2015 Year End Wrap-up
I would like to start with a brief apology.
I am sorry that I have not posted a sitrep in quite some time.
My grandfather, who I love very much, has died recently. And I did not really have the time to write, and when I did have the time, I did not really find the necessary peace of mind.
I would also like to thank Scott for stepping into the breach. He used my translations and thoughts from my e-mails to him to make up a very readable article and added a lot of extremely valuable research, better than I could have done.
Thank you very much Scott.
Some comments to the article said it was pointless to translate German mainstream news, because mainstream press was the same everywhere. They said they would be more interested in “alternative” German news.
I get the point, which is why at the end of this post you will find a translations of an article that can be considered “non-mainstream-German-news”. Published on Kopp-Online, one of the main “non-mainstream” German news outlets. [source]
But the pieces I translated were not just random mainstream news.
The piece on Syria is at least a very good example of outlandish, lying mainstream gibberish and the Doepfner piece is very important for the reason commentator “utu” pointed out:
utu on December 04, 2015 • at 6:08 am UTC
Mathias Döpfner is not paid an annual salary of 11 million euro for nothing. His articles are not meant for the general public, I think. Rather they set guidelines for lower rank functionaries of the system who are responsible for the maintenance of the official narrative of the Empire.
News Overview:
Tempers in Germany are not really calm. Germans have been buying items for self-defence on a scale never seen before: [source] [source] [source]
Sales of pepper-spray and gas pistols have skyrocketed. Inventories are said to be depleted. Focus reports that producers and merchants say that “the enormous influx of refugees worries people”.
But do not worry the Bavarian Ministry of Justice has found the solution to our problems. The refugees just do not know how to behave, because no one explained to them how our society works. But that can be helped. The ministry recently released an instructional video.
Here is the English version:
The video is available in English, Urdu, Dari, Pashtu and Arabic and for some reason in German:
Just scroll down and select your favored language to be enlightened about how German society works. It starts:
“Unity. Compliance. Freedom. That is how the constitutional state of Germany works.”
The video also educates newcomers that they have to respect women. I am sure the three minute video will work wonders in that respect.
Sweden also has problems with migrants and right wing reactions. Severe problems: Rape, murder, terror attacks, arsony, etc. Obviously the Swedes need to make a video that explains Swedish society to the newcomers. [source]
New Year fireworks in Brussels and Paris have been cancelled because of terror threats. [source] [source] [source]
And there are warnings and heightened security in many other cities. [source] [source]
But there are better news. Although Germany has joined the Western coalition in Syria, they seem to have reservations about Turkey’s role in the conflict. And will only share censored intelligence: [source]
Some sources also indicate that the foreign German intelligence agency BND might have cooperated with the Syrian government: [source]
I do not think that Germany will allow herself to be pulled into a war with Russia, unless the war escalates extremely quickly and Germany can do nothing about it. I think that German elites know that they are actually more at war with Turkey than with Russia.
There is still some hope in the struggle between German nationalist and German EU fascists, but admittedly not much, at least in the parliaments. But no one wants war in Germany and unlike a hundred years ago, hardly anyone would be willing to fight it. The current German military engagement will be contested in the BVG and it could only be sold in the aftermath of the Paris attacks and by limiting it mainly to surveillance planes.
Rant part:
It is fairly easy to see that the idea of the EU is completely incompatible with the idea of sovereignty of the European peoples.
The EU and its supporters are just a collection of spineless parasites. They will not last very long. But just like the German Nazis, who also did not last very long, they can do a lot of damage while they are in charge and they will cling to power no matter what.
The EU tries to steal sovereignty from nations by confronting them with problems that supposedly cannot be dealt with on a national scale.
Where sovereign nations are in the way, international problems have to be invented and promoted. Great threats requiring a supranational response.
The Empire will fight sovereignty and freedom wherever it finds it.
Its plan for Europe is the same as its plan for the Balkans or the Middle East: Submit or burn!
I think that the Greek financial crisis, the threat of Islamist terror and the refugee crisis are all part of a coordinated plan to strengthen the EU’s centralisation and concentration of power at the expense of civil liberties and national sovereignty in Europe.
The EU wants its own police force, its own military, its own intelligence agencies and of course complete fiscal control. All of this is in motion or already established.
