In Russia we say: if you want to destroy something, become its leader.
In a very alarming turn of events, Skolkovo establishes joint-working group with Israel in the field of agriculture [source] [source] [source]
I have already written about a peculiar Scolkovo “professor” from Israel, Moty Cristial.
In preparation for a power grab in Russia during the elections of 2016 and 2017, Israel is moving an alarming amount of secret service officers, chemists, biochemists, and Genetically Modified Food specialists into Russia under the auspice of “cooperation.” The Government of Russia has already announced that the country’s production of food will be free of GMOs. This agreement between Scolkovo management and the state of Israel is in direct violation of this organic food policy.
Cyril Kay from the article published by liveleak, is actually Kirill Kaem, Кирилл Каем, Vice President, Executive Director, Cluster of Biological and Medical Technology Fund “Skolkovo” or Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Judging by his resume, Kirill Kaem has been a go-between for large western pharmaceutical companies to move into the Russian market, to be the detriment of the Russian pharmaceutical industry. He has an MBA from Taylor University, and worked to establish the following western companies in Russia: Oriflame, the German-U.S. holding JAFRA International, and Hygiene Kinetics. He is on the Board of Directors of the international medical center Medcluster, organized by the Strategy Group Partners with the participation of Johns Hopkins Medicine International.
Kirill Kaem bio [source] [source]
There are several theories on why specialists in political, social and agricultural engineering are speedily arriving in Russia. Why after several years of pondering over agricultural produce output in Russia, Scolkovo decided that Russia is in desperate need of agrarian specialists from Israel? Either because the climates of Israel and Russia is very similar, or because circumcision makes Israeli specialists more special, or because Israel wants new technologies that Russia is developing without paying for them?
Israelis declared that they are very interested in a new Russian startup company called East Agro Don, that developed new technology to extract inulin from Jerusalem artichokes.
According to Scolkovo official propaganda, it appears that Russia needs Israeli specialists in agriculture because, … wait for it… inulin will be produced from Jerusalem artichokes, and only Israelis know how to grow this important vegetable.
The truth is that Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus), also called sunroots, sunchoke, earth apples or topinambours, is a species of sunflower native to eastern North America, and found from eastern Canada and Maine west to North Dakota, and south to northern Florida and Texas.[2] It is also cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.[3]
The truth is that Jerusalem artichokes have nothing to do with Israel.
The truth is that Inulins (Chicory root fiber) produced by 36,000 of plants, industrially most often extracted from chicory that grows abundantly in Russia.
What we see here is just the tip of the iceberg. That fact that the organizers of this Israeli invasion of the Russia’s agricultural industry came up with such obvious cover-ups for their trickery is very alarming indeed. It looks like outright fraud. And it brings up some questions. The founder of the Scolkovo project is Dmitry Medvedev, since 2010 investing 75 billion rubles of taxpayers’ money. The development was entrusted to Viktor Vekselberg, of Jewish Ukrainian heritage
The list of “founders” who have had their snouts in this bottomless money pit called “Scolkovo” reads like a summon of an anti-Putin gang and includes Ilya Ponomarev, currently in “exile” and fighting against evil Putin, Alexei Kudrin, currently in exile and fighting against evil Putin, MIT, who received $302,5 million, one of the biggest research facilities for the US military complex who is fighting against evil Putin, Roger David Kornberg and many others
What’s going on?
What’s happening is the implementation of the US, the EU and Israel’s “suggestion” to their neo-liberals inside the Russia’s government to implement the so called “Foreign experience of agriculture development”. Past January at the Gaidar Forum 2016 the Place of Russia in the Food Production World Map was decided by the following actors in the war against Russia: Sergey Levin, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Jonathan Gressel, Agriculture Minister-Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Russia, Philip de Jong, Minister Counsellor of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Andrey Sizov Jr, critical of Russia’s government, but very fond of a new Ukrainian government
Managing Director of SovEcon agricultural analysts, and Natalia Shagayda, Head of the Gaidar Institute Department of Agricultural Policy. These people discussed the priorities of the agricultural policy of Russia in the sphere of import substitution, the ability to ensure food security in the country, while the import content is significant, as well as the export potential. If you can find one Russian person on this list, please let me know.
I always say that small bureaucrats, kegs in the neo-liberal NGO’s are invisible and very dangerous people. We have to always pay attention to these people on the background. Let’s take a look at a woman here with an Ukrainian last name, Natalia Shagayda, a 2010-2011 Fulbright Scholar in the field of Economics, studied at Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C. Woodrow Wilson is one of the largest think tanks that is involved in developing strategy in the war against Russia. Anyone who ever came across this cottage industry of teaching and breeding specialists would know the first rule of this industry: a student can only get scholarships and grants from Western Universities if they write something extremely damaging and hostile about Russia.
