%); nobody trusts them, same with politicians. And yet ratings have never been higher. Remember when the legacy media, especially newspapers, were facing bankruptcy? Well, that was before Donald Trump descended from heaven on a cloud to save the industry from going under. If it weren’t for Trump, the NYT would have gone to the wall. Getting people all hot and bothered about Hitler and Putler and Trumpler sells copy and commands premium ad fees. This isn’t fluff. This is actually the new business model. Taibbi calls it ‘siloing’. Each demographic is corralled within a media space that caters to it’s constantly aggravated hatreds. Aggravation on a daily, indeed, hourly basis, is what the business is all about. So then, the Saker is right. It doesn’t matter who wins in November. The trends towards disintegration will continue. Saker calls attention to the political forces at play; Taibbi illuminates the trend of the prevailing corporate media model. Money is involved. They’re not going back to any sort of ‘we’re all in this together’ patriotism. We should plan for the future accordingly.
During his interview with Oliver Stone, President Putin said “over time, your Presidents change – your policies never do”.
I would say this alone would suggest Saker is correct; not only that neither supposed candidate is of any purpose, ability, ideology, or use, but that the US President is nothing but a figurehead. It matters not who sits in the Oval Office – it’s the men behind him pulling his strings who matter.
And they dont run for office.
I’ve been saying it for some time. Trump is that last plank of wood that you barricade in the door to buy you some time.
But after Trump, comes the deluge. Who is next? Really?
There are a few like Rand Paul, but these don’t have Trump’s money or celebrity status, and have on many occasions been willing to back down in the face of the Deep State from ever getting too close to it.
As Sr. Lucia of Fatima stated, America, along with much of the rest of the world, will fall to the errors of Communism, because the Church refused to Consecrate Russia.
Russia, is also not going to have a good time.
If Russians or anyone else thinks the Leftist crazies will simply stop at their own borders, then Russians are sadly mistaken. Those same demons will inevitably gain the full power of the State, the Military and the Nuclear Arsenal.
We’ve seen the lengths they are willing to go over a supposed minority killing, and how zealous they are are eliminating anyone that dares to go against the fabric of the Anti-Christ Liberal values.
Russia just enshrined Marriage between a Man and a Woman in its Constitution by direct vote of the people. Russia is certainly also not going to go along with the sodomite or trans insanity.
That means that as far as these crazies are concerned, Russia is an inevitable target, once they have overcome Trump and the few sane people within their own borders. They don’t want any borders. Neither American nor Russian. Russia will be brought to bend the knee as far as they are concerned. They don’t have any knowledge of what it takes to run a country, they have no knowledge of law enforcement, they have no knowledge of war either. They are convinced in their cause. Sooner or later, the Democrats will lose hold, having been infiltrated, and so will the U.S. Media, who are all already having their sanest remaining staff and editors fired and resigning for lacking zeal and wokeness to the cause. If at any time in the past any man has so much as whistled at a woman in the workplace, he’s history.
So I’m afraid, that America, isn’t going gently. And while it is guaranteed by God through Fatima that Russia will continue to exist and be converted, Russia will not be left un-scarred or untouched. Russia will be forced to fight for its survival. Once Trump is out of the way, Russia is next, because they think Russia put him in, and that Russia will try to do it again, and Russia is a nation of people that doesn’t bend over for the pantheon of the LGBTQ+ rainbow army. Also as far as they are concerned, Russia is white, which means Russians are ‘privileged’ and therefore Russians have biologically inherited racism.
It doesn’t make any sense. It’s not supposed to. They will greatly escalate conflict with Russia, because Russia represents everything they hate.
Russia will be converted? The people just overwhelmingly voted for a constitution where God is written, as far as I know, and where a marriage is between a man and a woman. Russia has the Orthodox (ie original ) Church. Please look at any of the beautiful icons of Mary with the child Jesus and consider if Russia really needs any consecration from the Vatican.
It is because God wants the Church to be one. The schism has to end. The West needs the East for what it lacks, and the East needs the West for what it lacks.
God, through His messages through His Holy Mother delivered the prophecies to the Pope and the Catholic Church.
– Communism will overtake the world.
– Consecrating Russia will bring about the conversion of the nation and a period of peace.
– Russia will be a light to the world, rather than the scourge of Communism that it once was.
– The Church from East to West will be one again.
– All men on Earth will have no choice but to recognize this as miraculous. Thus a worldwide conversion on an unprecedented scale will follow.
We see the movements in Russia towards rightful recognition of Orthodoxy and morality as a positive move. However, God is not merely interested in mere politics and Constitutions. It wants the people to be converted. Russia still has many of the same secular problems as the west. Tolerance of Homosexuality, Abortion, etc. God was not pleased with the world near 100 years ago when the command was given to the Catholics,and God isn’t going to tolerate it now. Russia still has a LONG way to go until its people are acceptably converted. Secularism and a Constitution that only states the OBVIOUS about marriage is not good enough for Heaven. I know that saying this comes as a shock to most secularists, even Christians so used to the Americanist secular ideal, or even the secularist Russian one, but we are still a far cry from the standard of Christendom that once existed. We have a long way to go to claw our way back, and make sufficient reparations for all our sins.
So we also theorize that Russia will continue to progress, hopefully to restoring the Tsarist Monarchy, in line with other prophecies about the return of the Catholic Monarchies once the present order destroys itself. But Russia will NOT experience peace, because Russia is surrounded by all manner of evils, whether it’s America across the sea, or China right at its doorstep.
