Dear friends,

I got the following email this morning and I want to share it with you:

I see that you’ve posted a translation of the report attributed to Sergei Glazyev. While parts of it “ring true” because of SG’s similar formulations in the past, you might want to make your readers aware that this is a leaked text. My information is that it is, at best, a rough draft of what he may have reported before the Security Council. Some suspect that elements were doctored, to make it easier for the liberal financial press to attack it, as they have been doing for the past couple of weeks. See, for example: (not that everything in that article is right; the point about the corporate foreign debt is not so strange, for example, and is one that Yevgeni Primakov often made).  Academician Glazyev did, however, present the entire, genuine article at today’s MEF session“.

Therefore, dear friends, caveat emptor (as always!).


The Saker