by Claude Roddier
The events of May 2, 2014 in Odessa should not be forgotten. Some people from Odessa and Lugansk are currently in Paris, taking part in demonstrations. One of them is Irina Leskova, whom I met in Nice in January 2015 when she came with a delegation of Odessites to present an exhibition and talk to us in person of the drama. It was she who organised the invitation of our small group of four French in the May 9 parade in Moscow. Her son Nikita served as our guide, as I mentioned in my report of this day ( for-vday).
The investigation of the tragedy of May 2 is blocked by the Ukrainian authorities. The friends of the victims have gathered a maximum of testimonies in a book intended to make the truth known to the world. Irina lent me a copy of the book, which I scanned.
Another copy was offered to Monika Karbowska, another participant in the May 9 parade, by the Odessa Mothers Committee at the press conference of the commemoration of the massacre on May 2 in Odessa. Her article on the commemoration of the massacre is in English on txacala ( and in French on the Danielle Bleitrach blog (https:// karbowska/). She begins:
“Tell the truth, tell the Truth Above All, the whole truth! Our kids were good people! Not tramps or outcasts! On the Contrary, They Were computer engineers, teacher, poet, journalist, a design student … Tell the truth , Because Otherwise the fascists will catch you too. You will not escape, do not think That You can escape from them! ”
Please share these testimonies and this book!
You can download them from here:
or here:
I will never forget watching in horror the live broadcast of the attack on the Trade Union in Odessa.It was a crime that the junta can never escape from responsibility for.One of my dearest wishes is to see the junta criminals tried and executed in Odessa for what they did.No result but that will be acceptable for the victims and their families.No matter where they hide,or how long it takes to bring them retribution they need to be caught,tried,and put to death for that massacre.
There is a group that began collecting all the video and photographic evidence they could get their hands on, and set out on the task of identifying as many of the perpetrators as possible.
I understand that many of those so identified have not been seen or heard from for a long time . . .
Those pictures and videos show horrifying, stomach-churning scenes of depravity. Presenting them in evidence when the trials are finally begun will force those events into the face of the whole world, even those as in my country who do not wish to know about them, and should guarantee convictions of those responsible who may still be alive at that time.
Jack -do you have a link?
To Mme Roddier: merci beaucoup pour votre travail – et pardon mon Francais.
Search in Google “Volhynia massacre”. It were same methods practiced by ukronazis 70 years ago (so called “heroes)..
They were terrorizing innocent civilians, torturing them in most horrible way you can imagine. They were destroing whole viliages.
Banderists were also killing Ukrainians, who wanted live in peace with Polish people. They are now doing the same with normal and sane Ukrainians, who are friendly toward Russians.
What is most disgusting, that West mass-media have turned blined eye to this outrageous crime in Odessa.
Don’t forget about Fox News “expert”, US general Robert H. Scales, who was encouraging potential murderers. He have blood on his hands too.
Another day, another massacre in the Eternal Empire of Judeo-Christian Western Exceptionalism. And the total suppression of the truth by the scum of the Western MSM ‘Free Press’ is another perennial feature. And the bare-faced lying by the likes of Satanyahoo, declaring that the Israel Child-killing Force acted with exemplary morality. But you must cut him some slack-he’s an Alpha Psychopath. The Ukrainian Nazis are more your Epsilons.
I can’t scan my heart, but it bleeds anyway…
Indelible, eternal.
The obscenity captured raw and proof of the crimes. I found this enlightening, not just about robotics.
Greece: Smells like Ukraine
“Recently, we saw in Greece pro-euro currency demonstrations in which many MPs of the neoliberal Right participated. These demonstrations emerged when the possibility of Grexit came on the table as an answer to pro-government demonstrations by people who support the end of austerity and ask from the Greek government not to retreat in creditors absurd demands. Obviously, there is a dangerously polarized situation which starts to bring memories from the civil war, when Greece was divided in the Left-Right ideological basis. The US interference back then is well known to most of the Greeks today. Therefore, these demonstrations today have the smell of ‘color-revolutions’ …”
The mind control freaks are very powerful
The last line tells the story — a total of 45,000 people were surveyed, which is about 1100 in each country. How do they figure 1100 can speak for countries of 1 million up to 350 million? a survey like that can be set up to give any results they want.
They spend a lot of money and time “massaging” peoples opinions in the World. Which is why I constantly reiterate that Russia should never base its policies on “World “opinion.Do the right thing, “popular” or not.The life and security of yourselves and your friends should never be up for a popularity contest vote.
For me in Australia, following with growing horror the events in Ukraine, the Odessa massacre was a major turning point.
I searched the Western “free press” MSM and found nothing or total disinformation of what must be the most heavily filmed crime against humanity ever. After that I gave up on The Guardian, the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission) and the BBC. I realised I live in an fully Orwellian world.
God bless those brave souls and comfort their loved ones who survive in the madhouse that is the current Ukraine.
There is a story out today about the NYT staff in NY doing comedy of mass murders and mass suicides.There are pictures showing the staff play-acting those crimes as jokes.I guess if you are so low and depraved to do that.What can be expected of their “reporting” of crimes against humanity in the MSM.
Uncle Bob, I regret to inform you that the NYT is dominated by supremacist, Rightwing, Jews, amongst whom empathy for the goyim is frowned upon. Reportedly the US Jewish population is growing tired of being associated with Israel’s barbarity, but the Judaic elite remain as vicious, as nepotistic, as controlling and as demanding, as ever. I recommend Mondoweiss, where decent US Jews expose the crimes of their putative co-religionists. One thing is certain-many more years of rule by Zionazis like Satanyahoo et al and Israel will engineer its own destruction, if only by moral collapse internally.
Hahaha,thank you.But I’m quite aware of the ,hmmm,shall we say “failings” of the NYT. They broke my heart along time ago.When I used to believe they really were a progressive paper.Its kind of like the Guardian.I also used to think they were decent as well.This last year and a half has been a sad awakening about them for me.