In 2010, N. Shagayda projects as a Wilson Center scholar was “Developing a State Policy on Agricultural Land.” (Fulbright Kennan Institute Research Scholar)
You can read it here “The US State Policies Regarding Agricultural Lands: What Can Russia Learn? Natalia Shagaida Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy; Russian Presidential Academy Of National Economy and Public Administration” Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives – April 2011
She recommends: “Having assessed the US experience, one could surely recommend the transfer to sale of rights to develop plots of farmland in Russia.” “To conclude with, one can say that (1) the problem of withdrawing farmlands from agricultural production is pressing in Russia; (2) there is experience of working out state policies to preserve agricultural lands for farming in the world; (3) it’s rational to transfer from the corrupt procedure of charge-free granting of development rights for farmlands to the procedure of their official sale basing on the pre-set and easy-to-check criteria of decision making: the quality of soil, the vicinity of roads and electric power lines, long-term plans of rural area development.”
Essentially, she claims that Russia’s agriculture is not developed to its potential because people own the land. Currently, in Russia all Russian citizens can get land for free for agricultural purposes. Miss. Shagaida believes that people in Russia shouldn’t get land for free, but should pay market value.
In short, she is deeply involved in re-writing Russian laws to push for transfer of the arable lands into private corporate ownership including foreign owners, which is now against the law.
In 2014 she was a co-author of the research “Prospects of the farming sector and rural development in view of food security. The case of the Russian Federation” [] with Vassily Uzun, Valera Saraikin, Ekaterina Gataulina, Renata Yanbykh, Sébastien Mary, Sergio Gomez y Paloma. The research was commissioned by the European Commission
The list of her other publications is here
Her conclusions and analyses of the agriculture and food consumption in Russia and in Ukraine seem bizarre and faulty. Like her conclusion that the loss of Russia’s market for Ukrainian food producers was minimal, even so we know that it’s been a catastrophe for Ukrainian processed meats and milk product manufacturers.
That’s the gallery of characters, I almost wrote charlatans, that are being involved in the process of bringing the Israelis into Russia’s food production. It’s very alarming.
Just as alarming is the visit of Israel’s minister Uri Ariel to Skolkovo “to help Russia feed itself.”
Uri Ariel, who acts like a leader of this Israeli invasion, used to be a Minister of Housing and Construction. In May 2015 he was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. In his interview in Scolkovo he openly stated that ideology they are bringing to Russia is based on Torah. “First Source of ideas is the Torah that was given to us by thousands of years ago.”
What would be a culturally appropriate answer to this Torah indoctrination? Remember when Pat Robertson reportedly invited Senator Joe Lieberman to address the Christian Coalition on Rosh Hashana?
Russia is a predominantly Orthodox Christian country. The state ideology of Russia is Orthodox Christianity, and not militant orthodox Judaism as is the state ideology of Israel. I have wrote already about the speech of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin given at a meeting with representatives of the European Jewish Congress in September 2014. In his speech the President of Russia stated that the First Soviet government was 85% Jewish and that the Red Terror orchestrated by this government and its ideology killed millions of Russians.
I think we have to be very critical and establish that historically nothing good for Russian people ever comes from people who are guided by the laws of the Torah.
Torrent of abuse has immediately flooded the social media in relation to this event. Abuse and insults towards the Russian people that come from Jews, Georgians and Ukrainians, insults in being “stupid,” and having the “wrong government,” and being not able to do anything without Jews, and not being able to grow even potatoes. All this is pure disinformation and slander. This is happening after last week’s announcement that Russia took over the US and Canada as a top agricultural producer and importer. In comments here
there are offers to “replace the population of Russia,” concerns that “there is not enough Jews to replace the population of Russia,” and that on Russia’s black soils grow “only clowns of soviet weaponry and also moral and political mutants”.
The hatred that Israelis harbor towards Russians cannot become fertile soil for Russia’s food safety.
As being reported by the Agency of Jewish News, the participants of this scheme are: the Minister of agriculture and rural development of Israel, Urie Ariel, Deputy Minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation Sergey Levin, Ambassador of Israel in Russia Zvi Heifetz, the Chairman of the Israeli-Russian business Council Teymuraz Chichikashvili (Ben-Yehuda), the governors and the Ministers of agriculture of Russian regions, heads of major Russian and Israeli companies in the agricultural sector.
It’s no secret that the members of Skolkovo school’s coordination council — Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, Alexander Voloshin, Anatoly Chubais – are trying to return Russia back to 90s, a “Russia without Putin” as they call it. For that, hunger has to be organized all across Russia, and for this purpose Israeli specialists are needed.