Much like David was singled out and consecrated to be King, God wishes to single out Russia and have it consecrated to Him to be His vessel for fixing the world. It is an honour for Russia to be called. But God also wants recognition of the Church He established, and the authority He put over it, and thus it must be done by the Successor of Peter, and with all bishops in union with him. Unfortunately, they have all failed to obey. The prophecies are all coming true, Communism is rising, Corruption and heresy and apostasy are rife throughout the Western Church, the West is falling, and the East is rising. But whether that rise will be peaceful or violent remains to be seen.
Ultimately it will all occur as God wills it.
Well said.
I think there is likely to be a split in the DEM Party soon where all the crazys go one way and the mainstream go another.
Split in the Republicans too.
Oh… I love it!
So many truths and eyes-wide-open obvious facts, so cleverly camouflaged in main stream media.
Thanks for all the chuckles.
Agree 100% with all points made.
not quite right, Im afraid on several points. I will only take on 2 right now, more later.
First, USA doesn’t need to/want to win wars. It needs to keep wars going for when it wins, he money toward the military industrial complex will stop. Case in point: North Korean war which is still technically a war, 70 years later. Afghanistan “war”, that has dragged for over 20 years now. The “war on terror” that cost between 3-5 trillion dollars and was never “won”. So no, USA doesn’t want to “win” wars. What it wants is to cause chaos and/or destruction. This is beautifully shown in both Iraq and Syria.
Trump did accomplish several things.
1. He has placed over 200 conservative judges around the country, and they will be setting conservative agenda for decades to come. He has so far placed 2 conservative judges on the supreme court and when Ginsberg finally collapses, he will maybe place a 3rd.
2. He has beautiful helped Israel in EVERYTHING, giving them all the money they want and doing everything they want him to do.
3. He has cut taxes for the rich and forced the FED to give trillions of credit to the banks, thus sending the stock market to dizzying heights, making the billionaires richer beyond their dreams.
there is much more, but next time.
What about the idea circulating of Hillary Clinton coming back replacing Biden late in the campaign. Many people think this what do you think saker?
I’m not sure Biden is that senile that he would do that. I’m sure he’s well-acquainted with her “style”. Besides, I thought he’d promised to have a woman of color as his VP. Hopefully she doesn’t mind getting her hair sniffed every so often…
I’m assuming that the choice of Biden is either a sign of complete senility in the Demo hierarchy, or that this is the “planned loser” a la McCain (another complete dribbler).
Where is this power of minorities having an effect which is in their favour?
BLM and other things are being used colour revolution style to dislodge Trump but the people using them are no friends of the minoroties.
Affirmative action is a sop to minorities and a contradiction of equality before the law but there is no equlity before the law if the law is not equaly enforced.
I agree with the rest.
I want to present a view of the potential dramatic civilizational US crash in the alternative form of gradual disappearance.
Many times it seems as though the US is heading towards a civil war, some other civil unrest, bankruptcy, major external war, some other sudden crash. However, more and more I think it is a country that exhibits a certain asymptotic regime of behavior, converging towards nonexistence and loss of meaning. The final limit is the ontological desolation. It may not precisely be some particular dramatic event that will end the so called Empire and remove or transform an actor into a different role, suddenly change the costumes. No, even that is a sort of meaning and life producing, like a kind of labor pains that give birth to something new (good or bad). For example, the fall of the Russian Empire gave birth to the USSR, while the fall of the USSR among other things gave birth (or at least allowed for the rebirth) of the Russian Federation. Thus, even revolutions and civil wars demand some will for life and meaning.
I’m not convinced that such a will currently exists in the US that may produce some energy and a drive for taking up the cross of big events and transformations. Things almost always seem fake and exaggerated, almost scripted. To have a revolution, at least some person-hood needs to manifest it’s honest desire to transform the surrounding nature of reality (wrong or right). I cannot easily imagine such a thing in the US, which lives in the absurdity of heavy individualism, egotism and exceptionalism, while ironically completely destroying the idea of a genuine person as given by God and depriving the very notion of sanity from any sublime or objective roots. The culture of unconditional strive for happiness and safety (no risk, no adversity) empties life of any hope for meaning, leading to isolation of every human and hence depriving them from contemplating something beyond their own individual, i.e., no perception of the ‘other’, who is outside of the particular individual and no actual collective experience. Everything is flat and without depth. It’s like a mirage or delusion, where there appears to be a lot of capacity and potential, but it’s merely rotten. Since anything to be deep and sustainable needs to be tested in time, history and hardship, i.e., trialed by fire.
Therefore, it’s possible that the US may go further and further towards, as the Biblical verse says, “the abomination that causes desolation.” I see it similar to the Titanic metaphor in the Saker’s article — it half sinks and gets stuck in the mud of the bottom and from there it continually rusts, while the diluted passengers badger each other and fail to observe that they are turning into dust. I see it as a sort of Sodom that God may destroy with the power of time. This is one way to avoid the global danger of a heavily nuclear armed uncontrollable state. It may even be so extremely gradual that people may argue in themselves and among each other, “when exactly did the US disappear”, “does it still exist”, “because it seemed that it existed a year ago but I’m not sure about today” — people might be saying.
This splitting, division and separating apart is a sort of diabolical as it generates chaos. Hopefully, lessons are learned in the US and something good would come out of this.
The deep state can’t afford to have Trump win in November. Quietly behind the scenes the Durham report seems to be complete and from what I have read at least 3 dozen indictments are being prepared.
