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The Russian Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean: Naval Briefing November 9th, 2016 by LeDahu

Source: Extract from infographic – Source: Extract from infographic – Latest information is that the Russian fleet off the coast of Syria is going to carry out military strikes in the Aleppo region including seaborne missiles launches.  This is not surprising since the main elements of the Russian Navy force have at last converged off Cyprus & Syria. The Kuznetsov carrier has been on the receiving end of

Trump elected as President – risks and opportunities

So it has happened: Hillary did not win!  I say that instead of saying that “Trump won” because I consider the former even more important than the latter.  Why?  Because I have no idea whatsoever what Trump will do next.  I do, however, have an excellent idea of what Hillary would have done: war with Russia.  Trump most likely won’t do that.  In fact, he specifically said in his acceptance

Trolls 101 —- How To Identify Trolls And Forum Spies

The following comment was selected by mod-kl from this post. Mod-kl found this dissertation on the various troll techniques to be quite well written and very education. We think other members of the saker community would also enjoy it. by Anonymous How To Identify Trolls And Forum Spies (Cryptome) Cointelpro Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum. There are several techniques for the control and manipulation of

Comment software has been rolled back to old version

Tonight we experienced 5 hours outage when no one was able to enter comments. Even the mods were locked out of the system. This is the second time we have experienced this problem, the other time was for a much shorter time period. Then about 9am GMT everything started working again. Have not yet identified the problem, but the only change that has been made recently is the ‘new comment’

Announcement by the Saker Community about the German Saker blog

It is with great sadness that we, the Saker Community, have decided to sever our ties with the German Saker blog. For many years the German Saker blog has been one of the most successful and dedicated blogs of our community and we want to sincerely thank Dagmar Henn for the superb job she did as the person in charge of this blog. Recently, however, the German Saker blog has

President Trump vs President Clinton … What Will Happen After Inauguration?

by Oleg Maslov The time has come for the country with the largest economy and military in the world will soon go to the polls to choose a new leader for itself. Americans will elect a new president on November 8, 2016. However, the two main candidates running for the office of president in the general election have never been more different from each other. Hillary Clinton has lived in

Why Hillary Clinton Will Appoint Old World Nationalists to Cabinet Positions and the Quasi-Legal Coup-Hillary Clinton Information Operations In Election 2016

by GH Eliason Whether you are for Hillary Clinton or against her, the problem with Hillary Clinton isn’t her lack of experience. Almost the entire political establishment is behind her. Throughout all the bumps and scandal in this whole election cycle, Republicans and former presidents are coming out of the woodwork supporting her. According to the LA Times she may well be one of the most experienced candidates in US history, while even accounting

What’s goes around comes around, or How Russia and the US are trading punches, by Scott Humor

This article was first published by the Duran Three years ago someone’s video parody of a “Russian guy’s reaction” to a meteor falling over Chelyabinsk went viral.  “Russia Today” even included it into its reportage of how the Russian dashcam videos become internet sensations [2:24]. This 10 sec video had done more to project the toughness of Russians than all the fireworks of Vitaly Churkin’s diplomatic rhetoric.  Hands down, Churkin

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/11/07 … Open Thread

2016/11/07 14:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for