It comes at no surprise that the whole deal of Israel’s takeover of Russia’s agriculture is being orchestrated by Prime Minister Medvedev and his right hand neo-liberal unelected official Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich.
According to the Constitution of Russia, its president is in charge for military and foreign affairs, and its prime minister for economy and finance.
An even bigger scheme is a declaration to sign a free trade agreement between Moscow and Tel Aviv in the near future according to Russian Deputy Agriculture Minister Sergey Levin
There is not doubt that this “free trade agreement’ will turn out to be very expensive for Russia’s economy.
It’s a well documented fact that Israel is actively involved in war in the Middle East against Russia and its allies. It’s a well documented fact that Israel was supporting ISIS by buying oil stolen by ISIS from Syria. It’s beyond comprehension how Russia fighting with Islamic terrorism will be able to withstand the economic damages that Israel can potentially bring.
Why there is no independent economic analysis of this free trade agreement available for the public?
Why there is no indication that Russian Parliament ratified this “free trade agreement” with Israel, or even considers it.
Why is there nothing coming from the Russian government with the exception of statement of Mr. Levin to Israeli press that would indicate that such bizarre and illegal arrangement can even take place?
According to the publicly available data and information, many of the individuals involved in this scheme, Abramovich, Abramov, Dvorkovich, Russia’s deputy agriculture minister, Sergey Levin, Medvedev and others are Jews. Sergey Levin was personally appointed to be a deputy agriculture minister by Dmitry Medvedev’s order № 959-р on Mая 27th, 2015. By the same Medvedev who called the history of Russia “thousand years of slavery.” What he actually meant to say was that Ottoman Empire, from which Jewish ancestors of Mr. Medvedev escaped to Russia during the genocide of Armenians and Greeks, was centuries of democracy.
Since the majority of participants in this “deal” are Jews it looks like an ethnic mafia wheeling and dealing.
All this is taking place while Israel views Russia’s industrial advancement as an existential threat. [source]
Last year, the US State Department declared that Russia’s food independence is a threat to the US national security. Israel and the US as allies work to undermine Russia’s food security.
Why wouldn’t political and religious leaders of Israel abandon their mindless push to take over power in Russia, and relentless attempts to plunder Russia’s wealth, while the horrors of the 90s are still very fresh in people’s memory? While the horrors of Ukraine and Syria are still in front of our eyes?
The attempt of an anti-government coup is terrorism in Russia. People like Khodorkovky, are organizing “bloody revolutions” in Russia. How would Jews feel, if instead of fighting Russians against Russians, like in Ukraine, Russians would fight terrorism till the last Jew? How would Jews feel, if Russians would take power in Israel and install the Orthodox Christian/Muslim government in Jerusalem before returning occupied territories to Palestine and Syria?
Don’t their leaders have any wisdom? Don’t these people understand how stressful this is for hundred fifty million people, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists, that are being effected by these actions? This Jewish quest to take over Russia might blowback so hard, it will blow Israel right of the world map.
As in any abusive relations, the separation is necessary and will be beneficial for both nations. For the next 2500 years or so, Russians should be able to do their things in their own country, and Jews should be able do their things in their own country. Until all wounds are healed.
PS: Something else to ponder about Scolkovo. Back in 2014, John Helmer wrote:
“This year the Moscow School of Management at Skolkovo is planning to publish what it calls a market atlas of the jobs and professions which will be newly needed by the year 2020, and those needed no longer. One of the new ones is what the Skolkovo atlas calls a cyber-cleaner (кибердворник). This is a specialist in removing from the internet all digital data archives whatever information someone pays to have cleaned or deleted entirely. One of the professions the cyber-cleaners will replace, according to the atlas, is journalism.
That’s just six years away. But for at least a handful of the Skolkovo school’s coordination council — Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, Alexander Voloshin, Anatoly Chubais – none too soon. So ask yourself this question — will they too be cleaned or washed up this year, or by 2020? For the answer, a little old-fashioned journalism may go a long way. Read on.”
In brief:
1. CIA in Scolkovo.
The former CIA chief John M. Deutch is on the Scolkovo Board of Directors
He is a trustee of Center of American Progress, Resources for the Future, the Massachusetts Hospital Physician Organization, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Skolkovo Institute. He has served on the board of the Urban Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations.
2. Whose money make Scolkovo a center of American Science [source]
3. President Putin during a meeting with the neo-liberal “independent” Media. Talking to the editor-in-chief and the co-owner of Radio Echo of Moscow, Alexei Venediktov.
Venedictov is one of the few 5th column members, and an agent of a foreign state, that he doesn’t even try to hide. He is an open Russophobe and propagandist for dismemberment of Russia into many small countries. In January 2016, Venedictov asked for political asylum in Switzerland.