Further to that the lawyer for Flynn said the reason he was targeted is because he knew of all the billions of dollars the intelligence community was laundering/siphoning off and they were worried he was going to expose them.
Another ex-CIA director Leon Panetta has come out against Trump. What are all these spooks hiding ? It gives credence to what Flynn’s lawyer said as I wrote above.
The really interesting development is the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell. Will she be given a lesser sentence/charge if she agrees to implicate Trump in the abuse of minors ? The link between Trump and Epstein is well known already. Now that would damage Trump irrevocably,
It is do or die time for the Deep State and they seem to be waging total warfare to stop Trump in or by November.
Perhaps your root problem here is that American electoral law is not democratic, as in ballot access law, so that dmocratic renewal cannot occur. Then there’s the question direct ballot rigging and intimidation (back to paper ballots).
For now Europe (Belgium) persepective a quicky:
“We” are still loyally following the BLM tunes.. so the more sensitive amongst us now walke around with face masks carrying a few concrete bunker loads of guilt feeling towards anything remotely “black”.
So I’d say that during the monts prior to USA presidential election enrolling events should -for the better- undermine the power of the USA media that ever so easily exports these USA concepts like for example the wrong kind of gangsta just because rapper you often talked about and mady me smile in recognition feeling sorry people WITH chances given overhere think they should better follow this “example”.
As long as the (social) media is strong as ever: Does it matters who wins?
Yes, I think so, because at the end of the lection day, the blame all world problems on evil Trump concept will be easily swallowed by those that still remember Bush as bad and stupid but let themselves fall asleep feeling “all is well” after a couple of Obama speeches.. then to awaken in shock by how can it be that Trump won the elections of our world president. If Trump loses, the whole media concept will collapse as “anyting bu not that guy” just didn’t have any further substance behind it but chaos as ever.
İm from Belgium too but not Belgian.
Why dont you people speak up?
That politician Els Ampe practically got lynched for going against the narrative.
Sometimes İ think you almost deserve whats coming to you…
“A true democracy protects the majority against the many minorities…”
I see this a little bit different: above all, a democracy has to determine the majority. Majority is not something abstract, given. For example, in most (or all) Western countries, females are a majority. So what? Arithmetically, you can give plenty of examples of “majorities”. But this is not politics, politics are concrete. For each political question, you may have a different majority. This is the good thing about the popular votes in Switzerland. They determine the majority for a particular question. So, I would say that the formula “protects the majority against the many minorities” is empty and makes no real sense.
The word democracy is not mentioned in the US Constitution, not even once. The document was written to protect the rich minority from the poor majority.
Just because you can you can vote does not mean that you live in a democracy.
I concur but there is a lesser evil. Trump is still the lesser evil. Whether the pro-Trump electorate has changed their opinion of him is the question. Maybe it has given them more resolve given the recent events to further divide Americans.
I like your analogy of voting for a new captain while the Titanic is sinking. It fails, though, when you consider that the Titanic sank because of an unfortunate accident. The good ship USA has been torpedoed by the Davos crowd, the Deep State, the Beast, whatever you want to call it…
“Imagine, you are living in a world that you are told is a democracy – and you may even believe it – but in fact your life and fate is in the hands of a few ultra-rich, ultra-powerful and ultra-inhuman oligarchs. They may be called Deep State, or simply the Beast, or anything else obscure or untraceable – it doesn’t matter. They are less than the 0.0001%.”
The only regime that prevails in Washington is Wall Street. Nothing matters except the interests of Wall Street. Anyone thinking otherwise is deluded.
Apologies to the Mods but wanted to highlight the article I posted over on cafe to the effect that the current hyping of the COVID is very political in that it is crucial to the DNC coup plan. I am coming around to the conclusion that should the DNC win on this coup, whatever/whomever the final result is in its composiition, the disaster would be of such huge consequence that no one can predict at this time.
Thus, trump is not only the lesser evil, he is prob the only evil that should be chosen IMHO. Tragic but becoming more clear.
The congress and bureaucracy are stuffed with serpents! This includes most of those put up as choices for president. Vladimir Putin understands this. He has observed that regardless of who sits behind the resolute desk U.S. foreign policy continues unchanged. This indicates that a deeper, darker force is working in the background.
I decided to watch Trump’s acceptance speech this morning. He mentioned his grandiose plans to make America great again. New roads, new hospitals, new bridges. Everything will be rebuilt and second to none! But these things won’t make America great. Rotting infrastructure is a symptom of something else.
(Matthew 23:25-26 [ESV2011])
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. [26] You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean.
As it turns out, neither the inside nor the outside of ‘the cup’ has been cleaned.
Trump has surrounded himself with some of the worst sorts. Every time he fired one an equally bad replacement came forth. John Bolton as a security advisor? Seriously? As Trump said afterward if Bolton had his way we would be in world war 6 by now. Maybe Trump should have asked who recommended Bolton be hired. And then fire that person also. Trump indicated early on that they should have to cooperate with Russia. But then he brings in Russophobe hate mongers to fill important positions. Trump signed off on all the sanctions which are intended to hurt Russia and every other country under sanctions. Clean the inside of the cup first Donald. It is not as if there was nobody capable he might have brought in. He could have invited someone of the stature of David Stockman but he goes with characters like Mnuchin instead. He could have chosen a non-interventionist for secretary of state, someone the likes of a Ron Paul. Instead, he chooses the warmonger, hater (we lied, we cheated, we stole) Pompeo. He had invited Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to come in for a talk, planning to hire him to oversee medical (vaccine) safety issues. But then Trump was given a juicy donation from one of the pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer I think it was but could be mistaken, so he brings in their people instead. Kennedy never heard back from Donald Trump!
