This article was written for The Duran:
The recent Russian concert in Palmyra was an event loaded with symbolism. While it was the Syrians who liberated this ancient city and while the Russian only provided support, this support was crucial and, besides, it was not just Palmyra which Russia saved, but the Syrian nation. I would even argue that the Russians in Palmyra saved not just Syria, but all of civilization.
Imagine you are an extraterrestrial watching our planet from space. Not only would you see the unspeakable atrocities committed by the Daesh liver-eating psychopaths, but you would see that the Empire which runs most of the planet, and the so-called “western civilization” ,which shaped our modern world more than any other civilization, have given their full backing to the Daesh.
You would see the US TOW missiles used against the only army capable of standing up against Daesh, you would see all the countries making up the so-called “concert of nations” (about 1/3rd of the countries out there, maybe) calling for the overthrow of the legal and legitimate President of Syria even if that means that a black Daesh flag flies over Damascus.
You would see the genocide of Christians while the putatively Christian world looks away and the genocide of (all non-Takfiri) Muslims while the putatively Muslim world looks away. You would see the self-described “Leader of the Free World” condemn the (very limited) Russian military intervention in Syria and you would see a member of the most powerful military alliance on the planet (Turkey) make millions by trading stolen oil with Daesh.
This list could go on and on, but I think that we can agree that any extra-terrestrial observing this would be overcome by a total sense of disgust with the human race.
But then you would see one country – Russia – not only helping to liberate the ancient Palmyra from the demonic beasts which tried to destroy it, but then also fully clear it from mines and unexploded ordinance it, making it safe to rebuilt. And, finally, you would see Russia bringing her best musicians to render a heartbreaking homage to those who were tortured and murdered not just by Daesh, but primarily by those who created and unleashed Daesh – the Anglo Zionist Empire.

The Palmyra amphitheater under the control of Daesh, before being liberated by Syrian government forces.
I find it most significant that the concert did not begin with a piece by a Russian composer. Instead the Russians chose to begin with a poignant piece by Johann Sebastian Bach: this famous “Chaconne”, Partita for solo violin Nº 2 in D minor, BWV 1004. Yehudi Menuhin called the Chaconne “the greatest structure for solo violin that exists” and Violinist Joshua Bell has said the Chaconne is “not just one of the greatest pieces of music ever written, but one of the greatest achievements of any man in history. It’s a spiritually powerful piece, emotionally powerful, structurally perfect” (source).
This is no coincidence. The Russian chose mankind’s greatest composer and one of his greatest compositions to show, I believe, that mankind is not only about evil, horror, lies and murder, and that the Western civilization also produced some of the most refined, spiritual and beautiful art ever. Only the transcendent music of Bach could represent a worthy “voice” to bring beauty to the very same place where Daesh had organized mass executions. The message was “you want to destroy civilization and even beauty – and we bring you Bach!”.
Bach as a “weapon of civilization” is no less important in this context than SU-34 aircraft and cruise missiles are to the “kinetic war” against terrorism.
It is ironic that Russia, which never was really part of the “Western world”, was the one to bring Bach to Palmyra. Had the Americans decided to organize a concert, they would never have bothered with Palmyra or the Syrian people – they would have had Toby Keith sing “American solider” for US Marines on a US military base (or something like this). The Russians, instead, played Bach in Palmyra.
Today Russia stands for all of civilization. Even the western one.
The Saker
Can someone provide some information on Aleppo situation? Apparently ceasefire is not working there and SAA has done some backsteps to so-called “moderate rebels”…
Saker’s article is clarifying. Aleksandr Prokhorenko is a hero of the XXI century, fighting for multiethnic ancient and proud Syria, whereas other are pursuing a ethnic cleansing, this is, destroying Syrian identity.
There is no western civilization any more, the West is an utter degeneracy, it shows all the signs of meltdown, not just financial. People are fed 3D fictional superheroes instead of examples to follow.
There are no more news channels, all you get is lies and propaganda. The Empire no longer cares for those living within its boundaries, it responds to hunger with food stamps, which recipients use to buy drugs or pay for dental services, this is a real life example.
Jobllessness and homelessness are rampant, crime and corruption are soaring, families are destroyed.
Children get their examples from homosexuals and transgendered, which are now protected by legislation.
Complete meltdown and degeneracy
the police state is even worse…tribalism running rampant..predatory society….factions preying on factions….oligarchs and trump promoting fear inducing police state and dungeons and torture culture….
