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Tag "Merkel"

Telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel. April 8, 2021 14:30 The two leaders had a detailed discussion on a number of topical international matters. While exchanging opinions on ways of resolving the intra-Ukrainian crisis, the Russian President and the German Chancellor voiced concern in connection with the escalation of tensions in southeastern Ukraine. Vladimir Putin drew attention to the provocative actions of Kiev which is now deliberately aggravating the situation along the line of contact. The parties noted the need for the Kiev

Germany SITREP February 6th, by C.

In a sick twist, now that the Trump-bashing Steinmeier has been promoted from foreign minister to head of state, his former position goes to Sigmar Gabriel. Who has insulted Trump even more gravely (as reported in my last sitrep). Gabriel is a pathetic loser. Under his leadership the SPD has become a shadow of its former self. (In 1990 the SPD had close to a million members, today not even

Germany SITREP June 10th, 2016 by C.

Merkel’s politics I heard some people remark that Merkel’s politics seem to have changed drastically rather recently. For a long time she has very carefully pursued very clever politics that made her more and more powerful. Even throughout the last flare ups of the so called “Euro-Crisis” (a crisis that is nowhere near over and will be back with a bang shortly) she took a very mendacious, dangerous and “bordering

Germany SITREP February 2nd, 2016 by C.

It will not come as a surprise that the news in Germany have been dominated by the events of New Year’s Eve in particular and the migrant crisis in general. In Cologne but also in other German and European cities women reportedly have been the victims of coordinated attacks by mobs of foreigners. Reportedly the attacks were mainly sexual assaults or rape and/or robbery. The police was reportedly unable to

Germany SITREP December 31st, 2015 by C.

2015 Year End Wrap-up I would like to start with a brief apology. I am sorry that I have not posted a sitrep in quite some time. My grandfather, who I love very much, has died recently. And I did not really have the time to write, and when I did have the time, I did not really find the necessary peace of mind. I would also like to thank

November 22nd 2015 Germany & EU SITREP by ‘C’

The biggest issue in Germany these days is of course the wave of islamist terror attacks that took place over the last couple of days with the ones in Paris dominating the headlines. In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris there have been numerous police raids in France, Belgium and Germany in which a lot of Daesh supporters including the alleged master mind of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud,

Is Germany losing yet another world war?

by Chipstone translated by Tatzhit Mikhailovich original article here: The harsh rhetoric of Merkel at the Moscow press conference on May 10th, as well as her very sour face after talking to Putin, may have very real and important reasons. Germany is looking more and more like the main loser in the geopolitical schemes of both Russia and USA. Well, if we don’t count Ukraine, which is the main
