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Putin’s counter-intuitive 8 point peace plan for the Ukraine

There is a lot of speculation about Putin’s end goal. They range from “Putin wants ton conquer the Ukraine and then Moldova, the Baltic States and (who knows?) even Poland” to “Putin’s wants to back-stab Novorussia and sell it in exchange for Crimea”. And these are not just empty speculations, because your assessment of what is happening today will largely depend on what you believe Putin’s end goal is. For

[eng subs] 1st Slavyansk militia brigade recon by fire combat footage

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Short news items

Poroshenko claims that a Novorussian artillery spotter was arrested in Mariupol and that soon he will give evidence to the world. Why such a spotter would be needed for fixed targets in unclear. In the meantime, Russia TV said that the initial information about a single strike was wrong, there were three strikes, one at 0900, then one at 1300 and the last one around 1330. FortRuss has published a

Hungary: Next Stop on the Putsch Express

Submitted by Andrew Kahn for Voice of América (Twitter @akahnnyc)   Once is a conspiracy theory. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice gets people wondering. Four times and the polished denials begin as conspiracy theory has become neoliberal reality. So it is in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe and former Soviet regions. Yugoslavia, Croatia, Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine. And where next? The number has gone way beyond four – the time

Check out this “Ukrainian” fighter

Check out this video shot today in Mariupol following the artillery strike which killed and wounded scores of people. A Ukrainian journalist approaches what she believe is a Ukrainian solider (he is in Ukrainian uniform and has an AK on this back) and asks him “tell me, what happened here?”. You can listen to his reply by yourself. No translation needed.   The Saker     [Note from webmaster: We

Assault on the New Terminal combat footage 16-18 January “Donbas under fire” documentary [eng sub]

This documentary has some amazing footage of the combats at the airport, including night combat. Absolutely amazing & highly recommended.   The Saker     [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to

Words of wisdom from “Matros”

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A most unpleasant thing to post

Dear friends, While I often post stuff I don’t agree with, this time around I am going to post something which I find most disturbing, but which I strongly believe has to be aired. As you might have heard, the mayor of Pervomaisk, Evgeny Ischenko, has been shot. Some (many?) are accusing Plotnitsky, just as in the case of Batman. I am not taking sides here, but I find the

Just an “honest” mistake this time? Maybe

By now most of you would have heard about the artillery strike on the civilian outskirts of Mariupol. The Nazis blamed the Novorussians, who denied it. Turns out the locals saw it all and even filmed it. Bottom line is this: this appears to be an “honest” mistakes, meaning that the Ukrainians were probably trying to hit the advancing Novorussians but that their salvo came in short (Ukie artillerists do

A short course in Ukrainian history

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Igor Strelkov commentary on strategic situation in Novorossia 23/01/15

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A key day in the Ukrainian Conflict?

by Alexander Mercouris   This may turn out to be a critical day in the evolution of the Ukrainian conflict. 1. The Russian Security Council met today. We do not (obviously) have a full account but Putin’s website has provided some details. Strikingly, Putin referred to the junta as “official Kiev” and not “the Ukrainian government” or “the Ukrainian side”. He also referred to the two east Ukrainian republics as

Novorussian SITREP January 23

Over the past 48 hours not much has changed.   Donetsk: The airport is confirmed fully in Novorussians hands and the main combats are in the towns of Peski, Avdeevka, Krasnogorovka and Marinka which are shown in black on the map below: In all these locations the Novorussian Armed Forces are on the offensive in order to push back the Ukrainian Repression Forces. If the Novorussian succeed in booting the

23.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, Donetsk, USA, Kiev, NATO

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False flags and how to start a ‘colour revolution’ in Argentina

by Mario   How it starts: 1987–88 Iran signed three agreements with Argentina’s National Atomic Energy Commission. The first Iranian-Argentine agreement involved help in converting the U.S. supplied Tehran Nuclear Research Centre (TNRC) reactor from highly enriched fuel to 19.75% low-enriched uranium, and to supply the low-enriched uranium to Iran. December 1992: The US Embassy in Buenos Aires informs the Argentine government that a continuation of the Iran-Argentine nuclear cooperation

Latest Donbass videos translated by Kazzura

As you probably have heard by now, the Ukies succeeded in striking a bus at the morning rush hour full of civilians. I will not post the video of that here, but those of you who want to see for themselves the result of that strike can click on the following link:… All the following videos are a direct consequence of this event.   Captive UAF ‘cyborgs’ taken to

22.01.2015 Military Report of Novorossia. Latest news of Ukraine, DPR,LPR

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22.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, DPR, Kiev, Poland

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“UAF might be preparing a false flag operation in Donbass” from ColonelCassad blog

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Oh how much these Poles hate Russia…

Amazing. I mean – everybody knew that Iatseniuk is an evil congenital liar, but that he represents a regime of freaks anyway. But Poland, I had assumed, was a civilized country, run by by mentally sane, if a tad subservient to the USA, people. And then this bombshell: Asked on Polish radio on Wednesday why Putin was not invited to the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz, the Foreign Minister