But there is opposition and it will probably only grow from here on out.
The Greeks elected Tsipras and he sold them out. [source]
But Tsipras probably did not find a lot of support in Brussels and other European capitals. It really looked horrible, and I was very disappointed, but it might turn out that for the Greeks buying time was actually quite clever.
The new Polish government does not seem to be very compliant, Podemos is a factor in Spain, Farage’s UKIP will certainly campaign massively on the EU membership referendum in the UK and Cameron might have reason to believe that he has to go ahead with the referendum as soon as possible.
After all he is trying to sell a dead parrot. People will only believe that it is just resting for so long. And let’s see how Front National does in France. In Germany, who knows? I would guess that Merkel is more interested in being the next UN secretary general than in campaigning for another term as German chancellor. She has been losing popularity for some time now, but there seems to be no real alternative. (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-10/scariest-chart-angela-merkel)
Just to be clear, I am not a big fan of any of the emerging anti-EU parties. But the fact that they have growing support tells me that more and more people are waking up to the fact that something is fundamentally wrong with the way things are going. That’s a good start.
Internationally the biggest problem, I think, is that the Empire’s masters do not want peace. They need war and so they seek war.
And they need a big one. A war they can use as a cover-up for the looting of the people they pretend to represent.
They need a gigantic lie to hide the truth.
This cycle of the ponzi scheme is coming to an end. It is time to harvest. Especially in Western societies the game is up.
Populations age and shrink, too many young people are unemployed. Nations, corporations and households drown in debt. Education is a luxury only affordable through credit, but the job market does not offer opportunities to earn the money to pay back the loans and support a family and save for retirement.
The situation is somewhat like the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes.
Just that here the emperor is the only one in nice clothes, while every one else is in rags or naked and all of the crowd are in chains. The emperor gives everyone the finger while his men go through the crowd cutting off fingers with rings on them.
My point is that this is much closer to what we see today. And it is much easier to see through “that-other-guy-is-naked” than to see through “being-a-slave” / “I am naked” , because the ego is not in the way.
The child calling out the emperor for being naked might wake people up, but the child calling people out for being slaves gets stoned.
For a long time the elites have been running a game of making promises to be fulfilled in the future in return for wealth here and now. But they never had any intention of making good on these promises.
Make no mistake. These people are in the taking business. Not in the business of giving back.
Just think of all the “savings” on the books of Western financial institutions, banks and insurance companies.
So much money that hard working people have payed into their retirement accounts for decades.
A huge pile of cash.
Billions upon billions of liabilities for financial institutions, that have essentially ransomed the world’s Western citizens not that long ago for trillions of dollars in bailouts, only to pay out billions of dollars in bonuses.
Basically everyone knows that CEOs and politicians are all frauds. But hardly anyone dares let that sink in in principle, let alone in scope.
But this is what they are after: All your wealth! All of it! Present or future. And they want it all now!
If you are young:
“They will make you sell your home or your only child’s liver to pay your debt if they can.
They will not stop for anything. They will gladly see you fight your brothers to death over scraps from their table or dig up your mother’s corpse to get their hands on the gold fillings in her teeth.
This is how corrupted they are.
You must face it.
Fight them.”
If you are not that young:
“Your retirement funds are gone. You have been conned. They took it all you fools!
It is all just numbers on bits of paper or hard-drives in the hands of psychopaths now. You have handed them your hard earned wealth year after year, for decades. And you keep on giving, so that you can keep on pretending.
They will keep on taking as long as you keep on giving. With a smile that you never trusted to begin with.
You should have known better.”
The smokescreen the power elite needs for “The Reset” must be big enough to hide the effects of “The Theft”. It does not have to be a war. But it probably needs to be something very traumatic.
I don’t agree with the “mainstream press,” but I also do not agree with this “alternative stuff”.
Ulfkotte especially is not someone I admire, he really hates Islam, and while he makes many good points, he does not come from a position that is open to dialogue, as far as I can tell, and his hate of a certain interpretation of Islam translates into a hatred for Muslims in general that I cannot approve of.
