Dear friends,

I just got a moving letter from Russia which, after asking the author’s permission, I want to share with you “as is”, exactly as I got it myself.

Kind regards,

The Saker


It is a song about Great Patriotic War and memories of it. I am a grown up man in his 30ies (a Russian, so sorry for my English grammar) and I can’t, simply can’t watch it without tears. It contains EVERYTHING  about relations between Russians and war. It is a memorial song, but look at it…I cant describe how it feels for me… something is really, audibly tearing apart inside me. I have a son. Very young still, but I will rip anyone’s heart out for him NOT to be there in the trenches. I’ll die myself first – but l’ll do so in his place in the trenches if allowed, NOT advocating for peace with an enemy if country will be under direct attack. And yet…. if his fate is to fight in future wars defending Russia – so be it. We can not let down those who literally let us live – even if they are no longer among us. Sorry for the pathos but I tried to convey what I feel. Impromptu translation following (better to check it out or to rewrite completely)

“The movie is running –
Platoon is fighting.
It is a distant year
On an old film.

A difficult path
(to walk) just a bit more –
And war’s blazes will be over.

A happy May!
Beloved country,
Hurry to greet
your soldiers!

From wounds and insults
The land is trembling.
We will warm it
with the warmth of our souls.


And everything about this spring
I saw in a dream.
The dawn has come and smiled to the world –
The snowstorm has passed,
The pussy-willow has bloomed,
And my greatgrandfather came back from the war.

In slashing fight
In foreign land,
Let love and faith
Be their keepers
So that more of them
Come back home alive
Privates and officers alike.

They will come back in spring
Like my greatgrandfather,
And open doors in their dear homes

I do remember light
Of those years past
And I will keep faith
In my country!


This translation is most likely a shoddy one, so feel free to twist it in any way you see fit as to make it better. This song and clip is a perfect illustration to your article about Russia being ready for war. Do we want war? God forbid, no, we lost too much loved ones to it already! Will we fight through hell and back if attacked? Absoultely – and not in the least to not to be ashamed before loved ones we lost to The War once we cross over to them. I will not be able to look my granddad in the eyes and say that I was cowering somewhere safe while country was under attack and I was able to fight back and didn’t. He lent me his life.