“Not so long ago, we visited with inspection Olympic sites, and skied there a little bit. Before going to bed, or maybe it was in the morning, I turned on the radio and stumbled upon your radio station, Echo of Moscow. I don’t know these people… First I thought, “What is this? What kind of nonsense are they saying.?”
I didn’t know it was Echo of Moscow, at first. I am telling you honestly my first impression. There was discussion of an anti-missile system in Europe. Listen. I didn’t know where they were getting this kind of nonsense. They were saying that “For us it’s not important the distance between the NATO anti-missile systems and Russia’s borders. ” How is it not important?! How is it not important?! It’s very important. If they are located closer to Russia’s borders, they will shoot over the locations of our ground based missiles. And our missiles will be shot down by their missiles. If they are located further from our borders, they won’t be able to shoot down our missiles. How is it not important?!
It’s a question of principle. It’s very important!
Another thesis that I heard: Americans are offering to work in this direction (meaning anti-missile systems) and Russia is refusing to cooperate. No! It’s us… We are offering, and the US is refusing to cooperate. Not only do they not allow us, the US doesn’t allow their closest European allies and other NATO members. They have agreements about locations. They are getting an agreements about missiles. But they are not allowing anyone to the command of those systems.
I was still in bed, and I was listening to the radio and thinking, “They aren’t reporting any legitimate information. It’s in the service of foreign political interests, interests of one country in relation to another country, in relations to Russia.”
I am telling you as an expert that has been involved in this for many years. There are simple, basic things that are impossible not to know. I don’t believe that the [journalists on Echo of Moscow] don’t know this. And they are doing this using the money of Russia’s taxpayers.
I can’t comprehend this is possible. It would be absolutely impossible in the States. They wouldn’t be allowed it on the air. Not at all.
I remember how channel FOX reported on the situation in South Ossetia. When a girl and her aunt told them what had took place. When the people on FOX realized that they are interviewing people who supported Russia’s actions in South Ossetia, we all saw what happened. They all started hacking, coughing, and maybe more… Do you understand?
To serve the interest of Russia, like this, to the detriment of the interest of the US, on some American channel, it’s just unreal, impossible.
And you are saying “freedom of speech.” Where is this freedom of speech if not here, in Russia?
It’s just not acceptable, I think.
[Putin asks Venediktov] By the way, whom are you going to vote for?
[Venediktov] I have not been voting since ’96.
Putin: You are angry at me, about what I said, I can tell.
[Venediktov] Yes, I am angry.
[Putin] Why? I don’t get angry at you when you pour your diarrhea on me day and night. I just said two words, and you are already angry at me. “…
Do you think 2500 years of separation between Jews And Russians would be enough? Besides, which is the country of the Jews? It certainly is not Palestine. Perhaps there is a planet in some distant black hole.
And may that possible blowback you suggest… May it happen as soon and as hard as it possibly can. The world can only become a more peaceful and pleasant place.
The country of the Jews is the United States, which they took over by emigrating en mass to New York, the de facto capital of the US, and taking control of the press, banking, and entertainment businesses. With control over what people read and watch, and the the financial institutions the economy is based on, controlling the government was just a matter of bribing and supporting their front men. Israel is the name of a US military base in the middle east posing as a country.
Actually any country in which the money supply is controlled by a central bank which answers to Rothschild banking centers such as the BIS and City of London is a “country of the Jews”. This also applies to the US as well since the Federal Reserve System was introduced in 1913.
And who still controls the Central Bank of Russia?
I’m afraid to say that Russia is part of the AZE — only way to describe Israel’s easy infiltration and the survival of the so-called fifth columnists. Putin provided the theatrics. This will be confirmed if/when Syria is partitioned in fulfillment of the Zionist Oded Yinon plan.
To be a Jew means literally to be member of the master race (eg. read Gilad Atzmon), no what do I say not masterrace but godly chosen race appointed (therefore the thora and god since then only play a very minor role in jewish society, who needs god anymore if one has been appointed once and forever ?) by god himself.
Russians hate Nazis, good so they should, BUT they should hate Jews even more, because their trackrecord is so infinitly worse than the one of the Nazis (which are a comedian Jew-copy, invented by a jew admirer, Hitler, to counter them).
So throw them out, make their life miserable, ban them defacto from Universities and teach the truth about them ! Of course they will try to move hell to counter that, but so what ? How many Jews live or dwell in the Russian Federation ? It seems there are atleast some 10-20 millions according to what hears from them, they make a lot of noise always !
It’s a lot to digest.
Nice point made.