He has written some incredibly stupid articles. Here is a repost of the most idiotic (btw. re-posted on a blog that is so pathetic and weird that it makes the Alex Jones crowd looked like very sane people):
Basically Ulfkotte said that the next big threat is Muslim migrant workers who defecate on fruit and vegetables that they help harvest to infect German consumers with dangerous illnesses. In the name of Jihad…
Here is the link to the original and the translation:
How Merkel is working on the “Umvolkung” of Germany
Udo Ulfkotte (translated by C)
(translator’s note: the term “Umvolkung” stems from Third Reich politics and vocabulary. It means the process of strengthening the German identity of Germans living outside of the German Empire and the relocation of German citizens to territories newly acquired by the German Empire to support or force the “Germanification” of these territories.
German Wikipedia:
English Wikepedia:
Ulfkotte applies this concept to the influx of Islamic migrants to Germany, which he often refers to as an invasion. He has been warning of this development frequently and consistently long before the “Asylum-Tsunami”, as he calls it, began to roll over Germany. He is the author of many extremely anti-establishment books, and maybe the first author to have three books on the Spiegel top-ten non-fiction list at the same time without any mainstream endorsement whatsoever.
He used to be a writer for FAZ, one of Germany’s most influential newspapers for many years and has come clean about his and others involvement with the BND and CIA in Germany. [source]
He is in many ways the prototype pariah among German non-mainstream journalists.)
“Many people wonder in amazement why chancellor Merkel has opened the borders for millions of Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa. But this is just the vanguard of a development that she pursues on purpose .
Visa free travel, already granted to people from the Balkans, is to be extended to Turkish citizens. EU member governments will not prevent this, because Angela Merkel has promised the Turks that in future they will be able to relocate to Germany en masse without any problems.
Many Turks in Germany cherish the hope that their relatives and friends from Turkey will not have to apply for visas anymore, when they come to visit in 2016.
These hopes had been nourished by a decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg five years ago, when it was decided that Turkish lorry drivers would no longer need visas, if they entered the EU as service providers.
Judicial experts have since declared that this conversely means that recipients of services should also be free to enter without visas – that would include everyone who visits a barber shop or buys something on their trip to Germany.
The treaty of association brokered between Turkey and the European Economic Community in 1963 guarantees free exchange of services. An addendum in 1970 states that both sides will refrain from setting up any obstacles to freedom of establishment or free exchange of services.
While this “stasis clause” was in force Turks did not need visas to enter Germany. Only in 1980 did the Federal Republic of Germany and other EU states end the practise of granting Turks visa-free access to the EU, because the number of asylum seekers from this region, engulfed in tense political conflict, rose significantly. The policy of this refusal is and has been – according to many legal scholars – actually illegal.
In the light of the ECJ’s decision, it is only a matter of time for freedom of establishment for Turkish citizens to be a reality across the EU.
Turkey is pushing for visa free travel to the EU for its citizens. “There is no reason for refusing Turks the right to freely travel without visas.” said Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu in December 2009 in Brussels and referred to visa free travel for citizens of Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro.
Turkish professor Harun Gümrükçü of the university of Akdeniz advises Turkish citizens, whose travels to the EU were hindered because of the requirement for visas, to go to court to claim their rights. He demands: “Refusal to grant Turks visa free access must be made a punishable offence.”
Almost monthly Turkey starts new initiatives to demand visa free travel to the EU. Also the EU enlargement commissioner categorically wants Turkey to join the EU. But to learn of the details of this new EU project, German speaking EU citizen have to turn to Bulgarian news. This project is undertaken in silence like the asylum industry – EU citizens are kept in the dark.
Surveys show that about three quarters of Germans are opposed to Turkey joining the EU. In 2009 the EU commission presented the result of a survey in which 74% of Germans were against Turkey joining the EU.
Only 21% were in favour of granting Turkey membership. In Austria 80% are opposed and only 10% support Turkey’s bid for membership. When the ZDF made a survey regarding the issue 89% were against Turkey joining. The ZDF was so appalled, it deleted the results of the poll from their website.
In Turkey the situation is reversed: 90% of Turks want Turkey to join the EU as fast as possible. So Turkey pushes for membership decisively. This prompted researchers to look into the attitudes of Turks in Turkey towards the citizens of the EU.
So far the results have only been published in Turkey – they are probably too shocking for the Europeans who would like to see Turkey as a member of the EU: The demoscopic Institute Frekans has asked 1108 Turkish citizens about their expectations and attitudes regarding the EU.
