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Ukrainian government plans book banning on massive scale

By David Walsh   In an interview with the Kyiv-based Interfax news agency in late May, Oleksandra Koval, director of the Ukrainian Book Institute (UBI), estimated that more than 100 million copies of “propaganda books,” including Russian classics, needed to be removed from Ukrainian public libraries. The UBI, according to its own website, “is a government entity, part of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.” The

After 77 Years Of US Occupation, Half Of Japanese Girls Deformed

by Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog The Island Nation Of Japan Is A Model Colony Of The US Empire of Sanctions [And Lies]. Their Media Keep Silent About The Deliberate Altering Of The Japanese Anatomy. Brace Yourself… [Reader discretion advised: Stories from US-occupied Japan can cause long covid and fear of crooked limbs. This is part 2 out of 4 of a series.] Part 2. The X-Kyaku Or

Pro-Ukrainian, but Anti-Nazi

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog I have noticed that there are a few reviewers of the Special Operation in the Ukraine who seem to support it only because they are racist, anti-Ukrainian. Let it be made clear that this is not the case of the overwhelming majority of its supporters. And it is certainly not the case of the vast majority of the Russian forces involved in the Operation.

Ramzan Kadyrov Reads a Poem about Ukraine Posted on Kadyrov’s Telegram channel on June 10, 2022. Translated by Leo V. My sidenote: If I had to name this poem, it would be Naïve Україна   Ukraine, Ukraine! What is the catch? You are beautiful and naïve on the ruins of the epochs. And now you are ruled by a mask of false goodness, Those who burned Taras Bulba on the rapids near the Dnieper.   There

Open thread (and notes)

The world is busy with the greatest part busy with building their lives and their countries and regaining sovereignty, and the smallest portion busy sinking. We have Spief going on in St Petersburg and seemingly a number of loose threads are being pulled together. We have Europe’s gas supply being throttled by Russia, as Siemens could not supply repair parts because Canada did not want to release the parts because

Notes From Spief: St Petersburg International Economic Forum

Pepe Escobar is following various discussions at Spief: and here are some of his updates from his telegram channel: THE ST. PETERSBURG FORUM IS ON A ROLL I spent the morning back and forth following some fab discussions at the forum – especially on Russia-China, SCO business, BRICS, the Russian financial sector, the Northern Sea Route and this one linked below, with Glazyev, on the Eurasia Economic Union and

The ‘New G8’ Meets China’s ‘Three Rings’

The coming of the new G8 points to the inevitable advent of BRICS +, one of the key themes to be discussed in the upcoming BRICS summit in China. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted The speaker of the Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, may have created the defining acronym for the emerging multipolar world: “the new G8”. As Volodin noted, “the United States has created conditions

Sitrep Operation Z: Messy Grind again and more Great Walkback

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog We start with the broader environment: It is Zelensky’s decision, says the Chorus of the Great Walkback. “The people and the government of Ukraine, led by President Zelensky, must decide on their own the issue of the possibility of territorial concessions.” – US Secretary of State Blinken. According to the head of the State Department, the United States does not intend to impose its

The Empire Strikes Back: Imperialism’s global war on multipolarity

This is a series of talks where each talk is short and one can enjoy the long video in shorter pieces.  An absolute must-listen is the convenor’s (Radhika Desai) opening statement which explains so clearly the concept of multi-polarity or pluripolarity. The second one by Victor Gao brings a new view to how China perceives these changes in our world. Ben Norton from Multipolarista takes a look at the influence

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/06/15 … Open Thread

2022/06/15 08:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

The World Is Looking At You

By Batiushka for The Saker A huge and historic injustice took place in Europe in 1914, which over the next four years left many, many millions dead. Who was responsible? The power-lusting Prussians of Germany, using Austro-Hungarian imperialism as their pawn, or the power-lusting Establishment of Great Britain, using French revanchism as their pawn? Some would say that all were to some extent responsible, though the spontaneous 1914 Christmas Armistice

Yellow Vest Win: The death of Western parliamentary democracy as the most progressive government

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker blog The fight against autocracy and monarchy – the dominant theme of progressive politics in human history – has always begun with the fight for a parliament: the creation of a group representing some interest beyond the royal executive decree, and with the power to affect the lawmaking process and general governance. (This is the fifteenth chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests:

The Tale of the Evil King

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien Once upon a time there was an evil King whose forebears had sailed across a great ocean to a vast land. There they had slain with many firesticks and pestilences or else taken captive the native peoples of that rich and fertile land, which had many minerals in its earth. The other nations of the earth called this land

Sitrep Operation Z: The Great WalkBack

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog Recall:  We have no idea what the Russian end-point is, except for this part of the SMO, demilitarization and denazification of the two Donbass Republics. The blogger gpovanman summarizes the last week as follows: The last few days have seen no real breakthroughs in the Ukrainian conflict, yet with Russia not planning that there would be, this comes as no surprise. There are however

IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2022: China’s vision for regional order

The video itself is about 35 minutes long and contains an outline of China’s vision for the region. Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe laid out a solid rebuttal ( to Washington’s hegemonic vision at the Shangri La Dialogue. A listing of content and notes taken: China: Believes in multilateralism; Opposes (US) hegemony; Upholds international laws (vs. US “norms/rules”); Will defend its territorial integrity which includes Taiwan; Stands the most
