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Tag "Sayyed Hassan translations"

Hassan Nasrallah: Daesh is Still a US-Israeli Asset, Threatens Central Asia

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 2, 2019, on the occasion of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Commander Mostapha Badreddine, known as ‘Zulfiqar’, who was killed in Syria in May 2016. Translation: Transcript: […] The other subject (I want to talk about), my second point, is very important: it is the battlefield where the Sayyed (descendant of the Prophet) Zulfiqar, God have mercy on

Norman Finkelstein: Israel is An Apartheid State, Netanyahu is an Obnoxious, Racist, Jewish Supremacist

Norman Finkelstein Interview, March 20, 2019. Sources:, Transcript: Transcript: Jimmy Dore: Hi everybody! Welcome to the Jimmy Dore Show. We have a special guest today. Norman Finkelstein is an American political scientist, activist, Professor and author. His primary fields of research are the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust, an interest motivated by the experiences of his parents who were Jewish Holocaust survivors. He’s a

Hezbollah Threatens Israel / Gaza / Yemen

Hezbollah Warns Israel: ‘If You Dare Attack, You Will Regret it’ (VIDEO) Hamas Unveils Thwarted Israeli Operation in Gaza that Sparked Recent Escalation Starving Yemenis Reduced to Eat Tree Leaves Hassan Nasrallah: In Yemen’s Quagmire, West Only Cares About Rescuing Saudi Arabia Hezbollah Warns Israel: ‘If You Dare Attack, You Will Regret it’ (VIDEO) Source: Translation: On the evening of Friday, November 30, Hezbollah’s war media broadcasted

Hassan Nasrallah: Trump, Netanyahu and Bin Salman want to liquidate the Palestinian cause

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 14, 2018, commemorating the second anniversary of the death of Hezbollah Commander Sayed Moustafa Badreddine. Translation : Transcript: […] (Finally), Palestine, (the most) important question —I will be brief because everything we said before had to do with Palestine. Tomorrow (May 15) is the 70th anniversary of the Nakba (‘catastrophe’, designating the forced exile of Palestinians in 1948), the

Hassan Nasrallah on Trump, Iran and Syrian Strikes in Occupied Golan

Hassan Nasrallah: Trump only cares about US and Israeli interests Hassan Nasrallah: Syrian strikes in Golan frightened Israel and broke its prestige Hassan Nasrallah: Trump only cares about US and Israeli interests Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 14, 2018, commemorating the second anniversary of the death of Hezbollah Commander Sayed Moustafa Badreddine. Translation : Translation: […] After this introduction devoted to our beloved

Hassan Nasrallah: Is Israel heading towards a regional war?

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on May 7, 2018, after the legislative elections in Lebanon (won by Hezbollah and its allies). Translation: Transcript: […] We believe that the composition of the new Parliament [following the May 6 elections] is a guarantee and a great force for the protection of this strategic choice [Resistance] and for the protection of the gold equation Army-People-Resistance, which we believe is

Syria Imposes New Rules of Engagement on Israel

by Sayed Hasan translated for the Saker Blog Source : On Thursday 10th May 2018, an unprecedented exchange of strikes happened between Israel and Syria. The mainstream media, as well as some “alternative” media like Russia Today, were quick to relay the Israeli army version, according to which the Zionist entity “retaliated” to an “Iranian attack by Revolutionary Guards’ Al-Quds Force” consisting of “twenty rockets” fired at Israeli positions

Hassan Nasrallah: Will the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia attack Syria?

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in Baalbeck on May 1, 2018, in preparation for the May 6 legislative elections in Lebanon. Translation: Transcript: […] Yes, the Resistance needs political protection, because there is an international conspiracy against it, which is currently growing, and a regional conspiracy against it. And we now find people willing to pay not 1 or 2 billion dollars – I am
