by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog
A German equivalent to UK’s Financial Times and America’s Wall Street Journal is the Dusseldorf Handelsblatt or “Commerce Sheet,” which headlined on June 30th, “Former Chancellor Schröder: USA Ending Transatlantic Partnership”.
They reported:
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has condemned possible new US sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline as “deliberate termination of the transatlantic partnership.” A draft law currently under discussion in the US Congress is “a widespread, unjustified attack on the European economy and an unacceptable interference with EU sovereignty and the energy security of Western Europe,” Schröder writes in his statement for a public hearing of the Economic Committee scheduled for Wednesday in the Bundestag.
The article closes:
Schröder sees the relations with the USA as “heavily burdened” by “escalating tariffs and going it alone” policy by the Americans. Schröder writes: “Economic fines against a NATO ally during the current economic recession are nothing other than a deliberate termination of the transatlantic partnership.”
This is as if Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama were to say that EU policymakers had a trade policy toward the U.S. that is so hostile and uncooperative that in order to comply with it, the U.S. would have to subordinate itself to the EU and lose some of its own sovereignty, and as if he were to tell the U.S. Congress that for them to okay the EU’s demands in this matter would be “nothing other than a termination of the transatlantic partnership.”
Congress has not yet passed this legislation (new economic sanctions legislation that is co-sponsored in the U.S. Senate by Republican Ted Cruz and Democrat Jeanne Shaheen) but it (“S.1441 – Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act of 2019”) enjoys strong bipartisan support and has been considered almost certain to be passed in both houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump. It is not a partisan issue in the United States.
Neither is it partisan in Germany. Both of Germany’s main political Parties (Schröder being SPD) support strongly the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, which will be considerably more economical for supplying natural gas to the EU than would be the U.S. Government’s demand that American shipped fracked liquified natural gas be used, instead of Russian pipelined natural gas, in Europe. Though this U.S. legislative initiative is called “Protecting Europe’s Energy Security,” its overwhelming support in the U.S. Congress is instead actually for protecting U.S. fracking corporations. The bill’s title is only for ‘patriotic’ propaganda purposes (which is the typical way that legislation is named in the United States — as a sales-device, so as to sound acceptable not only to the billionaires who fund the Parties but also to the voters on election day).
Both of America’s political Parties are significantly funded by America’s domestic producers of fracked gas. One of the few proud achievements of U.S. President Obama that has been proudly continued by President Trump has been their boosting U.S. energy production, largely fracked gas, so as to reduce America’s foreign-trade deficit. However, if this control over the U.S. Government by frackers continues, then there now exists a strong possibility, or even a likelihood, that the transatlantic alliance will end, as a result.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
Yes there is a lot wrong with US oil and gas policies and their attempts to block NordStream2.
But the price of alternatives continues to fall (irrespective of any covid affect) and US fracked gas has no future and the US understands this very well.
Take the Polish LNG deal of last year – the purpose seems to be more about getting the orders needed for the unstarted expansion project of Port Arthur to gain financing that will allow US frackers to export their product. As yet the expansion has not occurred. It is extremely unlikely to ever happen. Poland is extremely unlikely to be called on to fulfill its LNG commitments (if indeed it was ever truly committed in the first place).
If the price of alternatives is falling, why is electricity costing so much more in Germany and Australia than it did a few years ago?
You present a fallacy and then proceed to base your case upon this fallacy.
FYI, when the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine, your fake renewables produce no electricity. Germany is rescued by the coal of Poland and the nuclear of France and the hydro of Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
You clearly have never studied the electricity markets of the EU. You have succumbed to the hype of those benefiting from massive overt and hidden subsidies.
Because the Australian energy market is designed to enrich energy producers and gouge the sheep.
Even if you apply economic rationalism to vital Australian infrastructure this plant will pay itself off in three years:
All you have to do is look around and you will see, that Ausi-land and the others are controlled by “multinationals” who care only about lining up their pockets while the “fake governments” only serve them and not the “sheep”. This is also the reason why all new “parliament” members are issued “free” travel tickets for “re-education”. ….
Saker and everyone, this video/provocation was posted 3 hours ago. Is this a russian ad? Or is this informational psychological propaganda made by ukrainian/navalny agents working with the democratic party?
Is Russia prepared for a scenario where Trump is removed, and Biden launches the invasion? The empire is about to fall, for them it’s now or never and they are lashing hard.
Please any words of wisdom or advice would be tremendous helpful in this time of the empire falling.
not Russian, as per the last few seconds of the video its sponsored by Lincoln Project, ‘Muricaan(‘t).
From Wikipedia :
The Lincoln Project is an American political action committee formed in late 2019 by several prominent Republicans and former Republicans. The goal of the committee is to prevent the reelection of Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.In April 2020, the committee announced their endorsement of Joe Biden, a Democrat, after Biden became the presumptive Democratic nominee.
stock up on vodka and popcorn,
LOL! Regardless of whether the US launches any kind of “invasion” – pretty preposterous on its own terms when you think about it – rest assured Biden isn’t the one who will be commanding it. I think we need at least a three neutral party confirmation test that the old bird is still “flogging the mirror” to confirm that he’s still actually human, never mind an actual “leader” in any sense of the word.
But regardless of who’s leading the charge, the US military’s in no condition to actually be invading anyone these days, other than CV19 captive US cities, of course.
I think we have a linguistic misunderstanding in the phrase that you removed here. That phrase is colloquial for “breathing,” and not what I think you took it for.
(Thanks I restored it for you,MOD)
Except that he’s writen “flogging” instead of “fogging”.
Yes, that should be “fogging.” Apologies if I typo’d.
It was an hilarious typo, considering who we are talking about. it evokes some weird and difficult to understand pervert sex, and Biden is nothing but a pervert (or should I say was?).
That video is deep state bullshit. Don’t pay attention to that.
I disagree. On this blog, see it. It’s hilarious and I laughed my a** off. Like a Sharknado movie, it’s so bad that it becomes funny, even more funny than hysterical Rachel Maddow. For a moment I thought it was from ‘The Onion’.
When Monty Python would have made such a sketch, everybody would have been lying under his chair from laughter (but they would have made it more absurd). Only, in those times this would have been qualified as humor. I grew up in that time.
In todays settings, especially in the USA, people have gone bananas, shreak out incredible BS and when you start to laugh or react they grow agressive. They may even believe this video ;-)
Cheers, Rob
A quick look on the comments section shows the prevalence of the fallacy of Trump being some Russian puppet, even with all the times he acted hawkish towards Russia. Attempting to sabotage European-Russian projects like Nord Stream II* is not something a ‘Russian puppet’ would strive for.
(*Should that be Nord Stream 2 or II? Or can it be either?)
“ll” is Latin for “2” but I guess you knew that already.
I knew. I just wasn’t sure which way is the correct one, let alone whether there is a correct way.
Pindo garbage along the lines of Dolchstoß sloganeering. The very sub-standard approving comments by ”patriots” too stupid and proud to understand anything about the world speak for themselves.
Verdict: Dingleberries are berries too, but the Russian Bear will not have any. 😀
Taking a closer look at the “fantastic” footage, it struck me that neither Brezhnev, nor Andropov but Gorbachev (?!?) featured along with Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, and Putin. Pindo propaganda at its usual sloppiness — or what patterns have they spotted here? I mean, to me the “Brezhnev doctrine” was a militant approach towards Western imperialism. Andropov was a KGB hardliner who participated in the Soviet Finnish War 1939 – 1940. As for Gorbachev — the less said the better.
The video says right on youtube that it’s titled “Fellow Traveller” (meaning American communist — ‘traitor’) and has “703,643 views” and was posted on “Jul 1, 2020,” and comes from “The Lincoln Project,” which has “245K subscribers.” So even without playing the video it shows that it is from The Lincoln Project, which even Wikipedia explains is anti-Trump Republicans and mainly Christy Walton from America’s wealthiest family. Anyone can see that it’s delivered in Russian in order to fool fools into thinking that Russia is still communist, and so it is directed at viewers who have very low intelligence and thus are gullible, so as to cause them to equate “Trump” with “communist” and thereby play upon their Cold-War-era fears, which Joe McCarthy played upon when Russia WAS communist. Therefore, clearly, this ad is meant to fool idiots into thinking that Trump isn’t sufficiently anti-Russian, and that Russians love Trump. In other words: this is an attack against Trump by Republicans who are even more neocon than he is, and the attack is aimed at only the very stupidest Republicans.
You’re 100% correct anonymous. The thing is Trump moved some troops close to Russian border now with German exit. So he is falling into anti Russian actions by virtue of being weak.
