By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog
With the beginning of the 20th century, geopolitics was changing rapidly. The centries old, empires, Kingdoms, Dynasties were facing severe challenges, and many revolutions were witnessed. The biggest change was the Russian revolution in 1917, as the Marxist first country in the world. People fed up with imperialism, feudalism, capitalism, and Western Style liberalism, democracy, and colonialism were looking at the Russian revolution as a ray of hope and solutions to all problems.
Since the beginning, anti-Marxism forces, led by America, provided a platform to all Western Style democracies to prove the Russian revolution a failure. However, the world has witnessed a Marxist revolution in many countries around the globe, Eastern Europe, was prominent. In many Arab countries also, a so-called socialist revolution took place like Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq, etc. In few African and Asian countries also similar revolutions happened. But most prominent was in China.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded on 01 July 1921 in shanghai. After 28 years of intense struggle, succeeded in establishing the People’s Republic of China as a socialist state in 1949, under the great leadership of Chairman Mao.
The US launched a cold war against Marxism and socialism and formed NATO and non-NATO alliances against the communism threat. The US and its allies did everything possible to harm all Marxist states and used all possible tools against them, like media as narrative building, sanctions, covered operations, coercion, military and non-military operations, espionage, conspiracies, etc.
The former USSR was disintegrated in 1991 and followed series of many Marxist states to collapse, especially, in Eastern Europe. Only a few countries claiming Marxism, are still existing, among them is China, the most prominent.
Why Marxism is still alive and successful in China whereas failed in many other countries? What are the secrets behind the CPC for its success? Before getting any conclusion, we need to understand the structure, and nature of Chinese characteristics of Socialism, which is based on Marxism, with Chairman Mao’s thoughts, Deng Xiao Ping’s theory of opening up and economic reforms, and President Xi’s vision. We must explore the reasons for the success of CPC in China and learn a lesson if suits.
Fortunately, China was blessed with visionary, sincere, and competent leadership uninterruptedly. The Chinese leadership kept on transforming CPC from time to time to meet the emerging situations. Like, pre-1949, Chairman Mao led CPC for guerrilla war to outs the corrupt, incompetent, and disloyal to the nation, the Guo-Ming Dang (Nationalist Party, ruling China at that era. But after 1949, Chairman Mao transformed the CPC to rule the country and develop a governance system, to unite the nations, political reforms, agriculture developments, industrialization, etc. In 1978, Deng Xiao Ping, introduced his theory of opening up and economic reforms, the CPC was reformed to implement his thoughts and transformed China from a poor and backward country into the Second largest Economy in the world, and the property was visible in China everywhere. President Xi’s vision was to globalize China, he transformed CPC to suits his vision. Today China has emerged as a strong, modern, prosperous global power. All these successes were achieved because of the hard work of the people of China and the visionary leadership of China. The introduction of the right policies at the right time was key to all these achievements. The CPC deserves credit os all achievements.
The Induction of new members is based on strict merit, and regular training of party members is also contributing toward the Chinese achievements. The regular strict monitoring of officials and accountability also plays its role to keep the transparency, merit, and corruption-free systems. CPC is well disciplined, well organized, competent, and sincerely working for the total welfare of people.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President Xi Jinping delivered an outstanding historic speech before a jubilant and roaring crowd of more than 70,000 people at the famous Tiananmen Square in Beijing. President Xi who is also the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission declared that the nation is advancing with unstoppable momentum and rejuvenation.
Then-President Xi’s speech provided a much larger impetus to the momentum for the already strong and confident nation where he made a promise to continue this glorious journey for the next 100 years.
This rejuvenated nation eradicated absolute poverty, fought a heroic battle against the once-in-a-century pathogen, created a thriving economy, made immense agriculture advancement and technological progress, including successful space expeditions, and above all brought happiness to its people, all of which are significant highlights of a prosperous and peaceful China.
President Xi declared that China has finally achieved the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. He was drawing attention to recent triumphs that China has accomplished: poverty alleviation and economic stability. A sense of confidence and pride with humility is reflected from the speech when President Xi said that China is marching towards becoming a great modern socialist country in all respects.
It is important that President Xi also highlighted in his speech how the CPC has achieved great success in making people united, worked through the revolution, famines, and wars, and later kicked off reforms, opening up and marched forward in the new era. When the CPC was established in 1921, there were only a few members but today, it has grown into a family of 95 million people in a country of 1.4 billion people. The CPC is one of the largest parties in the world and has remarkable global influence especially because of its visionary leadership.
