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Tag "Saker inbox"

From the Saker’s inbox: A little Syrian in dire straits

Yesterday, I got this email in my inbox.  I am reposting it with the permission of the author, removing his name The Saker ——- Hi Saker – For some time I’ve had this urge to write you – so – here I go – I’ve been following your blog for a couple of years and I love it – your contributors and the comment section – First thing every morning

From the Saker’s inbox: caution about the Glaziev report

Dear friends, I got the following email this morning and I want to share it with you: “I see that you’ve posted a translation of the report attributed to Sergei Glazyev. While parts of it “ring true” because of SG’s similar formulations in the past, you might want to make your readers aware that this is a leaked text. My information is that it is, at best, a rough draft

Letter from Russia (from the Saker’s mailbox)

Dear friends, I just got a moving letter from Russia which, after asking the author’s permission, I want to share with you “as is”, exactly as I got it myself. Kind regards, The Saker ——- It is a song about Great Patriotic War and memories of it. I am a grown up man in his 30ies (a Russian, so sorry for my English grammar) and I can’t, simply can’t watch
