The US State Secretary John Kerry traveled on Wednesday May 18th to the presidential palace in Egypt.  In news “The US secretary of state has held talks with the Egyptian president in Cario on the country’s political situation and peace proposals for the region, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Translating from the political doublespeak into English: The US and Israel tried to push Egypt to drop its support for the upcoming UN Palestine resolution. Israel has even tried to bribe the Egyptian leaders, by announcing during the meeting that “Israel may forgive half of Egypt’s $1.7b gas fine for a gas pipeline explosion in el-Arish, Egypt in July, 2012.” And this is very important: “Kerry: Egypt key regional partner by Jerusalem Post Israel News – ‎18 hours ago‎ Kerry’s brief visit fueled speculation that a behind the- scenes US-Egyptian-led peace process with Israel and other regional partners was in the works, which would circumvent the highly publicized French initiative to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ”

Apparently, the US and Israel didn’t get what they want from Egypt, that’s why the passenger airliner went down in a suspected “terror attack.”

RT reported that three or more Egyptian security officers were onboard of a crashed flight from Paris

The US is getting ready to start bombing Egypt for “violations of human rights.” That’s why it was reported right before a plane crash:  “Can Egypt be forced to improve prison conditions? – ‎20 hours ago‎  Prisons and police stations across Egypt are bursting at the seams, Human Rights Watch says. Opposition supporters, together with journalists who speak out against the Egyptian government and its policies, continue to be rounded up by security forces.”

The US and Israel cannot let Egypt to have its first nuclear power plant, either.

Jerusalem Post reported a after the crash that “Russia to lend Egypt $25 billion to build nuclear power plant. CAIRO – Russia will loan Egypt $25 billion to finance building and operating a nuclear power plant in Egypt, the official gazette said on Thursday. ”

However,  Russian government anticipated this turn of events.

Overview of the Relationships between Russia and Egypt (Infographics)

1. Russia to Supply President-S Aircraft Defense Systems to Egypt in weeks…

Mar 18, 2016 – The deliveries of Russia’s advanced President-S onboard defense systems (ODS) to Egypt will begin in “coming days…”

  1. Egypt to Order Additional Russian President-S Defense Systems…/russia-egypt-president-s-defense-systems.html

Apr 6, 2016 – KAZAN (Sputnik) – Russia and Egypt in April-May will sign a contract for the supply of an additional batch of the advanced President-S onboard …

  1. Russian Manufacturer To Provide Egypt With Aerial Defense…/defense/…/russia-egypt…defense/83557586/

Defense News — Apr 26, 2016 – Russian air defense equipment manufacturer KRET said it will deliver 28 units of the President-S onboard defense system to the Egyptian Air …

  1. Russia to start supplies of President-S onboard defense system to Egypt

     5.  Israel says Egypt buying advanced Russian air defense system | Reuters

May 13, 2015 – A senior Israeli intelligence official who tracks the regional arms balance said on Wednesday that Egypt was buying Russia’s advanced S-300 …

  1. Russia to Supply President-S Onboard Defense Systems to Egypt

7.  Egypt | Countries | NTI Nuclear Threat Initiative

Egypt has one of the largest and best-organized air defense systems in the Middle … Egypt has either upgraded or possibly obtained new Russian-made Buk

  1. Russia will supply President-S onboard defense systems to Egypt to protect aviation from antiaircraft missile systems and air-launched missiles, the first deputy …
  2. Egypt to Buy 46 Russian Ka-52 Attack Helicopters

In addition, on Sunday, May 15th it was reported that France now tops the list of countries to have signed ‎military supply agreements with Egypt during the term of President Abdel-‎Fattah El-Sisi.





See our posts Waiting for Yalta-2 and Germany SITREP researcher C. talks to Scott about the efforts to squeeze the US and NATO from Europe, the Middle east and Asia.

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