The language of the speech reflects the poise that the CPC leadership has after working tirelessly day and night to transform China from rags to riches, to a modern socialist country with Chinese characteristics. An interesting aspect is that in this entire change period, the CPC led Chinese people in developing their model of governance and their indigenous way to reform their society for all-around prosperity.
For the past 100 years, Chinese people have not launched any foreign war, but rather they fought for their destiny and left a glorious legacy for the peaceful rise. As a result of the CPC leadership, nearly 800 million people are now out of poverty and China amounts to one of the largest consumer markets with thriving foreign direct investment wherein its GDP exceeds 100-trillion yuan.
As the CPC enters the next phase of 100 years, the leadership is firm and ready to uphold the foundation and lifeblood of the party and the country. President Xi encouraged the party members to unite and lead the nation to work tirelessly for a better life.
Any attempt to divide the CPC leadership or members will bound to fail as the 1.4 billion Chinese people will never let this happen. There is also a vow to continue developing socialism with Chinese characteristics as China has built its indigenous new model for human civilization. This model is based on peaceful coexistence. President Xi however warned anyone who would attempt to bully Chinese people will find themselves forged against a great wall of steel of 1.4 billion Chinese people.
CPC has a history full of achievements and demonstrated success on many fronts. On the occasion of the 100th Anniversary, global leaders have congratulated the CPC and acknowledged the performance of CPC. Let’s congratulate the CPC and learn the secrets of their success which suits our nations.
Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. (E-mail:
It succeded with American factories.
It succeeded because of China’s hard working and intelligent people and an efficient government. American money helped fund the initial process, everything else was Chinese.
The initial investors were Chinese businesses from Hong Kong South Easr Asia. They got into business very quickly because they understand Chinese culture and the how business is done in China.
The Americans and Europeans came later and slower because unlike the Chinese from HK and SEA they take a lot longer – They do lot longer business and lot of time spent on due dilligence and legal matters were not that well established.
So, the first group to make moneys in China were the overseas Chinese businessmen.
The unintended consequences of greed. American capital seeking to exploit cheap labour has has a big
part to play in the rise of China.However the far bigger part has been the hard working ethic of Chinese people and culture.
The problem of entities seeking short term gain lies in their ability ,or should I say, lack of ability to think any further down the road than financial gain.I wager that the CPC applied their ability to game out the result.
Sad to see that you can’t see this angle.
In 2003, I attended one Scandinavian seminar (or rather “symposium” — meaning ‘drinking along with each other’) where one commercial attaché declaired:
“Until now, there have been a lot of hindrances for our country to do trade with China, But now, the US and Dallas has China by its balls since they control the straights and routes thru which China must import oil and gas from the Middle East. So now, the Americans open up for us to trade in whatever faction we choose with in (mainland) China.” — what an infatuation! The guy gay goy had before cetting posted to China been working as commersial attaché for his nordic US satrapy in the oil state of Texas in Dallas,
USSR could have been what China is today. Oh well, that’s what happens when one thinks the grass is greener on the other side.
Actually the USSR could have been ahead of US + Europe combined if the CP had been as flexible, honest, and in tune with its people as the Chinese CP was.
Yugoslavia, between 1949–1989, was a semi-Marxist country that experimented with alternative forms of economic, social, cultural and political organizations. It was much more successful than any other communist or socialist country at the time. As one of the founders of nonaligned movement (over 100 countries), its foreign policy of nonalignment, was widely and +ly recognized throughout the world and a citizen of Yug. didn’t need visa to travel almost anywhere in the world. Its economical system of worker’s self-management attracted wide interest throughout the world, but it wasn’t nearly as successful in the long run as its foreign policy. Part of the reasons was rigidity ( that automatically breeds corruption) of communist party of Yug, but there are others which would take few hours to explain. It was much more flexible in education, medical care, culture and these accomplishments, were +viewed by many other countries. Many Yug. companies operated successfully throughout Africa, Asia, and even some socialist countries in Warsaw block. And then Yug. started rapidly collapsing, starting with the civil wars in 1990-1995, engineered and financed from the outside by the usual suspects, culminating in 1999 “Kosovo war” , when19 NATO countries, plus additional 8 or 9 helper countries, attacked Serbia and Montenegro, about 1/3 size of of what it was before 1990. And they could not defeat it. In fact, NATO lost many more planes and helicopters than the Serbian army and they just didn’t have what it takes to invade it. It appears that they learned something from WWI and WWII hard facts.
