Dear friends,

Looks like my so-called “break” is coming to an end.  It has been a weird “break”, to be sure.  Not only was I unable to really stay away, but I worked on a couple of big things in the background, the biggest one of which I will announce here tomorrow or Tuesday.  Tuesday will also be the day when I will re-start the blog at its normal (well, maybe not ‘normal’, let’s call it “usual”) pace.

I won’t comment on current events today.  I will just caution everybody not to jump to conclusions, not about the negotiations about Syria, not about the Russian airliner.  In both cases, we still don’t know enough to produce any fact-based conclusions. The truth about the airliner will come out pretty soon, as for the Syrian negotiations, they are just the first step in a very long process, and it will take a lot of time to see where this is really headed.

That’s it for now. Just wanted to give you a short heads-up about the end of my “kinda break”.

See you, God willing, next week.

The Saker (slowly waking up from his dream dreaming that he is a dreaming alligator)