I think Trump was elected legitimately though it was a matter of circumstance or accidentally. When the hyena came out with her husband, slick Willy, she, dressed in purple and he with purple highlights to give her concession speech, the rage, the poison of bitterness oozed from her. This was not an act. She thought the presidency was hers. Henry Kissinger always shows up to have a little talk with the new president. It was no different with Trump. I suspect that he was told how things are going to be. Nothing will be fixed by voting for a president. It appears to me that this is the case in all western dominated countries. Especially the ‘5 eyes’ nations. We have 4 recognized parties in Canada with a new one, The Peoples Party not gaining a seat in the last election. The Liberals still formed the government again after much corruption was revealed although with a greatly reduced minority. And yet, the foundation millionaire baby Justin Trudeau acts like a dictator now and even with a minority government, he is not stopped. I have added a new item to my litmus test of who I can support. Hate mongering against other countries based on propaganda does not gain my support. They are all doing it here. So my vote is to not vote. It is a sweeping vote of nonconfidence in any of them.
It still matters, but only if Trump wins by a large enough margin that it becomes difficult to contest. Even then, it would only provide a temporary respite, but for those of use with lives and loved ones to care about it’s still worthwhile.
As flawed as Trump is, he may represent a remaining nationalist faction of elites. From a foreign policy/external point of view it’s not much better, but from a domestic/internal view it matter a lot. It remains to be seen if that faction has any power left or will to fight, but supporting it is presently in the interests of those who would like to preserve the good parts of the society we had.
Even if Trump does win decisively the next wave would still be right around the corner. Zionists always double down. A concern now is that having so far failed to provoke the backlash they wanted, they may chose to do something heinous to a core right constituency to force a response.
I think Russia is now just a pawn in the US’ political game i.e. both internal and external.
Economically, Russia does not measure much even now. And both its economy and population are now under extreme stress due to the Covid-19 which is spreading uncontrolled and under reported in Russia. And Russia can’t rely on her doomsday weapons to get the world’s notice indefinitely.
And Russia under Putin had just shown its true colours towards China. Russia had taken India’s side in the confrontation with China (like in 1962), promising to sell India massive amounts of weapons quickly. So China is seeing the prospect of India using Russian weapons to kill Chinese. This will not be easily forgotten. In so doing, Russia will pay a price in losing a measure of Chinese trust.
Putin must remember that the West’s animosity towards Russia is much more real and historical than the West’s fear of China. E.g. China has restrained herself from producing enough nuclear weapons to annihilate the West and had helped saved the West (the US) from the Japanese in WW2. Just enough nukes to protect herself.
And the West has no wish to destroy China as that would be more problematical than China now. And China’s growth is more beneficial to the West than China’s decline or demise.
But the breakup of the Russian Federation will elicit no more problems than the breakup of the late great USSR. And many in Europe and the US will even see that as beneficial, especially after Russia annexed Crimea – which revived the historical fear of the Russian bear i.e. Russian expansionism.
I fear for Russia. She is overstretched in her ambitions externally and overstretched internally due to her past expansions.
Russia should not allow herself to be played like a pawn by the US. Europe eyes Russian land for “lebensraum”. And the US eyes Russia with dread.
Russia should conserve both her (dwindling) population, land and (collapsing) economy. Reform the social conditions for population growth and spend her resources to develop her economy. This is at least a 30 year endeavour with no guarantee of success.
And get out of wars in South West Asia (and everywhere else and especially not in the Himalayas between India (who is goaded on by the US using her inferiority complex which resulted from being colonised by the Brits in the past) and China.
For Eurasian security, enhance the SCO (Shanghai Co-operation Organisation), making peace between India and China and not pouring fuel (weapons) into the flames.
And don’t let the current problems of the US (or Trump) fool you that the US is going to collapse. That is not going to happen in time (to save Russia).
I dont know where you are getting your news about Russia from, but I’d change sources if I were you.
Every pont I made is factual. So what are your (contradictory)sources?
The solution to the universal dementia that plagues the Democratic party is simple. Barack Obama needs to have a sex change operation post haste and become Betty Obama. As a new person he can become Uncle Joe’s vice president, ready to take over the day after the election when Biden is declared unable to feed himself baby formula with a spoon.
So, who exactly, are the “behind-the-scenes real powers”?
International family banking dynasties primarily.
I suspect a loose cohort of mainly the International Banking Houses, plus CIA – which is why Kennedy wanted to “shred them into a thousand pieces and throw them to the wind” – a few top Pentagon “brass”, a few very wealthy corporate CEO’s and the old Ruling Houses of Europe; People who go to Chatham House meetings, the Royal Institute and it’s US branch, and Bilderberg meetings. Sometimes they work together, occasionally I think some work against themselves, but ultimately they are all unified in one cause – to be against the 99.9%, which is us, and force us to exist for their benefit and at their bidding. The occupants of the White House and 10 Downing St et al are just useful puppets.
All these various player’s you have mentioned, those you suspect as a loose cohort, one can meet, see in images, we have access to information on them, we know them, despite their devious and hidden tactics.
But behind the scenes an extraordinarily structured, complex, and well oiled synchronization of systems intent and practice exists. The system is masterful to a high degree because as an operational agency it works from another dimension, acting as unifying force.