The results of the survey are distressing: While Turks definitely want to join the EU as fast as possible to enjoy the full financial benefits of membership, the majority of Turks are categorically opposed to being neighbours with Christians, Jews or atheists.
Not only do they refuse Christians, Jews or atheists as neighbours: They insist that non-Muslims should be banned from positions such as doctors, officials or policemen and many other professions in the EU.
The results of an EU survey in Turkey regarding Turkish history are equally shocking: Only 7% knew that the official percentage of non-Muslim Turks is below one percent.
The rest overestimated this share up to estimates of thirty percent or could not answer at all.
Prior to 1914 more than thirty percent of the population on the territory of today’s Turkey actually were Christians. Today’s Turkey – a fact long lost to most – once was a Christian country. A third of the country’s population remained Christian until WWI. After that the Christians were systematically uprooted or eradicated by Muslim Turks.
Those who reject us and our values do not shy from taking full advantage of our generosity. Just one example: 300.000 Bulgarians with Turkish roots live in modern day Turkey after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since 2009 tens of thousands of Bulgarians have applied for (and received) EU-passports. Enabling trouble – and visa – free entry to the EU
These are typical opening words for a news item in this regard:
“The IT-systems of the regional passport office of Kradschali in southern Bulgaria broke down this Tuesday. Hundreds of Turks with dual-citizenship had arrived in the early hours from neighbouring Turkey, to apply for new Bulgarian EU passports.
Emigrants seek these coveted travel documents for visa free travel to the EU, and with little bureaucratic efforts, to partner states such as the USA.”
This presumption of the Turks has one main end: Absorbing EU funds. This is all about financial advantages, our coveted ignorance notwithstanding. The German chancellor supports this. Her goal is the “Umvolkung” of Germany. She wants to turn Germany into a Mecca for Muslims.”
Here finally is an event that may change the course of world history.
While it is certain that it is going test the will and wisdom of our President Vladimir Putin, he will undoubtedly emerge as the victor against this adversity – as he always had in the past against any other adversity comparable in size to this one!
Thank you for the 2015 wrap-up, well written I thought, but a trifle gloomy. That’s how life stands in the big bad world,, I know.
Sorry to read that you lost your Grandfather.
Happy New Year to Saker, and all the good Saker Community.
God save the Queen, and may a blanket of sanity descend upon us all.
The 30% percent you mentioned was mostly made up of Greeks and Armenians at that time. I’d say if someone was looking at fateful days of disaster in history. I’m going to count the battle of Manzikert and its aftermath as a prime candidate for the worst. It allowed the Turks to begin the conquest of Anatolia and then the Balkans and Hungary. Leading to many of the problems we face today.
Actually it was the sack of Constantinople at 1204 by the Latins (at the Fourth Crusades) that gave Muslim Turks the long term advantage so as to finally defeat the remnants of Eastern Roman Empire.
Even though the Empire was “resurrected”, it was just a shadow. During the Ottoman siege of Constantinople in 1453, the Roman Empire was in control of only the city of Constantinople and Mystras in Peloponnesus. Constantinople was in decline and the economic and cultural center had been transferred in Mystras (with notable philosophers such as Plethon residing there).
The mass migration of the greek Byzantine scholars in Italy gave the impetus for the Renaissance. These scholars re-introduced and translated long lost ancient greek texts into Latin, retaught the ancient greek language to westerners, and introduced many philosophical and scientific concepts that the westerners were not aware of.
As the West took advantage of all these valuable knowledge, the Orthodox greco-roman lands fall into 500 years of slavery and backwards Ottoman occupation.
The catholic “West” did not help the Orthodox E.Roman Empire to defend against the Ottoman invasion and the West also did not offer any help to liberate the oppressed orthodox peoples as they viewed Orthodox People as “heretics”. The pope even usurped the official title of Roman Empire and named the frankish state as the “Holy Roman Empire”
Western powers such as France and Britain even allied with the Ottomans against Orthodox Russia.
The western powers switched sides and supported Kemal’s Turkey against Greece in 1921 and this culminated in the destruction of Christian Armenians and Greek people of Minor Asia. As for the Germans, they were allies with Ottoman Turkey in WW1.
