Hezbollah Warns Israel: ‘If You Dare Attack, You Will Regret it’ (VIDEO)

Translation: unz.com/sayedhasan
On the evening of Friday, November 30, Hezbollah’s war media broadcasted this video addressed to Israel and subtitled in Hebrew, in response to recent Israeli military exercises simulating an aggression against southern Lebanon, an escalation of violations of Lebanese airspace –from which aggressions against Syria are usually carried out– by Israeli drones, and new threats to assassinate Hezbollah Secretary General. The statement in the video is excerpted from the latest speech by Hassan Nasrallah on November 10, 2018, and the footage shows in particular the precise coordinates of Israeli military bases that would be targeted in case of aggression. Let us remind that Hezbollah’s policy is to target exclusively the military, and to hit the colonies and cities of the enemy only in response to the ongoing Israeli aggression against Lebanese civilians. The civilian/military ratio of the victims of the 2006 war was 1/10 on the Israeli side, and 10/1 on the Lebanese side, a striking proof of the fact that Israel strikes civilians above all, and that Hezbollah favors military targets.
Despite the August 2006 ceasefire, Lebanon and Israel remain in a state of war, and if direct clashes have ceased, information & psychological warfare continue to rage, as are indirect clashes in Syria or even Yemen, where Israeli planes are directly involved in the conflict. At a time when the Gulf countries are openly engaging in the normalization policy of relations with Israel, when yet another futile attempt to strangle Iran economically is at work, and where MBS is touring North Africa to promote Israel’s peace agreement with Israel, Hezbollah recalls that its hostility to Israel remains irreducible, demonstrating its solidarity with the Resistance in Gaza that has recently scored a new victory, which foreshadows a real disaster in the event of a confrontation with such a powerful actor as Hezbollah. Hassan Nasrallah has several times announced as imminent the Great War to Liberate Palestine, in which the extended Resistance Axis (Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Iraq and Yemen) would participate.
This video made headlines in Israel Friday night and throughout the weekend, and senior military officials of the Zionist entity reacted to it. In accordance with its policy of anti-Nasrallah censorship, Youtube immediately deleted this video broadcast, among others, by Al-Manar (French) and Sputnik (English) for alledgedly “violating Youtube’s Terms of Service”, but Israeli media like Ynet were able to broadcast it on the platform without fear of censorship –proof that the content itself has no valid reason to be censored according to the Youtube’s Terms of Service. Only sources that are a priori favorable to Hezbollah are tirelessly hunted down by IDF cyber-soldiers and deleted.

Sayed Hasan

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Starving Yemenis Reduced to Eat Tree Leaves

Report of the Lebanese channel Al-Manar, November 13, 2018.
Translation: unz.com/sayedhasan

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Hamas Unveils Thwarted Israeli Operation in Gaza that Sparked Recent Escalation

Report of the Lebanese channel Al-Mayadeen, November 12, 2018.
Translation: unz.com/sayedhasan
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Hassan Nasrallah: In Yemen’s Quagmire, West Only Cares About Rescuing Saudi Arabia

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on November 10, 2018, on the occasion of Martyr’s day, commemorating the November 11th, 1982 attack on Israeli Barracks in Tyre (South Lebanon), killing 76 officers.

Revision & subtitles: unz.com/sayedhasan

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[…] Thirdly, I will speak about an important development in the region, before talking about the internal situation (in Lebanon). From about one month and a half ago, the world became preoccupied with the heinous crime which was perpetrated against the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The whole world was also astonished by the details of the crime: the kidnapping, killing, dismemberment with a saw, and the melting (of the corpse) with acid, and the throwing out of what was melted in the sewerage. The world is right to be astonished, amazed, and to condemn (this crime).

Of course many are looking for ways to get this issue to be forgotten. In the Arab world, no one was astonished, amazed, nor did they condemn. To the contrary, the (Arab rulers) stood in solidarity (with Saudi Arabia). That is normal in the Arab world: to dismember using a saw, to cut using a sword, to melt using acid, this is normal (to some).

It is natural for the world to be astonished, amazed, and to condemn (this crime). However, what is strange of this world, is that it does not take notice of, nor is it astonished by, the daily images of the heinous massacres in Yemen. The world’s conscience was not moved by the Yemeni children –the United Nations itself saying that 100s of children, maybe 400, 500, face death every single hour in Yemen. The United Nations –not us– are speaking of 14 million people threatened with starvation, and this figure may have risen in recent days. Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis have been infected by cholera and face the possibility of death. But the world is silent.