If this were not the case, the pieces wouldn’t fit together, the dots couldn’t join with such magnificent efficiency. The dimension is governed by cohorts of evil, they are behind the scenes, and their ruler’s are powerful beyond what we realize, they are principalities, Lords of Darkness, and they are effective, because we don’t wan’t to admit they exist, because of uncertainty, fear.
The counter force will meet that through combined intentions and unity of thinking, of care and understanding, then the operational force for the good will be possible, things will fall into place in ways not imagined.
Lo que sucede en Estados o en Europa ya no tiene mucha importancia. La Historia se está escribiendo en otros lugares.
Google-translate – from the Mod:
“What happens in states or in Europe no longer matters much. History is being written elsewhere.”
I still think there is a choice between the constitution representing freedom, and the socialist takedown of the constitution. The takedown will be illegal and totally overlooked, I think they have been doing it slowly over the years by usurping the government, the congress and the president and the judiciary, but this will be their great move. It it could cause an immediate civil war with people who are aware their freedom is taken away, so far
pres. Trump has been a clumsy supporter of the constitution which is better than nothing.
Trump did not start “a major war”. But the biggest war for the US is yet to come. The current presidency is moving towards confrontation with China, and Russia, as the two are becoming more closely aligned. But this process was not initiated by President Trump, but back in the 1990s. The journey can be long, the traveller can doze off, only to wake to the nightmare of doomsday – nuclear Armageddon.
I consider this election matters a lot in many parts of the empire.
In Europe particularly, a Trump reelection would have the EU puppets really lost, with finally a chance for some countries to find back some autonomy. And that would also be right regarding the globalist UN, WHO, WEF etc.
If Biden is elected, all the “compradores” portions of societies in the empire colonies will feel supported 100% again, and entitled to smash freedom politicians.
I therefore really hope Trump is re-elected.
me personally, my heart goes out to all of the Americans, who are still Americans in their values and dreams and beliefs.
I am living in CH, I am not American, I am German.
My country was during the last 100 years, a kingdom, a phony post war democrat, a fascist, a communist and now a globalist country. Beat that.
I am crying, literally, I don’t know how this came and went and changed. It is awful.
I know that in every period of time, people change, new stuff is taking the minds, everybody is getting confused, beliefs opinions mind settings are being set up.
There is no divide between colors or right or left. This is a set up.
There are common sense normal people, people with a good belief system in family, god, country and to do unto the other as you wish that he does to you (Kant bytw a German philosopher).
There is a battle and always was, between the common sense people, those who wish to see their grand children in peace, and the socialists.
The Socialists exist in every colour and costume. Right, Left, Economic, Ecologie, Nature, Beer, Whisky, Sex, All you can and cannot imagine.
This here is coming to a final now in our times. The reason is, that the globalists were in their final plans to put the GWO into place. Then comes along Trump, the orange man to cancel all their deals, arrangements and letters with signature underneath.
He wants to put their nation state first. Meaning governing for their people. Same as Putin. Same as Chi. Same as Modi.
Those are attacked by a coalition of international organizations, party systems like the demoncrats in the US, the Merkels the Macrons the Davos crowd.
I have no idea how this will end, books do. I am going into god, I pray and I do not have to stay on this earth. I am not depressed, I am working and tomorrow I will go up the mountains, the alpes, peace to all of you, try to find the good vibes and thinking.
God bless you, Joern
Thank you for your good vibes and kind words Joern. After reading this article and most of the commenters it was much needed…
POTUS is just a ceremonial role these days, it’s kind of irrelevant who the talking head is at the front kissing the babies. Deep State rules, MIC needs the wars (preferably losing ones that drag out endlessly) the ‘security’ agencies and contractors all suckling on the teat of the tax payer and various despots around the world who throw money at them for protection. Absolute farcical state of affairs but then, sadly, America has become a farcical country more akin to a bad TV reality show.
Biden did tell his billionaire backers that nothing would change during his regime. I take this to mean previous domestic actions by the gop such as tax cuts for the rich will remain. I would go back to Saker’s one thing Trump did right–not get into a major military conflict. Biden is much more likely to get into a shooting match probably with VZ to stop “Russian expansion” into South America. Whoever wins, starting a war may be too much a temptation to distract from the covid disaster and hallowed out cities.
Also as for the polls. I don’t know. I have been following a traveling journalist named Michael Tracey. So he traveled from NJ to MN recently. To his surprise and mine, the damage of BLM and white leftist uprising has been mind numbing and not covered by the mass media. Green Bay WI for gawdshakes had a riot. Anyone know that? If Trump does some big harsh law and order moves, he will win as the backlash is there in literally every city and hamlet in America.
And to the general state of America. I have been to Portland Oregon and it was a wonderful provincial city by American standards. Its downtown was the cultural, artiistic, and civic and commerical center for the entire region including the suburbs. Looters and rioters have totally destroyed the downtown area (and continue to do to this day). In the early stages of the riots the media tried to hide the damage that was done to local people, insitutions, and businesses. Can the downtown area recover? Maybe in decades. So the question. How many vital village, town, city, county centers have been destroyed never to return. I don’t know, but I suspect America is descending into a proverbial Dark Age as gleaming centers of civilization, the modern city, are reduced to a dystopian hellscape.
I go back to the fable of Sodom and Gomorrah. If some heavenly figure asks you direction to the city center, run like hell, and do NOT look back.
If the Democrats win the Presidency, they will pack the Supreme Court, taking over the Judicial branch.
They will make DC and Puerto Rico into States, electing a further 4 Democrat Senators and go on to abolish the filibuster making the Senate a majoritarian body. They will then abolish the Electoral College.
