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Yemeni War Report – June 21, 2018: al-Hudaydah Airport Still Remains Contested Fierce clashes between the Saudi-led coalition’s forces and the Houthis are ongoing near the port city of al-Hudaydah in western Yemen. On June 19, the coalition’s forces once again entered the al-Hudaydah airport claiming that this time they really captured it. However, they were not able to establish full control of this important facility because of a fierce resistance from the Houthis. On June 20, clashes in the area

Sexy metal: the missing element in the Korean puzzle

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo knows the importance of rare earth elements, and North Korea has reportedly found one of the world’s biggest deposits 150km from Pyongyang; is this another factor behind the recent thaw with the US? This may not be about condos on North Korean beaches after all. Arguably, the heart of the matter

Syrian War Report – June 20, 2018: Syrian Army Attacks Militants In Daraa Province On June 19, units of government forces attacked positions of militant groups near the village of Buser al-Harir northeast of the southern Syrian city of Daraa. Sporadic clashes in the area continued on June 20 but no major advance was carried out by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies. Pro-government sources described this development as a trial balloon ahead of possible advance in the area. If the

How Iran got economically socialist, and then Islamic socialist

by Ramin Mazaheri for the The Saker blog “Ramin Mazaheri, a foreign correspondent for Iran’s Press TV, posted a blog accusing the World Socialist Web Site of betraying its ‘socialist principles’ and aiding imperialism, because we welcomed the working-class opposition to Iran’s capitalist government…” From nearly the beginning of the WSWS’s 3-part rebuttal to my criticism of them is the refusal, or inability, to understand that Iran’s government cannot accurately qualify as “capitalist”. I

Why do we need the World Football Cup? By Ruslan Ostashko

Translation and subtitles by Scott Humor Edited by Leo original video I have read many articles, social media posts, and readers’ comments  searching for answers to the question: “Why do we have to do this World Cup? This, pardon my French, Mundial?” Let’s talk about this. I want to discuss this issue in a context of which little is being said. To begin with, I disagree with those who claim

Syrian War Report – June 19, 2018: Many Govt Fighters Killed In Alleged US Strikes In Eastern Syria On June 18, the US-led carried out airstrikes on a position of government forces at the village of of al-Hiri, located southeast of the border town of al-Bukamal, the Syrian state media said describing the attack as an attempt to raise morale of terrorist groups that are losing the war to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The SANA also accused the US of providing ISIS with various support in

Russia Squeezes Out The West From Africa Without a Fight

By Evgeny Krutikov Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: The Central African Republic “is captured by Russian mercenaries”. Mozambique “relaunches” relations with Russia and considers the list of weapons that it wants to receive. The Democratic Republic of the Congo suggests to Russia to “enter” into military cooperation. Somewhere far away negotiations on building a Russian military base in Djibouti are being conducted.

Battle For al-Hudaydah Can Become Turning Point In Yemen War The Saudi-led coalition and its proxies are developing their military operation to capture the western Yemeni port city of al-Hudaydah from the Houthis. This very advance started on June 13 after a series of failed attempts of the coalition-led forces to reach the city along the western Yemeni coast. Over 25,000 of coalition-backed fighters and at least 1,500 UAE troops, backed by a large number of military equipment, including

The Americans have found Nazism in the Ukraine, by Ruslan Ostashko

  (Click “CC” for English subtitles) original video   Description: Where have you seen Nazis in the Ukraine? This question to our global neighbours and liberals must now also be posed to American human rights activists. But why have all these NGOs suddenly turned their attention to this problem? Aren’t they undermining Poroshenko? Transcript: The Internet knows a special genre of humour concerning Ukraine. It has no official name, but

Where Did the Russian Portfolio of American Bonds Disappear To?

By Ivan Danilov Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Practice shows that there are three topics connected to Moscow that attract genuine attention, and often also invoke the sincere surprise of the foreign financial press and expert community. The main mystery that the authors of the western financial periodical press try to solve is why the Russian economy hasn’t yet collapsed, despite unprecedented western

Moveable Feast Cafe 2018/06/18 … Open Thread

2018/06/18 13:30:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

East Med Sitrep May – June 2018

by Kakaouskia for The Saker Blog Greetings to the Saker community and readers. Cyprus: Reports in the press show that the Cypriot government has signed an agreement with France for the provision of four SA-342M Gazelle helicopters from the reserves of the French Army. These helicopters are the modernised version of the SA-342-L1 of which Cyprus already operates four since 1988. The upgraded version has night fight capabilities as well

Russians are much admired and Putin is loved by the Chinese, for good reasons

by Jeff J. Brown for The Saker Blog Crosslinked with: Looking back at the rocky, mutually suspecting and disrespecting relations between Russia’s and China’s leaders, 1917-2000, this photo speaks volumes about the depth of Putin’s and Xi’s mutual friendship and the importance of Sino-Russian cooperation on the world stage, highlighted at last week’s SCO summit in Qingdao. They are brothers, amigos, and trusted partners on the world

Rostislav Ishchenko – Seven Against Eight or 2+2=3

by Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: On June 9th-10th, the G7 summit was held in Quebec and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit simultaneously took place in Qingdao. For the first time in Qingdao, the SCO was represented by eight participants. India and Pakistan, which were added to the SCO at the last summit, were included in this summit. Another

Saker Community Translations and new collaboration launched!

Dear friends, Excellent news!  First, I am happy to announce the official launch of the Saker Community Translations YouTube channel which you can find here: This project has been launched by three volunteers of the Saker Community and its main goal is to regularly post the insightful political commentaries of Ruslan Ostashko, one of the most insightful Russian analysts whose videos have been regularly translated and subtitled on this

This Is How Wars Start

by Rostislav Ishchenko for Actual Comment Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard Russia keeps its most powerful grouping of troops in the western direction. Just according to official figures the equivalent of ten divisions under the control of three army HQs – not counting the grouping in Crimea, airborne divisions and forces of special operations, and also two (Baltic and Black Sea) fleets, the Caspian flotilla, the revived

How Finland and Estonia fooled laws of nature and Russian gas, by Ruslan Ostashko

  Dear friends, here are some perplexing news. I read and reread them several times, checked sources and encyclopedia, and still couldn’t understand what exactly is happening. Hopefully, together we will get to the bottom of it. Estonia has decided to fight for its “energy independence” and decided to buy natural gas from… Finland. There is only one question regarding this otherwise normally sounding news. What is the source of

The WSWS, Iran’s economy, the Basij & Revolutionary Shi’ism: an 11-part series

by Ramn Mazaheri for The Saker Blog In February the WSWS published a three-part series in response to my criticism of their inflammatory coverage of the protests last winter in Iran, and also to try and rebut the entire concept of “Iranian Islamic Socialism”. I have waited a few months to read it and respond, but I present this 11-part series in order to: explain the undeniably socialist nature of