Going back to the Marxian economical and social structuring of a society: Briefly, while theoretically incomplete, it has obviously more advantages then any other system put forward so far. I am not a Marxist, but I have seen it in operation, having grown in Yugoslavia, and to some extent benefiting from it.
It is this incompleteness that can be both blessing in disguise, or delayed explosion. If the theory is applied flexibly (nondogmatically) with a carefully set up feedback loop(s) to assure stability, reliability, or performance ( all these terms are from the control theory, which aptly describes it). On the other hand, in the absence of flexible feedback loops, the theory leads to all kinds of errors, ranging from lack of a good economical performance, social lethargy (as in Soviet Block countries) all the way to national sepuku as in Kambodia. Deng Xiaoping, had enough vision to partially free China from many of the Mao’s inflexibilities and place some of the economical control systems with the working people and not with political cadres.
Regards, Spiral
Yugoslavia was also a great example in bringing together different ethnic, religious and linguistic groups. The Serbocroatian language is subdived into different accents (Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, and disputetly Slovene) and Belgrade’s goal was to re-standardize the accents into one south slavic language. LIke it was originally. The only real different languages were Macedonian which is related to Bulgarian, the Albanian language and the Italian language which is spoken in Trieste, Istria and other coastal places by the Adriatic sea.
The religious division is the result of the Ottoman invasions (Bosnia and Kosovo is muslim), the Habsburg Empire (Slovenia and Croatia are catholic) whilst Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia stayed religiously christian orthodox.
Marshall Tito managed to united all those different groups peacfully and form a united Yugoslav identigy (“yug “meaning south in slavic) or even pan-slavic movement. He was successful.
The Yugoslav partizans were legedary in defeating Nazi Germany aggressions and also fought back Mussolini’s fascists. Probably the only country that almost exclusively freed itself.
After Josip Broz died, American secret service, NGOs and others fuelled nationalism in the different parts of Yugoslavia. The rest is well known, a lot of civil war and now the Balkans are under American control.
A well working socialist country that peacfully united different people is America’s nightmare. Washington had to kill Yugoslavia, so they did it. They ruin every country they don’t like.
See this 1992 article by John Ross which has been vindicated by the past two decades:
Why the economic reform succeeded in China and will fail in Russia and Eastern Europe.
03 April 1992
As a member of the 99% in the “West”, I do not share the breathless enthusiasm for what has happened economically in China, for it has been at our expense; our 1% injected huge amounts of capital to take advantage of the cheap Chinese pay rates and low health safety and environmental standards, while bribing our politicians to remove import tariff barriers to cheap Chines produced goods. Talk about adding insult to injury!
The average Chinese factory worker earns a meagre 7000 dollars a year.
I lived quite well in China on less than that; you would be surprised..
The healthiest, happiest people I have had the pleasure to know..
Anti-social hooligans wouldn’t find it to their liking..
Hmm wonder when people will get it through their heads it’s not how much you earn but what your money’s worth and what it will buy, and forget the dollar bit for the Chinese don’t buy their food nor goods in dollars remember other are other currencies in the world other than the dollar.
Last time I went on a holiday, I spent about the same as a Chinese factory worker earns in a year, not because I am rich, but because that is what plane tickets and hotels cost.
Let’s say that a Chinese factory worker lives in the absolute shittest apartment you can imagine for the equivalent of $300 a month, and eats the cheapest food available, at the equivalent of $200 dollars a month. That is already $6000 per year. What about transportation, utilities, clothes, etc.? What about when you have to buy a new fridge because the old one broke down?
What about buying a car? Some land? Owning your own home? A holiday home? A holiday abroad
And eddie, perhaps you’d like to give us some figures and some numbers. How were you living in China on less than 7000 dollars a year?
And yet they live a better life then I do making 35,000$ a year.
Why blame China when you should be blaming yourself and your fellow Americans for after all you did elect re-elect and re-elected all over again all of those who as you say were bribed, Ronnie Raygun and his merry fellows all who belonged to the C rated actors club sold you down the river and no one said a word as long as it didn’t affect them, pensions were stolen wages cut and no one said a word because it didn’t affect their pockets one bit, so now it’s China’s fault, Russia’s fault the man in the moons fault sorry don’t buy it a bit it’s OUR fault and the two party system that permits it.
socialism succeeds in china where it failed in most other countries mainly because of confucianism which prioritizes unity, education, hard work, and secularism. confucius, if alive today, would have been called a leftist.