But I dont believe Trump himself is an enemy of Russia, I think Trump is just a weak manager who’s got himself up sh*ts creek without a paddle, and who is actually trying to appease the deep state by taking several contradictory actions:
1. He announces reducing NATO troops in Germany by 9500 troops, a seemingly positive development
2. He contradicts this seemingly positive move by revealing in reality those troops are going to Poland
3. He announces Afghan withdrawal, and New York Times randomly announces that “Putin the hitman is paying bounties for US troops”
4. Trump kowtows and backtracks in what he said in Afghanistan and is pressured to stay
Obviously Russian Stavka isnt happy with this, but Trumps relationship with Putin is not like Obama’s. There has to be an implicit understanding that Trump needs a certain degree of maneuver from the swamp. He himself is playing a dangerous game which could end with him like Yanukovych if he does not play correctly.
Obviously the demoblicans and republicrats are two heads of the same hydra, but it’s obvious enough that Trump doesnt personally believe in the empire, even if his puppeteers do, and although his only real alternative is to focus military power on China, the hostilities with Russia have cooled to the best possible situation , considering what they were during Obama era
I think this is important, because the replacement of Trump will be extremely anti Russian, worse than Clinton, Nuland, Kagan, Freeland, and the rest of the Psaki squad, and they’re howling and baying for blood, with gnashing of teeth literally.
So what will happen in next months will affect not only America but also the whole world.
It appears we are stuck between a rock and a hard place .. attack Russia with all NATO forces under the State Department overseers, or attack on China by the federalist society holding Trumps purse strings. America would be preemptively hit if it became this stupid, but alas here we are in great 2020
The only way I see to avoid either overseas conflict or bloody American civil war, is for Trump to man up and grab a hold of the situation like Kennedy tried to with Kruschev during McCarthy hysteria.
But my hopes aren’t high, although trump is extremely resourceful, he doesnt inspire confidence or resilience. Seeing him shaking is more indicative that hes allowing fear to enter his psyche , and although it is a scary situation, the counsel of God should override any fear he has considering the stakes, and in these times he should be confiding in GOD.
This is crazy times, and my prayers go out to the whole world
PS I am not advocating that attacking china or Iran is good alternative to Russia, but after more than 6 years in hot combat against the empire it would be nice to take a break and let others join the game when Russia was by itself holding NATO down in Syrian crisis !
Whilst i always supported Schroeders views on the Russian pipeline (i remember the days when Reagan refused to allow US turbines to be used, to power the earlier Russian pipelines to Europe which now run across the Ukraine) i dont think that this factor alone can split the US grip that it has on Europe. ie Europe might gradually realise it had Stockholm Syndrome all these long years and try to wean itself off – but the US still wields enormous power within Europe, through its own corporations and NATO.
The question then is – which way will THEY go? would they realise that their European operations could/should continue to benefit from Russian gas? or will they continue to be a Fifth Column for the US Deep States own interest? (i was going to say a Trojan Horse but that would be silly when they are already here on a vast scale).
It also raises the interesting prospect that if the US body politic fractures both from the social as well as financial tensions, how will the US corporations in Europe fare? will there be a massive sell-off to European interests? Will the Europeans working within these corporations pull the US Corporations into the European orbit?
For Trump to pull out US troops from Germany must indicate that the US Deep State feels very secure that their European assets will continue to generate vast profits for the Empire….
For Trump to do anything at this point indicates that the US Deep State approves, otherwise they simply wouldn’t comply. At this point, he’s truly a “dead puppet walking,” the Deep State having had their beneficial use of him. “US Corporations” is also a misnomer and belies the truth. Corporations, no matter where their corporate charter might originate, are inherently global now, and thus owe allegiance to no one, other than allegedly to their supranational global shareholders. Point of fact, given all the financial chicanery these days, even that’s probably not true anymore.
Every nation must ignore all the US sanctions against various countries.
There may be a serious fissure between Germany and the US, but the US has been master since1945 and has corrupted generations of vassals. There won’t be a removal of the heavy boot on the German neck. US has numerous bases there. And leaving Germany alone means Germany and Russia will align their common economic interests. The US will do everything to stop that.
Yes, that is correct. The nightmare of Anglo-American bankers for more than a hundred years was the establishment of a Russian-German economic alliance. It can be argued that two world wars were fought to prevent this. And now, what do we have ? The end of the EU-US alliance (what this means is total independence of Germany from US overlordship) ? In the end, this will indeed happen. However, can it happen now, bearing in mind that the US is weaker than before ? We shall see.
Germany must have access to reliable and cheap energy for its manufacturing to be competitive. If Nordstream 2 is stopped, then expect German industry to relocate, or at least co-locate in Russia. The manufacturing will be done in Russia and the sales from Germany. Also, expect Russia to set up economic zones to facilitate this, if they have not already done so. I understand, for example, Mercedes does a lot of manufacture in Russia.