Scott, your article is a heart-breaker. I’m so angry that I’m crying. I watched the video; I don’t understand Russian but I can read the body language. It’s a study in love and hatred.
This is a watershed moment for me. I feel it all so clearly. I’ve said repeatedly that Russia’s enemies are inside the financial camp. I hadn’t thought they would use food as a weapon.
Thanks for speaking truth to power. I send my love and what strength I have to Putin that he can save Russia from such traitors.
This is war of the most devilish sort. Disgusting and sickening.
I wrote the following earlier today in longhand. It’s about war as such, rather mental. Your piece in contrast is emotionally devastating.
The raw brutality of war has a tendency to reduce discourse to its own level. There is an opposite tendency to white-wash war. The news we discuss here is somewhere in the middle between the screams and sobs of war victims and the refinements of political-speak.
An item here told of a reporter who talked to a woman in Aleppo who had to dress entirely in black to avoid being killed, and could go out only when dragged out to see the beheadings and crucifixions in the town square, perhaps of her own relatives. Could anything be so terrible since Mary watched the crucifixion of her son, Jesus?
War is a strange creature. Visitors from space who had an ounce of sense would say we were insane.
Looking into it closely, however, they would say it made perfect sense, given the wrong turns we took way back when and what we are still doing that keeps war in business.
Our imagined visitors would note animal killing and eating which is war against a whole animal nation. They would observe several phenomena of a similar nature concerning which the human population is totally oblivious.
They would see that our lover ancestors made us to be lovers in their own image. That meant open and communal love and sex, well governed by matrons. But a certain male operative didn’t like that arrangement and opted for power.
I appreciate the information shared here which is war based. But without a larger narrative to add balance, all the war talk makes me depressed and disoriented.
I try to interject a countervailing story but feel the backlash from the reigning war discourse. I am not a military analyst nor an economic pragmatist so I feel out of place.
The language of war is a sine qua non of war itself. I’m caught in a catch-22, damned if I do and damned if I don’t. I feel the tension when I come here, a mini-war in itself; a gentle vineyard with a carnivorous saker-falcon.
Despite my fears and reservations, I keep on soldiering on, doing what I’m doing. War is hell. Why can’t I just forget about it altogether? Because it’s in me, killing me. I’ve got to fight or die. If I don’t fight for Russia there, it’ll be worse for me here.
The popular name is war but the more proper name is patriarchy. I’m a recovering patriarch. It takes one to know one.
“Patriarchy destroyed Loverarchy and took to fighting with phallic lances. It aimed to be king of the dead rather than a lover in bed.” –
King Solomon from another vineyard foresaw love returning when he sang: “Who is this who advances like the light of dawn, lovely as the moon, clear as the sun, terrible as an army in battle array?” –Song of Songs which is Solomon’s
“This is a watershed moment for me. I feel it all so clearly. I’ve said repeatedly that Russia’s enemies are inside the financial camp. I hadn’t thought they would use food as a weapon.”
Now you can see,they are ready to do everything to stop Putin and the Russian people from developing independently.The enemy of Russia is not just simply USA or NATO or any other entity,it is what they represent,whom they serve,the Evil himself and his Imperium.Russia is at war with this Imperium and at the end shall win,with the help of Jesus Christ,so let it be! Amen
Russia has the FSB they can ‘remove’ the threat within a few years, all which is needed are a large series of accidents and rumours, this will drive many out, the rest rigorously remove from essential positions in all of society and hate them more than the Nazis, because they are much, much worse ! To be a Jew, means to be different AND chosen by god as a tribe/race. They don’t want to convert but rule (view the Tube with Imam Hossein rergarding eschatology, spot on !). Teach Gilad Atzmon’s thesis regarding Jews in School !
The more I see of articles here and in other places (this article being a good example). The more I’m convinced that nothing “positive” can truly be put in place in Russia as long as the 5th column has influence throughout the economy and government structure there. Which means,the so-called “patriotic” elements in Russia who say the same thing, are in the right .So a question could be asked,since we know that (and we know,we know that. Because its constantly proved even here). So,”why do some, even here, seem to denigrate the patriotic people in Russia”? There seems to me,only two real choices available. The 5th column or the patriots. And to me its a clear choice. But the second important question is, “which one is Putin’s choice”?
Uncle Bob,
There are patriots of Russia and fake patriots, organized and paid by the 5th column. They are the mercenaries of the Western governments and their secret services.
I’m in a process of finishing up my book about all these issues.
It’s going to be a short book with huge amount of information of Who is Who in Kiev, in Donetsk and Lugansk. And who is who in Russian opposition. What these people have done, what they are doing, and what they might do next.
