Thanks to all who have been involved in getting this information out. The videographers, the translators, the subtitlers. And of course to Saker for providing the site. So much truth here for those who want the truth.
What appears to be the same man, just about recognizable from the markings on his right sleeve, is here captured before the assault on the Trade Union HQ:
On-line boasting that “We offed Mommy! Glory to Ukraine!”. This sequence, linking pregnant victim, the crime scene, and the presence of the likely murderer, was proudly posted by one of the Ukrainian “patriots”.
Note: “Mommy Odessa” is an affectionate nickname for Odessa, similar to “Big Apple” for New York, or “Emerald City” for Seattle.
Thank you very much Saker and friends for your efforts. I viewed the video first without understanding the narration, second with the rough translation, and third just now with subtitles. It is very rapid moving, so I don’t feel I have grasped it completely yet – even just getting the movement of each group is a start.
My question would be, why did the crowd of footballers urge the tent occupiers into the building? They must have had some of the provocateurs in their midst suggesting that?
Also I’m not quite clear – did the redbands shoot some of the footballers, beat them, then run away in the direction of the camp?
Sorry to be obtuse – it is hard to connect the visuals with the subtitles as it proceeds rapidly, but I will watch it again. And sometime I will learn Russian!
This site I have not seen before. The author seems to cover more of the different parts of the massacre than I have seen from a single source before. It’s also been translated into English.
Экс-главу милиции Фучеджи допросят по бойне в Одессе 2 мая (The former head of police Fuchedzhi will be interrogated by the massacre in Odessa on may 2)
Dismissed Deputy chief GU MVD of Odessa region Dmitry Fuchedzhi was not arrested, and intend to examine in the framework of criminal proceedings, said chief GU MVD of Ukraine in the Odessa region Ivan Katerynchuk.
“Prosecuted for the actions of employees of militia, Fuchedzhi is one of the defendants, because he was there, supervised the process. Considering how he led him to eat a lot of claims, and including me”, – Katerynchuk said in comments TSN.
Now we take steps to ensure that the Prosecutor’s office ego interrogated,” said the head of state Ministry of interior in the Odessa region.
Earlier in social media the information appeared that Fuchedzhi detained.
On Tuesday, the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs Sergey Chebotar has informed, that “this work is released all three of the Deputy chief of regional management of militia”.
Let’s remind, Fuchedzhi worked as a Deputy head of the police of the Odessa region on the issues of public security and personally was in the centre of Odessa on may 2, during violent clashes Pro-Russian and Pro-Ukrainian activists.
He has also performed the duties of chief of the regional police Department on may 4, when after the storming of the city Department of internal Affairs the policemen released the detained Pro-Russian activists.”
This is the guy with the mustache seen with the red armband provocateurs. On 3 May he was given a promotion, but by the 6th was releaved of duties and under investigation for helping the Russians. The Ukraine propaganda is that the Russians bought him, along with the cops working 2 May.
Juliana 00.30 is right: the video is very fast. The story is sometimes a bit confusing. And it is definitely impossible to read the subtitles and at the same time look at the pictures. (At least for me).
I have written a summary of – what I think- is happening. I will give it here, and hope this helps Juliana:
The leader of the Maidan-revolt, Parubiy, has worked together with the Odessa police to infuriate a group of football hooligans.
Parubiy and the police used another group of agressive young men who all wore a Russian symbol ( orange ribbon) to make the hooligans believe that they were pro-Russians. This group I call the AP: agents provocateurs. From the AP shots were fired at the hooligans, to infuriate them. Some hooligans were killed. Then the AP retracted towards the square with the peaceful pro-Russia demonstrators, and the furious hooligans followed them. The infuriated hooligans saw the real pro-Russian demonstrators and attacked them and put fire on their tents. These attacked people fled into the Union building, which was their home base. In that building they were murdered by Right Sektor men who were already inside, with guns, knives or gas or by smoke from the fire. Then the Right Sector planted Russian passports on the dead people, to prove that they were Russian infiltrants. The cooperation between the police and the AP was visible: they all used red bands around the arms. Also we see the policemen giving instructions to the AP-mob. This was planned and organised and the junta-police was involved in killing civilians: pro Kiev hooligans as well as pro-Russian peaceful demonstrators.