How can Nord Stream 2 be stopped?
The Germans want it.
The Russian want it.
What leverage can the USA bring to bear to stop it?
Politicians are cheap to buy.
Yeah but politicians only appear to run the country.
The reality is very different.
I have regarded Germany in an American controlled dependency related to WW2, that only had it’s polical relevance until the recent changes in Europe, finalizing with the fall of the Warzaw pact and the re-unificaton of Germany. In fact it should have ended there, and NATO should have been disbanded.
So, on the contrary, NATO have become the military arm of CIA running desinformation and media, foreign wars and continued control over Europe creating a new military confrontation forcing political divisions, preparation for wars in Europe, and more foreign wars.
Germany faces therefore now splits between EU and the anglo-american empire, which in turn may develop into splits within EU, so that again Germany faces the preparation for war against it.
History has taught us that the conspiracies are endless and ongoing from the global elite that had already planned 3 world wars.
Germany must according to lessons from history align slowly with Russia to survive the next war when and if it comes.
I always felt the present Middle-East wars are primarily a prelude to making war in Europe. Breaking up Europe, and Germany in particular, has always been the goal. Once Europe is trashed it will then be on to Russia.
Instead of working to stop the pipeline Nordstream 2 over in Germany, U.S. legislators should rather be listening to their local constituency and stopping the construction of natural gas pipelines in their own country. The Atlantic Coast and the Mountain Valley pipelines are being built primarily to transport natural gas from U.S. fracking fields to east coast ports for shipment overseas to the profit of shale oil fracking companies. As these pipelines pose much environmental destruction to many now pristine and rural areas, many local citizens supported by environmental groups like the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and the Sierra Club are vehemently opposed to these pipelines. Nevertheless, the politicians appear to be siding with the corporations. In efforts to export gas that nobody really wants or needs, U.S. politicians in their support of corporate greed appear to be willing to not only alienate their own country’s citizens, but are also willing to undermine long standing geo-political relations with allied countries as well. It may indeed be time for leaders of foreign nations to tell corrupted U.S. politicians to “get lost”.
Europe has been an occupied and controlled US zone since 1945. This situation was brought about by operations Mockingbird, Gladio and Paperclip. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the US has moved the enlarged NATO right up to the Russian western borders. There have been open border provocations against the Russian Federation (RF) with Poland, the Baltics and Ukraine leading the charge in the East and vassal in chief – the UK – as the NATO base in the West. Any change in this set-up must involve Germany and perhaps France as the key players.
The German business elite has had considerable investment in the RF and is already a recipient of Russian natural gas through Nordsteam 1. However the political and security elite as well as the German MSM have always been slavishly loyal to the NATO alliance as evidenced in Udo Ulfkotte’s book ‘Bought Journalists’. But it is in the order of things that geopolitical and economic interests are not set in stone and that situations change. In short German interests are slowly changing; loyalty to the US and NATO is slowly being undermined by the realisation that Germany is no longer benefiting from its former military/strategic entanglement with the EUSA/NATO axis. How this will play out in the short to medium term is an open question. The Petainist/Quisling elite present in Germany and most other countries in the EU will put up a fight, but the inexorable pressure of national interests will increase and force their way to the surface. Like the man said: ”A country does not have permanent friends and allies, only permanent interests.” (Lord Palmerstom – 1784-1865). Time will tell.
Lookup Mariner, Mariner II pipeline. They want to pipe LNG from appalachia to philly via some dense neighbourhoods. They run through backyards and underground. All courtesy of Energy Transfer Partners, TX to Marcus Hook and then shipped. Its not economical to power Newyork Edison but they want to ship it.
@ anonymous
I asked a former director of our company, now retired, who worked in the Alberta Oilsands before joining our company, west coast of Canada, how much or how many years left oil is there really in Northern Alberta?
His reply, and I quote,
‘about 20 years. but if anything were to happen in the ME and with Saudi Arabia that is where US will go for its oil Northern Alberta! That is why all of the American companies are up there.’ close quote.
and you know as I mention many times about the affordability problems now facing the oil and gas sectors was it just a coincidence that in the news last year Northern, Alberta saw huge layoffs and the shuttering of plants but what appears a few weeks later in the news? A newly built offshore rig was being put into service from Nova Scotia.