Boris, your submission above is ‘Weltklasse’ !
Really: Today the West is being run jointly by two vaguely antagonistic Elite camps — on one hand the Liberal Imperialist Establishment, and on the other hand the certified psychopaths of Ziocon persuasion. The nonsensical political notions of “Left” and “Right” have exactly zero relevance in this day and age.
As I said, the two factions are just being vaguely antagonistic. They are firmly united in their commitment to Zionism and imperialism; hence no pro-Russian sympathies whatsoever to be found there. Moreover, their common neoliberal Weltanschau means that brutal austerity and increasing lawlessness are 100% non-negotiable. If there is any difference at all between the scum, it is how open they feel they should be about their utter contempt for their own Western subjects plus with what to keep the latter in place. The Liberals profess faggotry and identity politics accompanied by hedonism and infantilism. The Ziocons profess raw Elite class hatred and self-righteousness accompanied by fascist imbecility and depravity.
I conclude as did Boris: Complete meltdown and degeneracy.
@ Nussiminen
Most eloquently put in a nutshell the “Western” rotten socio-political establishment. What do the teachers do nowadays as part of the Project for New American Century?
Answer: Rational American Nationalism and a phased withdrawal from most of the Sprockets’ Capri-Pants Packing Davos Dancers!
That classical concert Palmyra, with the sun shining on the golden stone of antiquity, celebrates the return of Syria to its normal civilized self. Once again Syria impresses the world by its ability to shrug off foreign Empires. A Yankee tourist wrote 150 years ago that everything in the USA was bigger and better than anything in the Middle East – except for Damascus, which awed him totally. From Mark Twain’s book, “The Yankees Abroad”:
“Damascus is an oasis whose waters have not failed for thousands of years. Go back as far as you will into the vague past of cities, there was always a Damascus. No recorded event has occurred in the world but Damascus was already in existence to receive news of it. In the writings of every century for more than 4,000 years its name has been mentioned and its praises sung [we now know Damascus city is 8,000 years old]. To Damascus years are only moments, decades only flitting trifles of time. She measures time not by years but by the Empires she has seen rise and prosper and crumble to ruin. She saw Baalbek and Thebes and Ephesus grow into mighty cities, and she has lived to see them deserted. She saw the Israelitish Empire of David and Solomon exalted, and she saw it annihilated. She saw Greece rise and the Empire of Alexander flourish and die. She saw Rome built; she saw its Empire overshadow the world; she saw it perish. Damascus has seen all this, and still she lives. Though others may lay claim be called The Eternal City, it is Damascus who deserves that name by right.”
[And Mark Twain ends his book, The Innocents Abroad, with this tribute to Damascus:]
“Damascus – the Pearl of the East, the pride of Syria, the original Garden of Eden, the home of princes, of fabled genii of The Arabian Nights, of Damascus steel tough but sharp as a razor, of Damask silk soft as a young girl’s cheek – the one city in the world that has kept its name and held its place and looked serenely on while transitory Empires have enjoyed their little season of pride and pomp, then vanished and been forgotten”.
Twain wrote in the middle of the 19th century. By the 20th century Damascus had also seen the sun set on Great Britain’s “Empire on which the sun never sets”. And now, in this classical concert in Palmyra, Damascus bears witness to the sunset of the Anglo-Bankers Empire of Chaos, and a return to civilized values.
But the greatest tribute to Damascus is the one which Mark Twain could not bring himself to relate, because he was an atheist: an ancient story about military “boots on the ground” in Syria, headed by one Saul, “a Hebrew of the Hebrews and citizen of Rome”. Saul’s bosses in Jerusalem and Rome had spread the word that certain Syrians were evil and should be “taken out”. It was on a punitive expedition to Damascus that a blinding light threw Saul off his horse, and a voice rang in his ears: “Saul, Saul, why dost thou persecute Me?”. The greatest tribute which the modern world can give to Damascus is, that great light from Heaven is still shining and that great voice of compassion is still ringing in our ears.
What a beautiful comment. Thank you. If Damascus inspires all this, she must be great indeed.
ditto Grieved, thank you Doctor, truly a great post!
Dr. Maroudas,
I have read many comments on articles on a variety of blogs and websites, but I have never read one as beautiful as your comment here. I thank you for it, and I inform you that I have posted it in its entirety on Mondoweiss, specifically on the comments section of a particularly offensive propaganda hit piece against the legitimate government of Syria. I live in great hope that your reference to the end of the Anglo-Bankers Empire of Chaos is accurate, but it is your modern world tribute to Damascus that truly stimulates my hope for humanity: may we have open eyes to see that wonderful light, unblocked ears to hear that voice, and most of all, loving hearts to feel that compassion.