“Sixth, any presidential election would be out of the question amidst this civil war in Ukraine. Thus, the junta cannot hope for any sort of legitimacy after May 25, despite all the speeches made by Obama and Merkel.”
Selective support: US set to punish Russia for Ukraine elections, referendums results
“Should presidential elections in Ukraine fail to take place on May 25, the US and EU are ready to blame Russia, slapping new ‘powerful’ economic sanctions on Moscow, US Secretary of State John Kerry hinted on Tuesday.”
My opinion, the Odessa massacre was done for 2 reasons. One, to try and get Russia to invade the Ukraine and two, to stir up more opposition among the people of the Novorossiya regions. The zionazis want chaos in the southeast. As they ratchet up their terrorism, they have also increased their threats and demonising. The Ukraine is simply a tool to these zionazis to use to hit Russia with. They probably figure if they keep making it worse for the Ukraine, Russia will have to eventually intercede to stop it. Then they got their “cold war” they can use to try and isolate, and weaken Russia, and the independent economic group Russia is a part of, that threatens their dominance.
for the readers in Holand and Belgium I like to post here the translation of the blue text of the video, which I wrote yesterday.
Er was op vrijdag een voetbalwedstrijd. Daar komen ultra rechtse jongeren op af die allen fel nationalistisch zijn: pro Kiev. Ik noem ze: de Kiev groep. Ze zijn gewapend met stokken en stenen , en ze marcheren door de straat. Toen verscheen een groep jongeren die duidelijk als pro Rusland herkenbaar waren, want ze hadden allemaal het bekende oranje-met-zwarte-strepen lintje om. Maar ze hadden , eigenaardig genoeg , ook allemaal een rode band om de arm. Nog vreemder is dat er ook politieagenten tussen of naast stonden met precies zo’n rode band om de arm. De Rusland groep (de aanvallers) was kleiner, en kon dit nooit winnen. Dan splitste die Rusland groep in twee en lokte zo een deel van de Kiev hooligans achter zich aan. De hooligans roepen: “Maar 50 man, die kunnen we van uit de zijstraat pakken.” De grote groep Kiev hooligans raakt in gevecht met de rode band Russen. Wat opmerkelijk is,m dat is dat het politie cordon soms wordt geopend om de rode band ‘Russen’ door te laten. Een camera registreet een man die vanaf een dak schiet: hij heeft een rode band om. Toen vielen de eerste doden. Dan zien we weer een man met rode band schieten. Vlak achter hem staat een politieagent en kijkt toe ! Die agent wordt door bloggers herkend als politite- baas Dmitry Fuchedze. Op eerdere beelden zien we hem samen met de rode-band ‘Russen’ mensen lopen , op weg naar het gevecht. Dan zien we een ambtenaar van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken in uniform, die instructies uit deelt aan de Rode band ‘Russen’. Dan zien we een man in kogelvrij vest die schiet op de Kiev hooligans, terwijl hij vlak achter een politieagent staat. Nu is de strategie wel duidelijk: de politie en haar als Rusland-sympathisant verklede helpers met rode band willen de hooligans tot razernij brengen. Maar waarom? Dat werd duidelijk toen een groep met Rode band-Russen een groep Kiev Hooligans naar het plein voor het Vakbondsgebouw leidde of lokte. De demonstranten zijn daar al enkele maanden met hun tenten en borden. Geen enkele demonstrant had een rode band om de arm, uiteraard. De demonstranten vluchtten het gebouw in en probeerden de deuren te barricaderen. In de massa bevonden zich twee politiebataljons en ook een flink aantal Right Sector activisten in burgerkledij. De voetbalfans of hooligans dienden als kanonnenvoer. Heel ‘toevallig’ verscheen op die vrijdag 2 mei de commandant van het Maidan plein,Andrei Parubiy in Odessa. Parubiy was er zelfs al een dag eerder: hij heeft alles georganiseerd. De brandweer kwam wel een uur later aan dan de politieagenten… Dan is er nog die man in militante kleding die omstandig klaagt over de aanvallers (de pro Russen) , en dat vier van zijn collega’s zijn gewond. Hij spreekt voor de Ukraiense tv, dat is een opzetje. Hij beweert dat hij ongewapend is, maar we zien hem schieten op de mensen die uit het gebouw willen vluchten. Het ministerie beweert dat de mensen in het Vakbondsgebouw zichzelf in brand hebben gestoken, omdat de ramen op 3 hoog nooit met molotov cocktails bereikt kunnen worden. Maar hier is wat een getuige vertelt die in het gebouw zat:
Het bleek dat de Maidan lieden óók al in het gebouw zaten. Ze gooiden een adembenemend gas in de ruimte. Op de video zien we ze ook met de Ukraïense vlag zwaaien achter een van de ramen. Ook zien we wel degelijk vuur op de derde verdieping.