Watching and hearing of these events I said too myself what they exchanged one for the other? Can’t afford to keep both running? etc etc etc? And the questions they just keep on coming?
and hey if you and others haven’t seen this history lesson I would highly recommend…
[‘Escalating’ tariffs …]
Escalation is not a unilateral thing. It means measures and counter measures.
If USA decides unitlateraly to raise tariffs, it will probably be met – at some point – with counter measures against American companies operating in Europe or against import.
“energy security” more like desperation
I see a lot of optimism re German-Russian ties post-occupation. I do not feel so optimistic based on Germany’s historical record. EU is a continuation of the Third Reich’s European project (with three rings surrounding the Franco-German centre). Each ring is assigned different duties (e.g. cheap labour and raw materials for the subhumans of the Balkans and the Ukraine). It was Germany that destroyed Yugoslavia, Germany that has its economic and intelligence tentacles everywhere and has played an active role in pushing the borders of the EU towards Russia. Are they suddenly going to surrender their hegemony in Europe for the sake of the Russians?
This is not about the young generations of Germans who are anti-war and forward looking but about the imperialists at the top who haven’t changed their tune since 1900s.
I’m very disappointed with Trump but I think he hit a bullseye when he told the Germans (I paraphrase): You are asking us to defend you from the Russians and yet you are buying their gas. Hypocritical much?
Finally, let me deal with two misconceptions:
1. Germany is occupied. What was it like when unoccupied? A bringer of peace and prosperity?
2. This occupation can’t be bad when it allowed Germany to become the European Hegemon without a shot fired. America was there to bleed for Germany – as it did in Bosnia and Kosovo. Trump is saying no mas.
I like and respect Germany but am not underestimating it. Remember Weimar – a decadent, crumbling, impoverished and helpless Germany became world power number 1 in no more than three or four years.
Anubis 64 –
“America was there to bleed for Germany – as it did in Bosnia and Kosovo”. That bit of misguided and self-interested intervention by my government was nothing to be proud of in the slightest. I’m sure plenty in Germany had a “thanks, but no thanks” attitude toward an operation that screwed the Serbs and empowered the Albanian mafia.
And it is doubtful Germany will rise again, unless as the northern wing of a revived Ottoman Empire. The native Germans are a broken, de-balled, listless people. It’s almost as if the Morgenthau Plan WAS enacted…
Dear bluekayak,
Thank you. I appreciate your comment and am not implying a la Goldhagen that the Germans are genetically predisposed to evil. But look at history – even recent history! Germany has achieved almost all its geopolitical goals (mapped out by Hitler) without a shot fired. Am I hallucinating? If you want me to elaborate, I’ll be happy to.
I just hope young Germans renounce the greed and racism of their predecessors. Otherwise…
Also, I think you are doing a disservice to the German people. They are exceptionally resilient and hard working.
Remember how deballed they were in 1918 and later? Or in 1945? They were literally castrated. And yet?
The Germans are not easily broken. The problem is in the way they use their exceptional power.
Hello Anubis –
Thank you for the replies. You make an interesting point regarding Germany’s amazing economic domination of Europe; in a sense, Bismarck himself couldn’t have asked for more. Hardworking and resilient yes; but SO overburdened by guilt that they are removing themselves from the gene pool and hastening their own demise and replacement (“Wir schaffen das”). Turkey has plenty to answer for in the pogrom department, but they brusquely deny and move on, while the Germans seem hell bent on eternal self-flagellation. A middle ground would be better for both…
Dear bluekayak,
If you think that the Germans are dominating Europe because of their work ethic, you have missed my subtle sarcasm. European Union was built by the CIA (William Donovan) to ensure German economic dominance based on the allegiance to the crown of Mary. As soon as the USSR generously reconstituted German Reich, they were stabbed in the back by Kohl, Genscher, Kinkel et al. They pushed towards the East, grabbing and breaking up Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the Ukraine, Romania etc. Nothing to do with their superior products. All to do with the foundational principle of German imperialism–Lebensraum but this time economic. Thanks to the United States, Germany did not have to spill any blood this time.
Young Germans shouldn’t self-flagellate but should smother any warmongering imperialists who are threatening to drag this wonderful country into a final armageddon.
Germany is of course mentally, (ideologically) occupied.
And is up to this date, which is changing slowly.
And you ignore that in the period 1935-1940 – yes the nazi period – the german higher classes had the Parisian luxury and dolce vita levels. Of course this turned pretty much concealed for everybody since it was the interest of the occupiers. Just look for the epoch photos in the web.
It was not the murican’s ‘hollywodesque benevolence (SIC) (ask the koreans, vietnamese or south americans) that permitted Berlin any growth.