They will legalise 30 million illegal aliens and open the flood gates to millions more making it impossible for them to be defeated at the ballot box. They will tear down the Wall and let the “caravans” flood in.
They will defund and undermine the police leaving white America at the mercy of the mob. The will hound to death anyone who speaks against them. The country will descend into civil war.
I think it matters a whole lot that Trump wins the election in November. For all his faults, at least he doesn’t hate his own people. As C in C he can prevent total anarchy on the streets and he will give Barr/Durham time to finish what they’ve started.
For sure Trump will be re-elected. No doubt about that. Trumps election and re-election had already been decided long ago. Dems and Republicans are working for the same masters. The “fights” between these two parties is by design and not by coincidence. Out of chaos there will be order. The Deep State always rig the primaries to have their candidates represent both parties. So whoever The Americans vote for They are voting for the Deep State candidate. They have an illusion of choice. Trump, Biden Pelosi are all working for the same Elite.
“Trump, at least, did not start a major war, which Obama did, and which Hillary would have done (can’t prove this, but that is my personal belief).”
That is true, but he tried and failed to start a war. The murder of Soleimani is an obvious example.
The real danger is that after the 2020 elections, in American the election might not be widely seen as legitimate. If that happens, then our democracy, such as it is, would be at an end. Mail-in ballots could be removed on a large scale by postal workers or filled in by third parties. Small-scale election fraud has been part of US elections. In 1960, the Democrats were said to have stolen 100,000 votes in Chicago, while the Republicans stole 100,000 votes in downstate Illinois. I believe it’s too late to prevent mail-in ballots because the procedure is chosen by the states. But the federal government has the power to ensure that mail-in ballots will not be stolen by US postal workers, and I think the US government has the poser to make ballot forging a felony that will receive serious prosecution. This should be a bipartisan affair. I expect that no politician would publicly support electoral fraud.
History shows that when the regular heartbeat of elections is cancelled, it usually takes war, revolution or decades of utter stagnation to re-start real elections.
Normally I subscribe to the thesis that voting only encourages the politicians to claim they have the support of the people. But not this year, because our nation is on a narrow precipice.
Think about how your choices today will affect things 20 years from now.
“Does the next Presidential election even matter?”
Like them all from 4th July 1776 onwards, that depends on purpose, evaluation criteria and facility.
It’s a rather dark article of you, Saker, still thanks for sharing your thoughts in a time where you have to be careful to express this. First Amendment, my a**. Try to critisize Israel or have second thoughts about gender policies in the USA, see what happens.
I’m not living in the USA, I’m living across ta large ditch in W-Europe, so I can give only impressions. My impression is, that the forces behind the Empire haven’t changed, and what happens now is planned. I even have the impression that it is irrelevant who is using the bedroom in the White House, even when it is Miley Cyrus or Spongebob. They are figureheads for the Empire, nice to give speeches (I’d like Spongebob in this).
I’m pretty sure and on the side of Auslander, that Hilarious Clinton will jump in somewhere, she’s too silent the last times, something is breeding. *That woman* (to stay in line with her husbands style) is so obsessed that she has a ‘right’ on the presidency (Question: can somebody explain to this legally schooled entity what the name of her party means? Oh well, never mind).
Times have definitely changed. It used to be that the Pentagon had ridiculous plans and the White House ditched it. Now I have the idea that the White House has ridiculous plans and the Pentagon tries to pour in some reality stuff.
Voting your way out of problems is useless. The late George Carlin was right.
Cheers, Rob
Just exactly WHY to do warmongers get elected election after election after election? This is your lucky day, because I’m going to answer that question with the REAL answer, and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with “defense”. I’ll use the patriotic voters of Virginia as an example of the rest of the country.
The US’s economic system, whatever you want to call it, can not and, therefore, must not be separated or isolated from its military-security-industrial complex (MSIC) when discussing literally anything (including the Fed, the stock market, inflation, employment statistics, healthcare, etc. etc.) about the United States of America.
George Kennan was a very influential US VIP for many years. He said the following just a few short years before the end of the Soviet Union.
“Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.”
In the years that have transpired since the USSR’s dissolution, Kennan’s prediction has been proven to be amazingly accurate. Kennan’s statement must still be taken very seriously, to the extreme. At the time he said it, Kennan meant exactly what he said. What we average people have a duty to fully realize and fully appreciate is that what Kennan said is even more true today than it was in Kennan’s time!
To elaborate, the US “system” would undergo very serious financial, social and political upheaval if its wars of hegemony and its MSIC were to suddenly be halted without an alternative economic system being fully “designed” prior to them stopping. Here’s just one example of the poilitical/financial/economic/social impact of the MSIC in just one of the 50 United in Perpetual Warfare States of America — again, the state of Virginia:
Population of Virginia = 8.4 million
Number of Registered Voters in Virginia = 5.7 million
Dollar Amount of Defense Contracts Awarded to Contractors in Virginia from 2000 to 2019 = $781.6 billion
Number of Defense Contracts Awarded to Contractors in Virginia from 2000 to 2019 = 1,291,034
Number of Defense Contractors in Virginia = 17,877
(To confirm my above statistics, Google “governmentcontractswon”, go to that site, select “contractors by state”on the right side of the page and select Virginia on the drop-down list.)
So, what is the likelihood that the voters of Virginia are going to vote for a peacenik for POTUS in November?