De Ukraïense Media hebben allerlei leugenachtige mededelingen gedaan. Er werd oa. beweerd dat de doden n het gebouw allemaal Russen waren. Die leugens zijn ontzenuwd. Veel doden hadden geprobeerd te vluchten, maar ze vertonen schotwonden en zijn dus vermoord in het brandend gebouw.
The arrest of Fuchedzhi has to be a disinfo op, in that he will be charged with dereliction of duty in letting the “pro-Russian armed gang” attack the football crowds, thus fortifying and reinforcing the false perception that these “Pro-Russians” were what they pretended to be. That’s quite clever.
A rather sloppy false flag operation IMO. But I guess many Maidan-Ukrainians and all Right Sector Ukrainians will want to believe it regardless. You can only get away with something like this if you are certain you’ll have media backing no matter what crimes you commit.
I thought it worth drawing attention to this curiosity, brief footage of what purports to be an act of pro-federalist solidarity by a segment of the Odessa police.
What caught my eye was the policeman with the distinctive face, caught in close-up, at 56 seconds. Why? Because he was among the uniformed police units which protected the SBU pseudo-gangs attacking the football mob:
Thank you very much for taking the time to explain, Jan Verhaul. I understand the video much better now. For some reason my computer wouldn’t cut and paste your explanation, so I have copied it out by hand as it will be helpful to friends who since the sarin claims in Syria are skeptical of videos. I have viewed some of the other footage from other observers to get corroboration of this important occurrence. It very much parallels the original Maidan sniper killings which were analyzed on a German video.
Andriy Parubiy, co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine (subsequently renamed Svoboda) and now head of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU), and two chums – freeze frame at 16 seconds:
Now for footage of two of Parubiys chums in the thick of things before and during the massacre.
The mustachieoed charmer on the right in the above is one Mykola (Мыкола), who is reportedly a “centurian,” a leader of a Pravy Sector “100” combat group, no less, on the phone to the Interior Ministry:
And a little later, the same man bravely firing a hand gun at the terrified occupants of the Trade Union building as they sought air at open windows, or perched precariously on ledges:
The second Parubiy lieutenant shown in the first footage – he’s the large, heavy-set guy between Parubiy and Mykola – is almost certainly the same man we see walking away, at 3 mins 38-42 seconds in the following footage. He’s walking away from the captured fire engine, in a dark, hooped shirt, using his mobile phone as he does so:
Thanks to all who have been involved in getting this information out. The videographers, the translators, the subtitlers. And of course to Saker for providing the site. So much truth here for those who want the truth.
Still of what appears to be a strangled, and seemingly pregnant, woman:
The prime suspect for the pregnant woman’s murder appears at the window of the room in which both mother and unborn child were slaughtered:
The prime suspect for the pregnant woman’s murder is caught here, in the aftermath, before the wrecked Trade Union HQ:
What appears to be the same man, just about recognizable from the markings on his right sleeve, is here captured before the assault on the Trade Union HQ:
The sykewarfare afters:
On-line boasting that “We offed Mommy! Glory to Ukraine!”. This sequence, linking pregnant victim, the crime scene, and the presence of the likely murderer, was proudly posted by one of the Ukrainian “patriots”.
