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Tag "Eric Zuesse"

Evidence the U.S. Is a Dictatorship, Not a Democracy

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog On September 2nd, Pew Research — one of America’s most respected polling organizations — issued findings from their survey of 11,001 U.S. adults between July 27 and Aug. 2, 2020, regarding three important questions that are indicative of whether or not Americans believe the U.S. Government to be a democracy, or instead a dictatorship. These are those three findings: “Elected officials face serious

EU SITREP: U.S. Defense Sec’y. Tells EU: “Deter Peace,” Confront Russia & China

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told Europeans, in statements on July 29th and August 9th, “I’ve said that very publicly, I’ve said that very privately to my counterparts as well, about the importance of NATO, any alliance, sharing the burden so that we can all deter Russia and avoid peace in Europe.’” “We are moving many troops further east, closer to Russia’s

How Nazism Came to Dominate Both of America’s Political Parties

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The following 11-minute youtube video is a good introduction to this article: Ukraine Crisis — What You’re Not Being Told —— On July 20th, Moss Robeson headlined at TheGrayZone, “Influential DC-based Ukrainian think tank hosts neo-Nazi activist convicted for racist violence”, and he reported the inescapably visible tip of America’s iceberg of pro-nazi policies regarding Ukraine. Ukraine is a country which during World

The Future for China

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog On July 14th, the two conjoined gangster-regimes, U.S. & UK, simultaneously started, with deadly seriousness, their aggressive economic war against China. Business Insider headlined “US Navy warship challenges China in South China Sea as US blasts Beijing’s ‘unlawful’ claims and ‘gangster tactics’” and reported that, After the US Department of State declared Beijing’s maritime claims in the South China Sea and efforts to

Netherlands ‘Justice’ Is Totally Corrupt: MH17 Case as Example

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog On Friday, July 3rd, the judge in the Netherlands court case against Russia as having fired a Buk missile that brought down the Malaysian Airlines plane that Ukrainian Air Traffic Control had instructed to fly over Ukraine’s civil-war zone on 17 July 2014 ruled out any consideration of evidence from Russia. Judge Hendrik Steenhuis “refused to allow Russian military intelligence to reveal where

Germany SITREP: Former German Chancellor Says U.S.-EU Alliance Could Now End

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog A German equivalent to UK’s Financial Times and America’s Wall Street Journal is the Dusseldorf Handelsblatt or “Commerce Sheet,” which headlined on June 30th, “Former Chancellor Schröder: USA Ending Transatlantic Partnership”. They reported: Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has condemned possible new US sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline as “deliberate termination of the transatlantic partnership.” A draft law currently

Dutch Government Outright Lies about MH17, to Blame Russia

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog 1. The Dutch Government’s 279-page investigative findings on the “Crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17” were published  in October 2015, and reported, on page 84, (under 2.13.2 “Crew autopsy”) that “First Officer Team A … During the body scan of the First Officer’s body, over 120 objects (mostly metal fragments) were detected. The majority of the fragments were found in left side of

USA SITREP: How the Republican Party Spins Trump’s Corruption

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On June 20th, Pam and Russ Martens, at their anti-corruption site “Wall Street on Parade,” headlined “As Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Face Criminal Probes, Barr Fires Top Prosecutor; Tries to Replace Him with Banks’ Former Lawyer, Jay Clayton”, and reported that Donald Trump’s consigliere William Barr was firing the U.S. Attorney who was leading criminal investigations into Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Chase

U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms U.S. Police State

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On June 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court, with only the libertarian right-wing (basically anti-government) Clarence Thomas dissenting — reaffirmed that America’s law-enforcement officers have “qualified immunity” from prosecution when they do things such as to shoot an innocent person in his own yard whose unthreatening pet dog is seeking his protection from an officer who is trying to shoot it; or, as the

Why does the public tolerate its biological warfare?