This is not the last stab in the back of Orthodox people by Western powers. The Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus continues unabated and Turkey is considered an “ally” of Western powers. On the other hand, Russia is under sanctions because of Crimea and Serbia illegally lost its territory Kosovo after the NATO bombing campaign and the western backed illegal declaration of Kosovo “independence”
Nowadays, Greece is transformed into a debt colony and it is being destroyed by EU while Turkey continues unpunished to flood Greece and Europe with hundreds of thousands of Muslims illegal immigrants.
Therefore, there is no natural alliance between european countries as the EU propagandists claim.
The national interests of orthodox (greek, South Slav etc) people are opposite with the interests of Germany.
» sack of Constantinople at 1204 by the Latins (at the Fourth Crusades) «
Ernle Bradford, Der Verrat von 1204. Venezianer und Kreuzritter plündern Konstantinopel, 1978, English original: The Great Betrayal: Constantinople 1204, 1967.
A great book about psycho engineering, social engineering and ruthless power politics 800 years ago.
Venice led the destruction and pillage of Constantinople by an armed Latin mob with professional assistance by the Venetian Navy.
A comment rather off subject but interesting and disturbing at the same time. While on trip to my home country I had to make a stop for a few hours at the Frankfurt airport, since I had to wait long to the next trip I hired one of the computers offered to the public (for a small fee) at the airport. I open the page of RT then when trying to read any of the articles there I got a strong warning symbol with different explanations to avoid that journal du to “racist, or pornographic or ” content. The same happened when I opened the Southfront. I did not care of course the warnings but they kept coming whenever I was opening any new article of these journals. Attached top these warnings was an invitation to write a reply if I did not agree with their warnings. I did not try with Russia Insider (did not have the time) or the Saker blog but the whole thing was very annoying, worrysome, disturbing.
Its possible that is one of the methods used in Germany to try and curtail peoples getting information from non-Western sources. One more “trick” used in the information war.
Oscar, this is easily explained. There are software components that can be plugged into the OS or the browser which match all requested URLs against a blacklist. A match triggers the warning you saw. Could have been Microsoft SmartScreen (which you can simply turn off on your own computer), but much more likely one of the Norton / Symantec / McAfee anti-virus crap that spies on your browsing habits. This crap is often installed on public computers, and arguably somehow these computers must be protected. If I wanted a commercial anti-virus system, I’d pick Kaspersky.
Best thing for you and your computer’s performance is to avoid these like the plague and to know how your OS and browser work, and take action accordingly – but that takes time and effort.
At any rate, I’m very sure the warning you saw doesn’t have anything to do with German censorship; rather, it can with 99 % likelihood be attributed to Usanian software companies, which have (or had, at one point) blacklisted Thierry Meyssan’s VoltaireNet.org, go figure.
” I’m very sure the warning you saw doesn’t have anything to do with German censorship”
I’d say it’s 50-50 whether it was German government’s or some foreign company’s software filter. Germany isn’t exactly a shining light of free speech these days (whether it’s about ww2 revisionism, US(=German) foreign policy, immigration policy or Russia). See how they hired Mrs. Kahane for extra censorship on the German FB, for example.
Thanks, didn’t know about Jewish (by coincidence) censorship witch Anetta Kahane. And you’re of course right about the other points such as the Holohoax. But I’ve seen a warning just as described by Oscar with my own eyes on a McAfee infested computer when opening VoltaireNet.org, and I know how operating systems work and how these add-ons plug in, so I’m confident that in this case the explanation is trivial.
Thank you guys for your explanations.!
It has been “a while” since these words we uttered and these nefarious tasks set, but
take a good look around you and draw your own conclusions from the observations that you make.
It has been a slow grind but the circle closes, inch by inch, inch by inch.
… you forgot some lines of the song, anon:
We will destroy SCIENCE
We will destroy EDUCATION
We will destroy CHILDHOOD
We will destroy HEALTH CARE
We will destroy WHAT YOU EAT AND DRINK
We will destroy THE LEGAL SYSTEM
We will destroy THE ECONOMY
We will destroy OLD AGE
We will destroy YOUR SOVEREIGNTY
We will destroy YOUR SANITY
(Relax, folks! They have been singing this song for over 3’000 years – We will, we will, we will – and have always failed miserably. Prediction: They will fail in 2016 too.)