Actually, Socialism with Chinese Character, Deng’s reform, is capitalism.
It might have been more successful in Latin America were it not for extremely hostile U.S. blockades (sanctions is too nice a word for it) or not, we don’t know, there is no fair test of it.
It succeeded in China because it got access to foreign markets and was allowed to have trade surpluses in the 70’s just like Japan and German were able to do after WW2. I am not disparaging China; just the opposite, they succeeded when we did not drown them like a basket of kittens. It bothers me when talking heads in the U.S. act as if we did something great for China just by lifting our jack boot off of their necks.
It failed in Eastern Europe because it was forced on them and people resent anything imposed on them by an occupier. I’m certain many will disagree w/me on that one but that’s how I see it. If it was chosen, it would have had stronger roots.
It failed in the Soviet Union because the USSR was over-extended just like the U.S. is today. The USSR was exceptionalist. Not as obnoxious as the U.S. and it was driven by a more deep rooted need for security but exceptionalist none the less. They subsidized Cuba, Vietnam, eastern Europe, and possibly even some of their internal Republics. I don’t know what would have happened without this burden, just thinking this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Zamir Amin states;
“For the past 100 years, Chinese people have not launched any foreign war, but rather they fought for their destiny and left a glorious legacy for the peaceful rise(…)”
My answer:
“Almost true, but not quite”
The 1979 invasion into the Northern border og Viet-Nâm must be said to be having “launched one foreign war” — at the instigation of the USes of North A. And to divert the VN army’s efforts to punish the Kmehr Rouge (Pol Pot) regime in Kamputchea, which the US wanted to retain.
I was there in South China a few yrears later, Local newsheets in the Guǎngxī Zhuāng Autonpmous area were dtill (after 4 years) overflowing with complainds agaist Dèing Xiâopíng and his anti- Viet.nâm war and the disregart for care of the maimed veterans- At that time (early half of the 198ies) press freedom locally far surpassed the US of North A by all standards.
I am amazed at the optimism in this forum. China will do much better than the West of course, but with oil ending, we have cement production flatlining in China since 2016, car sales declining since 2017, and the CPC, of course, not divulging expected economic growth for this year. There is also trouble in the Chinese coal sector.
Good management takes you only so far, but you can’t eat ideology, and the Chinese economic boom is over. Now there will be a much gentler decline than the West, due to accumulated infrastructure and political competency.
Have you been to China? Or have Chinese friends? I mean real Chinese, not the American Chinese variety. The real Chinese are some of the least ideological people around. They are above all a practical people. I would dare say they are even much less ideological than Americans.
According to Napoleon Bonaparte, the English were a nation of shopkeepers.
According to my son, the Chinese are a nation of bureaucrats.
Let me redress that: you can not eat competency. You can not boom without increasing energy resources. Still, China will emerge victorious over the West by declining less, and most importantly by preserving its population.
You can not boom without increasing energy resources.
Correct, the source exists it is Thorium and is abundant. Look for instance for They propose a solution within 5 years and save from the hazards from our traditional nuclear energy. The hurdle will be traditional energy suppliers will fight you toe and nail.
I look forward to thorium tractors and thorium excavating machines.
You won,t see them the same way as you do not see nuclear powered tractors now, but they will be with a fuellcel that will run on methanol or something similar.
The methanol will be made from electricity water and CO2. The electricity will be generated by the thorium power plant which will generate hydrogen and in a second stage change the hydrogen to methanol or something similar. Hydrogen is very hard to store (long term) and transport, methanol is like our current fuels and can use the existing infrastructure for transport.
By the way I hope you realise that the battery powered electrical car has no future because we do not have enough raw materials to build all the batteries needed.
Actually we do. The sodium-ion battery has oceans full of raw material.
don’t worry, kesnet, I do realize the electric car is a big scam, as are solar panels. The rare earth global production is sufficient to buy and maintain cars for about 7.5% of the population (of course there are limits for batteries as well, not just magnets). But I continue to be amazed at the optimism. I have not seen any fuel cell tractor so far, and do you realize how degraded the energy return on energy invested is, when you have to build two nuclear plants a week worldwide for 30 years, build a brand new fleet of tractors, build a facility to produce methanol, pay the inefficiency price to produce said methanol, all this while the energy cost of steel is increasing? do you have enough catalyzer material for this scheme?