To give you a hint… Ask what those “patriots” are saying about Putin, Russia’s military, and the Russian Orthodox Church? If they say anything negative at all about any of these three institutions, they are fake patriots and dangerous agent provocateurs.
Thank you Scott,
Brilliant research and assessment.
Putin and his advisers carry the destiny of Russians AND the rest of our world on their shoulders.
Peace and Blessings,
wow Scott hope you will self delete that last paragraph!!!!! what can you possibly be thinking (err wrong word, guess that would be illegal..)
that form of pathetic group think is what has got us all in this mess; President Putin in clip provided demonstrates the “how to“ counter-act misinformed or corrupted babblers; automatic censorship of all who disagree is …come on, re-think that piece, what the hell are you fighting for?
on another topic; 400 + years ago a noted explorer+administrator Samuel de Champlain “discovered“ jerusalem artichokes and took some back to France; as you may know they grow in all sorts of soils etc. and their tuber system spreads quickly; anyway they were used from top to bottom of the french foodchain: as a gourmet item @ court which drastically reduced the royalty`s gout down the food chain horses, cows, hens all showing dramatic yield increases effecting agro which was the dominant “industry/wealth“ producer and causing a huge power shift France vis a via England; so much so “topinambours“ were deemed a state treasure with exporting a capital offense! legend around here has it that “Jerusalem artichoke“ is a mis pronunciation of the name of the dutch guy who did manage to smuggle them out and make a small fortune selling starter plants Holland, germany, possibly England
@ Anonymous on February 22, 2016 · at 3:02 am UTC
Man, what on Earth are you talking about? Sorry, but your post is quite incoherent. Really, what are you trying to say?
Actually the post is coherant and relevant. if you dont understand its a. issue st your end not his end . cheers
Hi Scott,
A couple of articles that might interest you:
Russia officially slams door on US GMO.
Putin: Over 400 foreign intelligence services career employees exposed in Russia in 2015 and
Putin warns of response in case of foreign intervention in Russia’s elections. Putin ordered the FSB “to take every step to quash the activity of those who try or may try to use nationalist xenophobic and radical slogans aimed at splitting our society….
A Smersh 2.0 is needed. That’s am emergency.
“if they say anything negative at all about any of these three institutions, they are fake patriots and dangerous agent provocateur”
Strelkov said Putin’s in danger from the 5th column and is pious follower of the Church, yet a said agent provocateur…
Thank you Scott.
Brilliant research and assessment.
Putin and his advisers are carrying the destiny of Russians AND the rest of our world on their shoulders.
Peace and Blessings,
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
– Marcus Tullius Cicero 42 BC.
I agree that is the worse threat. Though we must also remember that Cicero had many faults himself. Which doesn’t take away from the fact that he was right in that quote.That, from the start has always been my fear. The empire survives on its ability to subvert traitorous elements inside the nations they target. Even forgetting that for one moment can be a fatal error.
‘Last year, the US State Department declared that Russia’s food independence is a threat to the US national security. Israel and the US as allies work to undermine Russia’s food security.’
Is there a source for this? Would like to view it, what a ridiculous statement….
“Essentially, she claims that Russia’s agriculture is not developed to its potential because people own the land. Currently, in Russia all Russian citizens can get land for free for agricultural purposes. Miss. Shagaida believes that people in Russia shouldn’t get land for free, but should pay market value.”
Personally, this is the main reason why Russia as a state and Russians are hated with such passion. The master’s and their minions’ lust for large private land, properties and slave ownership is directly threatened by a people’s free ownership or even simply the free use of land. The rentier class and parasites’ worst nightmare! If the common people get to have free access and use of land, those “high and mighty” kings, dukes, landed elites, slave owners, etc., no longer seems that special and mighty. In a certain way, the common people become sovereigns like mini-kings and need not bow and pay rent to anyone else, meaning the people get 100% of the net produce from their labor on the land.
But of course, not everyone like to share that power to the people. Some prefer the rentier/parasitic way of life and would be eager to do anything, even with foreign enemies, to realize their dream of living like their overseas masters…
Thank you for another treasure of forbidden information Scott.
And PLEASE be careful about both your own and the book security. It is clearly a project that is anathama to many powerful and utterly ruthless people. Also, make sure drafts, WIP notes etc are regularly copied to several different places with access to several people in multiple juridictions. Sorry if that seems like teaching Granny to suck eggs but it is just toooo easy to have a dangerously false sense of security. FE I’m currently reading Paul Klebnikov’s ‘Godfather of the Kremlin’ – look what happened to him.
I would be happy to make the Wikispooks server available as one such repositiory.
Otherwise (with reservations about the Matriarchy/Patriarchy analysis) I feel much like Denis James Leary above – deeply apprehensive about Russia’s ability to withstand an unrelenting onslaught from what are – in effect – combined Satanic forces and their naive Faustian dupes – the likes of Medvedev being chief among them (the dupes)
As Kissinger reportedly once said:
“If you control the energy supply, you control the country and if you control the food supply you control the people”
How Putin can look at Medvedev and not want to punch the him in the face is beyond me. Medvedev is trying to hand over control of the food supply to the AZ.
“How Putin can look at Medvedev and not want to punch the him in the face is beyond me. ”
We need to stop the Putin “hero worship” and be a tad more sceptical. My benchmark is the integrity of the Syrian State. If that country is partitioned then that will be a Zionist dream come true (see the Oded Yinon plan and Greater Israel).
Don’t forget the the Central Russian Bank is still controlled by the AZE; it was Russia that connived in the destruction of Libya by not vetoing UN resolution 1973; and now we have a ceasefire just as the Western proxy terrorists are being defeated.
I just don’t trust Russia atm. Call it “defensive thinking” because I found myself praising Russia and yet nothing had really changed internally, e.g. just look at the Russian “fifth columnists” infesting government and academia described in this article.
What if they’re NOT fifth columnists but rather typical of ALL the Russian elite? Putin is best buddies with Kissenger for goodness sake, the ultimate Zionist insider. There’s no way Putin is ignorant of the activities outlined in this article.
It’s not for no reason that the Parasites talk of ‘Full-Spectrum Dominance’.
The attacks come from all sides, all the times. The domains of finance, media, academics, jurisprudence, education, ‘free-market’ and religion are some of the more popular platforms from where they infiltrate, subterfuge and ultimately take over whole age-groups, genders, populations, ethnicities and countries.
It has happened to us in the West over the last two, three hundreds years without us even noticing it !
Now that we realize that with have lost the sovereignty of our nations to the interest-on-top-of-interest-on-top-of-interest banksters, we find it very hard to fight back. Even the ground on which we place our boots is theirs, they claim, citing some silly ‘Noahide law’ they keep inventing as the need arises out of thin air.
Russia, having been protected by the backwardness of Jewish Bolshevism (what a sweet irony of history!) from the most vicious onslaughts of the New World Order that occurred in the 20th century, has learned the West sad lesson and is now much more prepared, than Germany, France, the US etc. ever could have been, to fight the enemies of humanity and planet earth and all sentient being throughout the milky way and beyond.
Great find, Scott. Keep it up!
World wide, the politics of food (like the politics of so many so-called “economic” issues) is rancid and dominated by imperialism and the interests of transnational corporations. Look at the TPP (well, we’re not allowed to), look at the other big “free trade” agreements pending, like with the EU (well, we’re not allowed to), or at least look at the leaks from them . . . look at the tactics of the Monsantos and so on.
Everywhere, the trend is to undermine local food security, undermine smaller producers and grab their land, to reduce farmers to disposable migrant labour, to seize ownership of the seed by use of GM stuff, to make everyone dependent on a supply chain (fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, proprietary seeds and so on) owned and controlled by big international corporations which may or may not be US-based but which are either way integral parts of the general US-neoliberal-imperial project. The companies get ever more money and control at the expense of local food producers, the countries get more and more dependent, poorer and less stable. The US helps muscle countries into accepting this, and the more successful it is the less the country can resist imperial pressures in the future, since the imperialists have their food supply by the short hairs.
In Russia, the US can’t apply their muscle directly. But as The Saker has noted, Russia has a complex relationship with Israel, with a certain amount of pragmatism and mediated to some extent by Russian expats in Israel with ties back home. So we have the Israeli arm of world corporatism trying to push this crap in through the back door.
Where I diverge with Scott is about what identity and reasons are key. As seems to be becoming usual, he sees Jews and I see profits and class struggle. Sure, many Israelis are Jewish. And sure, as I noted, ex-Russian Israeli Jews may have contacts with Russian Jews more than with Orthodox Russians. And certainly some Jews are members of the international billionaire class and are involved in vicious international agribusiness. But rich Jews just have their fingers in the same pies that rich anyone else does. What this seems to be about to me is more Israel acting as one branch of imperialist/corporate food policy and attempting to do to Russia what the US cannot do directly (and incidentally snag some profits for that Israeli GM agribusiness corporation). It’s no surprise to see Israel acting as an arm of US imperialism. And when Israel does something, well gosh, there are going to be Jews involved; no real reason for shock there. So yeah, IMO it’s not a Jewish conspiracy in any useful sense. It’s an imperialist conspiracy, with Israel and an Israeli corporation taking point. That’s why you have all these Americans involved, as well key people in Russia who, while no doubt they are apologists for Israel, are primarily stooges for the US and only apologists for Israel because it’s joined to the US at the hip.