Except 3000 years ago the abrahamic caliphate did not extend from Los Angeles America to Lahore Pakistan.
Today, it does they have been wildly successful. Let’s not kid ourselves, it only detracts from our eventual victory.
Re: “The EU and its supporters are just a collection of spineless parasites. They will not last very long. But just like the German Nazis, who also did not last very long,”
The EU is a continuation of plans made by Nazis during the 1940s and early 1950s (!) to reorganize Europe into an economic zone stripped of state sovereignty, its industry cartelized (starting with steel) and its governance established via an unelected bureaucracy accompanied by a powerless parliament. Voila! the EU as we know it today.
See The Third Way: The Nazi International, European Union, and Corporate Fascism by Joseph P. Farrell
The forefathers of EU are people like Count Kalergi-Coudenhouve, who want to mix all people of the world into a multiethnic, but monocultural (=corporatism) melting pot/pressure cooker (depending on your POW). I can’t see how that was a national socialist idea ?
Related, I’m also unsure how (big business) corporatist Third Reich really was, see e.g.
I have to add a correction: Germany has no constitution. Since it never got a peace treaty after WWII, UK, France and US refused it, it has still only a so called “Grundgrsetz”, which is not a constitution.
Im at a loss for words. Its clear the great Ponzis and Bubbles are at or near ‘Peak Fraud’. War to cover this? Sure. All I can see is trouble, everywhere, with the threat of really really Big trouble. I’m grateful the US cant roll over Russia / China. I’d like to see Americans and Turks and Saudis & Jihadists die in droves. Its come to that.
Don’t forget England, the centre of it all.
” I’d like to see Americans and Turks and Saudis…die in droves ” This comment is not acceptable. Any further one’s will be removed.
And this.
I won’t say: “I told you so.” But I did. Auslander should recall my missive.
Accepting electricity from the Kiev Nazis, after their earlier shut off of power to the Crimea, (and after the continuing bombarding of Novorossiya – and killing and injuring their residents), is a Moral betrayal on the part of Russia’s leaders, (who are supposing to be protecting their people).
Just get those electric power lines across from the Russian mainland ASAP.
And I was so happy, after my last missive, where I exposed the corruption of American politics in Chicago and NYC.
Oh well! Happy New Year!
You are a jew, you do not care about the fate of the germans or any other people for that matter, on the contrary you seem to want germans to die, on somewhat of a same tangent I do not care about your fate, such things happen, quite regularly actually.
But you take things to an extreme, you want my people to die, I can not comply.
I would recommend Die Nachdenkseiten (www.nachdenkseiten.de) and Ken FM (kenfm.de). Kopp Verlag should be dealt with very sceptically, it is a known outlet of right wing to fascist publications. With such sources, you should be competent to differentiate between interesting informations and insights and outright propaganda or bullshit – propaganda usually encompasses both because it needs to link to some truth for making lies plausible.
Same holds true for Ulfkotte. IMHO he sells a brew of the stuff described above. In particular, his anti-Muslim stance is contributing to the Empire’s agenda to saw conflict in Europe. If you did not realize it yet, polarizing between autochthonous population (“Christian values”) and the Muslims (both, those living since several decades in Germany, and the newcomers) is an important tool for fucking Europe. Right wing mobilisation and Saudi funded Salafism work perfectly together, they need each other.
Add NATO, TTIP, NSA’s spying on the industry and its collection of information for blackmailing purposes, and the Atlantikbrücke plus Media monopolies for war and anti-Russian propaganda, then you have most of the picture. In particular, the public media have been subverted to an extent that is endangering plurality and democratic structure. A good indicator is the Deutschlandfunk which used to be an excellent source of serious journalism and balanced information until Merkels chancellorship. Since 2005, it was turned into a propaganda outlet like Radio Free Europe, becaming notorious with the distorting reports on the South Ossetian war in 2008. Today it is campaigning for militarization of Germany and supportive of the junta in Kiews, spilling Russiophobia.
Maintaining public peace in Germany and Europe will be of utmost importance, and this requires both, tight control of foreign influences and support to Salafists, and openess to and cooperation with secular and civil Muslims. Crimes and terror acts both from nationalist right wingers who are internationally networked with White Supremacy militants (and linked to Gladio structures) as well as Takfiri cells and their handlers in SA, Turkey and the secret services will happen to generate fear, public unrest and polarization. The goal of the masters of chaos is to destroy civil structures in Europe, and to manipulate European folks into the fascist Israel syndrome legitimating atrocities and war by horrors created with purpose.
