By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog

The Island Nation of Japan Is The Cradle Of Hentai-Porn, Micro-Bento And Crazy Toilets. It Is Also The Motherlode Of Unspeakable Social Degeneracy And Mental Illnesses.

[Reader discretion advised: Stories from US-occupied Japan can cause bleeding ulcers and loss of heart. This is part 1 out of 4 of a series.]

Part 1. The Hikikomori Or Socially Dead.

In TOKYO, from a popular message board r/japan on Reddit‘dot‘com:

“Our son doesn‘t want to work like a normal person he says, wants to sit at home and do nothing.”

“Cut back on his allowance! Or throw him out!”

“We can’t do that. He is 30 next year and would be homeless and maybe kill himself.”

“Sit him down and discuss his options. Therapie?”

“We tried that. He says he has mental illness and cannot work. He is not gay though.”

A terrible malady has befallen Japan. Young men are committing life-long slo-mo suicides. They are vegging out in their box rooms or at their parent‘s houses, wasting their pointless existence in front of computer screens. They are turning into living trash.

They are called the Hikikomori [pronounced: Hee-Kee Komoree] or “shut-in-hermits.” Millions of males are quitting society and squatting on their tatami mats for years and decades until they die from mental exhaustion.

The government is partly complicit. It wants to reduce the subpar population and prevent those losers from making copies of themselves.

Big Corporations are preying on the time of the Hikikomori, for they are good at clicking, swiping and scrolling on whatever you give them—computer games, websites, porn and advertisement. The average Hikikomori spends 16 hours on brainless online activities. They are mining virtual coins for Clash Royale and Candy Crush, or watching 1 billion hours of TikTok videos.

[Maybe we could teach them how to code?]

In the past, during old capitalism, the ruling elites would exploit the labor force of the underclasses, labor slaves really, but in this new world of data harvesting, all they want is to lock them up in their tiny apatos and see their online clicks, likes and views.

The phenomenon of Hikikomori existed long before the government cried about it and picked that Japanese psychiatrist, SAITO Tamaki, to globalize the term in 2015 through a number of Anglo-American publications and Western journals.

SAITO had been one of countless experts on the Japanese phenomenon of otaku—geeks or nerds. The otaku were mostly young gamers and toy collectors or porn addicts from the 80s to the 2000s. They lived in their infantile parallel universe and hardly caused any trouble at first. However, when they entered late adulthood and walked out on the streets and into the employment centers, all smelly and autistic, social workers rang the alarm.

On the streets of Akihabara‘s Electronic Town in Tokyo or in Nakano Broadway Manga Street, and at countless video games conventions and anime clubs and cafes, it was a common sight for tourists to spot groups of Japanese adults who wore Sailor Moon cosplay or played Dragon Ball card games or showcased their collectible Super Mario figurines.

Otaku culture went global with the rise of the internet, and swept from Japan to America and Europe, where many impressionable young adults were infected with this mind disease.

But otaku were a jolly mixed bunch, and a lot of e-girls and thots joined the movement, collecting My Little Ponies or Super Sonic or Hello Kitty memorabilia. The adult otaku males, meanwhile, collected Lego bricks or Star Wars action figures and played computer games from Blizzard all day, until otaku culture became mainstream—a Cool Japan™ 2013 export, featuring ABE Shinzo, the then-Prime Minister.

It wasn’t without controversy though. During the 90s, the Japanese government once classified the otaku movement as sushi-wing extremist.

It all started in 1989 with an otaku serial killer, MIYAZAKI, who loved maguro sushi [tuna, raw] and slayed 4 pretty girls.

In general, most stalkers, pedophiles and murderers could be associated with sushi and manga culture—always! For example, most adults in Japan like sushi and read Berserk manga, alright—just like some adults in Europe read Mickey Mouse comics or adults in America read Spiderman graphic novels.

Soon, the government started to frame the hardcore otaku as potential domestic terrorists. Notable otaku massacres were the 2008 Akihabara knife attack by a 25-year-old manga nerd, KATO, killing 7; and the 2019 otaku arson on Kyoto Animation Studios by AOBA, killing 33.

So those were the otaku, and they were relatively harmless. But what would the government do about these new, rising hikikomori?

According to SAITO in his Hikikomori bestseller in 2015, a typical hikikomori was a male adult who is 20 years or older and who has not left his or his parent‘s house for more than 10 years.

That could be anybody in Tokyo.

However, the first hikikomori were probably young jobless adults and the authorities were concerned about what will happen when those childless cretins reach middle age. Could they be useful to society, or would they cause grief for Japan‘s image in the world?

NHK state broadcaster showed [staged] drama dokus where chinless men with skin rash explained their internet porn addiction and medical abuse of fruits beer pops from Lawson convenience stores.

Said one man, Yuga (27), who lives with his mommy: “O-Kasan has to place the food tray outside his door and pay his online bills on time.”

Asked whether her jobless son would really never leave his room, his O-Kasan bowed and said, “O yes he would leave at nights for Seven Eleven conbini, buying sugared milk tea, tuna onigiri and egg rolls.”