There will be no shortage of energy sources available to power industrial production worldwide even if coal, natural gas and crude oil are severely depleted. Nuclear power stations, whether based on fission or fusion reactors, will be the long term solution.
Regarding energy resources, only Russia, China, and South Korea can build nuclear power plants at this time.
Number of existing nuclear power stations by country:
USA 93
France 56
China 50
Russia 38
Japan 33
South Korea 24
India 23
Canada 19
United Kingdom 15
Ukraine 15
Sweden 6
Spain 7
Belgium 7
Germany 6
I notice that all the commenters go to great length to describe the economic results achieved by China’s CCP over the past thirty years, but fail to understand exactly why. Please let me tell you :-)
It is because China’s central bank is government owned and creates China’s domestic currency the yuan-renminbi without incurring compound interest bearing debt, that enables their government to pay the workforce to produce all the goods and services that are required to increase living standards and expand the economy.
By contrast the US government has to borrow money from private sector banks at interest to the tune of now $29 trillion on which at least $500 billion in yearly interest payments have to be made, the bill being footed by the US workforce.
“The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent.”
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006 ), former professor of economics at Harvard, writing in ‘Money: Whence it came, where it went’ (1975).
My teacher said, Chinese people are natural born merchants, and that would explain all. While other people doe war, just relish without result or pay money and at the end lose all, Chinese people does business and wins all. Corresponding to the Dao De Jing, the soft is overwhelming the strong. Corresponding to a big lot of zivilisations: Never give up, even if the aim is reached after thousand or one million years! Jim Rogers told about it:
“Auf dem Weg wird es in China Rückschläge geben. Die USA des 19. Jahrhunderts haben 15 Depressionen erlebt, es gab damals keine Menschenrechte und wenig Rechtsstaatlichkeit, dazu kam noch ein schrecklicher Bürgerkrieg. Dennoch waren die USA das erfolgreichste Land des 20. Jahrhunderts.
China wird auch reichlich Rückschläge erleben. Was man vor allem vergisst, ist dass China seit drei- oder vierhundert Jahren im Niedergang ist und sich erst 1978 begann zu erholen. In China gibt es eine lange Geschichte von Unternehmergeist und Kapitalismus. Sie haben die Gehirne, sie haben das Know-how. Es gibt viele Chinesen in Übersee, die zurückkehren und Geld und Management-Fähigkeit mitbringen. Zudem haben die Chinesen eine sehr, sehr hohe Sparquote. Sie sparen mehr als 35 Prozent ihres Einkommens.
Selbst wenn bei ihnen einiges daneben gehen wird, so haben sie immer etwas worauf sie zurückgreifen können. Amerika und der Rest der Welt können davon nur träumen.”
Said in one word, Chinese concentrates his power in a centripetal way, but we, we squander, we dilapidate our power in a centrifugal way to anywhere and to anybody, to China included! China sucks [all] (like a black hole), we leak [not less than ourselves!] (like a star)! Why?
See the double star systems, where one star eats an other one (the smaller, weaker one). Or the predator swallowing his prey. Can you remember: We still live in nature, forget “modern” times? We still live in fairy tale with heros, flying carpets and monsters.
The world will be a much-improved place to live when “the American way” is replaced by “the CHINESE way”.
Westerners look at the rise of China and are incredulous. They do not see that the last 200 years where they were the pre-eminent power in the world was an anomaly.
“From year 1 to 1800, the biggest economies in the world where always China and India. The last 200 years where the West was the dominant power is an aberration” – Kishore Mahbubani
For those who think that China only became a manufacturing power in the last 40 years, let me tell you about an exhibit in a museum here in Singapore. This will put a little context on the issue.
There was a shipwreck in the South China Sea nearby where lots of ceramic goods were recovered. The style of the ceramics were distinctly non Chinese and were clearly made to suit Arabic tastes. Go check out the Tang Shipwreck at Asian Civilizations Museum in Singapore website But guess when the shipwreck was dated? Was it 1800 AD? Maybe 1600? No! It was dated 800 AD !!!! China was already a major exporting power by sea with mass produced commercial goods not long after the fall of Rome.