OK, so name one region where muslims did not engage in genocide after reaching 60%. The same holds true for christians but, they are on the receiving end this time.
Or how else do you think an ideology that started in the desert, reached Rome & Seoul?
Seems like all three of the monotheistic cousins are equally conquest=minded. Or became that way. Islam started with a campaign of conquest. Christianity didn’t start that way but became martial after a few centuries. Judaism seemed to be the Johnny-come-lately in picking up on the martial meme (at least during the Common Era—of course the tribe of Israel started out being little better than the current crop of head choppers and liver eaters in the depredations their God allowed them to inflict on their adversaries [not yet chopped-liver eaters —couldn’t resist that–hope it is not considered too naughty]), but they are making up for lost time.
So, does the problem rest with monotheism? It seems kind of logical.
But Christianity is not monotheistic… Christianity teaches of the Trinity….the Father, who is doubtfully either Jehovah or Allah, because the Father has a Son, and Allah has no son….and Jehovah is a jealous god, and the Father is not….and the third part of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit, which is the manifestation of the Father and Son, within each human soul.
That has always been a problem with Christianity. How to insert a trinity into a monotheistic faith. The early Christians battled for several centuries with it. Until Constantine formed them to formulate a reasoning. And ordered all Christians to accept that. Some of the Christians in the East totally refused. And was one of the earliest splits in Christianity. That also was one of the reasons Christianity ceased being a Jewish sect and became a full religion separate from Judaism. Some of he others were the circumcision,conversion,and dietary issues (pork).
Well a religion reaching other lands can happen without violence.. Ashoka’s sister went to sri lanka to teach Buddhism.. And it mostly spread because people heard of it and came to learn and then took it back with them.. Religions where you have to force others to see its benefits are not real beneficial religions.. they are just tools of conquest.. missionaries did do some good spreading Christianity and knowledge and learning.. teaching people more than just religion.. Muslims also do that.. but usually religion is spread by military might and threats… convert or die.. but not ALL religions, just most of them.. Yazidi’s don’t seem to use force.. yet they are considered devil worshippers.. Guess in this world, to be good, you need to be bad.. The badder you are, the gooder you appear in the eyes of the lord the merciful. After all, how merciful could he ever be is he was good?
A large volume book like Ulfkotte needs a big publishing house. Kopp Verlag is, I think, the only one who has the economic muscle to do that. With all the other big ones refusing to publish Ulfkotte because they’re owned by the system. So all kinds of stuff end up with Kopp, including books on flying saucers. So what? That’s to do with how hard it is running a book publishing business, where margins are thin and salaries low. It shouldn’t amount to prejudice on the individual book.
I don’t trust those »secular and civil Muslims« produced by the system. They say one thing in public and do another thing within their group. You can only trust individual people. And of course they can be Muslim, why not. Not an issue for me personally. But implanting whole organized ethnic groups? Who controls them? Their (Turkish, Albanian or other) sense of group interest is healthy and works. Ours isn’t and doesn’t.
Nationalmasochismus nurtured by WW2 Propaganda Lies cripples the thinking of most Germans. These lies and their derivatives are injected into our minds every single day of the year. From Deutschlandfunk to Bild, it’s all the same lies just dosaged, designed and diversified according to the intellectual level and predilections of the respective target groups.
German lefties in particular need to start thinking and stop being the 100 % controlled tools of Anglozionist planning. Ex leftie writing this … exit is possible, e.g. by reading Arthur R. Butz’ book on the Hoax. See how you’ve been fooled, it’s all psycho engineering. It’s so easy today with the Internet as the great self-education tool. Doesn’t mean German history is all peace and love, of course it isn’t, and crimes are crimes, but once the enemy lies (including Russian ones) are cut off things can and must be put into perspective, and then we actually compare quite favorably.
In diesem Sinne, und auch in allen anderen … frohes neues Jahr! :)
I don’t think this is the case in Europe where most of the schools, even universities are public and free of charge. Additionally, there are no official credit lines for students in most european countries to cover the costs for studies.
