I have been contacted today by the producers of a most interesting and unique documentary entitled Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” who informed me that their video was now available on YouTube in a seven-part series you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzHtFW-mC6vGh07g8RK7sUITTYsQYBlN0
When I asked them to make the video available in one file, they told me that they would do that, but that in the meantime I could use a special embed code which makes all the seven series available in one window. Since I do not want to wait, this is what I will do today, but I will let you know when the full documentary becomes available in one file.
Jacob Cohen is an extremely interesting person. This French Jew, born in Morocco, is the author of several very interesting books. This ex-Freemason and ex-Zionist, Cohen is the first person to write a full book dedicated to the topic of the voluntary Jewish collaborators of Israel known as “Sayan” (plural: “Sayanim”): Le Printemps des Sayanim which, needless to say, is not available in English. And since the English language Wikipedia does not offer any info about Cohen, the best I can do is to give you a link to a Google-translation of his French Wikipedia entry. Here is a link to his blog (in French): http://jacobdemeknes.blogspot.com/
This documentary also discusses the “Dieudonné” phenomenon and the general problem of the struggle of the French people against the Zionist-controlled nomenklatura. At a time when Berhard-Henri Levi travels to Kiev to declare his full support for the Nazi junta in power, it is very timely to get an insight into what is really happening in France as told by a extremely well-informed ex-insider.
The full series is long (4,5 hours) but I nevertheless highly recommend it to everybody.
The Saker
PS: for my previous articles about Dieudonné, Soral and the French anti-Zionist dissident movement please see here:
This is excellent and frightening at the same time.
It makes you realise how easily the creeping hand of corporate fascism has extended over our lives.
Thanks for the share and while time does not permit viewing of the documentary or playlist as of yet, please allow for a bit ‘o news from Quebec. It is worth noting that while this is not associated with Zionism per se, the “Liberal” Party that controls the seats of governmental power is the direct cousin of the neocons within the Harper Regime.
This fight is the same one we all fight and one can relate this to the hypocrisy that exists when determining “who” is allowed to protest and how they are viewed and reported on by those that control the government structures and MSM propaganda apparatuses.
It is also noteworthy that the first article did not allow for comments at all but the second did for a very short time comparatively speaking.
Notice the “language” associated with these protesters in Montreal compared to those used with regards to the Maidan protesters in Kiev…
‘Savage’ pension protest at Montreal city hall condemned by mayor
Montreal police chief ‘disappointed’ in his team after demonstrators allowed to barge into city building
CBC News
Posted: Aug 19, 2014 8:14 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 19, 2014 5:28 PM ET
Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard says city-hall mayhem ‘dishonours’ democratic institutions
Montreal’s chief of police criticized his own team for its lack of intervention during Monday evening’s pension protest at city hall.
Hundreds of municipal workers stormed Montreal city hall and trashed council chambers in a protest against Bill 3 — proposed legislation to change municipal pension plans.
Hundreds protest against Bill 3 outside Montreal City Hall
Municipal workers get inside council chamber to protest pension reform
CBC News Posted: Aug 18, 2014 7:56 PM ET Last Updated: Aug 19, 2014 8:29 AM ET
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If you’re looking for info about Dieudonne, there is some discussion begining in the last 5 minutes of part one and lasting until about 16 mins of part two.
Cohen returns to the subject in part three, which is a good place to start if you’re short on time.
Jacob Cohen “Documenterview” – Part 3/7
That’s as far as I’ve gone.
HI Saker
I watched the documentary…I’m glad to learn the connection between Zionism and the Masons…the Sayanim…
I wonder if this organization has an occult background like the Masons ? Perhaps using the Kabbala and the other Jewish mystical works…as the Masons do ?
There is definitely ritual involved in Masonic lodges…for instance I heard an interview with John Kerry about his membership to Skull and Bones … and he was asked about ritual…
(The members of S & B are not allowed to say anything about their club … not anything …)
and Kerry squirmed in his chair and said..”A little…its kind of a joke.”
But I think these places become more powerful with ritual…
Is this Jewish secret society called Sayanim (sounds like Zionim) is the Sayanim strictly business oriented, like some of the American masonic clubs now… or does it also have weird rituals ?
And I wonder if its an ancient club or if its been started in the past 100 or 200 years…
Thanks again for your work.
Thx Saker and thx Mr. Cohen for great work. Managed to see 5 parts so far. The abuse of power is just stunning. I can’t see Dieudonne win this fight, he will end up in jail or murdered sooner or later. But I still keep little hope that some change will come. He’s a true hero of la resistance.
Saker !
Another thing I learned from this posting of yours (although its really been in my own mind that I’ve discovered it….is how close Masonry is to the Jewish scriptures…I always just looked at it as “Christian” before, but now that I’m looking at it, I realize how close Jewry and Masonry have always been…
Since Masonry started..and they don’t really know when that was…my understanding is that they’ve used the “Temple Legend” about Solomon and Hiram … as well as other Jewish mystical books, as I mentioned in my last comment…
I don’t believe Masonry has always been bad…it was wonderful before 1800, during the days of the building of the Gothic Cathedrals…the wandering Free masons..and all the village men would gather to discuss mostly the way to overcome the corruption in the Church….the people that were more interested in the “occult and spiritual” then formed the Rosicrucians…
But since the 1850’s the lodge meetings of the Masons have been very much (ab)used for arranging comfortable quiet and not-so-legal business…
Saker, now I watched the whole documentary and I’m so impressed…how many people do not know of this wonderful man Dudoniet…(sp?)…what a wonderful thing is happening in France. I don’t think anyone even knows what a quenelle is…I’m going to do it all the time now….