Is the reason that voters in Virginia select warmongers for POTUS election after election after election that they are brainwashed, or because they vitally depend upon that yearly DoD injection of well over $50 billion dollars, literally forever? It’s the $50 billion, stupid!
The awful truth is that Virginians know exactly what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. As far as they’re concerned, Mr. Potato-Head or the Tangerine Jackass are both perfectly qualified to hold the title of POTUS because BOTH will increase the war budget from here to eternity. Virginia voters don’t give a shit how many people are killed by the weapons they help produce.
The shocking truth is that as long as the present whatever-you-want-to-cal-it system in the US remains the same — war-based– the voters in Virginia, etc. are not going to vote for a peacenik during the next thousand years.
Virginia is a microcosm of the USA. AmeriKKKans say they want peace, but what they really want is perpetual war which justifies the annual DoD money-injection (which, in turn, requires the Fed to print literally “whatever it takes” amount of USD out of thin air which will pay for those injections from now to eternity) …………… until the bombs drop on Main Street, USA, anyway. Then there will be a very serious, nearly-instantaneous, nation-wide “attitude adjustment”…… in the heads of those still “living”, of course.
All of the above being said, however, and say what you can justifiably say about the Tangerine Jackass, Syria and Iran still exist today as a sovereign states almost four years after the last “election”. Do you think the same would be true if Hitlery had been elected POTUS? I doubt it.
I’d much rather have an old coward who fears the destruction of all-out nuclear war as POTUS than a “brave” sofa-warrior who wants to have a nuclear shoot-out at the OK corral to finally “decide things”.
Remember what all those Russia/China-hating (Deep) State Department “witnesses” who testified at the impeachment hearings had to say? “If the Ukrainians don’t fight the Russians in Ukraine, we’ll have to fight them over here.” That is the mind-set, the qualification, that is required for all job applicants to get a job in the FBI, CIA, DoJ, etc. etc.
Peaceniks not only do not “get to the top” in present-day American government, they don’t even get an interview.
Therefore, here’s the most important question voters who don’t want to experience a nuclear war should ask themselves before entering the voting booth in November. Who do I think will resist the Deep State Department and CIA’s desire/obsession/advice/orders to attack Russia, China, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran etc. — Mr. Potato-Head or the ever-more-disgusting-by-the-day Tangerine Jackass? (Not that those two morons are the only remaining candidates, but as far as the bewildered herd is concerned, they might as well be.)
If Trump is re-elected it will be because while cities were being burned, ‘autonomous zones‘ erected, whites attacked both physically and verbally, and statues and other symbols of American legacy torn down and defaced, the Republican and Democratic leadership, Wall Street and the corporate elite did and said nothing. As time goes by, millions of deplorable nobodies will forget this and that—but what they won’t forget is the unmistakable revelation that the US elite Is not just indifferent to their wellbeing and the things they care about.
The US elite is the enemy—and a far greater one than BLM or the armies of bored, affluent white college brats who made up much of the revolutionary cadres.
If Trump wins, it will be because these millions of people believe he is all they have, pathetic and depressing as that realization may be
Bill Cooper wrote in his book ‘Behold a pale horse’ that before the US population would even consider accepting giving up their sovereignty as a country, to be part of the New world government(order), the situation must be shaped so that it seems that it’s the only viable option left. A possible solution to the problems the country is facing.
They all look like humanoids, like zombies, like they are hypnotized. They look like a scene from a science fiction movie.
60 yrs late to this story – no potus election for that+ years has mattered – living the American dream
“living the American dream”
Perhaps a better description is the “American” induced coma ?
The “Americans” are simultaneously food sources and human shields of “the elites”, and like spiders “the elites” keep their prey wrapped up in suspended animation, preserved until the prey has use.
simple answer, It does not matter who gets elected. They are both products of American society which has ingrained sense of their own importance. Its coming to the end
Trump will be re elected. In fact the result will be a landslide. Second the author’s premise is faulty in several ways. He reduces Trump to bystander status at best and a bumbling fool at worst. Go watch Trump on YouTube circa 1982 or 1992. He articulates the exact same policy he ran on in 2016. Trump had a finely gamed strategy to win and change the nation. He has encountered resistance from day one. But he has survived and forced his opponents to drop their masks and reveal their true intent. His only failure was to under estimate the level of infiltration by partisan hacks into US institutions. To portray Trump otherwise is to misinform. His 4th of July address was a declaration of war against his domestic insurrectionists. Watch the fireworks.
As for foreign policy it should be obvious he is making nations responsible for their own actions and using economics to penalize bad actors. It’s sad for me to point this out and for so called experts to ignore it.
A good viewpoint of the current paradigm. Replace “minority “ with wealthy and you have a better understanding of the basis of the republic form of government… The rights of the few outweigh the rights of the many Is in truth the wealthy have all rights affordable to them. The rest of society is held to another standard and is regarded as the enemy. This is true for all of the lower classes. I am a drug war combat veteran of 36 years and have seen my friends murdered and sent to re-education camps, Innocent lives ruined and civil discourse crushed under the banner of protecting the children. Generational indoctrination to worship authorities and to dismiss liberty as an old outdated notion from a savage time. We have seen the government accused of importing crack into our neighborhoods and now they are doing it again with heroin and not a peep from any media outlets. The pictures of Marines guarding poppy fields is burned into everyone’s mind around the world. Allowing the complete looting of industrial America and now it gave these parasites another $20+ trillion This is what passes as a government? Seems as the collapse of it can not come fast enough.