@”many Israelis are Jewish”
Many? How many are many?
@”Israel acting as an arm of US imperialism”.
An arm wagging the dog by the tail
@it’s not a Jewish conspiracy in any useful sense. It’s an imperialist conspiracy, with Israel and an Israeli corporation taking point”
They are just around, like they have been in 1917 in Russia.
@while no doubt they are apologists for Israel, are primarily stooges for the US and only apologists for Israel because it’s joined to the US at the hip.
“In an ever-changing world, the enduring friendship between the United States and Israel has been a constant, supported overwhelmingly by the American people since the founding of the Jewish State. Americans from across the political spectrum consistently identify with and care deeply about Israel.”
US Foreign Policy is set by Israel.
Here’s an example. The so-called neoconservatives who planned the “War on Terror” are all pro-Israelis. This is common knowledge.
“AMY GOODMAN: In 2006, you write that George W. Bush said to his father, “What’s a neocon?”
ANDREW COCKBURN: That’s right. One of the rare moments of sort of communication between the two. Bush said to — they were out at Kennebunkport, and Bush Jr. says, “Can I ask you a question? What’s a neocon?” And the father says, “Do you want names or a description?” The President says, “I’ll take a description.” He says, “I’ll give it to you in one word: Israel,” which is interesting on all sorts of levels, including the confirmation that our president doesn’t really read the newspapers.”
The War on Terror is being fought on behalf of Israel and Zionism.
Do you really want to go down the rabbit hole? Good luck.
Now, considering that the US media and academia is also controlled by Zionists (even Chomsky calls himself a Zionist; and Finklestein), the US public will never be told the truth about Israeli control of their country.
The recent European and Canadian laws BANNING the BDS movement only confirms that the West is controlled by the AZE.
True, and Israel is owned, lock stock and barrel, by the Rothschilds.
Thanks a lot, Scott, for all this information, very interesting.
So, since Comrade Vladímir Vladímirovich is not in charge of economic and monetary issues by Russian Constitution, he is not to be blamed for the new wave of privatizations.
Besides, as I have read, I do not remember where, a Special Comission with people from different areas of Russian Society was formed to monitor these privatizations, and it was going to be headed by Comrade Sergey Ivanov as representative of Russian President to control that all remains in accordance with Russian Law and Constitution and, I guess, with the interest of the Russian people.
Perhaps they’re playing good-cop/bad-cop?
There’s no way you can separate Putin from what is described in this article — he and Medvedev are partners in government.
Meanwhile Thesaker is looking forward to the partitioning of Syria for the Kurds (of course it’s for them…nothing at all to do with a longstanding Zionist goal ;) ).
If Israel can so easily get a stranglehold on Russia, in direct conflict with Putin’s stated goals, them I’m afraid we’re all being taken for a ride and Russia is indeed part of the AZE.
Disagree with me? Then tell me how the Russian Central Bank IS NOT a part of the AZE? Thesaker himself has admitted it.
I’ve given Russia the benefit of the doubt but everything I’ve witnessed in the last few days, i.e. the ceasefire, merely confirms the KABUKI. So we better get used to 1000 years of AZE madness.
The situation is quite complicated. The institutions put in place in Russia after the dissolution of the USSR pre-date Putin and were certainly designed to integrate the Russian Federation into the global financial system. However, various steps taken by Putin to resist this process since that time are real, they are not theater. They are not acceptable.
What I don’t understand is what Putin’s long term goals actually are. If institutions such as the central bank remain in place then Russia cannot achieve independence. The only alternative is a return to Russia’s designated role to service the Third World function. That is, a cheap source of oil, gas and labor and a market for Western manufactures. Under such a system the local oligarchs, who serve as gatekeepers, will be richly rewarded albeit at the expense of the general populace. Compromise and negotiation or a “multi-polar” world are not permitted.
This quote should be learned in Russia :”Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes”??
Only the Greek should be changed to The Light Upon Nations ??
re Jerusalem artichokes. What nonsense they tell us. The original name for this plant (which grows just fine in my four season area of North America) is GIRASOL. Some people couldn’t say “girasol” so the word slowly got slithered into “Jerusalem”. LOL.
Saker is an interesting place to go for information, I’ve only just discovered this site. Go easy on the Ukrainians, okay? I am of 100% Ukrainian blood but that does not mean I go along with USA’s anti-Russian shenanigans over there in the Old Country. Some of us know better; but sometimes you make it sound like Ukrainians the world over are just a bunch of skunks.
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В Путин – ‘Эхо Москвы’ отстаивает интересы чужого государства
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Putin – ‘Echo of Moscow’ defends the interests of a foreign state
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