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Snapshots from life in the Imperial Homeland

First, check out this ad put out by the group the Israel Project and which was aired during the DNC in Boulder: Then, check out the email Blackwater USA is sending out in preparation for a possible landfall of Hurricane Gustav on or near New Orleans: Security for Hurricane Gustav Blackwater is compiling a list of qualified security personnel for possible deployment into areas affected by Hurricane Gustav.Applicants must meet

Russia remains a Black Sea power

By M K Bhadrakumar for the Asia Times If the struggle in the Caucasus was ever over oil and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) agenda towards Central Asia, the United States suffered a colossal setback this week. Kazakhstan, the Caspian energy powerhouse and a key Central Asian player, has decided to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Russia over the conflict with Georgia, and Russia’s de facto control over two major Black

Official Russian transcript of the interview of Vladimir Putin by CNN

Интервью Председателя Правительства Российской Федерации В.В.Путина американской телекомпании “Си-Эн-Эн” Сочи, 28 августа 2008 г. М.ЧАНС: (как переведено) Спасибо, господин Путин, за то, что согласились дать это интервью. Многие люди в мире считают Вас – хотя Вы уже сейчас не являетесь Президентом, Вы являетесь Премьер-министром – главным руководителем в этой стране и считают, что именно Вы отдали приказ о вводе российских войск в Грузию. Действительно ли это так? В.В.ПУТИН: Это, конечно,

Ahmadinejad: ‘Regional states can solve Caucuses crisis’

Press TV reports: Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said the Georgian crisis can be solved by the regional countries without any foreign interference. “The regional countries are able to resolve the issue if countries from outside the region do not interfere in the case,” Ahmadinejad said in a press conference in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on Thursday. “The Islamic Republic enjoys a friendly relation with all the regional nations and has deep

Russia is loosing the diplomatic war

Following the recent meeting of the G7 Russia was hoping to get some support from the SCO conference in Dushanbe. It did hot happen. While the Russian media and Russian politicians did try to put the best spin possible on the declaration adopted at the conference, the fact is that while it did speak about the Russian role in the Caucasus it did not endorse or support the Russian military

The Black Sea Fleet flagship Moskva enters to port of Sukhum

For a better look at the Moskva guided missile cruiser, click on the picture below. I would note that while the Mosvka’s primary mission might be to monitor the movement of NATO vessels in the Black Sea (which be conducted from the Sukhum port mainly by electronic means), the Moskva also provides advanced anti-air capabilities to Abkhazia as it is equipped with long range anti air radars and missiles.

Another great cartoon by Carlos Latuff

Carlos Latuff’s cartoon are, I think, the best ones out there. Check them out here. I mostly find out about them on Tony’s Palestinian Pundit blog (truly a ‘must visit daily’ for anyone interested in the Middle-East). Here is the latest Latuff (click on the image for better resolution):

Why I had to Recognise Georgia’s Breakaway Regions

By Dmitry Medvedev for the Financial Times (via Information Clearing House) On Tuesday Russia recognized the independence of the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It was not a step taken lightly, or without full consideration of the consequences. But all possible outcomes had to be weighed against a sober understanding of the situation – the histories of the Abkhaz and Ossetian peoples, their freely expressed desire for independence, the

Russia recognizes South Ossetia and Abkhazia

Commentary: WOW! I did not see that coming at all. Sure, I did notice that both chambers of the Russian parliament passed a resolution calling on President Medvedev to recognize South Ossetia and Abkhazia *unanimously*, but then, considering that by now all the parties in the Russian parliament were basically ‘anti-Western’ (bad expression, but you know what I mean) I was not too surprised. My guess was that Medvedev would

The real meaning of the South Ossetian war: Part II – what’s next?

I ended my previous article about The real meaning of the South Ossetian war with the words: historians will probably look back at the month of August 2008 as the moment when Russia decided to strike back at the Empire for the first time. Today, I want to pick up this conclusion and take a look at what might happen next. But before looking into the future, I want to

Who is Randy Scheunemann?

McCain’s neocon warmonger by Pat Buchanan for World Net Daily He is the principal foreign policy adviser to John McCain and potential successor to Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski as national security adviser to the president of the United States. But Randy Scheunemann has another identity, another role. He is a dual loyalist, a foreign agent whose assignment is to get America committed to spilling the blood of her sons

Russia suspends cooperation with NATO

Press TV reports: Russia has halted cooperation with NATO as tension is running high between Moscow and the West after the Georgia conflict. NATO announced on Thursday that it had received notification from Russia that the country was halting military cooperation with the alliance. “We have received the notification from the Russians through military channels and they say that they have decided to halt international military cooperation events between Russia

Personal Note: Fay might play a bad trick on me (UPDATED)

Dear friends, Looks like Tropical Storm Fay is doing something which tropical systems are not supposed to do: its strengthening *overland* . Instead of behaving like any other tropical cyclone, Fay actually is strengthening and has succeeded in forming a well defined eye. The 5PM National Hurricane Center forecast is now predicting that Fay will become a hurricane and loop around Daytona Beach before making a second landfall in northeast