The big picture is that China is rapidly eclipsing the US in the Tech War that will determine the dominant power for the rest of the century. Further Chinese Alliances with Russia and now Iran provide China with military security, though there is still vulnerability on the energy front. But China has huge coal reserves and is ditching fake Green Energy for a mix of coal, hydro and nuclear. Combined with Russian pipelines, and coal powered EVs, China is becoming energy independent.
As stated the US is disintegrating from within. At best, “Biden” enters the WH as an embalmed figure-head who will be wheeled out for state occasions and then confined to a basement bunker. There will be a Battle Royale among Obama bred “advisors” from the Deep State- Wall Street.
With an economy already hollowed out, the COVID Depression leaves the US with few resources to compete with the Chinese Juggernaut that’s already seized control of both 5G and and Quantum Communications/ unbreakable cryptography. The US isn’t even in the game.
The Chi-Coms have allocated $1 T to create a unified “internet of things” that combines robotics and AI. Meanwhile, China is filling in the gaps of an indigenous semi-conductor industry thereby becoming immune to US economic warfare once and for all.
So yeah, the US elections mean nothing because the US has been squeezed dry by its Apex Predator Class, its labor force decaying in “diseases of despair”, and the country already in a slo-mo Civil War. There are no spoils left for a “winning party” to feast on. The Pox Americana Empire is finished, save for an arsenal of nuclear weapons that can’t be fired.
“the US elections mean nothing”
Evaluation is a function of purpose, and not everyone has the same purpose.
Amongst other meanings an “election” facilitates a datastream that some “interpret” as a rate of ideological immersion in the “status quo” (an oxymoron in thermo-dynamics including life) upon which further attempts to deny time can be unbalanced (tottered).
The iterations of attempts to deny time often leads to schisms between expectations and outcomes although not necessarily their perception, which often tend to encourage those attempting to deny time to attempt to bridge doubt by belief to attain confirmation bias, thereby affording others the opportunity to analyse what their opponents deem to constitute “plausible belief”.
“Evaluation is a function of purpose, and not everyone has the same purpose.”
However the perceived purpose of others is often a projection of your “own” purpose as illustrated by the framing “determine the dominant power for the rest of the century”.
Words are catalysts of connotations.
Determine, dominant, and power often carry connotations of control.
Why should China seek control given the outcomes over at least 5000 years of such seeking ?
“The Pox Americana Empire is finished, save for an arsenal of nuclear weapons that can’t be fired.”
It appears that this is a function of immersion in the binary win/loseness, which although popular, has given rise to the outcomes over at least 5000 years of such seeking.
The Pax Americana is not finished and will not be finished until its ideological constructs no longer have half-lives through being transcended.
Your comment confirms that this lateral process of transcendence is still ongoing.
Absurd to suggest that the Democrats represent minorities, for whom they have done nothing but jaw-jaw, and also to assert that they are against the oligarchy and the Deep State. They are the functional spearpoint of the Capitalist Tyranny that owns The Empire and Trump is not which is why he is hated by most of it. The Dems are also the embodiment of the permanent Deep State and Trump is not.
Removed. Mod.
No one intends to give power to the minorities. They are a tool to destroy Christian values and guilt-trip the people into giving up what free speech is left. The agenda behind the manipulation is worldwide. If the USA becomes more dictatorial, free speech will suffer throughout the West.
The intention of the deep state is not to sink the USA but to makes it more malleable to its ends.
Precisely because president Trump doesn’t come from the duopoly system, he is still an obstacle to the deep state; and so his candidacy is valuable and should be supported.
On the money with your analysis Mr. Saker. Perhaps you Also might want to inform your readers that a small book published in the sixties ; by Mr. Benjamin Freedman entitled : “Facts are Facts”. will add clarity to the Major reason for the dis integration of the American Experiment. Mr. Freedman ; like Alexandr Solhsenitzen provides indisputable evidence that the “Talmudics” are at the core of our Nation’s distress.
Does the 2020 “election” matter?
Only if you believe that choosing between Coke vs. Pepsi matter.
America is a war criminal Oligarchy masquerading as a democracy.
Those people who believe in American Democracy also should believe in the authenticity of Professional Wrestling or the reality of the Tooth Fairy and the Santa Claus.
Choosing between Democrat vs. Republican is like voting for who will be the next hood ornament of the American Empire.
1. “The US system is rigged to give all the power to minorities and to completely ignore the will of the people” –
Well… “Rigged” is not exactly the right word here. Rather, US system was designed for that very purpose by the Founding Fathers and it works exactly as it was intended. US is not, nor was it ever intended to be, a democracy – it is a republic.
2. “The choice between the Demolicans and the Republicrats is not a choice at all” – true though not exactly earth-shattering revelation, as demonstrated by that old saying to the effect that “US has only one party: the money party – with two wings called Democrats and Republicans”.
3. “the notion that Trump has the support of a majority of people” is thinkable, but it would be false. Trump was not even elected by majority, because that’s not how the US electoral system works. Fact is that Clinton won the majority of popular vote, but see point 1.
Indeed another professional analysis by The Saker.
Locals (US) cannot see it, because no experience with collapsing systems. Plus as all places, brainwashed.
However, the signs were visible in the 1990s and definitively self-evident in the early 2000s.
Instead of using the great opportunity of the end of the Cold War, they squandered everything. Beyond repair.
When the CCCP fell apart, there was Russia as a foundation.
When the US falls apart, it will be interesting to see how long a real war will last in what was once, CONUS.
Ireland, facing pure evil (just like everywhere else):