If Westerners knew a little non-western history, they wouldn’t be so surprised at the re-emergence of China.
The author’s analysis is cogent, it makes sense.
The problem lies there-in (hidden-not the author’s fault)
There is a dangerous underbelly that has nothing 2 do with economic prosperity or Chinese or health and wellness (I copy their philosophy) …it is there but not covered by any media (esp their own).
Anything compared to Western capitalism looks like sainthood… but that makes our/ mine too/ analysis blinded by our own desire to run away from the collective West.
Perception and Reality r not the same– it will all b clear one day, every little detail made clear… until then I am at a loss on how to help or even begin to write or vocalize it.
The short answer is that Deng smuggled capitalism into China.
But to be more precise, Deng smuggled in only Industrial Capitalism, and left Financial Capitalists frustrated at the border. This is why China is ringed with US military bases, so that eventually the financial capitalists will try to gain forcible entry, and then subject the Chinese people to debt slavery.
No it did not the globalist shut down all the factories in the West and sent them to the Far East and China and they are now finishing their project, the destruction of Western civilization and unleashing so called Covid. They are now doing to the so called West what they did to Russia in 1917 and China some time later check out Earl Browder he was a supervisor in Russia in 1917 and then went to China and retired with his masters in the US having help destroy two continents. The whole Communist thing was a Western project and now it’s our turn.
The US stole everything its owns anyway.
Education and hard work were the main factors in China’s success.
Because China’s central bank is government owned, it can create enough money as needed without going into debt to private banks to educate its workforce, and then put them to work producing manufactured goods and infrastructure that society requires for its development, security and prosperity.
The US economic model by contrast is centered on greed, debt, gross inequality, and war.
Yes, that’s true, China has a lot of advantages over us, from what we really can learn. Primarly (sorry, just in German):
• harmonische, sinnvolle Gesellschaft
• alle ziehen an einem Strang (Kollektivgeist statt Individualismus, wissenschaftlich: Bose-Einstein-Kondensat, während bei uns alles in chaotischer, zusammenhangloser Brownscher Bewegung zerfliesst und zerfällt. Kein Wunder, dass nichts geht, wenn jeder gegen jeden handelt!)
• Zusammenhalt, Familie, Solidarität. Mensch wird nicht hängen gelassen und feige den Behörden ausgeliefert, sondern von der Familie beraten, ermutigt und unterstützt
• Naturverbundenheit, alles ist beseelt und belebt (Steine, Pflanzen, Tiere, auch die Erde!)
• Kult der Sterne, Himmelskörper und Ahnen und Verbundenheit mit ihnen, stetes Bewusstsein ihrer
• Verbindung und Synchronisation von Himmel und Erde durch den Menschen
• Mensch hat Aufgabe von Gott, ist nicht Herrscher („Krone der Schöpfung“), sondern Diener
• stetes Bewusstsein des Himmels und seiner Ziele bzw. seines Willens (Tao)
• Harmonie und sinnvolle Verbindung der Gegensätze
• Benennung der Dinge und Lebewesen durch harmonische, sinnvolle, das Wesen richtig erfas-sende und widerspiegelnde Namen
• Harmonie zwischen Kultur bzw. Zivilisation und Natur, Natur des Menschen und der Umwelt soll verklärt und geläutert werden
• Harmonie von Außen- und Innenwelt
• ethische Ideale, Regeln und Grundsätze für die Gesellschaft
• Staat soll zu Mensch wie Vater zu Familie oder Himmel zu Erde sein
• Bewusstsein der Wandlung aller Dinge und der Kreislauf-Natur allen Geschehens
• Jeder hat seinen Platz in der Gesellschaft, keiner ist überflüssig. Jeder darf sich einbringen und seinen Beitrag zur Gesellschaft leisten
• „Wo ein guter Wille ist, ist auch ein Weg“: Menschen mit gutem Willen werden nicht einfach aufs Abstellgleis gezwungen und ausrangiert, wie bei uns, sondern bekommen eine Chance, teilzunehmen, sich einzubringen und sich zu entfalten. Bei uns darf sich ja leider nur der Starke entfalten, der Rest wird ganz offen gesagt kaltgestellt und kaputtgemacht. Eine Gesellschaft ist aber so stark wie ihr schwächstes Glied! Ohne die Schwachen und deren Beitrag zur Gesellschaft (die “Schwachen” haben genauso eine Aufgabe!) fällt die Gesellschaft wie ein Kartenhaus zusammen – was wir gerade bei uns erleben!