(Just) now the world has begun to talk, the Americans have begun speaking, the Europeans have begun speaking –of course, let us underline the Arab silence, and silence in the Islamic (world), except for a few states. In general, silence! No one dares to open their mouth. God is the Greatest (expresses wonder)! How great is (the fear) of the sword, and how great is the allurement to money and the glitter of gold,  and how great the (level of) submissiveness in the Arab world! The terrible state of affairs in the Arab world is clearly expressed by the Arab stance towards developments in Yemen.

In any case, we are before a new situation. I don’t want to just talk and condemn. No, we are before a new situation. Perhaps the Khashoggi event caused some change, it is a possibility. Perhaps it was exploited as an incident for another purpose. In any case, it is good that we hear American, European, and UN statements, calling for the cessation to the fighting and a stop to the war. This issue requires some comment: perhaps (this call for an end to the war) could be serious, this is a possibility. It is also possible that this is merely a (deceptive) ploy and a way to buy time.

It is possible that this is a serious (call to end the war), and this possibility has valid reasoning to support it. However, this possibility has not arisen because of the killing of Khashoggi, nor is it because the conscience of the world would (supposedly) awake now. The world has been seeing the children, the immense massacres, bombardment and killing on a daily basis for four years. Why does the world say only now that this war must stop? This requires some contemplation.

Simply and frankly, because the Yemenis remained steadfast in this battle. This is a huge lesson. Because they remained steadfast in this battle, and because the Saudi, Emirati, American coalition failed in this war. If this possibility (i.e. the call for ending the war) is serious, then the aim of it is to rescue the Saudis and Emiratis more than it is about rescuing the Yemenis. Because this coalition failed to invade the north (of Yemen), and failed to administer the south, and they are losing both the north and south of Yemen. The north because of the steadfastness (of Yemenis) and military failure, and the south because of the popular movement (of Yemenis) and administrative and political failure.

America is coming today to rescue its guys in the region. Trump and the American do not care about Yemen’s children nor any such thing. Yet what we care about is the result. What matters for us is that this war and fighting ends. What is interesting though is that (the Americans) said (the war must end) within one month. Why one month? Why not now? Why not directly and immediately?! This point also has the careful attention of our brothers in Yemen, or they must pay careful attention to it. It is as if the Americans are telling this Saudi-Emirati coalition: ‘You have one month (left). Organise your affairs, see what (military) equations you can secure, see what (military) achievements you can muster, (because) after one month the world will tell you to stop’.

For this reason, what is strange and noteworthy is that at the same time that American and Western statements were being issued calling for an end to the war, we witness in Yemen the highest escalation (of military attacks) in many months, I mean the current escalation on the southern coastline and the Hodeidah region.  This is presuming that this possibility is serious.

In any case, if this is a deceptive ploy so that the Yemenis would be deceived (to drop) their weapons (and withdraw from their) battlefronts and positions, they must be wary not to be deceived, because usually when fighters sense that the fighting is almost over, their determination, attention, and awareness begins to lessen, assuming that everything appears to be winding down. This happens because it is a (normal) human reaction.

On (the occasion) of Martyr’s Day, and at a time when we take pride in the martyrs of our brothers and people in Yemen, I say to my brothers over there to remain patient and keep preserving in your fight, and hold firm to your weapons, fronts and positions. You today are closer to victory than ever before! And the victory of the Yemenis is in their remaining in their land, (and) in preventing this barbaric aggression from achieving any of its goals. They are persevering and realizing a military miracle, a military legend, (one) that is unfolding every day at the southern coastline and on the various Yemeni fronts.

I conclude on the situation in the region with a last stance. We have condemned the verdict issued against His Eminence Sheikh Ali Salmane (in Bahrain), may God preserve him, and some of his brothers, and what is noteworthy is that the Bahraini Court ruled that His Eminence the Sheikh was innocent of the accusation of conspiring with Qatar.

There is no conspiration. At the time, at the beginning of events in Yemen, Qatar was trying to (reach the Saudi authorities) through a third party, to find an issue (to the crisis). At the time, the Qatari side was very active on all the fields.

The Court ruled in favour of his innocence, and the Prosecution appealed the verdict. And what was the new verdict? Perpetuity! May it please God (ironic) ! From innocence to perpetuity? O my brother, (perhaps) from innocence to 4, 5 or 10 years of jail could make some sense legally speaking. But perpetuity?! This confirms every day that Justice in Bahrain and the likes of Bahrain is nothing but a true oppressive power.

What was expected is for His Eminence the Cheikh to be freed after having served his time for other verdicts, and to get back to his family and people. But this (authoritative) power insists on detaining him and the clerics, leaders, popular figures and personalities, along with thousands of young Bahrainis in prison, to force this people to surrender (and give up on his legitimate demands), but he will never surrender, not on his national stance, nor on his demands for (political) reforms, nor on his attachment to his rights, whatever the sacrifices. […]