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Moveable Feast Cafe 2022/03/20 … Open Thread

2022/03/20 08:30:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Ukrainian war map by the French military (March 19th) + summary

Of course, it shows things in a much more Ukrainian favorable light than any Russian map, because the French are also backing the Ukies and because the French don’t have the same access as Russians.  But, for contrast, here it is.  Let’s call it “here is what they officially admit to” :-) Andrei source: and just to add to the picture, here is a machine translation of the summary

Boris Rozhin – detailed discussion of the situation in the Ukraine

Note by Andrei: Boris Alexandrovich Rozhin blogs under the alias Colonel Cassad.  He is based in Crimea and reports about the events in the Ukraine on a daily basis.  I don’t necessarily agree/endorse everything he said here (or elsewhere) and I don’t share his ideological views (he is a Communist).  In in the interview he just gave to a Russian outlet he gives a lot of interesting information.  So what

Here comes China (and they don’t stop!)

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog and collaborating with Godfree Roberts’ Newsletter, Here Comes China Biden / Xi Summit. In perfect Chinese diplomatic terms, it looks like business as usual. Taken outside of the perfect diplomatic terms, it is a true spanking. Let’s take one paragraph only and remember a few things first: Washington, as usual, threatened and danced something like the haka and warned Xi not to support Russia

Defining Fascism: Dimitrov versus Eco

By James Tweedie for the Saker Blog   What is fascism? With the Russian ‘de-Nazification operation’ in the Ukraine entering its fourth week and “Black Lives Matter” replaced with “I Stand With Ukraine” as the virtue-signal de jour, now seems like a good time to define it. While I’m a big fan of the Iranian journalist Ramin Mazaheri, I have to disagree with his latest article on The Vineyard of

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry (is that a Kinzhal flying?)

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry ▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to conduct the special military operation. ▫️On March 18, Kinzhal aviation missile system with hypersonic ballistic missiles destroyed a large underground storage facility for missiles and aviation ammunition of Ukrainian troops in Delyatin, Ivano-Frankovsk region. ▫️Bastion coastal missile system destroyed the radio and technical reconnaissance centres of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Velikiy Dalnik and Velikodolinskoye, Odessa

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with RT, Moscow, March 18, 2022 Question: The sanctions that are currently imposed on Russia are of course unprecedented. And they are really negatively affecting the lives of ordinary Russians, even though Washington is saying that it’s not targeting Russians. What can you say about what the goals of these sanctions are and who the target really is? Sergey Lavrov: And we observe unprecedented steps our Western colleagues are taking. One of the underlying trends

Movie about the Ukraine

A friend send me 4 links to a movie about the Ukraine.  Here are these links: I have decided to collate the four videos into one, then upload it to BitChute.  I hope that I did not mess something up (I don’t have the physical time to check). I assumed that YouTube would block the video sooner or later (they already placed a disclaimer on top of it), so making

Day 22 – where do we go from here? Two decisions

Dear friends, I think that three weeks into this special military operation we can take a few moments to pause and think about where we are and where we go from here. My first observation is this: there are, roughly, two main groups of people out there, those who “get it” and those who don’t.  In practical terms, this is what this means for me: when I write I am

All That Glitters Is Not Necessarily Russian Gold

The “rules-based international order” – as in “our way or the highway” – is unraveling much faster than anyone could have predicted. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted The Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and China are starting to design a new monetary and financial system bypassing the U.S. dollar, supervised by Sergei Glazyev and intended to compete with the Bretton Woods system. Saudi Arabia –

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry + Statement

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry ▫️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation. ▫️ The grouping of troops of the Lugansk People’s Republic with the fire support of the Russian Armed Forces liberated more than 90 percent of the territory of the republic. ▫️ Currently, the units of the Lugansk People’s Republic are eliminating scattered groups of nationalists on the southern outskirts of Rubezhnoye liberated

Day 21 of the Russian special military operation – 3 questions

Today, I begin with this: something I would call a good summary of CNN’s wishful thinking This has everything! Putin is a “pure thug” Russians are indiscriminately murdering civilians en masse “Ex-KGB” “agent” says what his CIA handlers tell him to Klitschko is as verbally clever as he always is China is about to screw Russia over Drones threaten NATO (apparently including Ukie ones?) A retired colonel opines that Russia

Russia Mod: Briefing on analysis of documents related to US military and biological activities in Ukraine ▫️The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials received from employees of Ukrainian laboratories on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine. ▫️Western mass media and some biologists, who most often have a second American citizenship, express doubts about the reliability of the materials published by us. I would like to draw your attention to the fact

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with RBC TV channel, Moscow, March 16, 2022 Question: Initially, the in-person talks were held in Belarus followed by online talks. You met with Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba in Antalya, Turkey, on March 10. What’s your take on the negotiating process? Sergey Lavrov: I did not fly to Turkey in order to forestall the Belarusian negotiating track agreed upon by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky which is now being implemented via video conference.

What is Bergoglio up to?

Note by the Saker: to fully understand how evil and hypocritical all this business about “consecrating” Russia to something by the Latins, you need to be aware of two things: the Ukraine is the creation of the Papacy and its goal has always been the destruction of Russia and the so-called “Marian apparitions” are just one of the many hoaxes, falsifications, forgeries and outright satanic manifestations of the typical Latin