• Nicht Geld und Gewinn sind wichtig (wofür im Westen leider alles geopfert wird), sondern der Mensch und der Sinn (Tao).
• Dankbarkeit gegenüber den Eltern, den Ahnen, der Natur und GOTT
• Erkennen der Belebtheit der Natur bzw. von allem
• Herstellung einer Verbindung zu allem Guten
• Menschen, Welt, Natur, Kultur und Gesellschaft bilden ein Kontinuum ohne Brüche, ein sinn-volles, emotionales Ganzes
• sinnvolle, funktionierende Hierarchien in Natur und Gesellschaft. Dadurch funktioniert die Welt und bekommt Ordnung und Bestand.
• Einordnung des Einzelnen in die ihn tragende Hierarchie
• Mensch würde die Natur, Gesellschaft und Familie, die ihn tragen, niemals zerstören, sondern freut sich über sie, ist ihnen dankbar und stützt sie.
and a very notable attitude (it’s really incredible!):
„Am meisten hat der Mann auf der Straße Angst vor dem Rockefeller Medical Institute. Das ist ein wundervoller alter Prinzenbau mit giftiggrünen Ziegeln. Die Räume sind alle rein und aseptisch, und kein ungebetener Bazillus darf sich hinter den Fliegengazen der Fenster herumtreiben. – Nur die regelmäßig gefütterten Bazillen in den Tiergärten der Gelatineröhrchen haben es gut. Sie dürfen sich ordentlich mästen, unter Aufsicht natürlich und höchst manierlich. – Auch das Operationsmesser arbeitet rein, glatt und sicher und mit allen Komfort der Neuzeit. Und doch, der Bettler auf der Straße und der Kaufmann hinter dem Ladentisch sind noch immer arme, abergläubische Heiden und wollen lieber in Frieden auf ihrem Holzbett sterben oder auf einem ruhigen Misthaufen, wenn es nicht anders sein kann, als im »Schlachthaus«, wie sie den Prachtbau nennen. Das sind natürlich Vorurteile; denn in den feinen Hospitälern sterben auch nicht mehr Leute als ohnehin gestorben wären. Ja, manche werden sogar unter den geschickten Händen der bewanderten Pflegerinnen und tüchtigen Ärzte vom Tode gerettet, und alle, welche kommen, werden mindestens gewaschen und desinfiziert. Aber die Leute haben nun die Antipathie.
Schließlich gibt es vielleicht keine größere Weisheit, als jeden auf seine Fasson selig werden zu lassen, wie das in China bisher üblich war.
Es liegen hier recht schwere Fragen. Ich habe mich einmal einem armen chinesischen Rikscha-Kuli gegenüber vergeblich bemüht, ihm Europas und Amerikas Fortschritt auf dem Gebiet der Heilkunde klar zu machen. Er sagte: »Bei uns lässt man die Leute sterben, wenn sie nicht mehr leben können. Man macht ihnen den Tod leicht, man trauert um sie und begräbt sie. Die so sterben sind die Alten, die Siechen, die Krüppel, die Schwachen, die doch keine rechte Freude am Leben haben. Die Starken und Zähen reißen sich durch, und wir leiden ja nicht an Mangel von Lebenden, sondern eher an Überfluss. Ihr schützt und pflegt die Untergehenden und erhaltet Menschen, die sich und anderen zur Qual sind, nur damit eure Ärzte sich ihrer Geschicklichkeit rühmen können. Gleichzeitig macht ihr Kanonen und Giftgase und teuflische Maschinen, und damit tötet ihr in ein paar Jahren mehr Menschen, als ihr vorher jahrzehntelang wider die Natur am Leben gehalten. Aber die ihr tötet, das sind die Starken und Gesunden, die der Menschheit noch viel hätten nützen können, und die ihr pflegt und rettet, sind die Krüppel und Elenden. Ist das nicht töricht?« Ich ließ den Mann mit seinem Wagen weiterfahren, da ich in der Eile der Geschäfte keine recht passende Antwort zur Verteidigung der europäischen Kultur bei der Hand hatte.
