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Lesson Learned: Russia Is Now Doing in Venezuela What It Failed to Do in Yugoslavia, Syria

by Marko Marjanović (author of the new Checkpoint Asia site) for The Saker blog Pushing for the US to start an air war against Syria in 2012 Hillary Clinton argued in her emails that Russia would not “stand in the way”, just as it had done “little more than complain” when the US and its satellites bombed Yugoslavia in 1999: The second step is to develop international support for a

Bamiyan, Babylon, Palmyra, Notre-Dame

by Pepe Escobar for The Saker Blog The Bamiyan Buddhas were destroyed by an intolerant sect pretending to follow Islam. Buddhism all across Asia grieved. The West hardly paid attention. The remaining ruins of Babylon, and the attached museum, were occupied, plundered and vandalized by a US Marine base during Shock and Awe in 2003. The West paid no attention. Vast tracts of Palmyra – a legendary Silk Road oasis

Maria Zakharova discusses US policies towards Venezuela (MUST READ!)

Excerpt of the weekly MFA  briefing by Maria Zakharova: ——- The UN Security Council held a meeting in New York yesterday at the initiative of the US to discuss the humanitarian situation in Venezuela. Russia’s position, whereby this is not the appropriate platform or format for discussing this topic, remains unchanged. We are not turning a blind eye to the challenging social, economic and humanitarian developments in Venezuela. Still, we

Resistance report: All sights set on Iran – IRGC branded ”terrorist” and Israel launches new attack on Syria

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog On April 8, the Trump administration made yet another move against Iran in what has become an almost weekly thing these days. This time the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), a branch of the Iranian Armed Forces was labelled terrorist in what can only be seen as another gift to Israel from Trump and his colleagues. Overnight, about 11 million Iranians (one seventh

The Ukies come to Paris to meet with their bosses

by Le Saker Francophone for the Saker blog Macron, the French president, always eager to take the center stage to show his dynamism, has received the two outsiders of the presidential election of Ukraine, Zelenski and Poroshenko, on the same day with 3 hours interval. On april 12th Zelinski is convened at L’Elysée at 3 pm then Poroshenko at 6 pm. Le Monde, one of the few French newspaper to

Sitrep: ASSANGE and the patriots

By Chris Faure for The Saker Blog It is hard to believe that Assange may end up in the tender care of the vicious: those that run Washington; those that treat Venezuela with state terror; and who daily kill in Syria, in Yemen, in Afghanistan, and a dozen other places. Shame, Shame on those that are celebrating this miscarriage of justice and attack on freedom.  Shame on Democratic Sen. Joe

Will Poroshenko Decide to Cancel the Second Round of Elections?

by Ruslan Ostashko  Translated and captioned by Leo. Don’t forget to press CC for English captions.     An unpleasant surprise was presented to the chocolate führer by Ukrainian voters. Of course, Petro Poroshenko understood that in the first round of elections, the most votes will be gathered by Vladimir Zelensky. But he did not expect that the gap between the candidate-comedian will be so big. The presidential elections appeared

Moveable Feast Cafe 2019/04/13 … Open Thread

2019/04/13 18:30:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

You have the right to always remain silent!

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times) by special agreement with the author) The date – April 11, 2019 – will live in infamy in the annals of Western “values” and “freedom of expression.” The image is stark. A handcuffed journalist and publisher dragged out by force from the inside of an embassy, clutching a Gore Vidal book on the History of the US National Security State. The mechanism is

Ecuador SITREP: How Corrupt History Repeats Itself

by Stephen Karganovic for The Saker Blog The expulsion of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, scarcely a surprise after many heavy hints were being dropped that it was in the works, is outrageous on many counts. Not the least of those is the fact that Assange was made citizen of Ecuador by the government preceding that of the almost offensively misnamed current President, Lenin Moreno. Ecuador has,

Yellow Vests get 1st game-changing win: A vote to stop denationalisation of airports

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog You never read the word “denationalisation” in Western media anymore, only “privatisation”. That makes sense… “denationalisation” is so obviously negative; it’s lack of patriotism and concern for the public welfare isn’t being covered up. The New York Times seemed to stop using the word around the mid-1980s – which makes sense, because that’s when the propaganda of neoliberalism fully took hold. In 2019,

Margarita Simonian’s and Maria Zakharova’s reaction to the rendition of Julian Assange

What happened is this: since the legacy Ziomedia hates Assange and since they were embarrassed by having this Uber-whistle-blower locked away for 7 years for daring to reveal the true nature of the AngloZionst Empire, they did not have anybody in from of the Ecuadorian Embassy when Assange was rendered.  Now they have to humiliate themselves and ask RT (whom they hate and constantly insult) for some footage.  Here is

Ukronazi Banderastan sinks to a new low, Petro threatens to murder Zelenskii in a political video

Here is what took place: Poroshenko took the beginning of a political ad for Zelenskii, but changed the end: Zelesnkii gets run over by a truck. The reaction in the Ukraine and in Russia was unanimous: this is a poorly veiled death threat and a major political mistake by a desperate and completely out of touch Poroshenko. Really, how low can the Ukronazi Banderastan sink….? See for yourself: (the text

Nasrallah: ‘IRGC strongest force in ME, Resistance Axis will act if US pressure escalates’ – English Subs

Description: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech yesterday that it was only “natural” for the Trump administration to include Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on its terror list, as the IRGC is the ‘most powerful and influential force’ in the Middle East today, one that supports and backs the “resistance factions and movement” in “every battlefield”. Nasrallah also warned the US that if its measures against

This is *NOT* a joke: the Ukronazis just voted on “using their brain” (REALLY!)

Dear friends, This is NOT, repeat, NOT a joke.  Ollie and Angelina correctly translated this article.  And yes, in the Rada, the Ukronazis had a vote on “using their brain” and only 21 delegates voted to support this. See for yourself below. The Saker ——- Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Voted on the Proposal to “Switch on Brains” On