Btw, strong anti-islam opposition has been built among people in Central/Eastern Europe. It’s based on the historical background of Turks having invaded this lands in the past and killing lot of poor people and bringing only death and fear. No one expects the migrants to bring anything better this time. Don’t forget there is no political correctness ideology among the regular people, the events in Germany are being regarded as total failure of sound reason and the migrants are considered just as a weapon of the global elites who control EU and Merkel.
Don’t wonder that Ulfkotte is of this islamophobia opinions, similar opinions are held among most people living east of Germany and there is nothing that is going to change this because the current events can be considered as a beginning of the war against christians in central europe.
“But Tsipras probably did not find a lot of support in Brussels and other European capitals. It really looked horrible, and I was very disappointed, but it might turn out that for the Greeks buying time was actually quite clever.”
The current “greek” (puppet) government of SYRIZA led by Tsipras is not buying time.
They are an occupation government that serves the interests of global financial elites at the expense of greek national interests.
They posed as “leftists” and disoriented the public with their lies and betrayed the greek people. In reality they are pseudo-leftists and were in agreement with EU to continue with the harsh austerity measures and the mass privatisation of public property.
this is so sad. And in Greece of all places, that this deception has been born.
Although the idea did bring alot of people to change their views of MSM…so maybe somewhere there is a sliver lining in this cloud of despair.
as we have seen in Venezuela and Argentina recently people voted for Heinz and blue jeans not social cohesion. This is the new tactics used by the ZioNazis, people are already regretting voting for their government, no different then what is happening in the UK.
Hi C, thanks for the sitrep and my heart goes to you for losing your grandfather. You must be quite young I guess…I was wondering if you were living in Germany now ?
I loved the first half of your piece, but when it came to that stupid guy, I couldn’t read it….not enough time in the world to follow the stupid guys…I’m just trying to keep myself above water and I can’t stand reading stuff that infuriates me.
Is there no good alternative media in Germany ? How can this be ?
I’ve seen a good interview of a drone pilot – Brian Bradley (?), by a German interviewer, that was very good…did you see it ?
It turned out that a few weeks after the German interview, the drone pilot whistleblower gave a press conference in the USA, with 3 other military young whistleblowers – drone pilots as well – and all their finances were ‘frozen’…bank accounts, credit cards, everything….disgusting…
There is a growing movement for Europe to expel the US military from European territory, at the same time to dismantle the no longer needed (if it ever was) NATO structure. The US uses it to dismantle all EU law, rules and rights..even to demonising opinions and the countries that express them! Obedience is mandatory under NATO.
@ Katherine
I agree – Jewish, Christian and Muslim religions are Abrahmitic religions and they share not only monotheism. It is the meme of the slaughter of Issac commanded by God, and the preparedness of Abraham to obey by killing his son. God stopped the act and hailed the strengh of Abraham’s faith. But there you have the blueprint for religious legitimation of war and murder. The reconquista of Spain by purging the Muslim population (which, by the way, had no problems to live together with Jewish and Christian people) is much more important for the European and American history than the Crusades to Jerusalem (the Austrian flag is said to stem from the white coat of an Austrian crusader after the battle on Jerusalem – he weared a broad belt for his arm, and when he took it off for praying after the slaughter, his coat was bood-red above and below the middle part covered by the belt).
Toledo ended the aera of fruitful cultural exchange between the Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures (a highlight has been the Staufer Kaiser Friedrich II, who got 1229 Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth by a treaty from the Sultan Malik al-Kamil). Sarajewo killed the living together of the Southeast European Muslims with other religious and ethnic groups in Yugoslavia.
The reconquista was the prelude to the holocaust on the American natives.
BTW, Christian holocausts did not spare Christians. Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. – Kill them. God knows who belongs to him. That was the response of the Papal commissary to the question of his warriors who raised doubts about the order to kill all inhabitants of Bezier in the war against the Albigenses.
Re Trinity: The Christian dogma is exactly that God father, Son and the Holy Ghost are just one and the same God (Athanasian Creed). The crusade against the Albigenses, the Katharaer and Arianic Christians has been just on this issue. They believed that Jesus was born as a human beeing and was accepted by God on his side after realizing Gods inspiration in his life.
Thanks a lot, C. I find your analysis/ sitrep very accurate with the situation I can see from Spain.