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American Roulette

By Batiushka for The Saker blog Introduction: America’s Death-Wish ‘Russian roulette’ is a most peculiar expression. At least for any Russian. For the simple reason that he has never heard of it. In fact, it does not exist in Russian, neither the expression, nor the reality. It is something we learn about with astonishment when we learn English. The expression is an American invention and only an American with a

Quick news update + OPEN THREAD

First, all four liberated regions voted to join Russia. Donetsk: 99% Lugansk: 98% Zaporozhie: 93% Kherson: 87% This is a huge victory for Russia and a massive slap in the face of the collective West. By Friday I expect Putin to announce that these four regions will become part of Russia.  Then, early next week the Duma and the Federation Council will deal with this, then it will go back

IMHOclub launches an international campaign to save monuments in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland.

by Mira Terada for the Saker blog IMHOclub launches an international campaign to save monuments in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. Today, before our eyes, illiterate, embittered people are destroying the legacy of the past. Many have given up, because the most important monuments have already been destroyed, but we ourselves did not defend our shrines, we were indifferent. If this continues, we will soon be “demolished” from the face

Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on Ukraine

27 September 2022 Mr.President, As you know, referenda on accession to Russia have been held in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. The official results will be announced in the next few days. This is the long-awaited development for the people of Donbas. It should bring peace to their lands, which they have not seen for eight years. For all that time

Africa has its sovereign right to choose partners

26 September 2022 Oleg Ozerov, Ambassador-at-large, Head of the Secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Unofficial translation As was announced several days ago, on 13th September, the second Russia-Africa Partnership Forum, with me having the privilege to be the Head of its Secretariat, was scheduled for the next summer of 2023. An Organizing Committee headed by Yuri Ushakov, aide of the President of the Russian Federation, was established to get

Giorgia on our mind

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted It’s tempting to interpret the Italian electoral results this past Sunday as voters merrily hurling a bowl of lush papardelle with wild boar ragu over the collective bland faces of the toxic unelected Euro-oligarchy sitting in Brussels. Well, it’s complicated. Italy’s electoral system is all about coalitions. The center-right Meloni-Berlusconi-Salvini troika is bound to amass a substantial majority in

A possible strategy for peace

by Gav Don for the Saker blog We now await the results of the referenda in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhiya and Kherson to request membership of the Russian Federation. In the first three regions the result is a foregone conclusion. In Kherson the vote is also likely to be for membership, in spite of the fact that Kherson’s pre-war population was a majority ethnic Ukrainian one, but the margin may be

Quick notes from Andrei + open thread

Dear friends Looks like Hurricane Ian will be even dangerous for the Florida East coast.  So I don’t know how soon we will lose power.  I also am too preoccupied with preparations to write much today. But the few headlines below are, I think, quite amazing. The Americans Declared War On Europe The War On Germany Just Entered Its Hot Phase Swedish experts report explosions at Nord Stream pipeline sites

Sitrep on Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines

by the Lookout for the Saker blog Reports came in late yesterday, (as reported in the German media) of a dramatic depressurisation of Nord Stream 2 (NS2), an undersea gas line connecting Russia and Germany. This was followed later by news that Nord Stream 1 (NS1) has also depressurised. The pressure in NS2 plummeted from 105 bars1 to just 7 bars. Leaking gas bubbles into the Baltic Sea have been

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/09/27 … Open Thread

2022/09/27 17:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Will The Ukraine De-Militarise Itself?

by James Tweedie for the Saker blog Back in August 2022 I wrote that NATO was ‘demilitarising’ itself, sending such huge amounts of arms to the Ukraine before and during the Russian special military operation (SMO) that its armies had nothing left to fight with. That process has continued, with Slovenia, the northernmost of the former federal republics of Yugoslavia, sending its entire armoured vehicle fleet to Kiev. The last

Ukrainian recurring themes

By The LookOut for the Saker blog If you don’t want or can’t see what’s going on, you won’t even see it. But once seen, you can’t readily unsee it. This article covers recurring themes related to post-2014 Ukraine, ordinary examples of deep hatred for people of Donbass, the cult of Bandera, OUN & UPA and elements of Ukrainian fascism hard wired into Ukrainian society as well as the general

Banderastan SITREP by Faina Savenkova

by Faina Savenkova for the Saker blog For three years now I have been telling you about what is happening in Lugansk. About the war in which I live, about sorrows and joys. A year ago, the Peacemaker website published my personal data. I have written many letters to world leaders and artists in Western countries. I had only two requests: to delete the personal data of all the children

A chaotic post to start the week: international news, blog news and personal info

Dear friends, This will be a somewhat chaotic post since I am going to mix international news, blog news and personal use.  But first, I want to address something which deeply bothers me: the reaction of some to the recent prisoner exchange.  Specifically, I want to address those who so vociferously opposed it and criticized the Kremlin for agreeing to it.  So in my next paragraph I want to direct
