First, I need to report a few things:

  • Due to the current crisis, the blog’s readership has sharply risen.
  • We have been contacted by enough excellent moderator candidates to fulfill all our needs.
  • The Internet is literally exploding with speculations about tomorrow’s Putin-Xi meeting.  Frankly, I prefer to wait for some official information before offering any analyses, which means that, unless something dramatic already happens tomorrow, you can expect my analysis of the development of the Sino-Russian alliance by Saturday.
  • Shoigu is in Belarus.  Belarusian and Russian officials have already declared that Belarus intends to purchase most of the hardware Russia brought for the current Russian-Belarusian military exercises.  They also declared that 1) Belarus needs to secure the Belarusian-Banderastan border and 2) position the hardware needed to be able to instantly deploy a solid anti-access/areas-denial (or A2/AD) “cupola” over all of Belarus (and much of the airspace near Belarus, but that was understood, not an open statement).
  • Lukashenko totally gave up on his past “multi-vectorness” and made a rather blunt statement “Полезут – получат. Вот и вся война” which is hard to translate but it is still worth trying, I suggest “if they show up, they will get it. That’s gonna be the whole war“.  The good thing is that most Poles will have no problem translating this into Polish :-)

It is interesting to compare the Russian delegations to Minsk and Beijing: the top military folks are in Belarus, the top civilians in China.  This indicates how Russia will reply to the West’s non-reply: military developments towards the West and economic developments together with China.

By the way, by now, the following Ukie politicians have declared that the Minsk Agreements are categorically unacceptable to Banderastan (and who cares if they are mandated by a UNSC Resolution:

  • Alexei Danilov, the current Secretary of the Ukie National Security and Defense Council
  • Dmitrii Kuleba, the current Ukie Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • “Ze” himself

In the meantime, the EU (including such supposed “dissident countries” like Serbia or Hungary) has renewed the sanctions against Russia for not implementing the Minsk Agreements.

Correction: Serbia did NOT sanction Russia.  Serbia sanctioned Belarus.  My bad.  Same difference though.  Or maybe even worse, since Hungary is member of the EU, but Serbia is not (yet).

The fact that the Minsk Agreements do not involve Russia in any way, shape or form does not register in their official political verbiage.  Neither does the fact that top Nazis officials have declared that they will never accept them, or even talk to the LDNR.

Instead, one of the most powerful men in the Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, has declared that he knows for a fact that the Ukie military is much more powerful than the Russian one.

As for the list of Ukie officials who have promised that they will “liberate” the LDNR and Crimea is too long to list here.  With the entire Ukrainian opposition either exiled, or in jail or, at least, silenced, you can say that this is now the “national consensus” in Banderastan.

Funny how the calendar works:  yesterday the German Chancelor told Russia that she should not invade the Ukraine (which, coming from a German politician, is already priceless).  Yesterday was also the anniversary of the Soviet victory against the huge German force in Stalingrad.

I leave you with some footage of the joint Belarusian-Russian military exercises: