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Tag "Zamir Awan"

The US love for Ukraine or Hate against Russia?

by Zamir Awan for the Saker blog President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is on his first overseas visit since the crisis began in February 2022. He is already in Washington and met with President Joe Biden at the White House. The visit amounts to a daring show of solidarity and backing with Ukraine’s most powerful ally and its largest foreign supplier of weapons, or the masterminds of the whole crisis.

G-20 Summit 2022 at Bali was termed a critical one.

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for the Saker blog Global Challenges • After the breakout of COVID-19, which has engulfed the whole world and even superpowers like the US became the worst victim, the awareness of the global health system got the highest priority. Today the biggest global challenge is health. There is a dire need to strengthen world health systems, it is expected to help improve global COVID-19

Far-Reaching Impact of the 20th National Congress of CPC

by Zamir Awan for the Saker blog China has reached a stage where it can reshape the world order. It has emerged as the second largest economy, just after the US. But, the pace of growth is so steady and fast, that it will surpass the US within a few years. It has also emerged as a major power and is proactive in International Affairs. It is a key player

Avert the Catastrophe in Afghanistan

by Zamir Awan for the Saker blog Afghans are not the people of a lesser God. Each human being came to this world with an identical biological process and each mother has suffered similar pains. The human being is the most precious thing in this universe. Everything else in this universe is meant to serve human beings, whether it is animals, plants, minerals, Sun, Mountains, Water, Oxygen, etc., all are

The US wants to keep its status as a superpower at any cost

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog The US is desperate to sustain its hegemony and supremacy. It is taking extreme measures and can go to any extent to keep its hegemony and supremacy. Its Petrodollars policy has been playing a significant role, but, facing challenges recently and the US is getting nervous and crazy. The petrodollar is any U.S. dollar paid to oil-exporting countries in exchange for oil. The

The risks, challenges, and crisis of the Ukraine war.

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog The last few decades have witnessed several wars, like the Iraq war, Libya war, Yemen war, Syria war, the Afghan war, etc. But all of such wars were designed by the US and executed along with NATO/ US allies. The US-style of wars, was first building a narrative, using media as propaganda, and then, involving the UN and international community, or convincing the

Roller-Coaster of Pakistan-US relations.

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” — Henry Kissinger. The United States became one of the first nations to establish relations with Pakistan, just two months and six days after the independence of Pakistan through the partition of British India, on 20 October 1947. Since then, the relations kept on expanding in all

President Joe’s remarks about President Putin are inappropriate.

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Although official denial of President Joe Biden’s remarks about President Putin, yet, it has a severe impact on geopolitics. Even his close allies like UK and France have not appreciated such remarks. China has also objected to such furious remarks. Public opinion around the globe is also criticizing his remarks. It is not the first time, he used harsh words for President Putin

Credibility of FATF is under question

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog While praising Pakistan and admiring Pakistan’s achievements on the status of implementations of the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) recommendations, FATF President Dr. Marcus Pleyer said that Pakistan will remain on the grey list till the next session. There were no considerations of pushing Pakistan to the black list, as Pakistan is cooperating satisfactorily. Pakistan has full-filled most of the requirements and has

Avert Afghanistan from a catastrophe

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Hundreds of thousands of Afghans working for the US government, directly or indirectly, have been evacuated, either by air or by road, direct to destinations’ or via transit from any third country. It was a massive migration operation. Yet, Many Afghans are trying to slip away to destinations in the Western developed world. The US was ruling Afghanistan through such agents and they

Imposing Human Rights conditions on Afghan Government.

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog The US is exerting pressure on the Afghan Government for respecting human rights. Also, the US is lobbying with its allies to exert pressure on Afghanistan and should not recognize their legitimacy unless they meet few demands, among which is Human rights at the top of the list. What the US was doing in Afghanistan for twenty years? Was it in respect of

Marking the twentieth anniversary of “9/11”

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog President Joe Biden, smartly announced that the US troops will withdraw from Afghanistan by 11 September 2021, marking the twentieth Anniversary of the staged drama of “9/11”. He deviated from the actual deal reached between President Trump and the Taliban in February 2020, which was to complete evacuation before May 2021. President Joe Biden has the right to become a hero and get

Afghan people deserve your attention

By Zamir Awan for The Saker Blog The US, along with its 46 Allies and additional 11 nationals supporting the war on terror, 150,000 well-trained, well-equipped, most sophisticated and lethal weapons, hi-tech and advanced military techniques, two trillion dollars, and two decades, altogether destroyed Afghanistan. The explosives drooped in Afghanistan is much more than the compiled explosive used in World war I & II, yet not satisfied, and before leaving

Taliban will get International recognition

From Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog 46 allies, plus 11 supporter countries, totaling 57 countries, deployed 150,000 troops at peak time, all modern weapons, latest technology, advanced tactics, and trillions of dollars could not defeat the Taliban. Taliban were poorly equipped with light weapons, barefooted, empty stomach, and untrained, and poorly organized groups, yet, won the war. Americans must have learned a bitter lesson that it is not their

Taliban entered into Kabul

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Life is very much normal, internet service, mobile service is functioning in a routine. Shops are opened, traffic is in normal routine, schools are opened, everything seems very much normal. The government is functioning, bureaucracy is functioning, police is functioning, just ex-president Ashraf Ghani is not in Afghanistan. Just a few days ago, the US announced that it will take three months for

Spoilers may create hurdles in the Afghan Peace Process

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog The recent air strikes on the Taliban positions in Afghanistan is an open breach of the Peace Treaty signed between the Taliban and Trump administration in February 2020. Pentagon officials said earlier this month that the commander of U.S. forces in the region, Central Command’s General Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie, would retain the authority to call for airstrikes in support of Afghan forces until

How CPC succeeded in transforming China into a global power

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog With the beginning of the 20th century, geopolitics was changing rapidly. The centries old, empires, Kingdoms, Dynasties were facing severe challenges, and many revolutions were witnessed. The biggest change was the Russian revolution in 1917, as the Marxist first country in the world. People fed up with imperialism, feudalism, capitalism, and Western Style liberalism, democracy, and colonialism were looking at the Russian revolution

Another sad incident of Islamophobia in Canada

by Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog A Pakistani-Canadian family recently fell victim to another hate crime against Muslims in Canada. Five members of a Muslim family became the latest target of anti-Islam attacks in Canada. The hate crime claimed the lives of four family members and critically wounded a child. Police said the victims were two women aged 77 and 44, a 46-year-old man and a 15-year-old girl. A

The Current Status of Economy in Pakistan

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Official data released by the Government of Pakistan is encouraging very much. It shows an increase in foreign remittances, an increase in agri-produce, especially wheat, which is a staple food in Pakistan, and the GDP growth is projected at 3.9 percent, etc. All economic indicators seem satisfactory. If the data is accurate, we must congratulate the government and rank high achiever under COVID-19

Peace in the Middle East is a prerequisite for Global Peace.

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Without going into history, how the Jewish State of Israel was created in the middle of the Arab World (Muslim World), let’s focus on the current issues and find a solution. As long as it was recognized by the United Nations in 1948, we have to accept this reality; either one likes it or not. The irony is that, since 1948, Israel kept