Finally, hurting families had a name to put to their hurt: Their sons were not okay; their sons were badass hikikomori!

Paraphrasing one social scientist from Tokyo University, FUNAKOSHI: The hikikomori carry mental diseases such as depression and anxiety disorders.

They are addicted to online pachinko, pay-to-play mobile games and bukkake internet porn. Their mental imbalances translate into ever more awkward behavior, such as hoarding card boxes or drawing Monster Hunter fanart.

Japan is the most drugged nation on earth thanks to its sadistic American occupiers.

It is true! All US pharmaceutical prescription drugs and vaccines are mass tested on the Japanese first, like they were some historic guinea pigs.

Unsurprisingly, it was found that all hikikomori were fully vaccinated against dozens of deadly viruses: measles, black death, malaria, monkeypox, annual influenza, pollen and pets allergies, and that they were dependent on antidepressants, attention deficits busters and strong sedatives.

And then there are also the over-the-counter chemicals such as Aspirin, Eve A, Bufferin, Loxorin and lots of other painkillers, stomach cleaners, ears and eyes drops, toenail fungus lotions and hundreds of other synthetics.

In June 2019, the New York Times, of all Imperial echelons, gave hikikomori a stellar global debut: ‘Japan’s Extreme Recluses Already Faced Stigma. Now, After Knifings, They’re Feared’. The Times called it “a condition.”

The paper listed several hate crimes committed by the hikikomori, including the 2019 stabbing of 17 schoolgirls by IWASAKI and the hikikomori bus stop slaying from the same year, where “a retired senior government official fatally stabbed his 44-year-old son who lived with his parents and had no social contacts.”

You see where this is going. Psychiatrist SAITO was asked for expert testimonials and estimated the number of hikikomori in his country at 1.2 million. The Times piece was syndicated and its message reproduced verbatim—and in over 3,000 newspapers worldwide!

As expected, only 3 months later in September 2019, the government portal Nippon‘dot‘com released its revised, shocking statistic: “Japan’s Hikikomori Population Could Top 10 Million.”

By now, every single ugly dude, every poor bachelor student, every unhappy husband or unshaven pops sitting in his car alone was suspect of antisocial withdrawal syndrome and harboring extremist thoughts.

What’s striking, China now reported a similar “condition” in Shanghai too. The Communist party media coined it “the plague of the flat-liers or tang pings.” The typical tang ping is not a drug addicted gamer nerd but a disillusioned young person with absolutely no career, love-life or happiness in life.

So, instead of even trying to compete in a rigged game for jobs at Tencent or the Bank of China, or for a placement test at Peking University that’s now totally unattainable for normies, the tang pings just quit this humiliating hurdling and crawling and became deadbeats.

Alas, the Chinese tang pings are not quite the Japanese hikikomori, not yet. The Chinese civilization is on the rise, while the Japanese civilization is going down the toilet.

The true rot and decay in Japan is understood and shared only by her US colonial masters—because they caused it! The hikikomori originated from a deep seated feeling of defeat and inferiority. Only Japan could have started this.

Japanese men, after being tortured all their life by anti-Japanese US propaganda, have internalized their ugliness—uglier even than the most ugly Americans. Japanese men are short, even shorter than the shortest Americans. Japanese cannot succeed, for they are set up for Pearl Harbor failure on their nuclear contaminated Pacific island crust. First, American men succeed in this world, then, perhaps, the subpar and defeated races.

US Colonialism is the all-important root cause: The hikikomori are addicted exclusively to American stuff: pornhub, iphone, google, amazon, netflix, hbo, steam, blizzard, apple, wechat, youtube.

The pharma companies Takeda and Daiichi Sankyu are US junior partners. Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline are American. Novartis is American with a fake Switzerland tax front. Japan is absolutely and thoroughly colonized.

The excruciating fact that even their beloved manga had been “de-Japanized” since the 80s to adapt Western faces—no more slant eyed short legged Zipangus [Japanese] please—is being duly noted by the industry: The West is God.

The hikikomori in America call themselves mgtows [men going their own way] or incels [one-cellers or in-celibates] or even blackpillers [swallowing the death pill and declare defeat in life]. Most of them have Japanese otaku and hikikomori characteristics: short, ugly, emasculated and poc [people of color].

From what they consume on the internet of death, they must conclude—not just from their own experiences of constant abuse, but from the shared experiences of all rejected men—that they are in fact a class of degenerates, suffering from “a condition” that marks them for deselection.

The hikikomori are done with society.

For them, it‘s over.


Full list of all 4 parts in this series:

  • Part 1. The Hikikomori Or Socially Dead.
  • Part 2. The X-Kyaku Or Deformed Underclass.
  • Part 3. Akuma No Juku Or: The Devil‘s Cram Schools.
  • Part 4. Kodomo No Yūkai Or: The Children-Abductors.

The author is a German writer and cultural critic.

Further Reading: Japan made the terrible mistake of aligning itself with the woke West and is now self-destroying. Read previous presentations about this nation‘s horrible decline: