Dear friends

First, I opened a Parler account: @TheSaker

Right now I am NOT using it, just made one small test post, but I might decide to use it in the near future.  So, FYI, if you want to support Parler (which is my main reason to open a Parler account to begin with), you can now follow me there too.

Next, I want to let you know that I plan to have a full analysis of what just happened in the US posted by this Monday evening.  Right now I am exhausted and I need a my Sat and Sun off to recharge my batteries.  I will say that I consider the events of last week as another 9/11.  But more about that in 48 hours, okay?

Hugs and cheers,

The Saker

PS: please feel free to use this post as an Open Thread + Latest Newshare