Don’t fret, the Western world will do penance thru a 1000 year studying Islamic calligraphy. Hopefully that will learn them the true value of “diversity” again!!!
Well said. You put it in a nutshell. Now Russia has the responsibility of being a leader, an example of a just and honorable civilization. It seems the task is just beginning. This vineyard which you created along with many others also has a responsibility to assist Russia and civilization itself.
What is it about Russia, this “enigma wrapped in mystery” that arouses so much love and hatred? Why does a vineyard like this arise in Florida to stop the empire’s war on Russia and the world? Why does war exist at all and how can it be stopped? Why does orthodoxy play such a large role in Russia? Why did Putin arise from nowhere and become the leader of the free world?
I know you have answered these questions dozens of times. But the questions keep reappearing to me so apparently I’m not getting it yet. Perhaps there are no satisfying answers or maybe we haven’t yet asked the pertinent questions. As for me, I sit on the edge of my chair as this love affair with Russia unfolds. The world hangs in the balance where a feather-weight could tip the scale to life or death.
Thank you, Saker, for an analysis in line with your best direct style of complaint without mincing words or unnecessary nuances so admired by me.
I did not know the name of the performed violin piece but I found it sublime. I have not had time to hear the entire concert yet, but I will.
Thank you, Russia, for bringing beauty where horror is the daily bread for the past 5 years.
Thanks, Saker, for these beautiful words. It was a symbolic event indeed, Gergiev we saw ourself conducting Wagner’s Siegfried in march in the Marinsky. He is a great conductor! In Palmyra not Shostakovich but Prokofjev 1st. In my schooldays, two friends in my class where playing at the first concert in Eritrea after the war. Music is a powerful, revolutionary force, that the russian soul knows above most other Nations…
MSM version: Putin is weaponizing Bach!
Right! Possibly acompanied by:
“Dictator Assad torments the Syrian people by regime-invited Russians and their awful music”
Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev), head of the ROC External Affairs department and a composer himself, often speaks, in his interviews and religious-pedagogical videos, about Bach’s universality. Last year he made a documentary called “J.S. Bach, Composer and Theologian”, which was aired on the Rossiya-K (for “Culture”) channel and has now turned up on YouTube. I don’t now if links are allowed here, but it’s on the YouTube channel of “ScoreMan” and this is the URL: In Russian.
A truly fitting word-song of life answering itself. Balancing out the horror of Western corporate hate by juxtaposing it with incandescent sound.
Saker, thank you!
Hello the Saker, fellow submarine in the desert (smile)
The sound of the music is indeed changing and Russia surely helped. I just listened to a +-30 min interview between one of the organisors of the Dutch referendum on the Ukraine and a ruling coalition party ”apoligst scientist” from the VVD. Not a person in the parliament but one from the inner circle. This interview was very powerful and posted on basically a MSM newssite. They talk quite openly about the EU, the Ukraine, Russa, Syria, Turkey (and then some) and the ruling insider had to agree to a lot of the points of the referendum organiser, not reserved to the Ukraine but all things I mentioned.
I offer to translate that whole interview in English but I cannot post it since too long as a reply. If you like to read the translation, let me know and I will do that. Its something I can do besides having bought your book (smile). This interview seems to me that the narrative her in Holland is changing. Dont forget, Holland now holds the chair of the EU!
Regards, Hugo
What a contrast!
The Battle of Verdun in 1916 resulted in 714,231 casualties, 377,231 French and 337,000 German ( Wikipedia)
François Hollande’s ‘government’ has decided to commemorate this historic date with a rap concert to be held in Verdun.
This is very much in keeping with the ‘project’ to destroy national identity in Europe..
To protest this insult to the memory of those who served and died to save France you might like to sign the petition:
@ apol
The French government is made up of traitors and collaborators for the Anglozion Empire. Working for the plutocrats masquerading as “socialists”. They’ll face their 1789 – where is Robespierre?
Seriously, I believe the Euro-trash has a most valid point staging a suchlike, ahem, “performance” in commemoration of Verdun. Would be even better if accompanied by some hefty doses of chlorine. The West should be proud of its ethics and post-modern artistical taste.