(Richard Wilhelm: “The Soul of China”)
And further: How much China must be shocked, if of all things the West, especially Germany, demands from China to respect human rights and to promote muslims, if of all things the West, especially Germany, just (s)hit in the face of humans rights, while themselfs being directly swallowed up by muslims and directly sinking down in a black hole without no return! How people can be so stupid? China is very much more intelligent than us, and I say that as European from the political center ground!
Or better much told than me:
Google-translation of the German from Mod:-
• Harmonious, meaningful society
• Everyone pulls on a strand (collective spirit instead of individualism, scientifically: Bose-Einstein condensate, while with us everything in chaotic, incohring Brownscher movement flows and decomposes. No wonder that nothing works when everyone is about everyone!)
• cohesion, family, solidarity. Human is not left and cowardly delivered to the authorities, but advised, encouraged and supported by the family
• Nature connection, everything is inspired and revived (stones, plants, animals, even the earth!)
• Cult of the stars, celestial bodies and ancestors and connectedness with them, stemes awareness of their
• Connection and synchronization of heaven and earth by humans
• Human has task of God, is not ruler (“crown of creation”), but servants
• Stet’s awareness of heaven and its goals or its will (Tao)
• Harmony and meaningful connection of opposites
• Naming of things and living things through harmonious, meaningful, the beings properly detected and reflecting names
• Harmony between culture or civilization and nature, nature of man and the environment should be transfigured and purified
• Harmony of outdoor and inner world
• Ethical ideals, rules and principles for society
• State should be to person like father to family or sky to earth
• Awareness of the conversion of all things and the circulation nature to all events
• Everyone has their place in society, no one is superfluous. Everyone may introduce themselves and contribute to society
• “Where a good will is, is also a way”: People with good will are not simply forced and discarded on the siding of the siding, as with us, but get a chance to participate, to introduce themselves and unfold. Unfortunately, only the strong unfolds with us, the remainder is completely openly stealed and broken. A society is as strong as her weakened link! Without the weak and their contribution to society (the “weak” have just as a task!) Falls the company like a card house – what we are experiencing right now!
• Not money and profit are important (for which unfortunately everything is sacrificed in the West), but man and the sense (Tao).
• Gratitude to the parents, the ancestors, nature and God
• Recognize the activity of nature or of everything
• Production of a connection to all good
• People, world, nature, culture and society form a continuum without breaks, a sense-full, emotional whole
• Meaningful, functioning hierarchies in nature and society. This works the world and gets order and stock.
• Classification of the individual in the hierarchy wearing it
• Man would never destroy the nature, society and family, who carry him, but is pleased about them, is grateful and support them.
And a Very Notable Attitude (It’s Really Incredible!):
“Most of the man on the street is afraid of the Rockefeller Medical Institute. This is a wonderful old prince building with toxic green bricks. The rooms are all pure and aseptic, and no uninvited bacillus is allowed to drive behind the fly bases of the windows. – Only the regularly lined bacilli in the animal gardens of the gelatin tubes have it well. You may properly maps, under supervision of course and highly manner. – The operation knife also works purely, smooth and safe and with all the comforts of modern times. And yet, the beggar on the street and the merchant behind the counter are still arms, superstitious pagans and prefer to die in peace on their woodbed or on a quiet crane, if it can not be otherwise, as in the “slaughterhouse”, like They call the magnificent building. Of course these are prejudices; Because in the fine hospitals die no more people than anyway died. Yes, some are even saved from death under the skilled hands of the wandered nurses, and all those who come are at least washed and disinfected. But people now have antipathy.
After all, there is no greater wisdom than everyone to be blessed on his fasson, as that was customary in China.
There are quite serious questions here. Once a poor Chinese Riksha-Kuli, I had tried to make it clear to him in Europe and America’s progress in the field of medicine. He said, “With us you let people die if you can not live anymore. You make death light, you mourn you and buries them. The so die are the old ones, the challenge, the cripples, the weak, who have no right pleasure. The strong and tough tearing through, and we do not suffer from lack of living, but rather abundance. She protects and maintains the setting and receives people who and others are to be torment only so that their doctors can boast their skill. At the same time, their cannons and poison gases and devilish machines, and thus kills more people in a few years when they held in nature for decades. But they kill, these are the strong and healthy, who could have helped humanity a lot, and that care for and saves, are the cripples and crops. Is not that foolish? “I left the man with his car, as I had no right answer to the defense of European culture in the hurry of business.
(Richard Wilhelm: “The Soul of China”)