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog As Jeffrey A. Lockwood recounted in his 2008 book Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War, the first four nations that pioneered biological warfare were during the 1930s — Hitler’s Germany, Hirohito’s Japan, and Churchill’s England and Canada. However, under U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940s, a biowarfare R&D program, “Operation Capricious,” was created in 1943 so secretly that though

Hillary Clinton’s Achievements as Secretary of State

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Some people say that Hillary Clinton had no achievements as the U.S. Secretary of State; but that view is factually false. She had a huge and enduring impact, on at least three countries, as will here be documented via the links: HONDURAS: When the dozen oligarchs who control Honduras overthrew Honduras’s popular democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya on 28 June 2009, and installed a

World’s Top Legal Expert on Torture Identifies U.S., UK, & Canadian, Govs., as the World’s Top Torturers

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, has declared that Julian Assange is being tortured in Britain’s super-max Belmarsh Prison, by applying “torture that will not leave physical traces, that will erase the personality of the victim,” and that these methods of torture were first applied by the Nazis at the Dachau concentration camp and subsequently refined through experiments on untold numbers

Donald Trump’s Bigotry

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog U.S. President Donald Trump is bigoted against many peoples, but especially against Shias such as Houthis in Yemen, and such as against the entire nation and culture that is Iran, which likewise is overwhelmingly Shia. Against those people, it’s a genocidal hatred, which is limited only by what his fellow-Republicans will accept as being morally acceptable and what he can coerce, by means

Why U.S. Must Be Prosecuted for Its War Crimes Against Iraq

by Eric Zuesse  for The Saker Blog The reason why the U.S. Government must be prosecuted for its war-crimes against Iraq is that they are so horrific and there are so many of them, and international law crumbles until they become prosecuted and severely punished for what they did. We therefore now have internationally a lawless world (or “World Order”) in which “Might makes right,” and in which there is

America’s enemy is England, not Russia. Historically, Russia has been perhaps America’s main Ally; England remains America’s top enemy, just as during the American Revolution

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog America’s sole enemy during the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) was England. Ever since being defeated in that war, England (controlled by the British aristocracy) has tried various ways to regain its control over America. The British aristocracy’s latest attempt to regain control over America started in 1877, and continues today, as the two countries’ “Deep State” — comprising not only the lying CIA and

How the U.S. Pot Calls China’s Coronovirus Kettle ‘Black’

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog According to Gallup’s samplings and calculations, the actual number of Americans who had the Coronovirus-19 infection on April 3rd was certainly not the 239,279 which was reported, but instead was probably at least 730,000. However, three neoconservatives — such as Matthew Pottinger, the top advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump regarding China policy — fed to the neoconservative Michael Bloomberg’s neoconservative Bloomberg News

Ukrainian Peace Process Collapses

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog News has only gradually seeped out that the Minsk II agreement, to find a peaceful way to end the war between Ukraine and its breakaway far eastern Donbass region, collapsed on March 26th. It was an agreement which Francois Hollande of France and Angela Merkel of Germany had established with Vladimir Putin of Russia, on 11 February 2015, in Minsk, Belarus. U.S. President

Elections SITREP: Why Trump Will Probably Win Re-Election

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Throughout this election-season in the United States, there have been many indications that the stupid voters who chose Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2016 are doing it yet again and chose Joe Biden over Sanders, and thus they handed Trump the victory in 2016 and are repeating that in 2020. A new poll shows it clearly. Just like happened in 2016 when

Joe Biden in 2020 Duplicates Hillary Clinton in 2016

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Hillary Clinton, of course, received the Democratic Party nomination in 2016 and was widely expected to beat Trump but she lost to him (though she won California by 4,269,978 in the popular vote, and so beat Trump by 2,864,974 in the nationwide popular vote, while she lost all other states by 1,405,002 votes, and so she would have been California’s President if she

Highlights from the Assange Trial Thus Far

Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Here are the most informative excerpts that I have noted from the best news-reporting from journalists who have been attending at the trial: CRAIG MURRAY, “Day 2”: For the defence, Mark Summers QC stated that the USA charges were entirely dependent on three factual accusations of Assange behviour: 1) Assange helped Manning to decode a hash key to access classified material. Summers stated this