The Frenchman and the Hun
Saw carnage at Verdun
Was really bloody fun
All corpses in the sun
Hollande and Merkel now
Commemorate it how?
By vileness as per rap
Plain imbecilic crap
Wonder if Hollande will let on that France was allied with Russia.
@ Nussiminen
Almost straight out of “Oh What a Lovely War!”
It would be fitting justice if no-one attends and the “dignitaries” are left on their own on the stage. And then the ghosts from the carnage come up and gobbled up the lot.
Another great article by Saker. However, please remember that another country is also defending civilization. It is IRAN! Its soldiers die daily fighting the goons. Iran has lost some high ranking military personnel in Syria. One of the most ancient civilizations is fighting for our civilization!
very interesting comment, Allen; a thousand years ago it was Persia allied with Russia (then known as the Rus) who defeated Khazaria, breaking up an empire of thieves and blaggards, a scourge and a blight upon the Silk Road, and who I might add, they are still fighting today in the form of Turkey and the Khazar ruled western central bankers and their satraps & minions.
The West are the barbarians!
Don’t insult barbarians. The West is a pile of vile, stinking offal.
Does anyone remember “Russian Ark”, the 2002 historical drama film directed by Alexander Sokurov, filmed entirely in the Winter Palace of the Russian State Hermitage Museum?
At the end, there is the scene of “a grand ball, featuring music by Mikhail Glinka, with many of the participants in spectacular period costume, and a full orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev, then a long final exit with a crowd down the grand staircase”? And the last dialogue between the ‘Narrator’ who asks the ‘European’ (representing the famous critic of Russia, the Marquis de Custine, the “notorious Russophobe”) to leave the palace? E. responds: Ostaiusi. Narrator: Proshtchay Evropa?
The symbolism was inescapable. Russia is now the Ark which saves the European culture, from the flood which destroys it (and in which Europe is complicit).
Was not the same symbolism at work in the rescue of the Rafael’s ‘Sistine Madonna’ (along with other treasures of art) from the barbaric bombardment of Dresden by the “Europeans”, which destroyed the famous Gemäldegalerie? For Dostoevsky, the painting represented “the greatest revelation of the human spirit”. It is worth to know how Dostoevsky envisaged the problem of Russia/Europe, in his famous SPEECH DELIVERED ON JUNE 8, 1880 AT THE MEETING OF THE SOCIETY OF LOVERS OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE” at the unveiling of the Pushkin monument in Moscow, delivered shortly before he died, a veritable testament:
“For what is the reform of Peter the Great to us, not merely for the future, but in that which has been and has already been plainly manifested to us? What did that reform mean to us? Surely it was not only the adoption of European clothes, customs, inventions and science. Let us examine how it was, let us look more steadily. Yes, it is very probable that at the outset Peter began his reform in this narrowly utilitarian sense, but in course of time, as his idea developed, Peter undoubtedly obeyed some hidden instinct which drew him and his work to future purposes, undoubtedly more vast than narrow utilitarianism. Just as the Russian people did not accept the reform in the utilitarian spirit alone; but undoubtedly with a presentiment which almost instantly forewarned them of a distant and incomparably higher goal than mere utilitarianism. I repeat, the people felt that purpose unconsciously, but it felt it directly and quite vitally. Surely we then turned at once to the most vital reunion, to the unity of all mankind! Not in a spirit of enmity (as one might have thought it would have been) but in friendliness and perfect love, we received into our soul the geniuses of foreign nations, all alike without preference of race, able by instinct from almost the very first step to discern, to discount distinctions, to excuse and reconcile them, and therein we already showed our readiness and inclination, which had only just become manifest to ourselves, for a common and universal union with all the races of the great Aryan family. Yes, beyond all doubt, the destiny of a Russian is pan-European and universal. To become a true Russian, to become a Russian fully (in the end of all, I repeat), means only to become the brother of all men, to become, if you will, a universal man. All our Slavophilism and Westernism is only a great misunderstanding, even though historically necessary. To a true Russian, Europe and the destiny of all the mighty Aryan family is as dear as Russia herself, as the destiny of his own native country, because our destiny is universality, won not by the sword, but by the strength of brotherhood and our fraternal aspiration to reunite mankind. If you go deep into our history since Peter’s reform, you will already find traces and indications of this idea, of this dream of mine, if you will, in the character of our intercourse with European nations, even in the policy of the state. For what has Russian policy been doing for these two centuries if not serving Europe, perhaps, far more than she has served herself I do not believe this came to pass through the incapacity of our statesmen. The nations of Europe know how dear they are to us. And in course of time I believe that we — not we, of course, but our children to come — will all without exception understand that to be a true Russian does indeed mean to aspire finally to reconcile the contradictions of Europe, to show the end of European yearning in our Russian soul, omni-human and all-uniting, to include within our soul by brotherly love all our brethren, and at last, it may be, to pronounce the final Word of the great general harmony, of the final brotherly communion of all nations in accordance with the law of the gospel of Christ! I know, I know too well, that my words may appear ecstatic, exaggerated and fantastic. Let them be so, I do not repent having uttered them. They ought to be uttered, above all now, at the moment that we honour our great genius who by his artistic power embodied this idea. The idea has been expressed many times before. I say nothing new. But chiefly it will appear presumptuous. ‘Is this our destiny, the destiny of our poor, brutal land? Are we predestined among mankind to utter the new word?’
