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Tag "Odessa massacre"

I saw death in Odessa

by Claude Roddier The events of May 2, 2014 in Odessa should not be forgotten. Some people from Odessa and Lugansk are currently in Paris, taking part in demonstrations. One of them is Irina Leskova, whom I met in Nice in January 2015 when she came with a delegation of Odessites to present an exhibition and talk to us in person of the drama. It was she who organised the

Crucial investigation into the role of the junta in the Odessa massacre (MUST READ!)

Please find below the translation to the video I have posted before and which I am re-posting here below.  A huge THANK YOU to “sparling5” for making this translation in such a short time.  If I get a subtitled video I will also post it here.  This information is important enough to deserve several re-posts.The Saker Translated transcript: There are lots of photos and videos of what was going on