Note: “Mommy Odessa” is an affectionate nickname for Odessa, similar to “Big Apple” for New York, or “Emerald City” for Seattle.
2 more video’s to help put things together
overhead shot:
how fascist’s gained entry
Thank you very much Saker and friends for your efforts. I viewed the video first without understanding the narration, second with the rough translation, and third just now with subtitles. It is very rapid moving, so I don’t feel I have grasped it completely yet – even just getting the movement of each group is a start.
My question would be, why did the crowd of footballers urge the tent occupiers into the building? They must have had some of the provocateurs in their midst suggesting that?
Also I’m not quite clear – did the redbands shoot some of the footballers, beat them, then run away in the direction of the camp?
Sorry to be obtuse – it is hard to connect the visuals with the subtitles as it proceeds rapidly, but I will watch it again. And sometime I will learn Russian!
Again, thank you sparling5 and Saker.
This site I have not seen before. The author seems to cover more of the different parts of the massacre than I have seen from a single source before. It’s also been translated into English.
Odessa city: the truth that is to be hidden (21+)
This is the original Russian:
Одесса: правда, которую пытаются скрыть (21+)
This is interesting.
Экс-главу милиции Фучеджи допросят по бойне в Одессе 2 мая (The former head of police Fuchedzhi will be interrogated by the massacre in Odessa on may 2)
(Yandex trans)
“07 may 2014 | 09:40
Dismissed Deputy chief GU MVD of Odessa region Dmitry Fuchedzhi was not arrested, and intend to examine in the framework of criminal proceedings, said chief GU MVD of Ukraine in the Odessa region Ivan Katerynchuk.
“Prosecuted for the actions of employees of militia, Fuchedzhi is one of the defendants, because he was there, supervised the process. Considering how he led him to eat a lot of claims, and including me”, – Katerynchuk said in comments TSN.
Now we take steps to ensure that the Prosecutor’s office ego interrogated,” said the head of state Ministry of interior in the Odessa region.
Earlier in social media the information appeared that Fuchedzhi detained.
On Tuesday, the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs Sergey Chebotar has informed, that “this work is released all three of the Deputy chief of regional management of militia”.
Let’s remind, Fuchedzhi worked as a Deputy head of the police of the Odessa region on the issues of public security and personally was in the centre of Odessa on may 2, during violent clashes Pro-Russian and Pro-Ukrainian activists.
He has also performed the duties of chief of the regional police Department on may 4, when after the storming of the city Department of internal Affairs the policemen released the detained Pro-Russian activists.”
This is the guy with the mustache seen with the red armband provocateurs. On 3 May he was given a promotion, but by the 6th was releaved of duties and under investigation for helping the Russians. The Ukraine propaganda is that the Russians bought him, along with the cops working 2 May.
Hello Saker,
Juliana 00.30 is right: the video is very fast. The story is sometimes a bit confusing. And it is definitely impossible to read the subtitles and at the same time look at the pictures. (At least for me).
I have written a summary of – what I think- is happening.
I will give it here, and hope this helps Juliana:
The leader of the Maidan-revolt, Parubiy, has worked together with the Odessa police to infuriate a group of football hooligans.
Parubiy and the police used another group of agressive young men who all wore a Russian symbol ( orange ribbon) to make the hooligans believe that they were pro-Russians. This group I call the AP: agents provocateurs.
From the AP shots were fired at the hooligans, to infuriate them.
Some hooligans were killed.
Then the AP retracted towards the square with the peaceful pro-Russia demonstrators, and the furious hooligans followed them.
The infuriated hooligans saw the real pro-Russian demonstrators and attacked them and put fire on their tents. These attacked people fled into the Union building, which was their home base. In that building they were murdered by Right Sektor men who were already inside, with guns, knives or gas or by smoke from the fire. Then the Right Sector planted Russian passports on the dead people, to prove that they were Russian infiltrants.
