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Ouch – we screwed up…

Remember that great article “by Zakharchenko”? Well, this is the email I just got from a friend: Zakharchenko is a smart man and does see the big picture but he has nothing to do with that article. Its author is Eduard Birov (who blogs as “Russkiy Malchik” here: The other publication simply reposted Birov’s article and added Zakharchenko’s photo. Birov has been writing a lot in this vein

eng subs Spanish volunteers of NAF ‘Ghost’ brigade

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Another captive UAF ‘cyborg’ handed over to his parents by Alexandr Zakharchenko

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” When the word comes ‘it’s time’ “

By Aleksandr Zakharchenko [ Note from editor: This article was MISTAKENLY attributed to Alexander Zakharchenko. See here for details: Ouch – we screwed up… ] Translated from Russian by J.Hawk for FortRuss   If one is to speak without geopolitical complexities and nuances, the situation is extremely simple. This is a battle for the continent, for the international system, for one’s own taiga. They are desperately attacking us and are

My take on the Geneva Conventions

I get a lot of comments to the effect that the Geneva Conventions (GC) are only for victors, or inapplicable in war, or wishful thinking etc. I very much disagree. For the following reasons: First, there is a difference between a solider and a thug and that difference is not in the guns they carry, but in what they do and why they do it. Yes, there are indeed bad

Givi and the Geneva Conventions

There has been a lot of criticisms of the battalion “Somali” and Givi for the way they treated the junta’s prisoners, including the Colonel who, apparently, was the commander of the junta’s 93rd Brigade. Let me begin by agreeing with those who say that the treatment of these prisoners did violate the Geneva conventions, no doubt about it in my mind.   The law (or how it maybe would be

28.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, Novorossia, USA, Russia

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Syriza: Voting to join a realm of shared, sustainable prosperity

by Mario   Recap: In 1971 Bretton Woods failed. The United States implemented a new strategy: Disregard its twin deficits and act as a gargantuan vacuum cleaner that sucked in the trade surpluses of Germany, Japan and later China, attracting into Wall Street between $3 to $5 billion net on each working day. Forcing productivity and zero real wage rises created a further daily 5$ billion domestically for corporations. All

Must watch: Ukrainian Deputy: US to stage a civil war in Ukraine! This was 20.11.2013!! BEFORE Maidan

  Transcript: Deputy Oleg Tsarov has the word Honourable Colleagues Honourable Vladimir Vasiljevitch In my role as a representative of the Ukrainian people… …activists of the public organisation “Volya” turned to me… …providing clear evidence… …that within our territory… …with support and direct participation …of the US Embassy in Kiev… …the “TechCamp” project is realised… …under which preparations are being made for a civil war in Ukraine. The “TechCamp” project

Genocidal “poetry” in English on “Ukrainian” armor?

Check out this photo taken today: We are told that these units are staffed by Ukrainians wanting to free their own fellow-Ukrainians from “terrorists”. To me, this sure look like an English-speaking terrorist has come to Novorussia to commit genocide against the people of the Donbass. But, hey, that’s just me.   The Saker   [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles

Givi meets the Nazi death squad leader – feel the love…

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Ukraine SITREP January 27th: Zionists, Nazis and a bit of history

The Zionists: Oh this is too good!!! My two “favorite” Russia-hating Ueber-Zionists join forces in the New York Times to call for the salvation of the Nazi Junta in Kiev by a massive injection of capital. Priceless. Here is what they wrote: (full text) Save the New Ukraine A NEW Ukraine was born a year ago in the pro-European protests that helped to drive President Viktor F. Yanukovych from power.

27.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. War in Ukraine, Mariupol, DPR, NATO, Russia

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Ukraine SITREP 26th January

I have been trying to wait as long as possible to get some facts confirmed, but at this point in time I am confident enough to say that there are numerous and convergent signs that things are going extremely badly for the Kiev junta. Just look at the following recent headlines: ​Kiev urgently summons NATO-Ukraine meeting in Brussels Junta officers get the right to shoot their man in case of

Europe’s addiction to Russian gas: How long before withdrawal symptoms set in?

by Leonid Krutakov for Odnako (translated by: Robin)   In mid-January, EU Energy Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič held talks with Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller and Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak in Moscow. After the talks, Mr. Šefčovič expressed surprise at three circumstances. First, Gazprom has no intention of building the South Stream pipeline. Second, in the future natural gas will be delivered to Europe via Turkey. And, third, Russia is not

26.01.2015 Military Report of Novorossia

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Important blog news: we are getting stronger, much stronger

Dear friends, I have some important issues to bring to your attention:   1) Domain names: We are trying to fix the domain name problems and also making some major changes in our IT architecture. As of right now, please note that the following Saker Blogs are still functioning normally: French Saker: German Saker: Oceania Saker: Latin American Saker: the following Saker Blogs are down due

26.01.2015 Ukrainian crisis news. Latest news of Ukraine, DPR, Kiev, Mariupol

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What was the real nationality of the “Ukie” soldier?

Since you asked for it, here is a very informal poll just for entertainment purposes to let you guess the true nationality of the “Ukie” solider recently seen in Mariupol: (FYI, my vote: UK)   What was the real nationality of the “Ukie” soldier? USA UK Canada Australia New Zealand Ireland Other? free polls     [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments

Glorification of terrorism: a teenager prosecuted in France because of a cartoon on Facebook

by numerama, 17/1/2015 Translated by Jenny Bright for Tlaxcala   A 16 year-old teenager in France was indicted for glorifying terrorism after he published a cartoon representing a character with the Charlie Hebdo journal, hit by bullets, with an accompanying ironic comment. The current situation is, to say the least, paradoxical. Last weekend, following the terrible attacks that took place right in the middle of Paris, large rallies were held