It was the german spirit and hard work mindset.
But they thought a lapdog behaviour would be a better tactics.
If germany had stayed free from the empire grip and economically free handed they would the same way – or even much better- turned Europe’s hegemon.
Disoccupation It coming soon and that it will be a good riddance is an understatement.
Time to see which way Germany turns once it has ridded itself of the American occupiers.
The draconian war reparations imposed by the international banking fraternity at Treaty of Versailles of 1920 drove Germany into bankruptcy and hyperinflation. But then Hitler had a bright idea, reforming the German money supply without incurring debt to private banks by having the government issue printed money to individuals for work done or products manufactured.
Adolf Hitler, head of the national socialist party of Germany also realized that he had to support the working class by building Peoples Cars aka Volkswagens, and by providing workers with a decent income so that they could afford them.
Under the National Socialists, Germany’s money wasn’t backed by gold (which was owned by the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, “For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.” The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.
Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest.”
This is what is so nutty about U.S. “diplomacy”. Can’t these geniuses in Congress figure out they are wrecking American diplomacy or stiffening German resolve to have this pipeline? The German’s are certainly famous for not being stubborn. I am sure they will just roll over on an important economic issue. Congress likes to accuse Trump of being Putin’s perfect puppet, but most of the time these “own-goals” end up helping Russian aims more then anything Russia could do. I don’t like U.S. foreign policy, which is basically criminal activity, and am not sorry to see it misfire, but you have to wonder what is wrong with these people. This mafia-style extortion might work against a colonial dependency, but these politicians don’t seem to understand not all countries are Micronesia.
Schroeder is one of the few European politicians with some spine. When Merkel succeeded him, I was under the impression that the two of them were supposed to share power by taking turns as Chancellor. This never happened, which has puzzled me.
The US is a nation, the EU a corporate lobby group
Only half true. Both are corporate lobby paradigms. But the US theater is safely shielded on both sides by formidable oceans, while the European theater butts right up into the embrace of a known rival.
“Deliberate termination of the atlantic partnership”.
herr Schroeder, you are all in all an outstanding and decent politician but you are either too polite towards the german banksterism or perfectly blind in this instance. (I guess the former)
Not deliberate, just forceful and inevitable.
What else could the DC/ny axis bastards do if and when the Nordstream
is in full service and this ”bad example” shines as a solution for the other potential customers ?
Oustanding and decent politician?
I wouldn’t go that far.
His government took a part in criminal NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
As for his comments about Nord Stream 2, quite understandable. I believe he is Rosneft’s chairman.
Thank you, Melotte,
Many people have not forgotten Schroeder’s crime. In my view, president Putin has invested too much into Germany (as did the Soviet leaders who were betrayed by Kohl, Genscher et al.). I think he thinks he understands Germans–he might be in for a disappointment. I genuinely hope that the leopard can change his spots but don’t believe it.
The US emerged from WWII as the world’s leading military and economic power. Since that time US hegemony has been predicated on: 1) unrivaled military power, 2) control of world’s energy reserves (primarily in the ME), and 3) maintaining the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. During this period, Germany has functioned as a US vassal and is still ‘occupied’ by circa 25K US troops.
All of the pillars supporting US power are now threatened by decades of neo-liberal economic policies, spending large sums of money on the military and attainment of economic/military parity by Russia and China. As a result, the US ruling elite are apoplectic about: 1) continuing US economic decline, accelerated by the Coronavirus pandemic, 2) looming strategic debacles confronting the Pentagon in Afghanistan (longest running war in US history), Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, and 3) Iran’s continuing rise in the ME, making the Islamic Republic a major power broker in the region. As a result, US foreign policy is becoming increasingly bellicose, reckless and dangerous. This is why Congress is adamantly opposed to completion of Nord Stream 2. This will not end well.
The Americans are trying to stop Germany from becoming dependent on Russian gas. This is a big mistake.
America has lots of gas ready to go. Right now it is being burned off as a waste product, but Europe can buy it. Due to the gargantuan trade surplus Europe runs with America, the extra cost can easily be absorbed and it will greatly help to bring the unfair trade situation back towards normal. A lot of Americans ask, why are we spending billions to defend Europe from Russia if they’re just going to surrender to Russia? I find myself asking the same question, and very uncomfortably not finding any answers.
If one hasn’t seen this troubling news take a gander
just adds more and more weight to what Gail Tverberg writes about affordability and reading it for myself I zero in on that sentence about recertification of equipment. The company I work for always has this hanging over its head!!!