The cooperation between the police and the AP was visible: they all used red bands around the arms. Also we see the policemen giving instructions to the AP-mob. This was planned and organised and the junta-police was involved in killing civilians: pro Kiev hooligans as well as pro-Russian peaceful demonstrators.
Genocide in Novorossiya and swan song of Ukrainian statehood
“Sixth, any presidential election would be out of the question amidst this civil war in Ukraine. Thus, the junta cannot hope for any sort of legitimacy after May 25, despite all the speeches made by Obama and Merkel.”
Selective support: US set to punish Russia for Ukraine elections, referendums results
“Should presidential elections in Ukraine fail to take place on May 25, the US and EU are ready to blame Russia, slapping new ‘powerful’ economic sanctions on Moscow, US Secretary of State John Kerry hinted on Tuesday.”
My opinion, the Odessa massacre was done for 2 reasons. One, to try and get Russia to invade the Ukraine and two, to stir up more opposition among the people of the Novorossiya regions. The zionazis want chaos in the southeast. As they ratchet up their terrorism, they have also increased their threats and demonising. The Ukraine is simply a tool to these zionazis to use to hit Russia with. They probably figure if they keep making it worse for the Ukraine, Russia will have to eventually intercede to stop it. Then they got their “cold war” they can use to try and isolate, and weaken Russia, and the independent economic group Russia is a part of, that threatens their dominance.
for the readers in Holand and Belgium I like to post here the translation of the blue text of the video, which I wrote yesterday.
Er was op vrijdag een voetbalwedstrijd. Daar komen ultra rechtse jongeren op af die allen fel nationalistisch zijn: pro Kiev. Ik noem ze: de Kiev groep.
Ze zijn gewapend met stokken en stenen , en ze marcheren door de straat.
Toen verscheen een groep jongeren die duidelijk als pro Rusland herkenbaar waren, want ze hadden allemaal het bekende oranje-met-zwarte-strepen lintje om.
Maar ze hadden , eigenaardig genoeg , ook allemaal een rode band om de arm.
Nog vreemder is dat er ook politieagenten tussen of naast stonden met precies zo’n rode band om de arm.
De Rusland groep (de aanvallers) was kleiner, en kon dit nooit winnen.
Dan splitste die Rusland groep in twee en lokte zo een deel van de Kiev hooligans achter zich aan. De hooligans roepen: “Maar 50 man, die kunnen we van uit de zijstraat pakken.”
De grote groep Kiev hooligans raakt in gevecht met de rode band Russen. Wat opmerkelijk is,m dat is dat het politie cordon soms wordt geopend om de rode band ‘Russen’ door te laten. Een camera registreet een man die vanaf een dak schiet: hij heeft een rode band om. Toen vielen de eerste doden. Dan zien we weer een man met rode band schieten. Vlak achter hem staat een politieagent en kijkt toe ! Die agent wordt door bloggers herkend als politite- baas Dmitry Fuchedze. Op eerdere beelden zien we hem samen met de rode-band ‘Russen’ mensen lopen , op weg naar het gevecht. Dan zien we een ambtenaar van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken in uniform, die instructies uit deelt aan de Rode band ‘Russen’.
Dan zien we een man in kogelvrij vest die schiet op de Kiev hooligans, terwijl hij vlak achter een politieagent staat.
Nu is de strategie wel duidelijk: de politie en haar als Rusland-sympathisant verklede helpers met rode band willen de hooligans tot razernij brengen.
Maar waarom?
Dat werd duidelijk toen een groep met Rode band-Russen een groep Kiev Hooligans naar het plein voor het Vakbondsgebouw leidde of lokte. De demonstranten zijn daar al enkele maanden met hun tenten en borden.
Geen enkele demonstrant had een rode band om de arm, uiteraard.
De demonstranten vluchtten het gebouw in en probeerden de deuren te barricaderen.