@ WizOz
Thank you for that excerpt of Dostoevsky’ speech. Indeed it looks like Russia might become the liberator of Europe and, by extension, the world.
The essential task is to break the US/EU nexus by highlighting its contradictions, namely serving the interests of the US comes at the expense of Europe (e.g. why should the Europeans have the burden of Nato if its function and objectives is to project US power and its forward defence line?)
There was a “movement” within the European Community in the 1980s for de-linking from the US, in fact to become a rival in global affairs, including its own army. The Brits, as usual, were the main stumbling block and, with the dissolution of the USSR later, that movement fizzled out. De Gaulle was very prescient in opposing the entry of the UK into the EC because it would act as the US Trojan horse.
In Germany Willy Brandt had already opened up to the USSR with the “realpolitik” in opposition to the US and Helmut Kohl was in favour of European deep integration and co-operation with the Soviets.
So, if the Russian leadership exploit the wide fissures in the Nato block, there is indeed a possibility of a rapprochement between EU and Russia. For instance, had Russia punished Turkey severely for downing the Russian jet over Syria, it would have shown for all to see that the Emperor has no clothes because no European country would be prepared to risk its safety to save the non-european Erdogan’s arse.
It was so disgusting how the New York Times covered the concert in Palmyra. The MSM loves to ham up the stories of helpless Syrians, death, torture etc, but grow silent when life and normalcy takes root thanks to the bad old Russians and the forces who are fighting and destroying ISIS. They can’t stand the idea of peace and stability and are just grinding their teeth until the neocons come out of the huddle with more disasters.
Or I was thinking compare this concert with Bush’s Mission accomplished speech on top of aircraft career:
Russia has become the tru red white and blue…perhaps this should be the slogan at the world cup in russia
Great article. Thank you.
Great interview with Paul Craig Roberts
‘Calls for Tyson Fury to be banned after antisemitic comments in video
Boxer Tyson Fury has sparked further outrage after making homophobic, sexist and antisemitic comments in an hour-long video rant.
Fury has previously been accused of sexism and homophobia, including controversial remarks about Olympic heptathlon champion Jessica Ennis-Hill.
In his latest outburst, he claimed “Zionist, Jewish people … own all the banks, all the papers, all the TV stations”.’
So if you mention largely Jewish control of mass media and perception in the west you have commited an unforgiveable act.
Whereas if you support men in dresses going to the women’s toilets then it is ok.
Western civilization? It would be a good idea! ;)
to mr. saker, please let the truth out, let the world know who runs all this, let the world know that the israeli firsters who are in north american government, europe government, let the world know it is these traitors who loyalty is for israel only , let the world know that these scumbags are now screaming fro ww3, itis the zionist machine that is causing all these problems on this planet
There are several reasons why Russia and the West are at odds. It goes back to the very foundations of their civilizations and the division of the Church. In the West, people have been schooled for centuries to expect one-entity rule, whether it was the Roman Empire or the successor, the Roman Catholic Church. Many Americans still can’t imagine what a world with equals negotiating with others would look like. In the Christian East and even in early Islam, the role wasn’t that of Rome, it was Constantinople, First among equals. This idea of “first among equals” still is present today in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. So the real battle is that the world will continue to look toward a hegemon, or will grow toward negotiation among equals. In other words, will mankind grow into civilization, or remain in the barbarian camp of the West?
Here’s the always Russophobic Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on the Palmyra concert:
Taking A Risky 72-Hour Ride Inside the Russian Military’s Information War
Well said, saker!
God bless Russia and the team of her ruler with V. Putin.