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After Syria, Ukraine is part two of World War III’: Senior Analyst

Original link: Description: In a recent episode of his YouTube political talk program ’60 minutes’, senior Lebanese political analyst Nasser Qandil argued that ‘the Ukraine war is part two of World War III’, after ‘part one in Syria had ended in a clear victory for Russia’. Source: Nasser Qandil (YouTube) Date: March 7, 2022 (Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript: Nasser Qandil:

The hidden casualties of War… Or Why Russia is Doomed.

by F(unny) MAN for the Saker Blog Everybody is behaving like crazy ants seeking Information on the Web(1), junkies that are looking for Battle Maps, Strategical and Tactical Analysis, Political speeches and statements, Videos of combat footage between the contenders, rocket and aerial Bombings, a little bit of gore here and there… But… I would like to write some words about the Hidden Losses of this War.  Losses so heavy

The Russian ‘denazification’ PR disaster: How, why and what to do

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog Maybe it’s worked in Russia, but a military operation in Ukraine based on “denazification” has been a total public relations disaster everywhere else. Quite simply: Russia should have known that the use of the word “Nazi” totally shuts down any discussion in the West. Russia is waging a new type of military operation but they lazily or foolishly thought that “denazification” was a

Day 20, a few short updates

Putin made an important speech today which the Russians officials are in no hurry to translate.  So here is a machine translation from Boris Rozhin (aka Colonel Cassad): (only partial extracts from the full transcript, emphasis added by me, Andrei) The operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine is developing successfully, strictly in accordance with plans. The tactics of the Russian Defense Ministry in Ukraine have fully justified themselves,

Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/03/16 … Open Thread

2022/03/16 21:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Russian special military operation in the Ukraine – Day 20

First, some rather amazing “housekeeping” news.  I spoke with our webmaster today and he told me that our traffic is now about 10 MILLION pages served per month.  On average, we have between 1’000 and 1’300 users connected to our servers at the same time.  So the good news is that the blog is booming.  The bad one is that this will pull our IT costs even further.  However, thanks

President Putin: Meeting on socioeconomic support for regions

This was held by President Putin this morning, and contains important information.  At the Saker Blog, we will post it as it becomes available and as the Kremlin website is usable.  Snippets of this speech can be found on RT, on Sputnik and on Tass.  Mr. Putin is not only speaking to Russians, he speaks to the world.  A few quotes, gathered from various sources: “I want ordinary citizens of

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry ▪️The grouping of troops of the Lugansk People’s Republic, developing the offensive, are moving forward from several directions inside Severodonetsk. ▪️Units of the Donetsk People’s Republic are fighting for the capture of Maryinka. The advance was 2 kilometers. ▪️On the morning of March 16, high-precision long-range weapons attacked Ukraine’s military infrastructure. As a result of the strike, communication, retransmission and switching hubs were disabled

What happened to Russia’s gold and foreign currency reserves? Will there be a default?

source: translated by the Saker Translation community Part of our gold and currency reserves was frozen in other countries, mainly the US and EU member states, due to sanctions imposed against Russia’s Central Bank (RCB). Therefore, Russians are naturally asking why are our strategic reserves NOT stored on Russia’s territory but on the territory of our economic adversaries? We’ll try to explain how much was stored where, how much

FM Lavrov presser after talks with FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (Iran) Ladies and gentlemen, We have held talks with my colleague, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. The talks were held in a traditionally friendly atmosphere and were frank, concrete and useful. We discussed the further development of our broad and multifaceted bilateral cooperation in accordance with the agreements reached by President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi during his visit to

Say hello to Russian gold and Chinese petroyuan

The Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union and China just agreed to design the mechanism for an independent financial and monetary system that would bypass dollar transactions. By Pepe Escobar with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle It was a long time coming, but finally some key lineaments of the multipolar world’s new foundations are being revealed. On Friday, after a videoconference meeting, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China

Russian special military operation in the Ukraine – Day 19

The big news of the day is that the Russian forces finally decided to, shall we say, change pace, and by all accounts the intensity of the artillery, aerial bombing and missile barrage which hit the Ukie forces in the town of Avdeevka was absolutely unprecedented and following this barrage the LDNR forces broke through 8 kilometers of just about the most heavily defended sectors in the entire theater or

New book – ‘France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s best values’

Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog As the journalist – in English or French – who has covered more Yellow Vest demonstrations than any other, I thought it was my responsibility to give them something I can’t find anywhere: an objective, accurate and complete history. I am publishing here, in a chapter-by-chapter serialised format, my new book – France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. Soon after

Sitrep : Sanctions and quite major economic news

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian held an important joint press-conference following talks in Moscow. The links are here:  The Ruptly link was on their live stream and now simply shows that the event has concluded.  I have not been able to get to the other link, as shortly after the following sanctions news, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs site went down again.

This is too funny to miss!!! (MUST SEE!)

First, a video from our heroic information warriors: Then realize this: Then look at this:   This is a satellite view of Snake Island AFTER the Russian either killed all the Ukie martyrs or evacuated the Ukie traitors (you pick). And, finally, the commentary by Andrei Maryanov: They invent a “story” of some defiant ukie grunts (long since debunked), and now, by showing some MLRS (Grad most likely) salvo,