In de massa bevonden zich twee politiebataljons en ook een flink aantal Right Sector activisten in burgerkledij. De voetbalfans of hooligans dienden als kanonnenvoer. Heel ‘toevallig’ verscheen op die vrijdag 2 mei de commandant van het Maidan plein,Andrei Parubiy in Odessa. Parubiy was er zelfs al een dag eerder: hij heeft alles georganiseerd. De brandweer kwam wel een uur later aan dan de politieagenten…
Dan is er nog die man in militante kleding die omstandig klaagt over de aanvallers (de pro Russen) , en dat vier van zijn collega’s zijn gewond. Hij spreekt voor de Ukraiense tv, dat is een opzetje. Hij beweert dat hij ongewapend is, maar we zien hem schieten op de mensen die uit het gebouw willen vluchten.
Het ministerie beweert dat de mensen in het Vakbondsgebouw zichzelf in brand hebben gestoken, omdat de ramen op 3 hoog nooit met molotov cocktails bereikt kunnen worden.
Maar hier is wat een getuige vertelt die in het gebouw zat:
Het bleek dat de Maidan lieden óók al in het gebouw zaten. Ze gooiden een adembenemend gas in de ruimte. Op de video zien we ze ook met de Ukraïense vlag zwaaien achter een van de ramen.
Ook zien we wel degelijk vuur op de derde verdieping.
De Ukraïense Media hebben allerlei leugenachtige mededelingen gedaan.
Er werd oa. beweerd dat de doden n het gebouw allemaal Russen waren. Die leugens zijn ontzenuwd.
Veel doden hadden geprobeerd te vluchten, maar ze vertonen schotwonden en zijn dus vermoord in het brandend gebouw.
So the police worked with the thugs to kettle the anti coup protestors making them easy pickin’s for the killers- that’s horrid
And it tells us this was coordinated.
The arrest of Fuchedzhi has to be a disinfo op, in that he will be charged with dereliction of duty in letting the “pro-Russian armed gang” attack the football crowds, thus fortifying and reinforcing the false perception that these “Pro-Russians” were what they pretended to be. That’s quite clever.
A rather sloppy false flag operation IMO. But I guess many Maidan-Ukrainians and all Right Sector Ukrainians will want to believe it regardless. You can only get away with something like this if you are certain you’ll have media backing no matter what crimes you commit.
I thought it worth drawing attention to this curiosity, brief footage of what purports to be an act of pro-federalist solidarity by a segment of the Odessa police.
What caught my eye was the policeman with the distinctive face, caught in close-up, at 56 seconds. Why? Because he was among the uniformed police units which protected the SBU pseudo-gangs attacking the football mob:
Someone, presumably the CIA, is trying to sell the image of an Odessan police force divided.
Thank you very much for taking the time to explain, Jan Verhaul. I understand the video much better now. For some reason my computer wouldn’t cut and paste your explanation, so I have copied it out by hand as it will be helpful to friends who since the sarin claims in Syria are skeptical of videos. I have viewed some of the other footage from other observers to get corroboration of this important occurrence. It very much parallels the original Maidan sniper killings which were analyzed on a German video.
Odessa massacre – where the traces lead:
Andriy Parubiy, co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine (subsequently renamed Svoboda) and now head of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU), and two chums – freeze frame at 16 seconds:
Now for footage of two of Parubiys chums in the thick of things before and during the massacre.
The mustachieoed charmer on the right in the above is one Mykola (Мыкола), who is reportedly a “centurian,” a leader of a Pravy Sector “100” combat group, no less, on the phone to the Interior Ministry:
And a little later, the same man bravely firing a hand gun at the terrified occupants of the Trade Union building as they sought air at open windows, or perched precariously on ledges:
The second Parubiy lieutenant shown in the first footage – he’s the large, heavy-set guy between Parubiy and Mykola – is almost certainly the same man we see walking away, at 3 mins 38-42 seconds in the following footage. He’s walking away from the captured fire engine, in a dark, hooped shirt, using his mobile phone as he does so:
Does anyone know the second chap’s name?